Dark Secrets (15 page)

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Authors: Jessica Burnett

BOOK: Dark Secrets
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From the moment the Elven King turned my humanity back on I dedicated my life to protecting others. I served under his rule every day since. Other magical creatures thought me strange. Why would a vampire want to work for the Elven race? Why would a vampire work for anybody? The truth is… out of all the magical creatures out there and their rulers, the Elven King is the most honorable. I respect him more than anybody else. I have had a hard time gaining the trust of those I work for though.

After I spent a couple dozen years by his side he confided in me that he was working on a way to help me meet my sister once again. But, he warned me that my feelings towards this person may change greatly depending on who she is when she comes back. I never understood what he meant by that until I was standing face to face with Ember Smith in that back alley; she stood with her arms raised, hands wrapped around a lead pipe, ready to bash my head in. It was then that I saw what he meant. He had brought my sister’s soul back and placed it in his daughter’s body.

I don’t know what his intentions were in doing this, but I planned on asking the next time I saw him. I tried to steer clear of her after that. I desperately wanted to get to know her but was afraid of what I would do or say.



She’s not my sister anymore, but does that make this right?

Is it fair of me to ask her to be with me without telling the truth?

Would it be okay to keep her to myself even if she knows the truth and doesn’t mind?

Or is it simply unforgivable?





“I had my doubts

I fear are true

That I may

Forever lose you

As a child,

I would wake

Thinking you may leave me

And how my heart would ache

I never thought

You’d truly leave

And yet there you remained,













Eleventh Chapter: Sword Unsheathed


I ran after Damien without a second glance towards the guys I was leaving behind. The only thing I said before I left was watch over Kai until I got back. If he thought he was getting off that easily he was surely mistaken. The guys of course tried to stop me but I ran out of the house so fast that Derek had a hard time catching up, especially when I teleported out of there. Unfortunately for Derek that was out of the realms of his possibilities. Unfortunately for me, I teleported somewhere outside the city limits, somewhere I had never been. I was immediately confronted by people I didn’t know.

I take a quick look around. I am at the edge of a forest shrouded in green moss, vines, and weeds. Two women and two men stood before me, smiling brightly.

              “We’ve been waiting for you.” One said; a dark male with brooding eyes and an unnaturally blond color to his long locks.

              I back up slowly, “Why?” I ask simply. How would they know I was coming?

              “We have important news for you. We foresaw that you would land here.” He explained, walking closer. “We expected you to be here sooner than this though.
got there information wrong.” He all but growled at the lady next to him.

              “Look! I said I was sorry. Okay? I can’t help it if my visions are slightly off sometimes.” The lady stated blandly, “My name is Julia” She explained politely, turning my way. “My companions name is Russell. We’re the leaders of a nearby cult. The persons behind us are a couple of our followers: Max and Cammy.” Upon calling their names each man and woman bowed gracefully before me.

              Julia and Cammy were clearly twins. They both had auburn colored hair, cropped short, long legs (about 5’11), and bright indescribably violet eyes. Max was short compared to the others, he had to be at least four inches shorter than the women and seven inches shorter than the other male, Russell. He had crimson colored eyes with sun colored hair.

              “We mean you no harm.” Russell said almost apologetically, “We simply wish to warn you of what you are getting yourself into.”

              “I’m listening.” I said with as much attitude and courage I could muster. Holding my head up high I stared them down and stopped backing away.

              All four of them briefly glanced at each other. Julia nodded towards Max and he quickly stepped forward. The others watch intently.

              He clears his throat before speaking, “Your highness, if I may be so blunt, your castle is under siege. There is an ongoing war between vampires and elves that may last another millennia if not confronted by you, and only you.”

              My eyes grow wide. A millennia? Geez. They must be kidding.

              “Okay…” I reply, bewildered.

              “You have questions.”

              “That’s not a question.” I reply curtly.

              They simply nod.

              I take a deep, long drawn-in breath. “Okay one. If this has really been going on for so long how come I have never been informed of this before now?” I ask, skeptically.

              “Easy. We were told not to tell you until you got here. For fear that you may not show.” Russell explains flippantly. I glare at him.

              “Who is ‘we’?”

              “All magical entities that live within the confines of the palace walls.” Cammy speaks to me for the first time.

              I take that in for a moment, “Okay, second question. What do you expect me to do about it?”

have the magical abilities to put an end to it, aside from your father who is too weak to do so.” Cammy whispers.

              “That’s rather vague.” I smirk. “I mean what abilities am I supposed to use… and on who or what? Am I supposed to call on the spirits, the dragons, use my own power against them? What?” I am beginning to get agitated.

              “Well, all of the above really. It should be directed towards the vampires, namely Alfonzo. But be careful with the dragons. They play both sides.” Russell spoke this time.

              “Don’t worry about the dragons. I already have one in mind. Where do I find Alfonzo?”

              “Oh?” Russell asks, glaring my way as if just that statement made me seem like enemy number one. Max grabbed Russell’s arm, pulling him back with unrest in his features.

              “You’ll find Alfonzo on the north side of the palace walls, past the castle. They snuck in late last night and have been fighting the king’s guard pretty heavily ever since. It won’t be long before they make it to the castle. I suggest you set up camp there and prepare for battle.” Max warned.

              “Got it. Anything else?” I ask disturbed. I have no idea how I am going to pull this off. What was that dragon’s name again?

              “The rest you will figure out on your own. Go!”

              I teleported out, Damien long gone from my mind.



              “I knew nothing of any of this.” Lachlan was explaining, Derek nodding in agreement.

              “If there were a war going on then the king kept it a secret from everybody.” Derek breathed out, clearly shocked. “My father is going to be pissed. This would explain why the troops we sent haven’t been returning home lately.”

              We stand in silence for a bit. Kai fell asleep on the porch swing waiting for me to return and still hasn’t woken thankfully.

              “We have to get to the castle get answers. And fast. I’m going to start packing.” I rush off in a hurry.

              Lachlan jumped in front of me, “Whoa, slow your roll. There’s no need to head out today. We still have things to finish up here. We’ll head out in about a week.”

              “By then it may be too late!” I exclaim as I try to push him aside, failing to do so. “What the hell is your problem?” I yell, worry and fear seeping in.

              “You’re not going down there. It’s not time!”

              “What does
mean?” Derek asked, abruptly pulling Lachlan away from me. We both glare at him.

              “Just what I said! She’s not leaving this house until I say so.”

              “Excuse me?” I huff. Something is clearly wrong here. Images of the other day begin to resurface.

              “Did you kiss me?” I gasp, completely off subject and not at all what I should have been thinking about.

              Memories start flooding in as both men stare at me. Fear was beginning to seep into Lachlan’s features. Derek’s were contorted in confusion.

              Realization hit me like a brick, “I can’t trust you. That’s what the Djinn said. What the hell did you do to me to make me forget??”

              Lachlan backpedaled, “I don’t know what you are talking about. That fall must have screwed with your head. Go take a rest and then we’ll leave.”

              “I thought you just said we couldn’t leave yet. What’s so important that we had to stay a few minutes ago but not now?” Derek growled.

              Lachlan’s eyes got wide and then he vanished.

              “Pack up. We’re leaving. Now.” Derek barked.

              I ran to my room.



              We reach the castle at midnight. Derek is leading the way, carrying our bags, while Kai is straddled on my back. We left before we saw Damien so we left him a note explaining what happened, hoping he’d find it and catch up with us. Still no sign of him yet.

              We quietly walk up to the mote around the castle. No one is around, not even a guard. Something strange is going on here. I can feel it. Apparently so can Kai for he is cowering into my shoulder.

              “Derek, something’s wrong. How do we get in there?” I ask as I carefully scan the area.

              “I don’t know. There are usually guards here to let down the gate.” He explains worriedly.

              “I can teleport us in. But I can only do one of you at a time.”

              “No. It’s too dangerous. We don’t know what is beyond that gate.” Derek said.

              “Well? What do you expect us to do, Derek? We can’t stay out here for much longer.” I exclaim.

              Derek huffs, taking a good look around, “Alright fine. See that window up there.” He pointed three stories up to the room on the far left corner.

              “Yes” I answer simply.

              “Teleport Kai up there and then quickly come get me. That is my room when I am here. It’s barred and locked so no one can get in but me. He should be safe for the few minutes it takes us to get back.”

              I nodded my head and then disappeared from sight. Kai and I arrived in a room much like the one we left in Black Territory. It was designed the same way. The only difference, besides the steel door, was a picture hanging on the wall. The picture was of me and Derek as children, playing on the tire swing outside the castle where we first became friends.

              I quickly sat Kai down while gathering my thoughts. I opened up the closet door and checked inside to make sure it was empty.

              “Honey, I need you to hide in the closet until I get back. Do not make a sound until I get back and do not open the door under any circumstances! Do you understand?” I urged him into the closet, gave him a hug, shut the door, and teleported once again.

              What I found was not what I expected. Derek was surrounded by three men with swords and fangs. Vampires. He was in a battle to the death and there was no way I was going to reach him in time to get back to Kai. There were two options: leave him and risk his death or fight with him and risk my son being found.

              I was on the verge of making a choice when Damien appeared, slicing throats and taking swords. The battle ended so quickly it was if it had never began. I didn’t think, I acted. I grabbed hold of Derek’s shoulder and teleported back to the room.

              Derek stumbled to the floor as I said, “Kai is in the closet. Get him.” I disappeared.

              I reappeared in front of Damien who was looking around confused. When he saw me he jumped back in shock. Again, I didn’t think, I didn’t speak, I acted. I grabbed hold of him and teleported one last time.

              This time I fell to the ground when we landed in the room. Exhaustion swept over me. Teleporting took a lot out of me. I knew I wouldn’t be able to do much more unless I could find some way to build my energy back up.

              “Here. Take it.” Damien said as he pressed a bloody wrist to my mouth.

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