Dark Secrets (5 page)

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Authors: Jessica Burnett

BOOK: Dark Secrets
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“What the hell is wrong with you!” screeched Lachlan. “Get your ass outside!”

“Why don’t you make me?” I retorted. “Oh wait, you can’t. The little witch can’t stand up to the untaught elf princess… because he’s just not
enough.” I said in my best little kid voice.  I fling my hand through the air in a wavelike motion, throwing him through the back door. I turn around and run to my bedroom, locking the door behind me.

Lachlan jumped up and followed and was trying to kick the door down. I searched under my bed for my box of things I had stored under there. I found what I needed and opened the door long enough to use it…



I’m sitting on my bed with Kai in front of me. We’re playing pat-a-cake and my door is locked so no one else can enter. My room is plain white, wooden floors, steel door, has one window and a twin size bed that I share with Kai.

I’ve spent the last three hours in here with Kai. He’s smiling from ear to ear. He keeps saying how happy he is that mommy if finally spending time with him. We’ve played games, talked, read books, and colored on the walls; it’s an abandoned house so it’s not like anyone would care. Needless to say I locked Kai and me in our room and to Damien’s dismay he couldn’t get the steel frame to budge. I guess vampires aren’t as strong as they make them out to be in the stories.

Kai was a bit frightened by it all but he told me he was proud of his mommy for being so brave and standing up for him. It brought tears to my eyes to hear him say that.

We’ve been in the room for almost two hours with little to no ruckus coming from outside the doors. I’m beginning to wonder if they’ve given up; they’ve already tried pulling the door off its hinges and breaking the window… every time they tried I blocked them though. I figured I would show off just how much I did know about magic by creating various barriers around the room to keep them from entering.

When all else failed, Derek tried smashing through the wall. I’m pretty sure he may have a concussion now. I don’t know what he was thinking…


I called my mom up to talk to her, even though it was forbidden to do so. Apparently, calling her could give up our location. I don’t see how though, it’s not like we’re dealing with the government. Besides, Kai has been missing her terribly and I just couldn’t say no any longer.

“Ember! Thank god you’re okay. Where have you been?” My mother said as soon as I said hello.

“It’s a long story, mom. Basically, I am being hidden away by a few supernatural freaks until I can make it to the elf kingdom to meet my father… a little heads up could have been nice, you know?!” I said, exasperated.

It went dead silent on the other side, “Mom, you still there?”

“I’m so sorry, honey. I thought I was protecting you by not telling you!” She sounded like she might cry, “I never wanted this for you… who are you with?”

“It’s fine. We’re handling it well. Err… well enough, anyway. The guys’ names are Derek, Damien, and Lachlan. Kai and I are kind of hiding out in our room right now. I got into an argument with the guys earlier.”

“Oh, yeah. I know them. Don’t trust Lachlan though. He’s a bit off, always has been... What happened?”

“They wouldn’t let me spend any quality time with Kai…”

“What did you
?” She asked quizzically, like she knew I had to have been the one to lash out first.

“Let’s just say, Derek has a sore wrist now, which I feel terrible about… and Lachlan won’t be able to see straight for a while. That empty bottle of mace by my bed couldn’t possibly have anything to do with it…” I snickered.

“That’s my girl!” She chuckled, “Now, let me talk to my boy.” I handed the phone to Kai and he started babbling about his toys and how much he is enjoying being here. I love my mom and how well she has taken care of both me and my son. She took over the ‘daddy’ area after I had him, making sure he didn’t miss out on anything.

I hear a faint knocking on the door.

“Ember… can we talk please?” It sounds like Damien’s voice.

“Go away! We’re playing.” Aggravation begins to resurface.

“Ember! Open this goddamn door!” Looks like I am not the only one in a bad mood…

“Sorry dear. I don’t open the door to the undead; it’s just a general rule. You understand.” I quip.

“Dammit Ember, enough with your games, we have work to do.” He snarled from outside the door.

“The only games I’m playing are with my son. We wouldn’t be having this problem if you guys weren’t so obstinate. Why don’t you come back in a couple hours? Then we’ll talk.” I yelled. Kai whispered something in the phone and then hung up.

“Damien, let me take over. I guarantee I can get through to her more easily than you ever will.” I’d recognize that voice anywhere. “Ember, please open the door. I promise I won’t force you to do anything. I would just like to speak with you face to face.” He’s being abnormally nice…

I open the door to see Derek standing there with both hands braced on the door frame… as if he knew I’d let him in. I hate that.

I turn around and pick up Kai. I walk toward Damien, “Take Kai and don’t you dare bite him!” I glare. Damien’s eyes narrowed. I just realized Damien hasn’t been out to hunt in a while, he only hunts animals, and his eyes are bright red. Kai seemed saddened, but was easily distracted by the toy that was handed to him. It was a toy that Derek had carved out for him; a wolf the size of Kai’s hand.

Lachlan’s standing behind Damien; the look of relief on his face was apparent when I handed Kai over to Damien. I guess they thought I would never come out. Good. It satisfies me to no end knowing I’ve disturbed their little routine.

Derek’s hair looks a little disheveled; like he’s been running his hands through it over and over again. His eyes are strained and his jaw taut. Strangely, it makes him even more handsome. I could tell he was angry with me, but the voice he spoke with was one of complete control. It makes me wonder who he is exactly… to be able to keep control of his emotions so well.

“May I come in, please?” He said softly.

I look at him a moment; got lost in his eyes… his beautiful eyes. They take me to another world completely and in that world all I want to do is tackle him.

“Well?” He states irritably.

“Uh… what was the question again?” My mind is gone; completely encompassed by memories I can’t yet reach.

A half smile appears on his face. Knowing eyes search mine for an unspoken question. “May I come in, please?” he repeats seductively. I gulp. All I can do is nod my head yes. Something about him sets me on fire anytime he’s near me.

I regain my composure quickly. I can’t let him have this kind of hold on me. It’s dangerous.

“What do you want?” I question as he shuts and locks my door. I plop down on my bed; intertwine my fingers on my lap as I patiently wait for an answer. He looks at me with that devastating smile of his.

“Exactly how long did you think you could keep this up?” His velvet voice was almost threatening.

“For as long as needed” I retorted. “Exactly how long did they think I’d put up with this?”

“For as long as needed” he sneered.

“I’ll let you in on a little secret… my son’s happiness is more important than anything to me.”

He sighed, running his hands through his hair “I understand that. I really do. But, you can’t just go off and decide things on your own.”

“You mean like Lachlan does with me?” I retort.

“You make a valid point. I’ll get it through to him that he can’t do that anymore. Okay?” He breathes. “Now can we go train? We’re way behind schedule.”

We scowled at each other in silence.  I was afraid to speak. I was in danger of getting lost in his glorious face or swept away by his entrancing eyes. It was like trying to stare down a destroying angel; his light shone too bright and his fearsome wings were encompassing my being. I had to think rationally.

“Alright let’s get back to work” I finally said. Derek sighed in relief. “But, tomorrow I make the schedule!”

He gives me a sympathetic look and throws his arm over my shoulders to guide me out, “Deal"

' ' “Longing for something I can't have

Unearthing the shattering truth

Heart beating faster than a speeding bullet

Racing to the endless skies

No one can see what's truly there beneath the surface

Searching for answers that are already there

Each step leads you in deeper to see

The truth hidden deep within

Inside of that paralyzed smile

Can you truly show your face?

Will they understand?

Will they break?

It's time to find out.

Life's too short to care.

Living's too strong to be fair.

You have no idea who I am.

Do you dare to see?

I could be a magical woman

Or a girl running free

Do you dare to dream?

Will you set me free?”



Third Chapter: Hidden


“Are you okay?” Derek is standing in front of me, a make-shift table in between us. He said learning how to build furniture wasn’t part of my training, but a good thing to know just in case. Plus it acts as a way to calm me down when I’m upset; beating nails into objects that is.

              “I’m fine.” I say quietly. I’m staring down at the chair that I am trying, and failing, to make. We cut down a young oak tree for the wood.

              Derek smiled, his brown eyes crinkling around the edges. “You’re doing that wrong, you know.” I was trying to fit the legs into the bottom of the chair.

              “Well then, help me!” I growl.

              He chuckled as he stepped behind me to show me how to better position the wood posts I had created for the legs; wrapping his arms around my waist and grabbing my arms he guided the wood down. I’m sure there was an easier way for him to show me without getting so personal…

              “There… just like that.” He stepped away with a triumphant smile and a mischievous gleam in his eye.

              I look toward the window in time to see Damien turning around, angry.

              “You did that on purpose!” I exclaimed as I whacked him over the head. “You know he likes me… clearly seeing us together pisses him off to no end.”

              He burst into laughter which only infuriated me more. I started punching his chest over and over again. His laughter only grew stronger. He grabbed hold of me under both of my arms and picked me up off the ground.

              “You think… you can… hurt me? I’m a werewolf, remember?” He said in between laughs.

              “Put me down you big galoot!” I yelled as I kicked and swatted at him, to no avail.

              Nothing was working so I firmly planted my feet against his chest and pushed as hard as I could. It worked; I was released. But, not in the way I was expecting. The force of my shoving off, and his immediate reaction to catch me, forced him to fall down as well; catching himself before he fell directly on top of me.

              His laughter stopped immediately; his face inches from mine, both of us breathing heavily. His eyes seemed to be searching mine for an answer to a question I didn’t quite understand. We’ve been here before. Déjà vu all over again.

              “Umm… maybe we should take a break for the day.” I whispered

              He nodded his head furiously as he said, “Definitely!” and then jumped up and ran inside, leaving me behind.

              I stared at the bright cerulean sky; ravens flying above me. I pondered Derek’s reaction and how easy it was to be with him today. I wondered why he was being so nice to me. I like this Derek better; his easy going nature. It puts me at ease; makes me feel at home.

              I close my eyes, feel the sun on my skin, the breeze through my hair and drift away…




I woke up on the ground, startled. Its dark out and I can’t see a thing. What time is it? Better question… where am I? A blue fire started to engulf me. The darkness was enveloping me like a cocoon. I stand up and look around. From what I can tell I must be in the forest… near the creek bed, but not quite there yet. Was this real? Was this a dream? I can’t tell. Somehow I feel as if I have been put in a state of delirium, as if I had been drugged.

The sound of my heart beating is echoing in my ears. I have no idea what is going on. I start to walk back the direction in which I was sure I could find the house when I noticed something in the distance. Not ten feet ahead of me was a white buck that looked to be on fire; blue flames were shooting off of his body and running up his antlers as he stood there staring at me. The flames surrounding him was much like the light emanating from me.

              The buck nodded his head toward what looked to be a star in the distance; beckoning me to follow him. My feet moved slowly but surely, as if they were not my own. The buck showed no hurry, patiently waiting for me to catch up. I step over fallen branches and trip over stones in the blue lit path the buck had created for me. I feel as if I have no choice but to follow him. I wasn’t sure which emotion was more prominent; curiosity or fear.

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