Dangerous Lovers (93 page)

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Authors: Jamie Magee,A. M. Hargrove,Becca Vincenza

Tags: #Anthologies, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Collections & Anthologies, #Anthologies & Short Stories, #Romance, #Vampires, #Paranormal, #sexy, #Aliens, #lovers, #shifters, #dangerous

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He also hated the usual disregarding looks from the council members. A bunch of old men who looked down on them, and yet who did they think did all their dirty work out on the streets? Pete was so sick of this shit. He cast them all a hard smile before plopping down in a seat.

“Good of you to join us,” the General said dryly.

“It’s always a pleasure chattin’ with you lot,” Pete replied sarcastically. “What can we do ya for?”

“We’ve received some interesting intel,” he informed them, cutting to the chase.

“Of what variety?” Pete asked.

“Of the interesting kind.”

“So you’ve said.”

“In three weeks’ time, Ludwig Tenebris will be sitting down with his main artillery suppliers,” one of the councilmen provided.

Pete sat back in his chair, his fingers drumming lazily on the table. This
interesting news. “Where?”

“Here,” Douglas answered, “in New Berlin.”

He sat forward again. “Are you sure? How are they getting here?”

“Flying in. This is our chance to finally hit the New World government where it hurts,” the same councilman said.

“They’re staying at the headquarters up town?”

The General nodded.

“What do you have planned?”

Douglas smiled the kind of smile that gave Pete chills. “We bomb them. All of them.”



“You’ve been requested,” Donna said, placing a hand on Bridgette’s shoulder. Bridgette smiled at her boss through the mirror and gave her a tiny nod. Donna walked away, her face pinched with worry. Bridgette wasn’t sure why, but she’d seen that look on her employer’s face more often as of late.

Finishing up with her hair, she stood and headed toward the door that led to the back stairwell. Sebastian was watching her from across the room, but she ignored him. Ever since her glorious reunion with her father, Bridgette had been pissed at Sebastian. He knew how she felt about her father and his stupid rebellion. It wasn’t like she ever hid her distaste for the whole thing. McKay was even aware of it. The fact that the two of them had thought it was a good idea to bring her to that cold, empty church just to meet a man of the same variety boggled her mind. Did anyone know her at all?

She stomped up the stairs, the familiar jabs of anger in every step. She was so sick of everyone thinking they were doing the right thing when really it only ever made things worse. The whole stupid rebellion was only going to get them killed faster. Why couldn’t they just deal with life as it was like the rest of them? Why did they have to feel the need to fight against something that would destroy them? Bridgette swore to herself that she was never, ever going to get involved in anything the rebels were doing. She was going to live her life the way she wanted, and deal with whatever crap was thrown her way. The rebels and their misguided ideals could suck it.

Room four was the only room occupied, the red light above the door turned on. Any time one of the girls were requested for a private dance, it was up on the second level. No one did it out in the main room. Bridgette fixed her red and black corset before stepping into the dimly lit room.

She froze.

“Shut the door,” he commanded. It took her a moment to do as she was told. Her hands shook as she pressed it shut, turning around slowly to meet the man who had consumed her dreams for the past week. Roman Adamson sat in a chair, casually leaning back as he observed her. They looked at each other intently before he finally spoke, breaking the silence. “Are you going to dance for me, Bridgette?”

The sound of her name on his tongue did funny things to her head. She nodded, tripping in her haste to get up on the mini stage. Keep it cool, Bridge, she scolded herself. She took a deep breath as she set up the music. How was she going to sing with him watching her? And only her? This was like her own worse nightmare come to life. Alone in a room with Roman Adamson.

Bridgette waited for the music to start and began singing, her movements slightly less fluid than normal. Oh man, she was doing a horrible job. Her face felt like it was on fire from the embarrassment. And it didn’t help that he just sat there, watching her with those big, dark blue eyes, his face completely expressionless. What if he went and complained to Donna about how horrible she was? Was it possible to die from humiliation? Because it might actually happen to her.

She continued to perform the song mechanically, looking anywhere but at him.

“Stop.” His voice was deep and smooth, and the sound of it had her full attention the second he said anything.

She froze mid-step, her voice faltering. He sat forward, his hands hanging loosely between his bent legs. He had huge legs, she noted. Everything about him was huge. Her face flamed even more at the wonder of just how much of him was big. She unconsciously fanned herself with her hand. This was going worse than she had ever imagined.

“Come closer,” he said, one corner of his mouth lifting. She took a step forward and stopped. He shook his head. “Closer.” He pointed to the spot right before him. Bridgette swallowed nervously, forcing herself to move. She stepped off the stage, stopping where his finger was still indicating. He stood up slowly, his large frame towering over hers. She felt extremely small and feminine next to him. Bridgette kept her eyes down, looking at the middle of his chest.

His hands lifted, landing on her hips. He gripped her there, and every thought in her head fled with his touch. Only a thin layer of lace and satin sat between his skin and hers. The thought of that had her blood boiling.

“Bridgette, look at me.”

She lifted her gaze to meet his. He watched her face as he slowly glided his hands up her sides, his thumbs brushing the sides of her breasts, until he removed them to grip her upper arms.

“Look at me,” he urged. Bridgette’s eyes popped open. When had she closed them? She looked back up, mortified at her reaction to his touch. “I’ve seen you perform before, and you are incredibly amazing to watch. What is it about performing in front of just me that has you so nervous?”

She licked her dry lips. “Who says I’m nervous?” she challenged. He might make her feel like a puddle of goo, but she sure as heck wasn’t going to show it. The Hatcher women were always stubborn and strong-willed. He smiled, which only made her want to melt more.

“You’re stumbling around that stage like this is the first time you’ve done it. Which, we both know isn’t true. Do I make you nervous, Bridgette?”

Did he need to keep saying her name? Seriously, it was making thinking very difficult. Bridgette shook her head. “Just having an off night, I suppose,” she offered. He chuckled, his laugh as rich as his voice, but huskier. A ringing sound interrupted them. Roman dropped his hands and reached into one of the pockets on his pants. Bridgette stepped back, sucking in air while he answered his phone.

“Yeah?” His brows lowered as he listened, his face serious. “Okay, I’ll be there in ten.” He snapped the phone closed and gave her an apologetic smile. “Looks like our time is cut short. It was nice seeing you again, Bridgette.” He walked out of the room, her watching after him. She breathed a sigh of relief. Roman Adamson might look and sound like the man of her dreams, but she knew he was more trouble than she was prepared to deal with. She wasn’t sure what it meant that he came back here to see her, but she was equal parts terrified and excited about it.

Chapter Thirteen



Dinah was brushing out her hair when the knock came. Roman stood out in the hall, his features changing to amused when he took in her wet hair and pajamas.

“Getting ready for bed?” he asked, fighting back a smile.

“You do realize it’s like two in the morning, right?” she said. “Just because I can read minds, Roman, doesn’t mean I don’t have to sleep at some point.”

He chuckled like he always did when she snapped at him. “May I come in for a minute?”

She stepped back motioning him in with her hand. Roman always looked ridiculous to her when he was in her room. Like the tiny space couldn’t hold such an overwhelming figure. Dinah leaned against the back of her door, waiting for him to get to why he was here.

“How’s the undercover work going?” he asked conversationally.

She shrugged. “Not that good,” she admitted. “I haven’t been able to break down their walls yet.” Probably because you haven’t really tried, she reproached.

“Is there any point to it then?”

“I think it will work, with time. Is that what you’ve come to talk about?”

He shook his head. “No. I came to let you know that your nightlife is going to have to be put on hold for a couple of days.”

She straightened. “Why?”

He raised an eyebrow.

“What?” she balked.

“You seem disappointed by that.”

“No I’m not,” she defended. “I could care less about hanging out with a bunch of lowers. I just want to know what I’ll be doing instead.”

He narrowed his eyes at her for a moment, before nodding once. “Okay. I just spoke with Ludwig, there’s a shipment of food leaving Rome tomorrow night. They rushed it so anyone who has knowledge of our normal scheduling won’t be prepared. The last thing we need is our food deliveries hijacked too. Ludwig wants us escorting it for the last half of the trip, just to be safe. We’ll be out of town for a couple of days.”

“When do we leave?”

“Now,” he answered with a grin. “So you’ll have to get your beauty rest in the backseat of the truck.” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively. “We can cuddle.”

“You are such a creep,” she murmured. “Let me get changed then and I’ll meet you out front.”


Dinah sat in the black SUV, staring out the passenger side window as Roman drove them back to New Berlin. The transport truck was behind them, safe and sound. Dinah had been responsible for scouring the countryside as they drove. Keeping her mind open to any nefarious thoughts being directed their way. Nothing happened, except for the pounding headache she’d had for the past two days from keeping herself open. It wasn’t easy, and now that they were almost back to the city all she wanted to do was sleep in her own bed and close herself off to everyone’s thoughts.

Of course, sleeping was only one of the things she really wanted to do. The other she kept denying to herself, but it was hard to when his face kept popping into her head during the past two days she hadn’t seen him. Every time it happened she got a funny feeling in her stomach. What was it about him? She couldn’t put her finger on it. Now that she’d had some time away from him, she found herself analyzing their sudden and bizarre relationship – if you could even call it that.

There was no such thing as love at first sight. Maybe lust at first sight, she debated. When she looked at Pete there was definite lust going on inside her. She wouldn’t deny that, at least not to herself. Was that all it was though, lust? Did one think about a person constantly when they just lusted them? She wasn’t sure. Despite being in her twenties, Dinah had to admit that she really didn’t have much experience when it came to boys. And not just in the physical sense.

It would help to know what he was thinking, but there was no way she could just come out and ask him. He hadn’t really shown any serious feelings for her, other than asking her out that one night. And if she was being honest, he could have just done that to keep a closer eye on her. Similar to what she was doing to them, except her motives were even worse than just watching them. Not that she had actually done what she was set out to do, but still, the intention was there. What would he think of her if he knew? Could she really betray him in the end? God, she was starting to wonder who the hell she was anymore. One night amongst the lowers and she was getting all soft.
Or are you just starting to see beyond your walls?
She didn’t know what was going on with her, but after getting to know McKay and his friends, she was finding it harder and harder to even contemplate betraying them.

Maybe she would never break down their walls, she reasoned. If that happened then she wouldn’t have to betray them. She’d just tell Ludwig she tried and couldn’t do it, and he’d have to find some other way to destroy the rebels. She sighed out loud, resting her head on the window. It was cold from the early morning temperature and felt amazing against her skin. She closed her eyes. Why did life have to be so difficult? From the moment she watched her mother die, by the hand of the man sitting beside her, everything had just gotten more and more screwed up. Her anger had swelled to something that made her think she wasn’t even close to the same person she was five years ago. Anger could do that to a person. Tear them up and morph them into a completely new, bitter person.

Was that it? Was she just bitter? Was she still just some sixteen year old teenager pissed off at her parents for letting her down? Wouldn’t that be sad, she mused. She definitely didn’t feel like the same person any more. Part of her was happy about that, because now she was much stronger than she had been when she was younger. The other part missed the innocence and simplicity of that former life. The things she’d done…they couldn’t easily be undone. Pete probably knew this, knowing who and what she was, and yet he still treated her well. Her stomach did that flipping thing again it had been doing a lot lately. It was really starting to piss her off.

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