Dangerous Lovers (96 page)

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Authors: Jamie Magee,A. M. Hargrove,Becca Vincenza

Tags: #Anthologies, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Collections & Anthologies, #Anthologies & Short Stories, #Romance, #Vampires, #Paranormal, #sexy, #Aliens, #lovers, #shifters, #dangerous

BOOK: Dangerous Lovers
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Things seemed in better shape on this level. The walls were intact, and although the air was still musty and floating with dust, there wasn’t nearly as much destruction. There were three doors on each side of the hallway, and one at the end. Walking slowly, Dinah tried each door, one after another, only to find them all locked. She stopped just in front of the last one and reached for the handle before pausing. Pulling her hand back, she looked at the door, conflicted. If this was his place, she didn’t really want to just walk in. You only did something like that with someone you were really close with. And even though they’d spent two nights together, and shared a kiss, that didn’t really count as knowing each other well.

She knocked lightly on the door and waited. The silence around her was only making her more anxious. She hated feeling this way. Long seconds went by and she decided either she’d been stood up, or this wasn’t the right place. As she turned to leave she heard the door open behind her. Looking over her shoulder, she met Pete’s eyes for a second before hers dropped to his shirtless chest. Well that’s one way to answer the door, she thought appreciatively. She also saw that his tattoos did indeed go up his entire arms. There was also one over his heart.

“I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed being ogled as much as I am now,” he said, leaning against the doorframe.

She scoffed. “I’m not ogling.”

He chuckled. “Are you just going to stand out there, or do you want to come in?”

Dinah moved like she was on autopilot, walking by Pete as she entered his home. He made sure not to move as she did, their bodies brushing in the process. The door clicked shut behind her as she looked around the place. The windows were blacked out as she predicted. It would have made the room unnaturally dark, but Pete had candles lit around the entire space. The cathedral ceiling made it feel bigger than it actually was. One long couch sat in the middle, with a few chairs, all with different fabrics and styles. Dinah guessed he had just taken whatever furniture he could find in the abandoned buildings that were still in decent shape.

A small kitchen was to her left, consisting of just one section of counter, a wood stove, and an ice box. She wondered how often he had to restock it, in order to keep his food cold enough. They had electricity at headquarters, so she didn’t have to worry about those things. There was a tiny island in the middle with two stools against it. To her right was a doorway that she assumed led to his bedroom, which made her face flush at the thought.

“What do you think?” Pete asked, walking over to the kitchen. He must have been watching her the entire time from just behind her. Dinah walked over to the couch, stripping off her leather jacket and laying it over the arm.

“I like it,” she replied honestly. “It’s got character.”

“Yeah, it does. Do you want something to drink?”

Her dry mouth was begging for it. “Okay,” she said. Now that she was here she wasn’t feeling nearly as confident as she usually did. Being in a room, alone, with a half-naked, gorgeous guy made acting cool and collected difficult.

Pete placed two glasses on the island and filled them with what looked like wine. She cocked an eyebrow questioningly at it.

“Don’t ask,” he said. Wine was pretty much impossible to get these days. “Are you going to come here, or do I need to bring it to you?”

Dinah laughed, embarrassed. She walked over to him and picked up her glasses. “Thanks.”

“You don’t need to be so nervous, Dinah,” he said. “I don’t bite.”

She smiled sweetly before saying, “yes, but I do,” then took a sip of her wine, watching over the rim as his eyes widened.

“You’re trouble, you know that?”

“You’re one to talk,” she snorted. “Why are you always antagonizing Roman?”

“Please!” he gasped. “That guy antagonizes
. Not the other way around.” She gave him an unconvinced look, eliciting a sly grin from him. “Okay, maybe I do a bit. But I can’t stand that guy. He think he’s the shit and it bothers me.”

“He’s really not that bad,” she defended. Well, maybe he was, but she was used to it by now.

“I don’t want to talk about our lives outside of this room right now,” he said, walking around the island to stop in front of her. He slowly took her glass from her hand and placed it down.

“Oh? What do you want to talk about?”

“Us,” he answered, before gripping her waist and lifting her up onto the island. He stepped in between her legs, keeping his hands where they were. Not knowing what else to do, she placed hers on his biceps, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath her palms.

“What about us?”

“Hmmm,” he murmured, leaning in. Dinah held her breath as he skimmed his nose just under her jaw. He nipped at her earlobe lightly before placing a kiss just beneath. “Yes, what about us?” His voice was so soft she almost didn’t hear him over the pounding of her heart. Her hands slid up his arms and over his shoulders, gripping him there. He continued his path down the side of her throat, over her collarbone, and up the other side. “What are we doing Dinah?” he whispered.

“I don’t know,” she whispered back. “I just know that I want you.” His hands gripped her waist tighter at her words, pulling her forward so their bodies touched.

“How much?”

She knew what he meant. How much did she want him? The question and all the tiny kisses he was peppering over her neck made the answer easier to say than she thought it would be.

“A lot.”

He pulled back, straightening so he could look at her. His hands moved to hold either side of her head, his fingertips lacing through her hair. “You’re so beautiful,” he said, his lips curving up into a smile. “The prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.”

She snorted. “I doubt that. Is that the only reason you like me?”

His smile widened and he shook his head. “Nope. That’s only part of it.”

“Do enlighten me then.”

“I also like the fact that you might be, a little bit, kind of…bad ass.”

She laughed. “Just a little bit, huh?”

He removed one of his hands to pinch his forefinger and thumb together, with only a miniscule amount of distance between them. “A very little bit bad ass.”

“Well I only like you because you have tattoos.”

He threw his head back and laughed loudly. When he looked at her again his eyes burned with desire, making her mouth go dry.

“What about you?” His eyes roamed up and down her body. “Maybe I should check to see if you have any tattoos hidden somewhere.”

She did, actually. She had a small, blue orchid on her lower hip. Her sister’s favourite flower had been orchids so Dinah got it when she turned nineteen. She had the guy put it somewhere no one would see so she wouldn’t have to explain it. Ludwig wasn’t a fan of discussing her past or family.

“Your silence is very telling,” he all but growled. She couldn’t stop the stupid, wide grin that spread across her face. He made some strangled noise at the back of his throat a second before his lips crashed into hers for the second time that day. As soon as their lips met, it was like she could breathe again. Like everything was suddenly just right because they were together – connected.

She pulled him closer, running one hand up the back of his shaved head, loving the soft, fuzzy feeling of it. A moan escaped her when his tongue met hers and they all but devoured each other. His hands dropped to her thighs, gripping them urgently as he lifted her off the island. She wrapped her legs around his waist, letting him take her wherever he wanted.

They knocked into a stool, tripping over it as they made their way across the room. They didn’t separate to even see the damage. Dinah didn’t think she’d ever get enough of Pete McKay if this was what it felt like to have him. She wanted more. Suddenly she was dropping and then she bounced on his mattress as he followed her down, covering his body with hers.

“First,” he said, dropping a line of kisses along her neck and then down toward her chest. “I’m going to make sure you’re nice and tired.” He’d pulled down the edge of her top to find she wasn’t wearing a bra beneath it. He growled appreciatively. “Woman, you just keep surprising me,” he murmured. Then his hot, wet mouth surrounded her nipple and pulled it roughly into his mouth. Dinah cried out, gripping the sheets.

“I don’t think that’s going to make me tired,” she breathed.

His mouth released her with a pop, and then he was grinning up at her. “Don’t worry, when I’m done, you’ll be plenty tired. Then we’re going to take a nap, because I haven’t slept much today.”

Neither had she, but she didn’t say anything as she watched him pull down the other side of her shirt and do the same thing to the other nipple. Dear God. She couldn’t even describe the feeling as his mouth caressed her and his hand played with the other. He let go again, rising to his knees.

“And then?” she asked, her voice husky and not at all like her normal one.

“And then when we wake up, I’m
going to make you tired.” What did that mean? His hand gripped the edge of her shirt and pulled it over her head in one quick movement. Then he all but tore her pants off so that she lay there, propped up on her elbows, with just her blue panties on. Her boots and gun made a loud clank as they hit the floor along with her tights.

“I’m really starting to like the colour blue,” he commented. Her answering smile quickly changed to a gasp of shock as he ripped off her underwear, throwing them to the side. “But those had to go.” His body covered hers again, forcing her to lie back as his mouth covered hers. She felt extremely vulnerable, considering he was still wearing jeans and she was naked, but as his hands travelled over her body, their rough texture against her smooth skin, she decided she didn’t care.

His fingers burned a light trail across her hip, setting wherever they touched on fire. She arched her back, asking for something, but she wasn’t sure what. They moved lower, his palm landing flat on the inside of her thigh, and then he was pushing her gently, urging her legs open more. Her fingers gripped his shoulders tight has his finger found her nub. He massaged it slowly, applying just enough pressure for her to squirm with pleasure, but not enough to make her climb.

“Please,” she begged against his mouth. She just needed it harder, and faster. She wanted to feel him bring her to that brink where everything just let go in a wave of euphoria. His finger slipped down between her lips to find her already wet with need. Then he entered and she threw her head back, crying out. His mouth sucked on her neck as his finger pumped inside her, his thumb rubbing circles over her.

“More, please,” she cried.

“Not yet,” he said against her skin. “First, I want to taste you.”

She almost came right then. Pete’s voice had become deeper, gravelly with desire. He moved down her body slowly, placing kisses between her breasts and along her stomach. When he reached the apex of her thighs she squirmed in anticipation. His hands spread her further before his tongue slid against her in a slow glaze. She bucked her hips against him, gasping. She knew this was something men did to women, but she had never had it done to her before. He did it again, this time adding a bit more pressure.

“Oh God!” she cried out. His mouth latched on to her bundle of nerves and sucked hard. Dinah tried to grasp onto something with her hands, anything to latch to as he worked her with his mouth. The low hum in the pit of her stomach grew stronger, spreading up her body and down to her toes. She was reaching for it, desperate to fall over the edge. “Please,” she whimpered.

“Just let go, Dinah. I’ve got you,” he said deeply before his mouth returned to her. His tongue pressed on that sensitive part of her in just the right way to bring her to climax. She screamed out with the force of it. As she rode out her orgasm he inserted two fingers inside her and she came again on the heels of her last one.

Pete lifted off her body, his face intense as their eyes met. “I was going to wait, but I don’t think I can,” he confessed. Even though she felt limp and boneless, Dinah pushed herself up and frantically worked at the button on his jeans at the same time he did. They both managed to get them down his thighs and then he reached over to his night table, pulling out a condom package.

Dinah lay back, opening herself to him, ready. She always wondered what her first time would be like, never thinking it would be like this. But it felt right with Pete. She wasn’t nervous at all, just anxious to have him inside her. She felt empty and knew he could ease away that feeling. He positioned himself at her entrance, holding himself up above her as he looked down.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said. He didn’t give her time to respond as he entered her in one fluid movement. She let out a squeak, freezing. Pete did the same. “Uh, Dinah? Was there something you wanted to tell me?”

“Not really,” she replied in a strained voice, fighting back the tears in her eyes. It burned, and she felt stretched beyond comfort.

“You’re a virgin,” he said in shocked voice.

“Wrong. I
a virgin,” she corrected.

“Jesus, Dinah. Why didn’t you say anything?”

“I didn’t think it was important. Just give me a second and it will be fine.”

He dropped his head down, his face strained as he stayed motionless inside her. The burning was starting to ease. “You’re so tight,” he moaned. “It’s killing me not to move.” She wiggled her hips, urging him on. Pete pulled back slowly then forward again a couple of times before pleasure started to build again. Her eyes rolled back in her head as he began to move faster.

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