Dangerous Lovers (162 page)

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Authors: Jamie Magee,A. M. Hargrove,Becca Vincenza

Tags: #Anthologies, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Collections & Anthologies, #Anthologies & Short Stories, #Romance, #Vampires, #Paranormal, #sexy, #Aliens, #lovers, #shifters, #dangerous

BOOK: Dangerous Lovers
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“It’s not necessary for you to know what we are.”

“Well, I call bullshit on that! You don’t want to tell me. That’s the real answer. So now the question becomes ‘why?’”

“It’s complicated.”

“Complicated because you think I’m too stupid to follow, or complicated because you don’t want to tell me?”

He ran his hand straight through his hair from his forehead to his neck and then started rubbing it to try to massage some of the tension out of it.

“You know I don’t think you’re stupid and you insult me by even saying that.”

“Well, you insult me by keeping me in the dark. You tell me you want me to trust you. How can I trust you when you don’t tell me anything?”

“I don’t tell you for your own safety.”

Her anger spurred her on. She shook her head saying, “That’s ridiculous and makes no sense. ‘Trust me Liasare. I can’t tell you anything in order to keep you safe.’ Do you know how crazy you sound?”

“Yes, I do. Do me a favor and ask yourself this. Who has saved your life more than once? Now let me tell you this, I would do it again. As many times as necessary. Trust me Liasare. If I tell you anything about us, your life will be in danger.”

“Ugh! This whole thing is driving me bat shit crazy.”

“You have a choice you know.”

“Oh? And what, pray tell is that?”

“You can go back to Vesturon, where it’s safe. Then I wouldn’t have to worry about you.”

She opened her mouth, surprised by his statement. “Worry about me? You
about me? Why?”

Liasare looked at him, and he quickly looked away, almost as if he were embarrassed. Jurek wasn’t the type to get embarrassed about anything, so she must have been imagining things.

“Go change your clothes. That outfit was Tak’s idea of a joke, which, by the way, he has paid dearly for. He will apologize for it. There are other clothes in the locker room you can wear.”

“Jurek, I rather enjoyed the look on his face when I showed up out there.” For once, he was speechless. “By the way, this discussion isn’t over. I’ll drop it for now, but I won’t forget it.” She laughed as she left the room. He watched her go, wondering how and when he would tell her his whole story. He was sure she would hate him when she found him out.

Chapter Ten



“Not again!” Liasare complained.

“Yes, again,” Tak demanded.

They faced each other. Jurek stood to the side, observing.

“Now watch my eyes. They are the signals to any movement your enemies will make. You are weaker than your opponent, unless you are fighting another human female. Your goal is to stay out of their reach. Stay on the defense at all times.”

Liasare watched Tak as he moved. Every time he did so, his eyes would flick, ever so slightly. When they did, she would react.

“Good, you are starting to get the hang of it.”

Every time he would attempt a strike, she would respond and move out of his way.

“I don’t understand how this will ever end though. If I can’t fight to win, this could go on forever. I still think I need to learn to attack too.”

“No Davidson. We’ve been through this. Get it through your thick skull. You’ll do this our way or no way,” Jurek thundered.

“You’ve heard the saying that the best defense is a good offense, right?” Tak explained. “Eventually, your opponent will either tire or weaken, or not expect you to strike, and that’s when you’ll make your move. But, you can’t do that unless you are strong, in top physical shape and able to outlast him. Stay light on your feet Brownie, like a dancer.”

“Oh, that’s real funny Tak. You know I don’t dance. And stop calling me Brownie, dammit!” Just then, she made a crucial error and didn’t move fast enough before Tak’s leg came out and slammed into her hip, knocking her down.

Liasare smashed into the floor with a crack, the air leaving her body in a whoosh
She rolled on her side but couldn’t get a good breath into her lungs. Finally, her diaphragm relaxed a bit and she inhaled, trying to suck in some air, only to find it caused excruciating pain in her ribs. Then she eked out, “Ribs. Broken.”

Jurek flashed to her side and healed her with his hands. In seconds, the pain melted away and she was able to breathe with ease.

“Damn, Tak, can you at least remember for a second I’m a human when you plow into me? Shit, that hurt like a motherfucker!”

“Liasare, please! Can you not use such vulgar language?” Jurek asked.

She flashed him a dirty look and said, “Right, why don’t you get knocked around for a few weeks and get your bones broken a few times a day, and then ask me that? And besides, it’s okay for you to swear, but I can’t. Asshat.”

Jurek shook his head at her and walked away.

“I think we can call it a day then,” Tak said. “Tomorrow is strength training Brownie. Come prepared to sweat.”

“Yes, Master.”

“I see I have trained you well, Grasshopper,” Tak retorted.

“Liasare, my quarters. Now,” Jurek yelled from across the room.


She pushed herself off the floor and dragged herself to his quarters. Sweat rolled down her neck and back and her hair clung to her cheek as she wiped her face with the back of her hand. She slipped off her shoes before she entered Jurek’s quarters for she loved the feel of his carpet around her feet as they sank into it.

“Did you want something?”

“Have a seat.”

“No, I’m too sweaty. I’ll mess up your furniture.”

He rolled his eyes at her. Then he flicked his eyes toward the bathroom and said, “Go shower.”

Not one to refuse a shower after a hard workout, Liasare headed to his bathroom. She took her time bathing because she loved using his shower; it was much larger than the one she normally used. Wrapping herself in his black satin robe, she towel dried her hair and ran her fingers through it. She loved wearing his robe. It was infused with his scent and that wonderful aroma did things to her she didn’t want to think about.

“So, what’s up?” she asked, rejoining him.

“The soiree is the day after tomorrow. I have some things for you.”

On his bed were a garment bag and another shopping bag.

“Go on, you can look.”

She hesitated. Liasare had never attended an event such as a soiree. She had never even gone on a date. She wasn’t sure of what to expect.

“Christ, they won’t bite you Liasare. Look at the damn things,” Jurek bit out. He so wanted her to like what he’d chosen for her to wear, but she was suddenly acting like a frightened mouse.

“Sorry! I wasn’t expecting this is all.”

What the hell!
Her hands shook as she unzipped the garment bag and she couldn’t stop the gasp that escaped from her mouth. She’d never seen anything so lovely. It was a burgundy silk dress and it was beautiful. She glanced at Jurek and he was staring at her, unblinking and unmoving.

“Try it on,” he commanded.

“Right now?”

“Yes, right now.”

She picked up the dress and started to head to the bathroom when his words stopped her.

“I see no need for modesty Liasare. I have seen you naked and I have touched and held every inch of your lovely body. Take off the robe and try the damn dress on.”

Sweet God in heaven, get me through this one!
His words mortified her and filled her with anxiety. Why, she couldn’t say. He was right, of course. She had lain in his arms, naked, for hours, and he had seen her bathing, yet now she felt completely stripped of everything and wanted to run and hide.

Her hands shook as she untied the sash on the robe and let it fall from her shoulders. They shook so badly, she couldn’t get the dress unzipped. She chewed her lip and fumbled with the zipper until her vision blurred. The current of electricity that was always present when
was near amplified as she felt his arms come around her and undo the zipper. Then his breath fanned the back of her neck as he whispered, “Someone as beautiful as you should never be covered in clothing.”

Holy fuck! Combustion time.
She sucked in her breath at his words as goose bumps formed all over her body. She took the dress in her hands and turning around, she stared into his eyes as he brushed his thumb across her lower lip. His eyes raked her from head to toe and she felt the temperature rise in her body. That place between her legs turned to molten heat as her arousal flared. Her cheeks grew hot as she thought of what she’d like for him to do to her and she unconsciously parted her lips in anticipation. His lips were so close she wanted to pull him into her so he could kiss her. Before she knew what she was doing, her hand was reaching for his neck, bringing those lips closer to hers.

“I think you should try on the dress to see if it fits properly,” he murmured, breaking the spell.

She quickly stepped back, mentally scolding herself. Her cheeks now flamed with embarrassment. Turning her back to him, she slipped the dress on and struggled to zip it.

“Allow me,” he said as his warm fingers brushed hers aside. When he finished, he spun her around and gazed at her.

“You’ll be quite the distraction, Liasare,” he said huskily. He was sure he’d never seen anything so lovely in his life.

Her eyes dropped to the floor. She’d never been complimented before so she wasn’t quite sure how to handle it. In fact, his words made her feel rather awkward.

Shit! Why does he have to say crap like that? I can’t handle that stuff, dammit.

“What is it?”

“It’s nothing,” she shook her head.

“Tell me. You look extraordinary. Do you not like it?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t looked in a mirror.”

“Forgive me.” He dragged her to the corner where there stood a floor length mirror and her mouth formed a huge O when she saw her reflection.

“Oh holy shit. Is that really me?”

Jurek laughed. “You do have a way with words Davidson!”

The dress was amazing. It was a one shoulder that draped to the side, but was tastefully bare. Her creamy skin was displayed everywhere. The dress hit thigh high and, of course, her shoulder and back were bared. She was absolute perfection in it.

“Oh, and there’s more.” He went and retrieved the shopping bag. Inside was a lovely pair of black strappy stilettos and a matching clutch. But the shocker was the jewelry. There was the most incredible diamond choker and earrings to match with a series of delicate gold filigreed bangles and a matching ring. She never wore jewelry before, nothing, not a ring, earrings or a bracelet. And here she was, holding a number of ungodly priceless treasures in the palms of her hands.

Oh dear God! NO! No no no no no! Fuck no! I can’t do this. Huh uh. No way.

Liasare stared at everything and then shook her head, an extreme case of anxiety hitting her. “Huh uh, I can’t accept this. This is way too much. I won’t be able to walk in those shoes either. Seriously, that jewelry is beautiful, but I would be afraid to wear something as valuable as that. It’s completely out of my league. Honestly Jurek. I don’t have to wear any jewelry. I mean the dress is pretty enough as it is and I can fix my hair. Maybe I can get Jaylen to help me with some kind of an updo. I don’t really know how, but she can do anything. Yeah, that’s exactly what I’ll do. Maybe Jaylen can lend me some flats or something because I wouldn’t want to wear these shoes and face plant and embarrass you or anything because I’ve never worn shoes like these. I’ve only ever worn those boots. And well, yeah, that’s what I’ll do. But I swear, I’ll try my best not to embarrass you. I know I probably will though, because I’ve never been to anywhere like this but if I do, I swear to God it’s not because I did it on purpose.” Her hand was clenched on her chest and she took a deep breath because she had run out of air she had rambled on so long. “Damn, I’m such a loser. Sorry I got diarrhea of the mouth, it’s just, well crap.” She raised her hand to her forehead and stared at her feet.

For the love of God, please don’t let me cry. I’m making a stupid fool out of myself here. Come on, get your shit together now!

Try as she might, she couldn’t stop them. The tears oozed out of the corners of her eyes and she squeezed them as tight as she could, trying to force them back. She kept her head down and her eyes glued to the floor, hoping to God he wouldn’t see them.

“Are you finally finished?” he asked, with a hint of laughter lacing his voice.

“Yeah,” she cleared her throat.

“Look at me.”

No no no no noooooooo!

She shook her head. If she did, she’d be found out, and that wouldn’t do.

He took her chin in his hand and lifted it. When he saw the tears he pulled her into his arms.

“Christ Davidson, I didn’t mean for any of this to make you cry. First off, the jewelry is for me, not for you. I need for you to have a certain look about you, and the jewelry accomplishes that. Second, try the shoes before you condemn them. If they don’t work, we’ll figure something out. Third, you won’t embarrass me. And what the hell happened to you to make you act this way?”

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