Dangerous Lovers (97 page)

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Authors: Jamie Magee,A. M. Hargrove,Becca Vincenza

Tags: #Anthologies, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Collections & Anthologies, #Anthologies & Short Stories, #Romance, #Vampires, #Paranormal, #sexy, #Aliens, #lovers, #shifters, #dangerous

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Another orgasm built slowly until she thought she might burst, and then she came, screaming his name just as he did the same. He collapsed on top of her, his face buried in her hair. His warm breath spread over her neck while he stayed like that. Dinah wrapped her arms around him and they just lay there for a few minutes. Pete pulled out slowly and she moaned. She was sore, but she didn’t regret it.

Pete got up and walked to the bathroom, disposing of the condom before crawling back in bed beside her, pulling the covers up over them as he did. Dinah turned on her side, letting him curl around her from the back, his arm wrapping around her waist, yanking her close.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” he said softly in her ear.

She shrugged. “There was never really a time where I thought to,” she replied honestly. “I spend most of my days in a mask around men who think I’m one too. It’s not like I’ve had very many opportunities.”

He was silent for a moment and then she felt him burrow into her hair again. “Is it weird that I’m happy I was your first?” he asked, his voice muffled.

A smile spread across her face. “No, it’s not weird.”

He chuckled. “First and last. I like it.”

Dinah stiffened, looking over her shoulder at him as he lifted his head to look back. “Last? Does that mean you won’t be sleeping with anyone else either?” she asked, clarifying. The idea made her extremely happy, but she kept a calm façade. She’d like to know that they were together, exclusively, but only if that’s what he wanted too. Everything was moving so quickly, she wasn’t sure how he viewed this thing between them.

“Dinah,” he sighed her name. “I’m pretty certain you’ve ruined every other woman for me.”

She couldn’t stop the smile that broke out over her face even if she wanted to. Turning back around, she cuddled in closer and said, “good.” They fell asleep in each other’s arms, completely exhausted, just like he promised.

Chapter Sixteen



Feather light kisses trailed across her bare shoulder, bringing her back to consciousness. Dinah blinked, letting her eyes adjust to the darkness in the room. She had no idea how long they’d been asleep. It was definitely late. On the ceiling of his bedroom was a skylight she hadn’t noticed until now. Beyond it laid a sky of twinkling stars.

Strong hands wrapped around her, one reaching between her thighs and lifting her leg over his hips. Then he was entering her slowly from behind, his face pressed into her neck. She was sore, but as soon as he was sated inside her and rocking slowly, the soreness gave way to more pleasure. He nipped at her shoulder, placing hot, wet kisses up the side of her neck, his tongue tasting the skin beneath her ear. He stilled his movements inside her, reaching around with one hand to draw slow circles over her core. She squirmed, pushing back against him as he continued to torture her bundle of nerves. She needed him to move, desperately.

As if reading her thoughts, he started to pull out slowly, pushing back in languid strokes. She tried to urge him on faster but he seemed intent on driving her mad with his gentle rhythm. The finger on her pressed down harder, stroking her higher until she felt her climax building. Her inside walls tightened around him, eliciting a deep groan from him. She dug her nails into his forearm, crying out as her orgasm took hold. His rhythm picked up, hitting her just right when he was fully inside, dragging her climax out. He moaned her name after pumping into her twice before stilling. When they both came down from their climaxes he held her tightly against his body, slick with sweat.

“I think I could wake up like this all the time,” he murmured.

Dinah laughed softly. “I’m thinking I could too.” A loud bang at the front door had them both stilling. A voice called out and she instantly recognized it.

“Why did I give him a key,” Pete sighed, resting his forehead on her back. He kissed her neck one more time before getting out of bed and pulling on a pair of plaid pajama pants. Dinah sat up, keeping the covers wrapped around her. “You might as well get dressed. He won’t be leaving unless we’re with him.”

She looked around for her clothes, remembering how he tore her panties. “I don’t have underwear,” she pointed out.

He threw her a wolfish smile. “Then my night will be that much more interesting.” He winked, walking out of the room and closing the door behind him. She could hear Seamus talking loudly. Great, she thought miserably. The infamous walk of shame, and she had to do it in front of his best friend, with no underwear. Awful.

When she walked out, Seamus stopped midsentence, his eyes widening comically. She offered him an awkward wave.

“You lucky bastard,” he breathed. “No wonder you’ve spent all day in bed.”

“I just hired her for maid service,” Pete said, popping a grape in his mouth as he smirked at her. “She was just making my bed.”

“Really?” Seamus replied dryly. “Then you won’t mind if I hire her to make my bed too?” he asked, sending Dinah a wink.

“Yeah, actually, I would mind.”

“You’re a bit touchy when it comes to your maid,” Seamus pouted.

“You have no idea,” Pete said.

“You’re lucky I don’t smack the both of you upside the head,” she said, walking over to the kitchen to grab a glass and fill it with water. “And don’t ever talk about me like I’m not standing right there.”

“You must not be tipping her enough,” Seamus commented. “She seems a bit hostile.”

Pete chuckled. Dinah sent Seamus a death glare, but he just smiled in return. “So, what are we doing tonight?” he asked, changing subjects.

“Bull’s Eye?” Pete suggested.

“Great. Trent and Garrett were already heading over there. You two ready to go out?”

“I should probably shower,” Pete said.

Seamus looked at her then back to Pete. “I’m sure your shower needs cleaning too, but I think it would be best if she stayed here with me, or we’ll never get out of here.”

Dinah’s face flamed. Pete laughed loudly. “Fine, you can keep her here, but if you value your balls at all, you’ll stop teasing her. I can’t be responsible for anything that happens while I’m gone.” The door shut behind him. She turned to look at Seamus who was wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at her.

“I hate you right now,” she muttered, taking a gulp of wine from earlier instead of water. Seamus laughed.


Dinah pulled her jacket tighter around her when they finally stepped outside of Pete’s place. The air was damp and cold. Not quite raining, but still wet. It was that kind of air that left you feeling cold and wet right down to your bones. She hated it. An arm draped around her shoulders, pulling her close. She looked up in surprise. Pete was talking to Seamus, oblivious to her reaction. Were they really a couple now? It was hard to wrap her head around that. Even though they sort of hinted at it inside, she hadn’t expected for it to bleed out into the public like this.

But the longer they walked this way, the more she started to really like it. She was Pete’s. That thought made her all warm and fuzzy inside. It was because she was so absorbed in her own thoughts, not listening to the two boys’ conversation that she heard their intent before it happened. Her mind had been relaxed and therefore more sensitive to other, unguarded minds.

The person fired their gun at the same time Dinah threw all her bodyweight into Pete, crashing him into the ground. Her upper arm burned instantly where the bullet grazed her shoulder. She heard Seamus curse, but her mind was still too focused on the assailants. She pulled out her pistol, firing at the open window in the building just across the street from them. They were on the move now, running down the stairwell. She had to stay close if she was going to keep tracing their thoughts.

“Shit.” She ran toward the building, trying the boarded up door with no success. They were still descending the stairs, their thoughts frantic. Footsteps ran up behind her. “They’re coming down,” she told them. “We need to find a way into this building. There must be another entrance.”

“Around back,” Seamus said, running off to the side of it.

“I can’t hear them if I don’t stay close,” she told Pete under her breath.

Pete nodded, his face grim. “Can you tell where they’re headed?”

She searched. “They have a car stowed away behind a dumpster in the back. If they get in there we’ll lose them.”

“Shit. Come on.” They ran after Seamus, heading between the two buildings. The sounds of their feet slapping against the street, and their heavy breathing filled the air, echoing off the walls. All three skidded to a stop at the same time. A brick wall stood before them, blocking their path. Dinah closed her eyes, reaching out again. They were on the main floor, headed toward the back door.

“We need a vehicle,” she said, looking pointedly at Pete. She had one, she just couldn’t get it with Seamus there. Her bike would be able to keep up with these guys, no problem.

“The wagon,” Seamus shouted, holding up a finger excitedly.

“The station wagon couldn’t keep up with a four year old on a tricycle,” Pete argued. “There’s no way it will be able to keep up with another car.”

“It’s better than nothing,” Dinah said. “Is it close?”

“Pete keeps it hidden behind his building,” Seamus answered. Pete reached into his pocket, throwing a ring of keys at his best friend.

“Hurry,” he said.

Seamus nodded, running off. Pete and Dinah followed closely behind. “They’re getting into the car,” Dinah informed him, panicked.

“Do you know who their target was?”

She looked at him meaningfully. “Who the hell did I knock to the floor?”

Pete cursed. “Do you know why?”

“Me,” she said, running out of the alley. Seamus wasn’t there yet and she was getting antsy.

“What do you mean, you?” Pete asked, twirling her around so they faced each other.

“Well, not
me. Me as in Weapon X. Someone isn’t too happy you defended me this morning.”

“Bloody hell!” Dinah jumped. He spun, crashing his fist into the building behind him. She flinched, wondering how much that must have hurt. “I’m going to kill him,” he said, breathing deeply.


“The fucking General,” he growled.

Dinah didn’t have time to ask more as Seamus rolled up beside them. She jumped into the back while Pete took the passenger side.

“Go,” she ordered. Seamus slammed on the gas. The two shooters were driving just north of them. No one drove in the ghettos, so they were keeping a low profile by driving slowly. Good for Dinah, bad for them. They also didn’t know who Pete had with him. Another point for her, she thought happily. Her shoulder was throbbing, her sleeve wet and already a bit stiff with blood. She hadn’t looked at it yet, but it felt like she might need stitches. How on earth was she going to explain this to Ludwig and Roman?

“Turn left,” she called out. Seamus obeyed, the other car coming into view right away. Unlike them, Seamus was definitely not being discreet with his driving. “Faster,” she told him. She rolled down her window, the wind blowing her hair back, tears instantly filling her eyes. She blinked them away, lining her gun up with their tires. She sensed when they spotted them, and the other car picked up speed. The tires were just in line when the car drove over a pothole. Dinah bounced in her seat, her shot ruined.

“Damn it, Seamus. Keep this thing steady!”

“It’s not my fault,” he defended. “The roads are horrible.”

“They’re picking up speed,” Pete said. “You got to go faster, mate.”

“I’m trying! This thing doesn’t go faster!”

Dinah popped her head out of the car again and lined up the shot. She pulled the trigger, and the left, back tire of the other car burst. Pete was hanging out his window, trying to take out the other back tire. Dinah heard the thoughts of the passenger in the other car as he got ready to shoot back at them. They were confused how Pete and Seamus even knew to find them. One was thinking of Weapon X and connecting him to the long, dark haired girl that’s with them. Dinah knew these two had to go. No one could make those sorts of connections. It was too dangerous for both her and Pete.

She slid over to the other side of the car and rolled the window down with her bad arm. She groaned, but pushed through the pain. Pete glanced over the back of the seat at her.

“Are you okay?” he yelled over the sound of rushing wind and engine.

“I’m fine.”

Seamus was glancing in the mirror at her. “You look a little pale, Dinah,” he said, worried.

“I said I’m fine. Just worry about the road and keeping this thing steady.” She leaned out the window, gritting her teeth against the throbbing in her arm. Her hand shook. Shit, how much blood had she lost? Her forehead was slick with sweat, and her teeth were chattering slightly. Just the cold, she told herself. She was fine. Pushing everything else to the back of her mind, she focused her sight on the other tire, aiming.

The guy up front leaned out the window, gun ready. “Watch out, Pete,” she warned.

“Me?” he shouted. “You’re the one with your head out the God damn window, woman. Get back inside before you get yourself killed.”

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