Damon (The Protectors Series) Book #1 (3 page)

BOOK: Damon (The Protectors Series) Book #1
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“Only I know my extensive and complicated filing system. I know it looks like a mess, but if anyone

needed anything I could pull it in a minute flat. File cabinets take up space.”

Again he grinned and man, did that lopsided curve of those full lips make him sexy as hell. “So you

have no problem with me heading out to jobs with you?”

Trying not to squirm under his scrutiny, she shuffled the case files around her desk trying to look

busy. “No. Why would you ask that?”

“You just don’t seem like the kind of woman who wants a man following her every move.” Relaxing

more, he leaned back crossing his heavily muscled arms across his massive chest.

Stopping herself from wiping her mouth to check for drool, she eyed him. “Listen, I care for these

kids. I know I shouldn’t care as much as I do and Mitch gets on me for getting too involved, but I

can’t help it. Not one of these kids have asked for what is happening to them, so anything you and

your fellow buddies can do to help you will get no problems from me. I do know that I get in over my

head sometimes and I don’t think, but when I see a kid in pain or scared all I can think about is getting

them out of the situation.”

“Do all of you feel the same about this job?” The only thing that moved was his lips as he ask the

question. His eyes, so golden, probed so deep into hers, it was truly unsettling.

“I really can’t answer for them.” She glanced away. “I do know Mitch wouldn't keep anyone on that

didn’t do their job and do it well.”

“What about Chad Evans?”

She shrugged one shoulder. “What about him? He does his job just like the rest of us.”

“But you don’t like him.” It wasn’t a question. “He doesn’t like you.” That was fact.

“Well, there you go.” Nicole snorted. “We don’t really work together except for meetings and now

working out with you guys, so it really isn’t a problem.”

“But you don’t trust him.” Again statement rather than question.

Blue eyes stared into gold. “How would you know something like that? Can you read my mind vamp?

Cause if you can it’s awfully scary in there.” She tapped her temple with her pen.

He studied her close, his gaze intense before answering. “No, I can’t read yours.”

Shocked she dropped her pen. “But you can read others?”


“Oh, well, ah, is that good or bad?” She chuckled, nerves cramping her stomach. God, no way did she

want this hot vampire lurking in her mind so it was very good on her end.

“I don’t know yet.” He frowned. “It’s never happened before.”

“You mean you have never not been able to read someone’s mind?” Wow, that would be kind of cool

to read people’s mind. Then again thinking of Mitch, she probably wouldn’t want to know what he

really thought of her most of the time.

“No, you're the first human I haven't been able to read.” He did look quite puzzled by this whole idea

of not being able to read her. “But you’re happy about the fact that I can’t.”

“You bet I am.” Standing, she shoved her case files into her work bag. “Who wants someone poking

around into your deepest thoughts, your private thoughts?”

He stood and opened the door for her. “It saves time.” His voice rumbled close to her as she passed

him on the way out. “You don’t have to ask questions.”

“Well…there is that.” Nicole gave a nervous chuckle as she breezed past him, not wanting him to see

how his closeness affected her. Man this was going to be a long day.

After stopping at the hospital to check on Sam, who had been happily eating ice cream, they had gone

to the homes that Nicole had scheduled visits. Everything had gone well and everyone seemed to be

happy with no problems. It has been a rare day. They were now heading back to the office.

“You love this job don’t you?” Damon glanced at her before turning his attention back to the road. He

had insisted on driving after seeing her car. He had advised her that he would not step foot in the piece

of crap she called a car. Nicole had to agree with him. It was a piece of crap and she would talk to

Mitch first thing in the morning about a raise or company vehicle. Yeah....like that was going to


“Yeah, I do.” She nodded then touched her black eye. “Does have its downfalls I guess, but I wouldn’t

want to be doing anything else. I just wish there was more I could do.”

“Like what? It seems like you are doing all that you can”

“No, not really. There's a war out there with this blood addiction stuff that needs to be stopped. I just

wish I could have seen who else was in that basement yesterday. It could be a clue to whoever is

behind all of this.”

“You are not to do anything about that.” Damon’s grip on the steering wheel tightened, his voice hard.

His alpha male protective instincts for this woman kicked into high gear.

“Listen, I don’t care if you come along and all that, but don't think to tell me what to do because I will

do whatever the hell I want to do.” Nicole shot right back.

“Listen to me Nicole. We have been working this for a long time and this is something that is too

dangerous to get involved in.” Damon's voice rumbled in warning.

“What do you mean get involved in?” She huffed turning completely in her seat to face him noting that

his eyes were getting darker. “I am involved up to my eyeballs in this stuff. I want it stopped before

more children get hurt.”

“And you don’t think we want it stopped. We have leads we are working on every day and the ones

involved would rather kill you first and ask questions later.” His eyes seemed to go black as night as he

slid a sideways glare at her.

“I know, but I am on the inside, so to speak. I hear a lot of stuff and could help out. Plus, you guys are

teaching us how to protect ourselves.”

“No!” Damon growled. “Dammit Nicole, stay out of it. You don’t have a clue what you're getting

yourself into.” He pulled into an empty parking space in front of her office.

Nichole had the door opened before he even stopped. “Yeah...whatever.” She leaped out of the car

slamming the door.

“Damn!” Damon slammed his hands on the steering barely catching himself from saying the f-word.

Shaking his head in disbelief he couldn't help the disgusted chuckle that escaped his lips. “After

hundreds of years one small blonde woman has me calling fuck the f-word. Yeah...some badass

warrior I am.” He was truly screwed. Watching to make sure she made it to her car he backed out and

headed to the warehouse.

Nichole could feel Damon glaring hotly at her as she ran her laps to warm up. She had lost her temper

earlier and felt bad about it. She knew he was here to help them and they desperately needed these

warrior’s help. Noticing he was standing alone she stopped in front of him. “Listen, I’m sorry about

earlier. I tend to get a little defensive about my job. I’m not stupid and I know we need your help. It’s

just I want to do everything I can to stop this.”

Damon nodded, his eyes back to their golden stage. “I understand your passion for what you do, but

the deeper you involve yourself the more danger you place yourself in. You can't help anyone if you

get yourself killed.”

“I have a lot of contacts.” Nicole glanced over her shoulder to see if anyone was listening. “I hear a lot

so if I hear anything I think will help I'll let you know and you can check it out. Does that sound fair?”

“As long as it does not put you in danger, then I will agree.” He nodded toward the middle of the mat.

“Come on, you need to work on your ground fighting skills.”

Nicole tried not to stick her tongue out as he passed her. “Well, alrighty then.” She snorted, but

followed him trying not to look at the way his workout pants clung to his tight butt.

Damon stopped in the middle of the mat and turned toward her. “Lay down and spread your legs.”

Nicole stopped suddenly her eyes shooting from his ass to his face. “Ah, most guys buy me a drink

first.” At his raised eyebrow, Nichole snorted. “Okay. Sorry. Just a joke. You know you can probably

buy a sense of humor on Craigslist.”

“There is nothing wrong with my sense of humor.” Once she was on the ground he knelt between her

legs. “I just didn't find that funny.”

Nicole rolled her eyes then gasped when he grabbed both her wrists and held them above her head

with one hand. “Hey!”

He leaned over her slightly putting some of his weight on her keeping her immobile. “Most

confrontations you are going to face as a woman are going to end in this position. We have been

showing you how not to end up here, but chances are you will end up here.” His eyes drilled into hers,

his breath tickling her face. “I want you to try to get away from me however you think you can. Don't

worry about hurting me.”

“After that, not funny, remark no worries there.” Nicole snorted and then started bucking, twisting and

turning, but nothing happened except her out of breath gasping. Then an idea popped in her head.

“Ow. Ow. Ow. Cramp. Major freakin cramp.”

Damon rolled off her concerned. “Where?”

Seeing her chance she jumped on his back and got him in a choke hold they had been shown last

night. “Ah ha. Gotcha.” Before she knew what was happening she was flipped over his head and back

in the same position she was in before her sneak attack.

“Nice try human, but your attacker isn't going to care if you have a cramp so that didn't count.”

“Okay, you got me.” Nicole couldn't help but notice how damn gorgeous he was when he smiled and

he smelled amazing. Then she noticed something else. “Why do your eyes change colors? I've seen

them black, dark brown and then light gold.”

“I'm about ready to tear your throat out with my fangs and you want to know about my eye color?”

Eyebrow cocked, his lips did the sexy half smile thing. “Is this another sneak attack?”

“Maybe.” She felt stupid asking now, but she really wanted to know. “I mean it seems to me it goes

with your moods, so wouldn't that maybe help us when dealing with another vampire.”

Damon seemed surprised. “You are correct. It does have to do with my, I guess you could say 'moods'.

Black is usually when I'm angry or hungry.” He flashed a fang at her. “The lighter they get I guess the

lighter the mood and less hungry.”

Okay, the fang flashing was a total turn on. Mentally smacking herself she got back on track. “Is that

just you or all of your kind?”

“All of us. I have noticed it before, but never determine moods by it since I can read vampires and

humans without seeing their eyes.” He grinned leaning closer to her their noses almost touching. “What

color are they now?”

Nicole swallowed hard. “Ah, light.”

“Guess that's a good thing for you, human.” he teased then backed off slightly.

Jared walked by and stopped. “Are you going to lay on her all night talking or are you going to teach

her something?”

“Fuck you, Jared.” Damon growled without taking his eyes off her. “Let the others know about our

eye color changes. The little human here is quite observant and it could help them gauge their situation

in the future .”

“Nice.” He nodded down at Nicole. “Didn't think about that.”

“Yeah, well even us lowly humans have some smarts.” Nicole rolled her eyes. “Now how about telling

me how to get this huge vamp off me.”

After working for a half an hour to escape from different ground positions everyone was heading to

the showers. Pam and Nicole grabbed their bags and were leaving the workout floor when Chad

stepped in front of them.

“I hope you don't think you're going to get brownie points screwing that vamp Callahan.” Chad

snickered along with his follower's. “I mean damn, how long was he between them legs of yours


Pam grabbed Nicole's arm. “Come on Nicole.” Pam pulled her. “He isn't worth it.”

Knowing she was right, Nicole kept tight control on her tongue and tried to walk around him, but he

wasn't about to let it go. “It's sad really.” He got in her face. “You making the rest of us look bad by

acting like a slut. If that's the case I want to work on the ground stuff with you so I can get between

them legs.”

Before Nicole had a chance to shoot off at the mouth Chad was picked up and shoved halfway across

the room. Jared and Duncan both grabbed Damon holding him back. Shoving them both off, Damon

marched toward Chad who was just picking himself up off the mat.

Nicole took off after him. “Damon no!” Nicole jumped in front of him putting her hand on his chest.

“Don't. He's not worth it and I don't care what he says. He always says stupid stuff. Kind of the norm.

Just ask Pam.” Nicole tried to make light of the situation just to head off a killing.

“What the hell is going on?” Mitch boomed as he came from the showers. “Callahan what did you do

this time?”

Nicole rolled her eyes ignoring her boss. “Seriously, vamp. He's not worth it.” Finally his eyes left

Chad and lowered to hers. “Uh-oh. You're either really hungry or level 10 pissed cause your eyes are

blacker than a......ah.....well, I don't know what, but they are pretty freakin black.”

His lips twitched before his eyes left hers and zeroed in on Chad. “Apologize now.” It was a demand,

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