Damon (The Protectors Series) Book #1 (2 page)

BOOK: Damon (The Protectors Series) Book #1
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fast, and clearing his throat a lot. I asked how things were going and he assured me everything was

fine and that Sam was playing Play Station. I asked the protocol questions as usual and even though he

answered everything okay, he still sounded nervous and out of breath. I then asked to speak to Sam.

He said he wasn’t there, that he was playing at a friend's house.”

“How old is the boy?” This question came from Damon.

“Eight.” Nicole answered without looking directly into those gorgeous golden eyes. “I didn’t bring up

the fact that he just told me he was playing Play Station since I knew I was going to do a home visit as

soon as I hung up with him. I acted like everything was good, assured him I would talk to him next

week and hung up.”

“Who did you let know where you were going?” Mitch interrupted.

“I sent Pam a text letting her know. She was already on a scheduled home visit.”

“What's the difference?” This again from Damon.

“A scheduled visit is usually less dangerous, as the foster parents know we're coming. We schedule

visits up to three months, six months and up to a year depending upon the case. The home visits not

scheduled are the most dangerous. Even before Crimson Rush hit the streets it was more dangerous to

do an unscheduled visit. Many of us would find that the foster parents were not who we thought they

were.” God, the things she had found in those homes kept her awake at night.

“Go on.” Damon crossed his arms nodding at Nicole.

“When I got to the house I sat for a few minutes in the car across the street watching the house to see if

anything seemed off. Then I got out and knocked on the door. It wasn’t closed all the way, and

opened a little when I knocked. I could hear Sam crying. Again I called out and when no one

answered I hit 911 on my phone and went inside.”

Everyone’s eyes were on her and she hated having to repeat what she saw. The anger and horror she

felt earlier consumed her again at the memory of it. Everyone waited for her to continue.

“The crying seemed to be coming from downstairs so I headed in that direction, found the door

leading to the basement and the crying got louder.”

“Please tell me you didn’t go down in the basement without backup Callahan.” Mitch rubbed his eyes

knowing damn good and well that was exactly what she was telling them.

“He was terrified Mitch. What was I suppose to do, just stand there and listen to him scream and cry?”

Nicole shook her head. “No way. Not happening.”

“You’re just damn lucky that black eye is the only thing that happened to you tonight.” Mitch nodded

for her to continue.

“I headed down the stairs and saw Mr. Mullins leaning over something. Looking around I saw an IV

stand lying sideways on a long table with a bag of blood hanging from it. At that point Mr. Mullins had

moved and I saw Sam strapped to a chair with IV tubing coming out of one arm. Mr. Mullins was

working on a second bag of Sam's blood.” Her stomach twisted at the memory. “Not thinking, I

headed toward Sam wanting to yank the tube out of his arm and I guess I surprised Mr. Mullins. He

turned and backhanded me.”

“I need a full report on this first thing in the morning.” Mitch told her, shaking his head in disgust.

Nicole nodded as she continued. “After he hit me I heard someone run up the stairs. I didn’t see who it

was, but there was money scattered at the bottom of the steps and a busted bag of what I assume was

Sam’s blood. By then, the police were there and had Mr. Mullins under control and Sam was being

taken care of by the paramedics.” Glancing over she saw Damon’s scowl.

“Do you have any idea what kind of danger you put yourself in?” Damon demanded, looking at the

small blonde woman with the biggest blue eyes he'd ever seen. The bruising under one of those lovely

eyes had his blood raging. Ever since she walked in the door he had an overwhelming urge to protect

her and that confused the hell out of him, making him growl his question at her.

“Yeah, I do, but at the time my only concern was for Sam.” She scowled back. “I have never, and I

hope I never, again see what I saw tonight. For a child, vampire or human, to go through something

like this is uncalled for and I will do everything in my power to see that Mr. Mullins is never allowed

to be near a child again.”

“I still think you are taking grave risks, even with our training, that you are ill equipped to take,

human.” Damon scowled, his voice a low deep rumble of authority.

“Yeah, well it wasn’t you who put that child in the hands of a monster, vamp.” Nicole shot back. If he

thought to scare her with the big bad vampire warrior thing he had going on, he was sadly mistaken.

Backing down wasn't an option when it came to her job.

“Ah.... okay.” Duncan stepped in not liking where this was heading. “Everybody partner up.”

Mitch glared a warning at Nicole, who just shrugged and mouthed, “He started it.” Taking a quick peek

at the warrior she noticed his smug grin. Oh yeah, this was going to be a problem.

Chapter 2

Nicole came into the office early the next morning to do her report. She should have done it last night

since she hadn’t slept a wink. Between thinking of Damon and the nightmare of what happened to

Sam her brain wouldn’t stop working. Tossing the pen across the desk, she rubbed her eyes wishing

the images of Sam strapped to that chair with silver chains and the tube running out of his arm would

fade, but she knew they wouldn’t.

Sam had been taken off the streets by the Cincinnati police a month ago and turned over to their care.

Mitch had sent her to the hospital where he was being looked over. If anyone would have told her two

years ago that she would have to place an 8 year old vampire in a foster home, she would have called

them crazy. Now they had more vampire children to find homes for than human children. Of course

vampires could not have children, but human children were being turned to supply the thirst for the

Crimson Rush that had taken over the drug market. Some days she just wanted to head to the

mountains somewhere and disappear. God, it was heartbreaking and truly scary. It was a new world

they lived in with different rules. One she was hoping she could live in without going insane.

Pam peeked her head in the door. “Mitch is yelling for you.”

“What’s new?” Taking her hand away from her eyes she grabbed her report and got up. “Are you


“Are you kidding me?” Pam moaned. “It took me five minutes to sit down on the toilet this morning

my butt is so sore. It was pretty comical.”

Nicole laughed. “Yeah, it took me a while to get moving.”

“Wonder if one of those warriors would rub my bum to make it feel better?” Pam snickered, her face

turning red. “I wanted to die when we had to partner up with them last night. Talk about a work out.”

“I guess they wanted to make sure we were getting the moves right since we are just women folk.” She

didn’t want to let on to Pam how much having Damon’s hands on her affected her. Every time he

grabbed her in a hold it felt like a sizzle of electricity coursing through her body. She’d never felt

anything like it before and the truth was she kinda liked it. “Ah, did you feel, I don’t know, something

weird when Jared was working with you?”

They headed down the hall towards Mitch’s office. “You mean did I want to jump his bones?” Pam

sighed dramatically. “Well, hell yeah.”

“I’m waiting for that report Callahan.” Mitch’s booming shout bounced down the hall toward them.

Rolling her eyes she stepped into his office, tossing him the report. “Patience is a virtue Mitch.”

“Yeah, well, I wouldn’t know virtue if it bit me on the ass and to hell with patience.” Mitch grunted,

thumbing through the report. “Damon and Jared have been waiting for you both. I am about ready to

put them on the payroll since they're the only ones who seem to be able to tell time.”

Nicole glanced at the clock. “It’s only three after. Most places give their employees a seven minute

window.” She purposely ignored the two men she figured were taking up the chairs behind her. She

wasn’t ready to face the large warriors yet, one in particular. She hadn’t thought they would be here

this early.

Mitch slammed the report down to glare at her. “I’m not in the mood for your smart mouth remarks

Callahan. We have a full schedule today and you all need to train tonight so getcha asses in gear. Pam,

you and Jared are pairing up today and Damon is going with you Callahan.”

Nicole heard the two men behind her stand. “No prob boss.” She turned to walk out the door then

stopped. “Oh, by the way, you owe the jar a dollar.”

Mitch looked up from his desk, his eyes narrowed. “I didn't say the f-word.”

“No, not today, but you did last night.” Nicole glanced over at the jar that was packed full of dollar

bills, mostly Mitch's hard earned money. “I'm proud of ya boss. Only one, that is quite an


Mitch stood digging into his pocket, then placed another dollar in the jar marked 'F-WORD' in big bold

letters. They actually kept it in his office since he contributed to the jar more than anyone. “If you want

a seven minute window for your late ass Callahan be my guest to find another place to work.” Mitch

threw out behind her.

“You know you love me boss.” Nicole chuckled. “Who else is going to keep you on your toes?”

“God help me.” Mitch groaned before slamming his door shut.

Jared chuckled as the four made their way down the hall. “What was that all about?”

“Since we work with children so much we have to watch our language. So Nicole made the 'F-WORD'

jar. She uses the money at the end of the year to help with a Christmas party for the kids.” Pam

chuckled. “Mitch is the worst offender of the f-word and Nicole calls him on it every time.”

“Is it just that word or others along with it?” Jared's eyes crinkled with humor.

“Just the f-word.” Pam snickered. “Everyone has to eat and pay bills. Nicole tried for them all, but

everyone revolted because their paychecks were disappearing into the jar.”

“Hey, it's not my fault everyone around here has a potty mouth.” Nicole grumbled.

They stopped in front of Nicole's office. Jared dug into his wallet. “Guess since we're going to be

helping I need to watch my mouth.” Jared handed Nicole a twenty. “That should do it until I can get

control of my favorite word.”

Smiling Nicole nodded. “Yeah, cause vampire warrior or not I will call you on it.”

“She is ruthless when it comes to making money for the kids.” Pam chuckled. “Everyone who comes

in on a regular basis is warned about it because we do have kids in here sometimes. She got the UPS

guy last week.”

“I'm not ruthless.” Nicole turned to head into her office. “I'm determined.”

Pam looked up at Damon. “What about you? You tossing in now or waiting until she catches you?”

“I have more control than Jared.” Damon grinned at Jared's eye roll.

Jared snorted. “Yeah, right. I bet you've said it at least twenty times this morning already.”

“Didn't have a reason not to.” Damon looked down at Nicole and winked. “Now I do.”

“You'll slip.” Jared gave a confident nod.

“Yeah, well if he does I'll call him on it too.” Nicole warned. She was a little shocked that these rough

and tough warriors would play along.

“You guys be careful out there.” Pam called out as she and Jared continued down the hall.

“Same to ya.” Nicole walked into her office. Sitting down, she glanced up to see Damon standing in

her door, his broad shoulders blocking any thought of a quick exit. Talk about claustrophobic. “Oh, I

forgot I had to invite you in since you’re a vamp and all.”

Damon couldn’t help but grin revealing straight white teeth and flashing some fang. “Ah, that's a vamp

myth, human.” With one step he filled her small office and took a seat in front of her desk. “And this

isn’t your home.”

“Could have fooled me.” Snorting she marked a envelop 'Jared's f-word money' and slipped the

twenty in. “Might as well call this place home sweet home since I’m here more often than not.”

“Better watch out, if Mitch hears you talking like that he might take rent out of your check.” His eyes

twinkled. He really liked her sense of humor. Most women tried too hard to impress him into their

beds and that bored him almost before they even began.

Nicole laughed, liking this side of the warrior. She felt more at ease with him. Humor always made her

comfortable. “I wouldn’t put it past the man that's for sure. Anything to make my life miserable.”

“I’d say the same about you.” Damon leaned back in the chair smiling at her. “You seem to like

making his life miserable.”

“Interesting.” Nicole countered with a smile of her own. “Not miserable. He seriously wouldn’t know

what to do without me. I was sick a couple of months ago and was out for one day. He called me

every hour.”

Damon nodded, then looked around her cluttered office. Case files were scattered everywhere. “So

would he or anyone else know your filing system? I’m sure even Mitch would splurge for a filing

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