Damon (The Protectors Series) Book #1 (17 page)

BOOK: Damon (The Protectors Series) Book #1
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dead was still a mystery.

After getting the lay of everything Damon relaxed enough to watch the game. He was surprised at how

good a player Nicole actually was. He really shouldn't be surprised. He watched as she played her

position good heartedly taunting the other team and laughing when they taunted back at her. Her

blonde hair was pulled up in a sloppy ponytail, her ball cap pulled low over her eyes. She was one of

the shortest players on the field, but she played with no fear driving for balls, throwing people out all

the while being the most beautiful woman inside and out he had ever known. The thought of someone

wanting to hurt her sent anger surging through his body.

Cheering the last out Nicole started to head to their dugout as she looked over at Damon and stopped,

her hands still together in a clap. It was as if her whole body stopped except for her heart which beat a

hard frantic tempo in her chest. His stare was so intense it made her shiver and her legs feel like

rubber. Her feet started toward him until Pam slapped her arm around her shoulders leading her

toward the dugout talking a mile a minute. Peeking over Pam's shoulder Damon walked along slightly

behind them outside of the field, but his eyes never left her. “Wow...” Nichole whispered looking

away her body having all kind of needy feelings running rampant.

“Wow what?” Pam chuckled looking closely at Nicole. “Why are you so flushed? You getting too


“Yeah, too hot.” Nicole giggled shaking her head. Damn that vamp was going to cause her to have a

freakin heat stroke.

The game continued, but Nicole was too busy watching Damon. He hadn't looked at her much since

and she willed him to do again. The feeling was outrageous. She knew she wasn't one of those women

who needed a man to make her life better, but man, it had felt good and she would like to have that

feeling just one more time...dammit.

“Strike!” Sid yelled from behind home plate.

Nicole glared back at him. Crap, she was batting and staring at Damon. What the hell was she doing?

“What?” Sid flipped his mask up glaring back at her. “You want a do over?”

“What in blue blazes are you waiting for Callahan?” Mitch yelled in his annoying coach voice. “Hit the

little white ball.”

Glaring at the catcher when he chuckled she got in her ready stance and concentrated on the pitcher.

She swung and missed.

“Strike two!” Sid yelled.

“How'd ya like that one Callahan? If you need a more girlie throw I can do that for ya.” He

demonstrated by taking a slow step forward like he was going to toss it nice and slow underhand.

“Crap.” Nicole hissed under her breath. A-hole out there was not going to strike her out. “Come on,

stop taunting like a girl and throw the ball.” Nicole grinned as Jim's face flushed in anger. Nicole

watched the ball all the way in and swung as hard as she could. The bat and ball connected almost

taking Blevins head off. Dropping the bat she took off to first then rounded to go to second, but

stopped seeing Blevins screaming and yelling heading right for her.

“You did that on purpose.” Jim bellowed as the benches cleared players yelling over each other.

“Jim, you know that's not true.” Nicole chuckled backing away knowing that Jim was just kidding.

“Cause if I would have done that on purpose I would have hit ya.” Nicole glanced over to see Jared

holding back Damon. She gave him a thumbs up letting him know she was okay. They always ended

the games with a bench clearing so both teams got thrown out and no one was really a winner. It was

after all a charity event not a regular season game which she played on through the summer.

Soon everyone was laughing walking off the field while the spectators cheered and headed toward the

food. Nicole had lost sight of Damon, but saw Jared waiting for her.

“Nice game.” He grinned. “Thought you were going to behead the big guy for a minute.”

Nicole chuckled shaking her head. “Nah, Blevins isn't a bad guy. Just talks a lot of smack and I wanted

to take him down a peg or two, not kill him.”

“He went to cool down.” Jared answered the question she hadn't ask, but wanted to badly. “Thought

he was going to kill that guy when he charged you yelling.”

“Sorry, I should have warned you guys about the way we end the games. It was a big hit the first time

it happened for real when the benches cleared so we all decided to end them all that way having both

teams thrown out so no winners.” Nicole waved to a couple of people who walked by. Then she

spotted him standing alone. Without saying anything she headed toward him.

“What are you doing over here?” Nicole smiled adjusting her heavy ball bag up on her shoulder.

Without saying a word Damon lifted the bag off her shoulder and slung it up on his. “How much


“It's going to be a while yet.” Nicole glanced behind her watching the hungry mob attack the food

tables. “You hungry? I'm starving.”

Damon glanced at the crowd with a frown. “Not really.”

Feeling disappointment Nicole sighed. “I can't leave Damon, but if you want to then I'm sure Jared and

Sid will stay.

Shaking his head, he nudged her toward the crowd. “Come on.” Damon grumbled. “Just don't blame

me if I accidentally kill that pitcher.”

Nicole laughed with a cock of her shaped eyebrow. “Accidentally?” Shaking her head at his serious

expression she laughed again. “Jim wasn't going to hurt me Damon. I could probably take him with all

those fancy moves you've taught me. It was all a show for the crowd and to end the game on an even


This time Damon's eyebrow cock up into his runaway bangs. “Fancy moves?” Damon frowned. “I

teach sensible killing moves to keep you alive, not fancy.”

Rolling her eyes Nicole chuckled grabbing his arm. “Come on before all the food is gone. I'm


“For as little as you are you sure do eat a lot.” Damon teased.

“You ain't seen nothing yet buddy.” Nicole liked this teasing banter they had going on.

Damon smiled down at her before following her toward the food. The rest of the night was spent

talking and eating. Nicole was happy to see that Duncan had brought Steve who was now talking to a

girl his age and seemed to be charming her. Yeah, she knew how the poor girl felt. Damon was doing

the same thing to her. He was polite to everyone, even Jim who he talked motorcycles talk with.

Nicole heard her phone ringing in her baseball bag and dug for it. Glancing at the number she didn't

recognize she flipped it open. “Hello.” When no one replied she pressed her palm against her free ear

cutting out most of the noise around her and walked a few steps away. “Hello.”

“So you think you're safe?” The deep voice on the other end hissed.

“Who is this?” Nicole replied, a wicked chill skimming up her spine as she took a step toward Damon

“Do not take another step.” The voice demanded. “Before I kill you I have decided to make you


Oh God, he was here somewhere. Damon was still talking, but had turned his body toward her instead

of her being at his back. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. “Who is this?” She

whispered knowing she wouldn't get an answer, but she did and it was one she would never forget.

“Your worst nightmare.” He rasped with a chuckle. “I will give you five seconds to save your boss.”

Nicole gasped looking desperately for Mitch. “What?” Her voice shook not understanding until she

saw the red dot on Mitch's forehead. “Oh God no!”

“One.” The man counted out.

With no thought to anything but Mitch Nicole took off running knocking people out of her way. She

heard Damon yelling for her as heavy footsteps pounded behind her. Reaching Mitch she heard the

sound a gun shot just as she jumped at Mitch tackling him to the ground. The wooden fence

splintering where his head had been. Screams and panic sent people running. A heavy weight landed

on top of Nicole.

“Are you hit?” Damon ran his hands frantically over her body checking. “Goddammit Nicole, are you


It took her a minute to get her bearings. “No.” Nicole shook her head. “I'm fine. Are you okay Mitch?”

“I'm fine.” Shaken, Mitch looked up at the fence which had a huge hole where he had been standing.

“What the hell is going on?”

Sighing in relief Nicole scrambled for her phone that had fallen out of her hand landing a few feet

away. Shaking so badly she could hardly get it to her ear. “What do you want?” She screamed into the


“For you to suffer.” The voice responded, but before he cut off the connection he added. “Next time I

won't miss Nicole.” Damon knelt beside her taking the phone.

Jared rushed up. “Whoever it was is gone.” Jared told Damon as he glanced at the fence, then at

Nicole. “You okay?”

For the first time since this whole thing started at Club Zero Nicole wasn't okay. “No.” Her body

started to shake from the horror of what had just happened. “No, I'm not okay. This isn't okay.

Nothing is okay.” She rambled, standing up on wobbly legs.

Tossing the phone to Jared, Damon steadied Nicole. “Give this to Sid to see if he can find out where

that number came from.”

“I need my phone.” Nicole said panicked. “You can't take my phone.”

“I'll give it right back.” Jared replied jogging toward Sid.

Nodding Nicole glanced over at Mitch who was sitting down at a picnic table looking haggard and

shaken. Walking over, Nicole sat next to him. “I'm so sorry Mitch.”

“What do you have to be sorry for?” Mitch grumbled then tried to grin. “Unless you're sorry you saved

my ornery ass.” He tried to make light of the situation, but it didn't work. There was nothing light or

funny about it at all.

“No, I'm sorry you got dragged into this.” Nicole looked away wondering how her orderly life had

shifted to total chaos.

“How did you know?” Mitch turned his full attention on her.

“I got a phone call and he ask me if I thought I was really safe. Then he said he wanted to make me

suffer before he killed me.” Nicole felt Damon's hand on her shoulder. She swallowed hard, her eyes

conveying the horror she had felt, still felt. “He told me I had five seconds to save you. I saw you

standing there and then noticed a red dot on your forehead and well....you know the rest.”

Mitch's eyes widened a bit then he reached over and hugged her. “Thank you.” He pulled back, his

eyes soft and moist for a second before turning back to normal. “But don't think that gives you any

brownie points Callahan.”

Nicole smiled sadly. “Didn't think any such thing boss.”

After talking to the police Damon hurried Nicole to the car tucking her into the passenger seat. The

ride to her apartment was silent. Each of them absorbed in their own thoughts. The only connection

was Damon reaching over taking her cold hand into his.

Once at her apartment Nicole pulled out her keys to unlock her door, but as Damon went to unlock it,

the door creaked open like in a spooky horror flick. Before Nicole knew what was happening Damon

had her pressed into the wall, his back pressed up against her. “Stay put.” He ordered as he pushed the

door open wider, his body still blocking hers from any danger.

Peeking around his broad back Nicole got the first look into her apartment and cried out. “Oh my

God.” Her apartment was torn apart.

Damon reached around behind him shielding her body with his as he stepped into her small apartment.

Closing his eyes he felt with his mind and senses to see if the person who was responsible was still in

the apartment. It took only a second to realize they were alone.

Feeling Damon relax slightly she pushed herself around him to see the damage and wished she would

have stayed put as he had ordered. Everything was destroyed and strewn all over the floor. Reaching

down she picked up the book Pam let her borrow setting it on her kitchen counter. “Why?” Nicole ask,

feeling lost.

Damon watched her closely. He knew she was on the edge and was just waiting for her to plunge over.

A lesser woman would have collapsed under the shit Nicole had been thrust into over the past week.

Week hell, just today. First Mitch and now this.

Dread so strong burned in her chest as she looked over to where Ren and Stimpy made their home and

cried out. “Nooooo.” She ran to the shattered bowl searching for her turtles. People had dogs, cats,

birds, but Nicole had her turtles that she loved. Seeing Ren on his back laying still under the table their

rocky home sat on, she knelt down ignoring the broken glass digging into her hands and knees.

Carefully picking him up she prayed he was okay. Turning him over bile pushed to the back of her

throat at the words crudely carved into his shell....SUFFER... “Ren, come on...come out.” She taped on

the shell which both turtles responded to, but this time instead of his head poking out the turtles long

neck flopped forward, the head gone.

Hearing the keening noise coming from Nicole's throat Damon reached down and pulled her up taking

the turtle from her. When he caught this fucking guy he was going to show the bastard what suffer

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