Damon (The Protectors Series) Book #1 (10 page)

BOOK: Damon (The Protectors Series) Book #1
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a jeweled comb in the back. Soft wisps of hair framed her face. From the top of her lovely head, to the

bottom of her high heeled shoes, she was perfect. And all the instincts that drove his kind to their

mates screamed “MINE”.

“Now that my friend is one hot piece of …..” Sid had stepped back to his side, staring at Nicole.

“If you want to keep those fangs, don't finish that sentence.”

“Then do something about it and do it soon, cause if you pass on that, I sure as hell won't.” Sid

chuckled moving out of the way when Damon went to grab him.

Jared and Nicole made their way to Damon after being stopped a few times. Nicole's gaze kept flicking

to him. She had never seen anyone so handsome. His hair was tied back and the tux looked like it was

made for his fine hard body. In this room full of people she had never felt more alone in her life. She

knew next to nothing about this man, yet every fiber of her being wanted him and wanted to be with


“Have you already talked to Duncan?” Damon asked Jared, dragging his eyes from Nicole.

Feeling Nicole's hurt rolling off her in waves, Jared seriously wanted to punch Damon in the face.

What an idiot. “Yeah, I know what's up.” Jared took Nicole's hand giving it a squeeze and moved past

him heading toward their table. He knew for a fact that Nicole had dressed for Damon tonight, even if

she would slit her own throat before admitting it and Damon had pretty much thrown it back in her

face by ignoring her.

Not looking at Damon for fear he would see the hurt in her eyes, she let Jared lead her away, the hurt

starting to turn toward anger. She knew she wasn't as beautiful as the woman he was with at the

warehouse, but he didn't have to act like she was nothing. He wouldn't even acknowledge her and that

hurt. Determined to enjoy the rest of the evening, she sat down in the chair Jared pulled out for her

and smiled up at him.

“He's an idiot.” Jared frowned as she sat down beside her.

Nicole laughed. “No he's not.” Shaking her head she put her hand on his shoulder. “Thanks for

everything Jared. Don't be mad at Damon. He's your friend and I'm a big girl with a little crush.”

There, she admitted it. That was the first step to getting over this awful obsession with a vampire she

didn't really know.

As the night went on, Nicole really did enjoy herself. Along at the table with her and Jared were Mitch,

Pam and her date Kenny. Soon the dinner was over and the speeches began. The last to get up was

Mitch. Nicole suddenly developed a case of nerves as Mitch began to talk, afraid of what he might say.

Lord knew when Mitch got on a roll no one was safe.

Mitch took the podium with a huge smile on his face. He told a few jokes to break the ice, then smiled

down at Nicole. “Tonight I have the great pleasure of presenting the Community Service Award to one

of my employees. When Nicole Callahan first walked into my office intent on getting the job she was

applying for, I knew I'd hit pay dirt. She was the most optimistic person I had ever met, and after

experiencing the daily life of a social service employee, she remains just as optimistic, if not more so. I

am very lucky to have a full staff of employees who are good at their jobs day in and day out, but

Nicole has always gone a step above what is expected because she has been where these kids are

coming from and what they are going through, being a ward of the state herself for the first 18 years of

her life. Her story is one that she freely relays to the kids she deals with, so they know she truly does

understand, but that is not my story to tell. I will tell you; however, if there is anyone who deserves

this award, it is Nicole. On top of her job in my office, which believe me can be twenty-four-seven,

she volunteers at the Free Store, homeless shelters, women's centers, Children's Hospital, and The

Boys and Girls Club. Also, beware, because I know she is actively recruiting volunteers for the softball

charity game coming up.” Everyone laughed, and Mitch grinned, liking the attention. “But the most

important job she does is taking children who have no one and placing them in homes so they have a

place to grow up safely.”

Nicole sat, stunned. She figured Mitch would treat this like a roast, and although tell them good things

about her; add how big of a pain in his butt she was. When he turned his attention to her with a slightly

crooked grin, she might have thought too soon.

“I would like to present this plaque to you, Nicole Callahan, and personally tell you, thank you for

your hard work and dedication. It has been inspiring, even to a mean grumpy boss like me.” Everyone

clapped loudly as Mitch held the plaque toward her.

Nicole stood, grinning from ear to ear. Jared took her hand and led her to the podium, giving her his

arm while walking her up the steps before returning to his seat. Looking up at Mitch, she took the

plaque with a smile and tears.

“Didn't see that coming did you Callahan?” He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “You deserve it.”

Nicole laughed. “Thank you, Mitch.” She kissed his cheek back.

He looked embarrassed, but before leaving he added. “Yeah, well don't get used to it, cause Monday its

back to normal.”

Shaking her head grinning, she watched him trot down the steps, leaving her alone in front of a

hundred people, who were all staring at her waiting for her to say something. Clearing her throat, she

looked over the crowd. “Ever since I can remember, I wanted to be a social worker, helping children,

and I actually did know the title because that is who I pretty much grew up with. I was never adopted

and I can't say that I am bitter about that because being in foster home after foster home gave me what

I needed to become a good social worker for the kids. To me, this is not my job, but my life. I love

what I do and believe me it's not for the paycheck.” She grinned at Mitch when everyone whooped

and laughter filled the room. “Seriously, if I didn't have bills and need to eat, I would do this for the

satisfaction I get from it. To be honest, I think anyone who does something for the betterment of

children should get this award, so I share this with all my co-workers who put their lives on hold for

some not so fortunate. Thank you so much for changing the life of a child to a better one.” With a

smile she started away from the podium, but stopped and went back. “Oh, and please, I really need

volunteers for the softball game, so see me. I got the sign-up sheet with me.” Nicole waved the sheet

with a grin.

The room erupted with laughter and applause as Jared helped her back to her seat, but not before he

hugged her placing a quick peck on the lips. When her eyes shot to his in surprise, he winked.

Damon had watched every guy in the place dance with Nicole and it was driving him nearly insane. So

far no attempt had been made on her life. Warriors were scattered everywhere, if anyone made a move

toward her they would be on them. Even when she danced, Jared was right there ready. When the

band announced that the last dance was to be played, Damon made his move.

Pam stood talking to Nicole and Jared as Damon walked up. “Will you dance with me?” He held his

hand out.

Looking up at him, her heart thumped so loud she was sure everyone could hear it. Nodding, she put

her hand in his as he led her to the dance floor. Yeah, like she could say no to him. Not a chance.

Every man she danced with tonight, she wanted it to be him.

A few couples had taken advantage for one last dance and were scattered about the dance floor.

Pulling her into his arms, Damon didn't say a word. He just held her tightly, swaying with the music.

When the song ended, she wanted to plead for one more song, but the lights came up and it was over.

With a sigh, she pulled away and looked up into his golden eyes.

“Thank you for the dance.” His voice was low and caressed over her, sending shivers down her body.

Not trusting herself to speak, she smiled and nodded. Turning, she looked for Jared before she made a

complete fool of herself and begged him for one night. God, she was a fool.

“We need to talk.” Damon spoke before she could make her break from him.

“I don't think that's a good idea.” Nicole really didn't think it was a good idea. As much as she wanted

him to want her she couldn't get the other woman out of her head. She didn't break up relationships

and there was no way she could compete with that woman.

Damon watched her walk away from him to Jared. When Jared smiled down at her and draped his arm

across her shoulder, Damon felt a deep seated fear that he might be too late. The fear turned deadly

when Jared leaned down and whispered something in Nicole's ear, making her laugh. Damon headed

toward them.

Grabbing Jared's arm, he pulled it off of Nicole's shoulder. “I have this.” Damon told Jared grabbing

her hand, pulling her away.

“What are you doing?” Nicole gasped.

Damon eyed her as he pulled her toward a private corner. “I said we need to talk.”

“And I said that wasn't a good idea.” Nicole glanced around, but thankfully no one seemed to be

paying attention.

“Why the hell not?” Damon asked, giving Jared a death stare when he noticed him walking toward

them. “What, you want Jared now? Is that how it is?”

Nicole's eyes popped open wide, her head snapping back. “Seriously?” When she saw that he was

serious, she got close to him with a death stare of her own. “Go to hell.” she hissed as quietly as she

could without drawing attention.

The crowd had thinned out and only a few remained moving toward the door to leave. Nicole and

Damon stood glaring at each other. “Answer me.”

Rolling her eyes, she threw her hands up. “Sure. Yeah. Me and Jared are hot and heavy. Don't know

why that should bother you when you have a gorgeous girlfriend, which by the way you should get

back to. I'm sure she's waiting for you.”

“Girlfriend?” This time she got away and walked out the door with Jared, his damn arm around her

shoulder again. God, he was going to kill the son of a bitch. With one last glance he headed toward the

back exit. “Girlfriend?” He repeated, stumped. A couple of stragglers passed by eyeing him warily.

“You okay?” Jared looked down at her frowning.

“Yeah, I'm good.” Nicole lied with a smile. “Thanks for coming with me, even though it was your


“Best job I've ever had, honey.” Jared wiggled his eyebrows.

God why couldn't she be attracted to Jared instead of Mr. Doom and Gloom. Jared was nice, a real

sweetie and very handsome in dark mysterious kind of way, but he just didn't do it for her. Before she

could reply, a motorcycle raced up to them and stopped. Turning to look, she saw Damon straddling a

solid black and chrome Harley, sending her heart thumping out of her chest. God, he looked good on

the bike. She was a sucker for a man on a Harley.

“Get on.” Damon demanded over the roar of the bike, his eyes holding her hostage.

Was he serious? She was in a freakin evening gown. Shaking her head, she turned to Jared. “Please

take me home.”

Nodding, Jared glanced at Damon. “If you want to talk to her, meet us at her place.” He turned and led

her away to his car.

“I don't want to talk to him, Jared.” Nicole stared at him accusingly.

Once at the car, he turned her to face him as Damon's bike roared past them. Jared watched Damon

disappear, trying to get a read on him, but he had him blocked. “I can read you, Nicole. I just think

you need to hear him out.”

“You've been reading my mind?” Nicole was mortified.

“Bits and pieces.” He admitted, opening the car door for her. “But don't worry. I don't gab.” Before

closing the door, he gave her a wink.

Heat flooded her face. This was so not cool. After he got in and started the car, Nicole turned to look at

Jared. “You need to stop doing that Jared.” Nicole groaned when he laughed. “Seriously, I don't want

you in my head.”

“Well, believe me honey; I don't really want to be in there as much as you might think.” Pulling out in

traffic, he maneuvered the streets to her apartment quickly. “Hearing your every thought about one of

my partners in different modes of dress isn't as pleasing to me as it seems to be to you.”

“Oh. My. God!” Nicole's hands flew to her face.

Jared laughed. “Listen, you can block anyone from reading your mind.”

“How?” Nicole spoke through her hands not ready to uncover her flushed embarrassment. Talk about


“You can tell if someone is trying to power into your head. First, you'll feel a tingly pressure, a very

nagging feeling in your head. When you start feeling it, you mentally throw a wall up of something.

Since we all can pretty much read each other, we keep a permanent wall up.” Jared cruised up to a

stop light. “Believe me; once you know the signs and start doing it, it becomes second nature. Usually,

I think of myself naked and boy oh boy do the guys go flying out of my head.”

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