Damon (The Protectors Series) Book #1 (12 page)

BOOK: Damon (The Protectors Series) Book #1
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take all of him inside her. But she wanted him. All of him. A low, throaty hiss escaped his lips as he

thrust forward into her tight, hot sheath, stretching her with the heavy width of his sex. It had been

years since she'd been with anyone and even then it was only twice. She started to moan as her body

stretched to accommodate his size, her hands pushing against the muscular wall of his chest in an

automatic response to the slight burning sensation of his dominant entry.

Damon started to pull away, concern shadowing his eyes. “No...please.” Nicole cried out. “I'm fine.”

Damon took her hands from his chest and held them down above her head, pinning both arms gently

in one strong hand. “Relax.” He bent to taste her breasts again, easing up on the pressure while her

body adjusted to his size. “That's it, honey, you were made for me...you can take more.” He groaned in

sheer ecstasy when her body finally accepted the full length of him, and her answering groan told him

all she couldn't say. Together, they slowly began to move in unison, her hips rising to meet his every

thrust, his hard, flat pelvis lingering and rotating against her cleft to heighten her pleasure. “You feel

so...damn...good.” Nicole reached up to cup his face and the rhythm picked up. Damon continued to

bury himself deep inside of her, pulling back almost to the point of withdrawal only to thrust forward

again and again, until the passion grew so intense between them he could no longer restrain his need.

He began to plunge harder...faster...each stroke more urgent, more possessive than the last.

Nicole clutched at his shoulders, dug her fingernails into his back. She cried out, raising her hips to

meet his...writhing beneath him. She took all he could give her and wanted even more...would always

want more.

Damon felt her release and his soon followed. His body stilled savoring the last tremors of her body

against his, his head buried in the crook of her neck, breathing her scent in and stopping short of

biting her sweet neck arched for the taking. Knowing if he didn't get away he would do just that, he

pushed himself up and away from her.

Not really knowing what to do or say, Nicole had a sudden fit of nerves and embarrassment. Pulling

the sheet over her body, she glanced at Damon under lowered lashes to see his reaction to what they

just shared. She needed to say something instead of sitting here like some pitiful virgin waiting for

words of love and worship. God, she was pathetic. “You hungry?” Her voice squeaked. Clearing her

throat, she asked again. “You hungry?”

She had no idea just how hungry he was. Nodding his head, he looked toward the bathroom. “You

mind if I take a shower?”

“No, go ahead.” Nicole wrapped the sheet around her and stood up. “Towels are in the closet by the

bathroom door.”

He nodded. “Thanks.”

Nicole hated this awkwardness toward each other. She just had the best sex that she had ever had and

she was not going to ruin the chance of it not happening again. “Damon.” She called out before he

shut the door. He turned, his expression unreadable. “I just had the best freakin sex of my life. Let's

not ruin it by awkward moments. I'm not expecting marriage or I love yous, okay. Let's just call this a

friends with benefits arrangement and go from there. What do ya say.... buddy?” She laughed lightly

when he just stood there staring at her.

Stalking back into the room, he slammed the door shut and prowled toward her. Grabbing her up by

the waist he pinned her to the wall as she wrapped her legs around him. “I wish I could give you

more.” He growled in her ear before plunging his hard length into her for a second time. “You deserve


Nicole was too lost in the feeling of the moment, too lost in Damon and too afraid to answer.

Chapter 8

“Friends with benefits?” Pam acted shocked to her core the day after in Nicole's office. “You slut!”

“Shut up, Pam.” Nicole threw a small paperweight off the desk at her.

“So, you're telling me that you can do the friends with benefit deal without getting your heart

involved?” Pam put the paperweight back on the desk.

“Yes.” Nicole nodded shuffling papers around on her desk, not looking at Pam to give herself away.

She could do this dammit. She was an adult and could have a wickedly delightful affair with one hot

vampire. People did it every day all over the world, so why couldn't she, dammit.

“I call bullshit Nicole.” Pam snorted, leaning back in her chair eying Nicole, shaking her head. “You

have the biggest most open heart I have ever seen. You give so much of yourself, never asking for

anything. I have seen the way you look at Damon and I would bet my bony butt you are half way in

love with him already.”

Her stomach felt hollow as she sat listening to Pam knowing she was right, but she could handle it. “I

don't even know him that well Pam. I mean, come on, give me a break. Have you never had hot

monkey sex with someone without a proposal of everlasting love, etc. etc.?”

Eyes popping wide, Pam laughed out so loud, it sounded more like a scream. Suddenly, Nicole's small

office was filled with vampire as they busted into the room, guns drawn. Both women screamed, Pam

falling out of her chair. After her initial shock, Nicole slapped her hand across her mouth laughing


“What is it!?” Jared's eyes roamed the room, looking for trouble.

Picking herself up from the floor Pam looked at Nicole, more laughter bubbled up. “Girl talk.”

“Girl talk?” Jared shouted in disbelief. “Jesus, we thought someone was being killed. We heard a


“Actually that was me laughing.” Pam snorted. “Sorry, but it was her fault.”

Putting their weapons away Jared rolled his eyes at Damon. “Girl talk.” He turned to walk out of the

room disgusted. “Next time you have a girl talk warn us if there is going to be screaming please.

Scared the shit out of me.”

Damon glanced at Nicole. “You okay?” His eyes lowered half mast making him look sexy as hell.

“Dandy.” Nicole smiled, her stomach flip flopping all over the place.

He turned to leave but before he did a wicked grin tipped his lips and he left with a wink.

“Yep, you're a goner.” Pam sighed shaking her head at Nicole's dewy eyed stare following Damon out

the door.

“Shut up Pam before I throw something heavier than that paperweight.”

“Where to?” Damon got behind the wheel glancing at her. He absolutely refused to step foot in her car

and demanded he drive. Nicole agreed without any problems since her car was on its last wheel.

Nicole gave him the address watching him input it into his GPS wondering if Mitch would splurge for

one. It sure would come in handy with all the places she had to go. Maybe she would catch him in a

good mood one day. Yeah, right.

“What were you guys talking about with Mitch?” Nicole ask as he pulled onto the highway. When she

had her caseload packed up she went looking for him so they could get going and found him and

Jared in Mitch's office.

“Better security at your offices.” Damon checked his review mirror merging into traffic. “Even when

this is over the security should be better. As many people as you piss off on a daily basis they need

better security.”

Nicole rolled her eyes. “What did he say?” She didn't piss that many people off and certainly not on a

daily basis.

“He agreed and is going to let our team head it up.”

Well, there went the GPS. “Do you really think that's necessary?” Since the club incident there hadn't

been any attempts on her life or even a hint that anyone wanted her dead.

“Yeah, I do.” Damon eyed her. “Just because nothing has happened doesn't mean they gave up. These

people don't give up, Nicole. Not by a long shot.”

“Well, aren't you Sally sunshine.” Nicole snorted. “It's the third house on the right.”

“You need to take this more serious.” Damon followed her up to the door, his gaze watching the sexy

sway of her hips. Yeah, listen to who's talking. They were talking about her life and he couldn't take

his eyes off her curvy ass.

“I am taking it seriously. I just don't like having my life dictated to me.” Knocking on the door Nicole

peeked back catching him looking not at her face. Heat flared through her body. She had never

experienced a man like Damon paying attention to her in any way, let alone checking out her ass and

damn, wasn't that a turn on.

His eyes rising to hers he stepped up onto the porch beside her. “Better dictated to than dead.”

Before she could respond the door swung open showing a six year old vampire jumping up and down

clapping his hands. “Nicki...Nicki....” He shouted, laughing in delight tiny fangs dipping below his

upper lip.

“Hey there Munchkin.” Nicole tapped him on the nose. “Where's your mom and dad?”

“Goodness Austin.” His mom came up smiling. “Calm down and let them in.”

Austin took off running around the house calling Nicole's name sending the dog running for cover.

“Well, he sure looks happy Betty.” Nicole chuckled as she stepped inside, Damon close on her heels.

“We all are, thanks to you.” Betty Rawlins smiled, her eyes bright with tears.

Uncomfortable with the praise she turned to Damon. “Betty, this is Damon DeMaster's. He's helping

out on some of our cases so he's riding along with me today.”

Damon stuck out his hand and took Betty's hand in a gentle grasp. “It's nice to meet you Ma'am.”

Damon smiled stepping back.

“Lord, call me Betty.” She giggled blushing. “Look at me keeping you all standing in the doorway.

Come in and have a seat.”

Nicole grinned knowing Damon probably had that effect on all the women he came in contact with. He

sure had with her and still did. “So how are things going, Betty?” Nicole looked around with a keen

eye seeing a well kept home. Nothing raised red flags. Austin was now chasing the dog around.

“They couldn't be better Nicole.” Betty lead them to the kitchen table where they all three sat down.

“Greg got the promotion at work he has been working so hard for and I gave my two weeks notice so

I could spend more time with Austin. They didn't have any part-time work, so I already have a job set

up that will allow me to be home when Austin is out of school.”

Nicole had pulled their file from her briefcase setting it on the table. “That's wonderful Betty. How is

Austin adjusting to school?” Nicole wrote a few notes.

“Like a fish to water. He gets along well with the other kids and is doing good in his school work. The

teacher has nothing but good to say about him.” Betty beamed like a proud parent.

Nicole made a few more notes then turned looking for Austin. “Hey Munchkin, want to take me to

check out your room?”

Austin jumped from where he was playing with the dog. “Yep.” He ran over grabbing her hand pulling

her along behind him, talking a mile a minute.

“He sure loves Nicole.” Betty smiled watching them disappear into his room. “We owe her so much.”

Damon also watched them disappear before turning his attention back to the woman seated across

from him. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure, but first would you like something to drink?” Betty offered.

“No thank you. I'm fine.” He smiled. “My question is a little personal, so if you don't want to answer

that's fine.”

“Mr. DeMaster's....”


She blushed again. “Damon, my husband and I have been asked so many personal questions since we

decided to adopt that I seriously doubt you've come up with one we haven't heard.”

“Yes, I guess you have, especially if Nicole has been on your case from the beginning.” Damon


“I see you know her well. Yes, she has been our case manager from the beginning and it has been a

pleasure.” Betty chuckled. “I remember once having to call her at three in the morning because Austin

was throwing up constantly and we didn't know what was wrong. I mean all kids get sick, but we

didn't have any understanding about vampire children. We didn't think they could or would get sick.

Nicole came right over and sat up with us until he was feeling better. We still don't know what it was,

but she thought it could have been a side effect from being turned.”

“That could be, but the truth of it is, this is even new to us. I have lived a long time and have only now

been around vampire children since we cannot have them, they can only be turned.” Damon glanced

back toward the room Nicole had disappeared into. “What made you decide to adopt a vampire child?”

“To be honest we were against it.” Betty glanced up at him hesitant. “I mean who in their right might

would want to adopt a child who would always be six years old. A year ago your kind didn't exist to

us. When we first met with Nicole we never dreamed of adopting a vampire and she didn't ask. Instead

she gave us files on children she felt would fit well with us. Little did we know there were human and

vampire children in the files she gave us. We picked two we wanted to meet with and Austin was one

of them. As soon as I laid eyes on him I was in love and so was my husband.”

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