Damon (The Protectors Series) Book #1 (16 page)

BOOK: Damon (The Protectors Series) Book #1
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feels threatened by you and decided to scare you off and it almost worked. I have never been with her

other than feeding...”

“Damon, you don't have to explain this to me. It's really none of my business who you're with or been

with.” Nicole broke in pushing herself off his lap, but he held her not letting her go.

“I know I don't, but I want to.” Damon grasped her chin gently bringing her face to up to meet his

brushing his thumb back and forth across her tear stained cheek. “I have only fed from her Nicole.

The same with Jared and Duncan. We pick who we have relationships with, not the Council.”

She saw in his eyes the truth and felt totally stupid for acting like a jealous idiot. This was all new to

her. She avoided relationships because of this very thing. She didn't want to....hurt and the worst hurt

is loving and not being loved back. “I'm sorry Damon.” Nicole sniffed reaching up touching his hand

that held her chin. “I just don't want to be a problem to anyone. I can't change that about myself.”

“I don't want you to change, but I do want you to trust me to know what is good for you to stay safe.”

Damon brought his other hand up and cupped her face. “Just trust me Nicole.”

Nodding Nicole's stomach flipped and flopped in anticipation. Never had she had a man hold her as

such or stare so intently into her eyes. Licking her bottom lip she watched his eyes change from

concern to blazing desire. His head dipped running his tongue along the same path hers had just taken.

With a moan she touched her tongue to his. One hand slid to the back of her head grabbing her hair

tilting her head back before plunging deeply into her mouth. His other hand went to the small of her

lower back pushing her tightly against him. Straddling him she could feel his cock swell against her

and she wanted nothing more in the world than for him to take her hard right then...right there. To hell

with everything. The only thing that mattered to her at the moment was Damon.

It took both of them a minute to hear someone pounding on the door. Damon pulled away so quick

she would have fallen backward off his lap if he hadn't caught her. Picking her up he stood, hurried

over setting her down in front of her room gently pushing her inside. “Stay there and keep this door

shut.” He ordered closing the door. Damon the lover was gone replaced by Damon the protector.

Heart pounding Nicole quietly cracked her door open to peek out in time to see Jared come through

the door. Closing the door with a click her stomach clinched. She didn't want to see Jared yet. She was

just processing her issues with Damon. Walking to her bed she crawled to the middle cuddling a

pillow to her stomach. Minutes passed before her door opened.

Damon instantly found Nicole huddled on her bed looking pale. “It's just Jared, but I guess you knew

that since you disobeyed me by opening your door.”

She started to argue, but stopped with a sigh. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” She

shrugged. “What does he want?”

Damon crossed the room towering over her touched by her concern for him. “He brought your phone

and bag you left at the gym.” He handed it to her. “I need to take care of something so he is going to

stay here until I can get back.”

Anxious Nicole sat up on her knees. “I'll be fine Damon. He doesn't need to stay.” At his frown she sat

back down. “Never mind. Tell him thanks.”

“Why don't you tell him?” Damon pushed, wanting to get this crap Alice started behind them.

“I'm pretty tired.” She lied laying back then curling up on her side. “Think I'll hit the hay. Will you be

back tonight?”

“He wants to talk to you.” Damon grabbed her hand and pulled her up. “Come on.”

Nicole sighed following him out of her bedroom. She expected him to drop her hand as soon as they

went out to her small living room, but he held it tighter. Glancing from the floor to Jared she was

shocked when he walked over and hugged her tightly.

“You scared the shit out of us Nicole.” Jared pulled back glaring at her. “Don't ever do that again.”

At first Nicole couldn't find her voice. To say she was shocked was an understatement. “I'm sorry I

didn't mean to cause a problem.”

Anger flushed his face. “I know what Alice said to you and it was all bullshit.”

Totally uncomfortable with the situation Nicole backed away letting go of Damon's hand, but he wasn't

having any of it. His grip tightened and he pulled her closer to him. “Listen, I really just want to forget

about the whole thing.” Nicole tried to smile, but hurt still bubbled to the surface. “I shouldn't have left

like I did and I won't again.”

“Did you hear what I said?” Jared eyed her knowing she had, but it didn't penetrate. “Alice is trying to

cause trouble and it isn't going to work. As warriors we have taken an oath to protect and like it or not

you are under our protection. It's what we do and honey, I have to say you have been the most

entertaining person I have ever had the pleasure of protecting.”

Smiling sadly, Nicole walked up to him and kissed him lightly on the cheek. “Thank you.”

Jared again pulled her into a hug. “Anytime honey.”

“Kiss her and I'll break your face.” Damon frowned pulling Nicole out of his friends embrace and into


Jared grinned and winked at her. “Jealous much bro?”

Damon ignored him as he tilted her face up to his. “I'll be back as soon as I can.” Leaning down he

brushed a kiss across her lips. He looked at Jared all tenderness gone from his face. “Take care of her.”

Then he was gone.

Jared rubbed his hands together. “Okay Nicole, what kind of trouble can we get into?”

Feeling better Nicole laughed. “You play Call of Duty?”

“The question human is do you?” Jared headed toward the PlayStation. “Cause I am no gentleman

when it comes to Call of Duty so prepare to get your ass shot off.”

“In your dreams vamp.” Nicole teased. “And since when have you ever been a gentleman.”

Jared turned to give her a glare then grinned. “You got a point there.”

Shaking her head she grabbed two beers from the fridge and hunkered down for a night of gaming.

Chapter 11

Chad stood in the middle of a small dark nasty smelling room wondering for the hundredth time if he

had truly lost his mind. Memories of the night at the hospital haunted him. No he hadn't lost his mind,

revenge had overtaken it. The need for revenge was strong filling his every second making him sick

with hate.

“You got the money?” A raspy voice echoed from a dark corner of the room.

Chad tossed the envelope on the table next to him. “It's all there. Count it if you want.”

Long pale fingers reached out from the darkness tapping the envelope with one long pointed

fingernail. “You sure about this human? Usually it is you bringing me treats to feed my hunger. Their

blood is so sweet and tangy.”

No, he wasn't fucking sure about this Chad thought, but straightened up. Too much depended on this

transaction and he'd be damn if he backed out now. He had some paybacks to dish out and this was his

only option. “Yeah, I'm sure so let's do this before I change my mind.” The envelope disappeared into

the darkness.

“There ain't no going back.” The voice deepened.

“No shit.” Chad watched the thing behind the voice come into the shadowy light and knew he was

totally screwed. Red eyes glowed from the darkness as a figure moved toward him. God this was

crazy, but if he didn't take care of that bitch and her bloodsucking hero he was as good as dead

anyway. This was the only way. Not a praying man, he sent one up anyway hoping the big guy would

hear his one last request to survive what was to come.

“Any last requests human?”

“Yeah, make it quick.” Chad stepped back his eyes growing wide as he got the first look at the thing

behind the voice. “Oh God.”

“Don't think God's gonna help you now.” The evil laugh echoed through the dark room.

Chad screamed as he was attacked. His last thought was of the bitch and her lover dying by his hand.

Soon, very soon. The screams stopped and the only sound in the dark room was the sloppy grotesque

sounds of Chads blood being sucked from his body.

Nicole was the next player up to bat. The charity softball game looked to be a hit, no pun intended, and

she loved it. All proceeds went to the shelters in the county to help with cost.

It had been two days since Damon had left her in Jared's care in which she beat Jared in their war on

Call of Duty. She didn't ask where Damon went or why, but she would trust him to feed like he was

suppose to and he looked better since that night so she knew he had fed, totally confident that it wasn't

from Alice. She had tried to get Damon, Jared and Duncan to play, but they refused saying they would

be there to support.

“Get your head out of your butt Callahan...you're up.” Mitch yelled from third base where he wore the

coach's shirt proudly and let's say a little too seriously. It was, after all, a fun charity game. Yeah, right.

In Mitch's eyes this was the World Series of all World Series. She had warned Mitch and the others

that all curse words would be a dollar if caught since so many kids attended the game. It was kind of

funny to watch Mitch's frustration at not being able to say what he wanted. Catching Damon's eye in

the stands she smiled when he winked. Jared stood whooping and whistling for her. God, how

embarrassing. She shook her head with a grin.

Sid had volunteered to ump for them seeing that no one would argue too much with the badass vamp.

These games, even for charity got a little heated. They, the Cincy Cyclones, were going against the

Newtown Tigers. Rivals for years at these charities, but all in good fun. Nicole took her place and

readied herself to bat more nervous than ever because she could feel Damon's eyes on her. What that

man could do to her with just his eyes alone was unnerving. She glanced over at Mitch who was doing

all kinds of weird stuff with his hands and hat. She had no clue, and neither did he, what the signs

meant, but he said it would throw off the other team....yeah, right.

“Strike.” Sid yelled as the ball came sailing by her.

Okay, now that looked like a ball to her. Eying Sid for a second she then focused on the pitcher.

“Got a problem with that call?” Sid ask from behind his ump mask.

“Would it matter if I did?” She countered.

“Nope.” He chuckled liking his power position.

“You need me to slow that down a little bit Callahan?” Jim Blevins, the other teams pitcher snorted


“Give me what you got Blevins.” Nicole called back. She had played high school and college softball

along with summer leagues so he had nothing on the girls who pitched to her before. Far from it. This

time she made contact dropping the ball behind second base. Making it to first she glanced at Mitch

who stood at his coaching spot with his arms spread wide.

“Lay off the candy Callahan and you probably could have made it to second.” Mitch hollered then

focused on Pam who was up and started his signs again.

Pam kept jumping out of the batter’s box afraid of getting hit, but earned a walk. Pam pranced her way

to first as Nicole headed to second. Next up was Eddie who hit to center field sending Nicole running

and rounding third with Mitch whipping his arms around for her to go home. Seeing the catcher

stooping she knew the ball was coming so she slid feet first just as the catcher got the ball.

“Out!” Sid who had thrown his mask off yelled. Boo's and yells were shouted from the stands. Mitch

was storming to home plate yelling.

“Would hate to be you right now.” Nicole chuckled knowing his call was right on. She was out and

that's why she wasn't in his face right now vampire or not.

“Get back to your base coach.” Sid pointed at Mitch who was pointing his hat at Sid yelling. “Go,

before I throw you out.” Sid wasn't taking any of Mitch's crap.

After their three outs Mitch was giving them their positions leaving Nicole for last. “Callahan, go to

center field.”

“No.” Damon, who came up behind her, answered before she could head out. “I can't protect her out


“Damon I'll be fine.” Nicole sighed. “No one is going to do anything with this many people around.”

Damon eyed Mitch, not budging. “First base.” Mitch nodded.

“I don't play bases.” Nicole refused not wanting to sound like a baby, but wanting to play where she

knew she could do good. She hated playing bases and sucked at it.

“For shit sake.” Mitch grumbled. “Take short stop and send Eddie to center.”

Both Nicole and Mitch looked at Damon who was staring at where short stop would be. When he

nodded Nicole grabbed her glove and headed out on the field. Damon headed around the dugout

toward short stop where he would be close. Jared was close behind him.

Damon stood on the sidelines his senses on full alert. He knew it was a matter of time before a hit was

made. The longer it took the more alert he became because he knew it was coming. These people

didn't give up until they got what they wanted and they wanted Nicole dead. Exactly who wanted her

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