Damon (The Protectors Series) Book #1 (20 page)

BOOK: Damon (The Protectors Series) Book #1
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Damon, I know all about vamps taking the blood of humans and the bloodlust, blah, blah, blah and I

don't take it lightly, but you are a warrior and I trust you never to hurt me, but that isn't it, is it? You

are afraid to be mated to a human. I know you can be mated to one because Jared told me.”

“Jared's an idiot, but you're right, I don't want to be mated to anyone and I will never turn you.”

Damon replied. “I shouldn't have let this go as far as it has.”

“What, playing with the little human?” Nicole snorted. Walking toward the bookshelf he had placed in

front of her door she tried to push it out of the way, but it wouldn't budge. “Dammit....” She felt tears

close and prayed to God they didn't spill over before she could get him out of the apartment.

“I wasn't playing with you.” Damon marched over, moving her out of the way. She pulled her arm

away from his grip with a snap. With ease, he picked up the book case with books and all moving it

back to where it was. He turned to look at her and for a brief moment sorrow filled his eyes, but then

was gone in a flash.

“Just go Damon.” Nicole wished to God she had put her clothes on. She felt stupid standing in a towel

trying to be all serious.

“You're the one with the friends with benefits idea.” He snapped, then frowned shaking his head. “I'm

sorry, I didn't mean that.”

Wow, that was harsh and hurt like hell. With a sad smile she cocked her head. “You meant it and

you're right. I was wrong. I want more....you don't, obviously.” Sighing deeply, her heart breaking

more than she ever imagined, she actually laughed with a bitter edge. “You know, I thought it would

be easier the older I got.” She grabbed his bag handing it to him as she edged him toward the door.

“What?” Damon looked confused.

“Loving someone and having it thrown back in my face.” Shaking her head before he could speak she

started closing the door. “I can't just have a one sided thing Damon. You have your reasons for

wanting to stay distant and I understand, even though you won't talk to me about it, but I understand.

The friends with benefits was because I wanted you so bad and hoped that you could find a way to

love me.”

Damon stuck his foot between the door and the frame before she could shut it. “You love me?”

“Yeah Damon.” Being honest was the only way she was going to know how he felt and she was sick

of the back and forth stuff. Either he would stay and work things out or he would walk away. It was in

his court now, but the not knowing was going to end now. “I think it's obvious to everyone but you. I

have never offered anyone else my blood, which by the way freaks me out, but yeah, I would give

every ounce of blood I have in my body for you. If that's not love than I don't know what is.”

They both stood still as stone, him in the hall and her holding so tightly to the door she was surprised

the wood didn't splinter, staring at each other. As the minutes went by so did Nicole's control. Finally,

he moved his hand up to rub it down his face as if frustrated. “I don't know what to say.”

“Well, that pretty much says it all.” Nicole moved quickly before he could see the pain she was trying

so hard to hide. “Goodbye Damon.” The sound of the door snapping closed and the lock clicking,

echoing through the room hit her hard. Slapping a hand over her mouth knowing Damon's keen

hearing she rushed to her bedroom closing the door quickly before grabbing a pillow to cover her

face. Never had she felt this type of devastation. Not once had her love being turned down felt this

way. Curling up she laid down and cried into her pillow praying she was strong enough to survive the

pain this time, truly terrified she wasn't.

Chapter 14

Pam flipped through the papers Nicole has finished. “Bored much?”

“You don't even know.” Nicole snorted. “There is only so much I can do around here. My apartment

has never been this clean....ever. Please tell me you talked them into letting me come back.”

“Mitch is working on it.” Tossing the paperwork on her briefcase, Pam sat at the kitchen bar. “At least

they are letting you do paperwork here.”

“Nothing has happened.” Nicole flipped her hands up in frustration. “Seriously Pam, I think this whole

thing was a bunch of crap. I mean, I don't even need around the clock bodyguards anymore.”

“I believe that is because you refused their services so they could use their talents looking for the ones

responsible for all of this so you could get back to your job.” Pam replied in one breath flipping her

fingers up doing air quotations.

Rolling her eyes Nicole took a bite out of the sandwich Pam brought her. “Well, it’s true. The children

are suffering, not me. The more warriors they have working on this the better.”

“And....there she is again....Mother Teresa in the flesh.” Plopping a chip into her mouth Pam grinned.

“You never cease to amaze me.”

“Whatever Pam. You take your job as serious as I do.”

“They think Chad's missing.” Pam laid that bombshell out.

“What?” Nicole sputtered, water dribbling out the corner of her mouth.

“He never came in to pick up his last paycheck or clean out his desk. Mitch just thought he was pissed,

but then the police came by saying the neighbor's had called because his mail was overflowing the

mailbox and newspapers were all over his driveway. No one has seen him since the night at the

hospital.” Pam twirled her phone around on the counter, deep in thought. “They think it's all

connected. The attempts on your life, Mitch's and now Chad.”

“So that means I am still out of work.” Nicole grimaced at how shallow that sounded. She and Chad

had issues, but that didn't mean she wanted to see anything terrible happen to him.

“It doesn't look promising.”

“That is so unfair. I mean all of you are taking a chance so what makes me so special?” Nicole hissed,

slamming her hand on the table.

“Honestly.” Pam cocked an eyebrow. “We, as in all of us, are not sleeping with one of the highly

acclaimed warriors.”

Totally taken back, Nicole was speechless for a minute. “Excuse me?”

“Oh, yeah.” Pam nodded. “I got the scoop from Mitch.”

“Spill it friend. What scoop?” Nicole knew for a fact she was not going to like this one bit.

“That Damon told Mitch if you weren't pulled off the job he would have the Council pull all the

warriors out.” Pam shook her head. “I just found this out today when I talked to Mitch about you

coming back to work.”

“That son of a bitch.” Nicole yelled, stomping around the kitchen looking for something to throw.

Picking up a glass she threw it into the sink. She had never felt more betrayed in her life. He knew

how much her job meant to her and to have it taken away because of him.

“Ahhh...Nicole you're bleeding.” Pam got up to get a wet paper towel.

Swiping her cheek with her shaking hand she saw the blood which ticked her off more because

memories from a month ago when Damon had refused her blood came back slamming into her mind.

“Where is he?”

“Who Mitch?” Pam handed her the towel.

“No, that no good, blood suckin vamp.” Nicole grabbed her purse heading for the door. “You


“Are you freakin kidding? I wouldn't miss this for the world.” Pam grabbed her stuff and hurried out

the door.

Nicole, with Pam following closely, slammed into the warehouse looking around.

“What the hell happened to your face Callahan?” Mitch bellowed stomping her way.

Okay, that was definitely a case of deja vu taking her back a step. Out of the corner of her eye she

could see Pam shaking her head at Mitch in warning. “Not now Mitch. I'll get to you later.”

Jared walked up to them at that moment. “Everything okay?” His eyes went to each of them before

landing on Nicole.

“No, everything is not okay.” Nicole frowned. “Where is he?”

“Who?” Jared crossed his arms, his stance spread wide.

She went to go past him to find Damon herself, done with the games, but he blocked her path. “I'll tell

him you're here and if he wants to see you then he will.” Jared glared down at her.

“Did you know?” Nicole felt her chin quiver and bit her lip hoping to stop it.

Jared just stared at her for a minute then nodded. She knew her mind was so wide open he could

probably read what she had for lunch a week ago. “Yeah, I did know, we all agreed that it was the best

for you.”

Closing her eyes, she dropped her head. “How could he do that to me?”

“He was trying to keep you safe.” Jared shook his head. “Is your job more important than your own


“My job is my life.” She brought her eyes back to his, not answering his question directly. “It wasn't

his decision to make.”

“I disagree.” Jared replied, his gaze softening a bit. “As your protector he had every right. You can't

save the world Nicole.”

“I'm not trying to save the world.” Nicole lashed back turning and heading toward the door. “Just the

ones that can't save themselves.”

“I will see what I can do to get you back on.” Mitch told her as she passed. “If they pull out, then they

pull out.”

“You bet your ass you will Mitch or I swear I will go to a different county.” Nicole pushed open the

door walking into the night. She really didn't know what in the hell she wanted anymore. This whole

thing had turned her world upside down and she didn't know what to do, what to think or who to

trust. Pam followed her out.

“Nicole...wait.” Pam ran up beside her.

Nicole stopped in front of Pam's car. “I don't know what to think anymore Pam. I mean I don't want

some pity party, I just want my life back. It wasn't the greatest, but it was mine. I know I'm anal about

that, but I can't help it.”

“I understand.” Pam nodded and she truly did because she knew Nicole better than anyone. “I also

understand their need to protect. I have learned a lot since working with Jared and I really think you

need to talk to Damon.”

Shaking her head, Nicole snorted. “No.” She headed toward the passenger side of the car, but before

she could open the door she heard the door lock click. Looking up she saw Pam holding the key lock.

“Do you realize since that night you have not said his name?” Pam crossed her arms. “Jared said he is

not doing any better than you are since that night. And do you know that he sits outside your

apartment every night watching to make sure you're safe and if he can't, he makes sure someone else


Nicole glanced up, eyes wide in shock.

“Come on Nicole. Do you really think that after all they have done Damon would just say, 'Oh, okay,

well see ya around' and leave you without protection.” Pam rolled her eyes.

“I didn't think....” Nicole shook her head. God what a freakin mess. “I told him that I didn't need their

protection....that I didn't want their protection.”

“Why? Because he didn't want your blood.” Pam shook her head. “You know Nicole I love you like a

sister, but I really think you're wrong. I told you your heart was going to be in this for the long haul

and dammit, I was right. You love him and to protect yourself, you pushed him away without even

finding out why he refused your blood.”

“I don't love him....” The lie stuck in her throat. “anymore.”

“And once again I call bullshit.” Pam pointed at her. “You know I never figured you for a coward.

You were probably the bravest person I have ever met, but now I don't see that in you at all. All I see

is a woman who is letting others dictate her life and all you can do is yell and be pissed. Why don't you

help yourself like you have a hundred times in the past and talk to him?”

Okay, that was harsh, but Nicole figured well deserved. “Yeah, well guess that won't happen since

Jared won't tell me where he is.”

“He's right behind you leaning on his bike. He must have been on watch detail and followed us here.”

Pam giggled at the horrid look that crossed Nicole's face.

“Are you serious?” Nicole paled.

“As a heart attack.” Pam grinned. “And he is looking at you like he could gobble you up.”

“I'm gonna kick your ass.” Nicole grunted then turned around.

“Yeah, get in line chick.” Pam unlocked her car and got in to wait, a wicked grin stretched across her


Nicole charged across the parking lot ready to let loose on the vamp, but slowed when she caught site

of Damon. “You look like hell.”

That half grin that she loved so much curved his lips. “You look beautiful as always.”

Okay, that was a new one. He'd never complimented her like that before and it turned her brain to

mush sending all kinds of girly feelings through her body. A small sigh escaped her lips before she

straightened her spine. Dammit....get a grip girl. You don't need what's left of your heart stomped on.

“Why did you do it Damon?”

He didn't even hesitate before answering. “To keep you safe.”

“I'm not the only person doing this job.” She countered, trying her best not to step toward him,

wanting so badly to touch him and have him hold her. It had been such a hard month trying to get

over this man and now seeing him so close brought it all back like a punch to the stomach.

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