Curve Effect (A BBW Box Set of Contemporary, Science Fiction and Paranormal Romances) (38 page)

BOOK: Curve Effect (A BBW Box Set of Contemporary, Science Fiction and Paranormal Romances)
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Bryce slowly shook her head and he pulled the banana back out.

“I’ll starve if you don’t,” he said.

Kneeling on the floor next to him, she studied the spread again. “I thought you were an artist?” she challenged. He looked at her like she’d just impugned his manhood, but it wasn’t his lovely cock that had her biting back a giggle. “Oh, don’t pout…you have to admit it,” she teased. “Except for the center piece, that’s the most ridiculous smiley face ever!”

“Then you’ll have to make it disappear,” he said, flexing his abdominal muscles so that his cock bobbed in her direction.

She arched one brow and ran a fingertip over his erection. “You mean the centerpiece?”

“That, too,” he answered and popped the banana back in his mouth.

Bryce slid along the floor until she was even with his head. She pulled her hair out of the way and leaned over his face to gingerly take a bite of the banana. He worked an equal bite into his mouth and winked at her.

He loosened the drawstring on her blouse then dropped his hand to her hip. She shared another bite with him while his hand traveled under the hem of her blouse and then up to cup her bare breast. He gave a little pinch to her nipple and she moaned, biting through the banana and finding his lips. She swallowed the slick bite whole and then kissed him. Her tongue slid into his mouth and he drew her nipple taut, releasing her breast only when she drew back for air.

“Strip,” he ordered. “Here, completely.”

“I won’t get messy,” she promised before picking up one of the kiwi slices and bringing it to his mouth. He kept his lips pressed together and when she gently ran the slice over his lips he turned his head to the side. She bit into the fruit, watching him play hard to get while she finished the slice. “I said I won’t get messy,” she repeated.

“I plan on you getting very messy,” he countered.

Bryce stood, biting on her lip to control the pout she could feel building. She stepped from the pants and underwear first, leaving her body partially camouflaged by the top’s length. She folded the clothes and sat them on the coffee table before kneeling again. She untied the drawstring the rest of the way. Pressed against the side of the couch, she pulled the blouse off, tossed it on top of the folded pants, and dipped her head to take another kiwi slice from his chest. This time, when she offered it to him, he took a bite.

Still holding the piece of fruit in his mouth, he cupped her breast and drew her to him. With the kiwi between his teeth, he rubbed against her nipple until it was taut and glistening with the fruit’s juices. Then he swallowed the kiwi and began sucking at her nipple.

The way he sucked at her made Bryce instantly melt. First he pulled the nipple all the way into his warm, wet mouth. Then his lips circled her areola and he stroked one side of the bud with the flat of his tongue. Slow, sweet—it made her feel like she was floating. When he was finished with being soft and sweet, he increased the pressure, stretching the tip until the sharp pull of pleasure shattered across her skin and he finally released her.

She bent to pluck a strawberry slice from his chest, but he popped one in his mouth and drew her back to take a bite. As she chewed, he took another fat chunk and drizzled a trail of juice between her breasts, down her stomach and across her mound. He slid the tip between her labia, rubbing her clit with it before he popped the strawberry into his mouth and swallowed. He crooked his finger at her, motioning her close enough that he could lick the line of juice between her breasts while his fingers parted her labia again to caress and tug at her clit.

Except for the fact that his mouth, tongue and fingers were teasing her bare skin, Bryce forgot she was naked. She pushed him flat onto his back with one hand and squeezed strawberry pulp up his chest, over his nipples and up to press against his closed lips. He smiled just enough for the juice to dribble into his mouth. She followed the juice with her tongue. When the taste was gone, she followed the trail she had left over his nipples, down to his navel and the first bite of meat. The quarter size sausage patty was still warm and juicy. She offered it to him and selected a second slice for her own use. She ran it over his erection, making his cock glisten a dark golden oak.

She placed all the slices on the nearby plate and took his cock in hand, smiling at him once before descending. “This is what I’m hungry for.”


Walt watched the red, wet pout of Bryce’s lips swallow the head of his cock, the oils from the meat lubricating the way as she absorbed more of his shaft into her mouth. Her hair slid down the side of her face and blocked his view. He rose up on his elbows and tucked the strand behind her ear. He watched, absorbed in her movements and the sensations. But, as much as he loved her mouth working his shaft, wrapping him in its tight warm caverns, it wasn’t what he had planned.

“Bryce,” he panted, his fingers digging into the couch’s leather cushions, “I’m supposed to be driving you crazy.”

She suctioned him tighter, deeper, obviously intent on not letting him have his way just yet. There was something about the touch of her mouth that drove him quickly to the edge, faster than he had ever experienced before. He could feel her muscles contracting in protest. The convulsive squeezes of her throat were about to drive him insane.

Trying to control himself, he held the couch cushions in a white-knuckled grip before he demanded too much of that near virgin mouth.

Bryce curled a palm around his hip and dug her fingertips into the side of his tensed glutes. Spreading her legs so that they were no longer tucked beneath her, she lowered her stomach and chest closer to the floor. She drew him onto his side and a little forward, so that his stiff cock pointed at an angle over the edge of the couch and her throat was in a straight line with her upturned mouth. Her other palm gripped his exposed shoulder.

She held onto him like that, her body rigid everywhere but her shoulders, mouth and throat. He could feel her elongating her tongue, pressing it flat against the side of his cock.

Walt put a hand on her shoulder, gently forcing her first to release him and then into a position flat on her back. He slid onto the floor next to her and lifted the plate from the coffee table. There was a condom beneath it and he picked it up. He flashed the silver wrapper at Bryce but didn’t open it. Instead, he put the package back on the table.

“I’m going to fill you until you come Bryce,” he promised, the head of his cock poised at the threshold of her cunt. She groaned and he groaned with her, sliding hard and fast into her slick cunt.

Bryce clamped down on him, her pussy snug around the sensitive foreskin and sheath. She contracted at the base and the impish gleam in her eyes told him it was intentional. Walt threw his head back as she did it again.

“Christ, Brycie, what are you doing?” he moaned, tightening his ass cheeks and thrusting deeper into her.

“Kegels.” She giggled as she answered, the word coming out as “kehegels.” She tightened again, the smile on her face fixed and slightly maniacal. She was panting, determined. “I can get myself off just with the contractions,” she confessed before blushing furiously.

“Ah…damn, Brycie, you’re going to bring me off just as quick—if not quicker.”

Her mouth twitched and she gave another concentrated roll and thrust of her hips. “I want you coming inside me,” she said and gave him another squeeze that made his eyes roll back in their sockets.

Walt dropped his head, breathing harder, his legs and ass shaking with the effort not to come. He wanted to, wanted to come inside her unsheathed in an ultimate exchange of intimacy. “I’m not covered,” he managed to grunt out.

“I’m covering you.” Another squeeze of the muscles along her perineum and he dropped his body until it pressed against her.

“You could get pregnant.” It sounded stupid warning her when it was against his self interest. His chest and cock swelled at the thought of her carrying his child.

“Then you’d have to marry me,” she answered, her tone so matter-of-fact it startled him.

Walt pushed up until he could look down at her, his erection still buried inside her. She had her eyes closed, as if she didn’t want him to see the truth of what she was thinking. But was it that she wanted something beyond this weekend as much as he did, or that she planned on giving him a complete brush off come Monday morning?

“Bryce,” he whispered. “You can’t joke about this—not about a baby.”

She stilled beneath him and her eyes fluttered open. There was a flicker of scrutiny as if she wondered at the sudden source of panic in his voice. But then the look was gone, leaving the beautiful, soul-deep hazel eyes in thoughtful study of his face for another moment.

“If you get me pregnant, Walt Diaz, you’ll have to marry me,” she repeated. “Do you understand?”

Walt answered her with a kiss, his body melting as she rolled the muscles at the outer edge of her pussy along the base of his shaft. She was inching up and down him with just those muscles, pulling his sensitive sheath with her as she hugged him tighter with the rest of her cunt. He laid flat against her, nuzzling the side of her face as he let her control both of their bodies. The intimacy of being inside her like this brought him to the very edge of his climax. Despite one questionable claim from a previous partner, he didn’t think he had ever climaxed inside a woman without a condom on. As far as his memory served—his sober memory, that was—he’d never dared to even venture into one of his earlier lovers without an interposing layer of latex.

Here, nothing separated Bryce from him and every last inch of his cock experienced the way her sex hugged him.

Arching his back as she pulled him deeper, her little pants of “yes, now” goading him on, he came.

Calling her name.

Telling her he loved her.


Chapter Eleven


They rested quietly on the floor after their climax, the coffee table pushed far from the couch so that Diaz could lay on his side next to Bryce, one arm cradling her head while the other arm lay gently across her chest as he stroked her shoulder. He wanted to talk, she knew that, but every time he opened his mouth, she tensed on purpose.

It wasn’t his fault he’d said it, and she didn’t have any intention of holding him to it—or any other promise he had made. That wouldn’t be fair, knowing what she knew. And she wouldn’t get pregnant, at least not without divine intervention—the cocktail of birth control pills her doctor prescribed suddenly accomplishing more than just controlling her monthly cycle down to a non-event.

“I know what you’re thinking,” Diaz blurted out at last. “That I want to take what I said back, or brush it off like I didn’t say it.”

Bryce turned to him and placed her palm softly against his chest. “No, that isn’t what I’m thinking,” she answered. “I think you meant to say it—all of it. I think you still mean it.”

“Then why do I get the feeling you were trying to shut me up?”

He rolled, forcing Bryce onto her back again and positioning himself over her. He cupped her cheek, his gaze studying her with an intensity that almost frightened her.

“Because I was,” she answered.

Diaz pulled back. Before he sat up and turned his back to her, she saw a stone mask settle over his face. “You mean it’s because you don’t want to hear it?”

“No.” She answered slowly, trying to choose her words very carefully and cursing Erato for putting her in a situation where she couldn’t even acknowledge what she most wanted. “It felt wonderful hearing you say it.”

She rolled onto one elbow and reached up, her fingertips brushing his shoulder blade. The muscle beneath twitched with his anger and she dropped her hand. “I just think the weekend’s novelty will wear off for you, and so it hurts to hear you say it even knowing you mean it right now.”

That was close enough to the truth, she thought, waiting tensely for him to respond. She didn’t have to tell him she knew without a doubt that it would wear off. She could sense he was growing angrier, her answer only making things worse. This time, when she placed her hand against his back, he jerked entirely away from her.

“So you think I’m a shallow fuck, is that it?” he asked. He kept his back to her, his whole body wound tight.

Bryce sat up, placed her back to the couch and pulled her legs in close to her body. Damn, if Erato was going to give her words for the story, why couldn’t she have given her words for this? “I think what I’m saying is that you have a little over a day and a half to change my world view.”

Well, that shocked him,
she thought as he turned to look at her, his gaze clouded with confusion.

“Change your world view?”

She nodded and swallowed hard before she answered. “That a man like you could ever love a woman like me.”

She despised the hurt she could hear in her own voice but it seemed to melt his anger. He turned around and scooted until they were both sitting with their backs against the couch.

He put his arm behind her and pressed his lips to her ear. “Brycie, baby, who hurt you like this?”

Who hadn’t?

She shook her head, letting him know that she wouldn’t answer. She had always been larger than other girls as far back as she could remember. What point was there in telling him about her first year in school and all the years that followed up to college, or about her parents’ silent loathing? That was all in the past, or should be, and all subjective. At least that’s what her intellect told her.

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