Curve Effect (A BBW Box Set of Contemporary, Science Fiction and Paranormal Romances) (34 page)

BOOK: Curve Effect (A BBW Box Set of Contemporary, Science Fiction and Paranormal Romances)
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She felt the exasperated twitch of his cock against her bottom and he buried his face in the bend of her neck. “Bryce, baby.” He sighed her name, his grip on her tightening. “I already told you, I think you’re beautiful.”

And I can find a hundred guys who don’t.

She twisted the bracelet around the circle of her wrist a few times and then chewed on an already tattered nail. “Can I keep the bracelet on?” she asked, not quite relenting.

“Of course.”

Diaz went to remove one of the books but she stayed his hand.

“Not yet,” she said. “I want to look a little more.” She wanted him to stay next to her, too, filling the soft valley of her ass with his cock. He had stayed hard the whole time, the knowledge squeezing a contraction from the eager muscles of her cunt.

“It’s all so stylized,” she said. Running a finger over the image of a reclining woman, she tapped the clean mons. “It’s all so powdered and…shaved?”

His cock twitched again, longer and stronger than when it had first jumped against her skin. Her body, disobedient, twitched back, momentarily gripping his erection.

“Let me shave you.” The request was whispered. His hand, still on her hip, dropped down to brush once against the blonde fur of her sex.

“If you want me…it, like that,” she stammered, “it will take me about fifteen minutes.”

“I want to do it.” His touch grew bolder, starting first with a brief caress of her inner thigh. He combed his fingers up through her pubic hair, his nails lightly raking her skin. Then he smoothed the hair back down, his first two fingers slipping between the thick folds of her labia to touch her clit.

Bryce jerked against him, her breathing panicky and erratic. Erato couldn’t have meant that she yield to any and all requests?

“I need to learn your contours, Bryce.” He stroked deeper, his thumb joining the fray to keep the pressure stacked on her clit. He nuzzled her neck, his cock pulsing between her ass cheeks as the strokes to her pussy grew faster.

Panting, she covered his hand with her own, forcing him to still his touch, but not pushing him away. What hadn’t he just discovered about her contours? He had worked the exterior of her cunt until she was hovering on the point of orgasm. That should be enough.

“Step over the edge, Bryce.” He breathed the words into her ear. “You won’t mind the fall—and I’ll be right there with you.”

“You, you can shave me,” was all she could muster. Hell, if he was disgusted with her come Monday, she could always teach English in Japan.

“You’re sure?” Wrapped tightly in his growing passion, the question didn’t even sound like real words.

“Yes.” Bryce wanted to cry. She didn’t want to think about why the tears were there, hovering, she only knew that she was oddly relieved when he got up and left the room.


Chapter Six


The books were still open on the bed and Bryce picked them up, trying to find some calm by stacking them into an even line on the floor before she eased them back under the bed. When it sounded like Diaz had finished gathering everything he would need to shave her, she returned to the bed and partially hid beneath the covers. Did he want to do it on the bed? Somewhere else? It seemed like something terribly messy to do outside the bathroom.

Diaz came into the bedroom carrying a bowl filled with water and two towels wrapped around the razor and shaving cream. He placed these on the floor and then turned off all but the standing lamp. Instead of returning to the shaving supplies or telling her where he wanted her, he laid down next to her. He was on his side, one hand propping his head up. He touched his fingertips to her collarbone then slowly trailed them up to her chin. With just his index finger, he stroked her bottom lip.

His gaze drifted between her mouth and eyes. “This is going to be very intimate.” When Bryce could only manage a swallow and a nod, he smiled.

“So,” he asked, “are you going to let me kiss you?”

He was asking permission to kiss her after he’d had his hand between her legs? And yet, she wasn’t a virgin down there, at least not technically. She’d taken care of that herself. But her mouth—twenty-nine years old and she’d never kissed a boy. How could she confess that? Tell the truth, lie or just say “no”?

No, you can’t kiss me. Take my pussy, take my ass, but please don’t kiss me.

She didn’t think she could stand kissing him tonight and then going back to being near strangers on Monday.

“You look like I just ran your puppy over, Bryce.”

His expression was troubled, more so when she answered him.

“I feel like you kinda did,” she whispered.

He pulled his hand back to his own body. “Then why are you here?”

Certainly not because of Erato’s bribe. She could still remember the first day she’d seen him. It had been the day he’d moved in and she’d cast him as the star of that night’s fantasy. Something about that climax had felt utterly connected—as if he’d actually done something to give it to her. From that night on, she’d invited no other man into her fantasies and it wasn’t long before she’d developed a full-on crush for Diaz.

She’d noticed the way she was never invisible to him despite her best attempts, but she also had noticed the way nothing was invisible to him. And even though the latter realization made her feel a little less special, it didn’t lessen the crush. She went to bed thinking about him, particularly following those days when she could hear him working out next door, or when they had passed in the courtyard and she had imagined that his eyes lingered a little longer and a little more favorably than they should have. She’d stroke herself while thinking about him, inside and out. Her fingers became his, the small box of sex toys in her dresser making poor substitutes for his cock.

“You don’t even know why?”

Bryce looked at him. The emotions playing across his face confused her. He looked hurt, and she had been the cause. “I know why…I’m just afraid to say it.”

Frown lines ran deep across his forehead and he chewed at his bottom lip. A second later, his expression smoothed with determination. He leaned closer to her and curled his hand around her shoulder.

“Bryce, I’m going to kiss you unless you tell me not to.”

He waited the time it took her to breathe in once, time enough for her to object if she wanted to before he pressed his mouth against hers. The pressure was light at first and then his hand cupped the side of her face. The demand of the kiss intensified, his thumb playing at the corner of her mouth to coax her lips open. She felt his other hand touch the top of her head, the long fingers weaving their way into her hair. His tongue traced the line of her sealed lips, his mouth opening wider to cover hers.

Bryce relaxed and let his tongue sweep gently into her mouth to thrust and lick. She brought her palm against his chest and brushed her fingertips against his hard nipple. Diaz groaned. The vibration filled her mouth and echoed down her throat until she was groaning with him, kissing and thrusting with a matching passion. She dared to touch him lower, her hand traveling down his body to brace against the tightly drawn waist muscles.

Diaz wound his fingers more securely in her hair while his other hand claimed one firm breast. He squeezed, gently, and brought his index and thumb to press against her nipple.

It was glorious and disturbing at the same time. Her nipple instantly hardened and she felt as if a live wire had just touched her, its electricity lashing around her body until she shook with its energy. She turned into his touch, a frustrated moan escaping her when her skin came into contact with the satin fabric of his pants. She wanted him equally exposed, wanted to feel the smooth velvet skin of his cock and have it serve as a lightning rod for the uncontrollable power running through her.

He broke the kiss and buried his face in the silky flow of her hair against the pillow. He was panting, still holding her tight, his whole body tense. He slid alongside her until his mouth was against her ear.

“I’m going to come just touching you like this.”

Bryce hadn’t stopped shaking, the contractions of her pussy hitting hard and vehemently. She squeezed her ass and thighs, trying to master her body’s responses, but the pressure and the slide of her labia against her clit threatened to send her spiraling further out of control. She grabbed his ass, her fingertips digging into the firm glutes. The difference in their heights had the jut of his covered erection wedged against the top split of her cunt.

“Don’t move,” she begged. Another second and she would either be back in control—or coming against him.


Walt felt her shudder against him, heard the tremor of air around her mouth as she sucked it in. He remained motionless, his balls drawn tight, and he bit down hard on his top lip to stop the climax that would come with just one more sensual roll of her mound against the head of his cock. His ass tensed and Bryce dug her fingertips in harder, the breath she had been holding leaving her body in one long moan.

God, he wanted to pull his pants down and spread her legs, spearing his cock into the sweet pussy his fingertips had touched less than half an hour ago. But he knew he wouldn’t be able to take her gently.

He’d waited so long, fantasized about the cherry red mouth of hers far too many nights, to take her gently when he was this aroused. He needed her wet and ready, her body pleading for his cock no matter how hard he slammed into her. He wanted to make her come.

To make her come again.

His chest swelled at the thought she had trusted him, trusted his touch, enough to find release. It wasn’t, he imagined, something she allowed very often.

When the last tremor passed through Bryce, he slid to the floor, moving in inches, stopping to kiss her shoulder, the inside bend of her elbow and her wrist. As he moved, he guided her so that she no longer ran the vertical length of the bed, but was positioned across its width, her bottom perched at its edge.

She pressed her knees tight together and he kissed those, too. He ran his hand along the underside of her thighs, stroking and massaging until he felt some give to her nervous resistance. When she finally parted her legs, he could smell just how hot she was. The aroma of her juices mingled with her body wash, the fragrance a sharp ruby grapefruit that bit at his cock and nipples. He wanted to dive in face first, licking and nibbling her to another climax.

Instead, he advanced on her slowly. He worked her thighs far enough apart that his shoulders filled the “V” of her legs. Her labia remained closed, but the translucent cream of her excitement glistened at the dividing line. He beaded at the sight of her, the mix of citrus and the sweet honey of her cunt making his nostrils flare in appreciation of her scent.

Reaching behind him, he found the bundle of towels that held the razor and shaving cream. He unrolled one towel and coaxed Bryce into lifting her bottom long enough for him to slide the towel under her. He used the act to bring his face close to the silky triangle of hair. He felt her tense in anticipation and wondered if she was ready to let him kiss her there, too.

God, I hope so.

His biceps under her thighs, he wrapped his forearms up and around her hips, holding her in place as he ran his mouth and nose over her soft bush. Everything about her was lush and enticing. She squirmed and he looked up in time to see her draw her arms above her head, her hands fisting in the bedspread.

Smiling, he watched her across the rise of her mound as his tongue slid over the top split of her labia. She tensed, her breasts still as she waited to breathe again. He slid his tongue between her lips and lightly touched the spot at the very top of her clit’s spine. She pulled more air into her body but didn’t breathe out. Her breasts pushed higher at the intake. Their small forms took on a hard ripeness as they swelled with her excitement. The nipples drew tight, darkening in jealousy as he teased her lower body.

Slow, slow, slowly.
He paced his tongue’s assault down the length of her clit. Just as slowly, he brought it back up. He heard her breathe out, and then he licked her again.

“Walt…” She said his name softly, a hint of pleading and long denied hunger making her voice thick. “Please don’t stop.”

In control, he smiled against the press of her labia and rolled the hood of her clit between his tongue and top lip before answering her. She rolled with him, her hips and shoulders grinding in opposite directions on the mattress, the gyrations punctuated by a low, frustrated mewling.

“I won’t, Bryce baby,” he answered. “I’m going to kiss and suck and tease until you come.” He underscored his words with a quick swipe. “And then I’m going to shave you.” Another lick, longer than the last and ending with a lingering suck. “And then I’m going to taste you all over again.”

Bryce responded with a shaky moan, bringing her braceleted hand down to cover her face. He saw that all but a single charm—a dove—had been removed. Seeing Aphrodite’s symbol of pure love, his chest tightened. Had Bryce put the charm on for him, knowing what it meant?

Diaz pushed aside that particular hope and concentrated on pleasing her. He brought both hands to her pussy, taking one full lip in each and massaging them. He used the pads of his thumbs to tease her, one rubbing against the inner breach of her clit while the other circled the tight ring of her cunt. Bryce continued to move with him, arching and thrusting her hips. Covering her engorged clit with his mouth and sucking at it, he used both thumbs to test the taut inner circle of muscle that guarded her pussy.

BOOK: Curve Effect (A BBW Box Set of Contemporary, Science Fiction and Paranormal Romances)
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