Curve Effect (A BBW Box Set of Contemporary, Science Fiction and Paranormal Romances) (35 page)

BOOK: Curve Effect (A BBW Box Set of Contemporary, Science Fiction and Paranormal Romances)
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He teased her pussy wider, slicking his tongue down and inside her, licking his way back up to attack the swollen little hood while his thumbs pumped deeper. He whispered his vespers against the creamy silk of her labia and thighs.

She came as he urged her on. Only his hands touched her now. His thumbs stretched her wide and thrust into her while his index fingers rubbed up and down the length of her clit.

Biting the flesh of her wrist, she bucked against the assault, pumped against his thumbs while her shoulders and head thrashed along the center of the bed.

He didn’t stop until he’d wrung the last of her climax from her. Until his hands were wet with her cream and she was gently crying “no more”.


Chapter Seven


Bryce wasn’t sure about the shake in Diaz’s hand as he brought the razor up to her shaving-cream covered mound. He was trying to control it, she could tell, but his efforts only intensified the shake until he trembled from his fingertips to his shoulder. His gaze was clouded and he obviously was trying just as hard to focus.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to do this?” she asked.

“You’ll go hide in the bathroom if I say ‘yes’,” he answered. His voice somehow managed to simultaneously shake and growl. It was the sexiest sound she had ever heard, and it tugged at her nipples and clit like one sharp pull on a drawstring.

“And if I promise I won’t go hide?” She gave him a shy smile, not quite believing the teasing tone she had adopted was really hers or that she was contemplating shaving in front of him.

Diaz rubbed his cheek against the inside of her thigh, his gaze never leaving her face. “Bryce, I’m probably going to bust either way.”

She giggled, pleased and shocked—shocked not only by what he said, but that he could make her giggle like some pre-teen. Strike that, she hadn’t giggled since she was five, right before she’d started kindergarten.

“If you sit in the chair and watch,” she suggested as she pushed up onto her elbows and took the razor from him, “you’ll be able to use both hands to keep…” Arching one brow, she stared at the heavy bulge of erect cock that pressed against the front panel of his pants. “Keep things in control. Right?”

He nodded, looking even more dazed and unfocused, and reached for the bowl of water. He placed the bowl on the nightstand and repositioned the chair so that he could sit between her splayed legs.

“Ready?” She planted a foot on each side of him and gave the razor a little twirl, feeling naughty and completely in command of the situation.

Diaz clasped her ankles. She stared at him, the intensity of his grip surprising her. He licked his lips, then drew the bottom one between his teeth. He held her like that, his passion hypnotizing her, until he nodded.

Bryce drew the razorblade down across her mound. She rinsed the blade then stroked the same path again, the pale white skin of her mound appearing in a one-and-a-half inch stripe. Diaz let go of her left ankle and slid his hand beneath the waistband of his pants. She saw the push of fabric as he wrapped his hand around his cock and squeezed. It wouldn’t be long, she realized, before her own hands began to shake. She wanted to see him—to touch, kiss and taste him as intimately as he had feasted upon her.

While she could still control her hands, she shaved a second stripe clean, and then a third. Diaz closed his eyes and leaned his head back. His lips, pressed tightly together, trembled as if he were biting at the insides. She stopped, giving them both time to regain their control.

When he dropped his head back down, his gaze half-lidded, she continued clearing the strips that bordered the “V” of her mound. Shaving lower, she had to bring her feet up onto the chair’s widely spaced armrests. She could feel the lips of her pussy part. Next came the cool onrush of air against the opening of her cunt as she totally exposed her body to his view. Diaz groaned, blinking every few seconds, both hands down his pants.

Pinching one labia to the side to shave its edge, she paused. “Show me,” she said and tilted her chin in the direction of his lap.

“S-show you?” He was breathing hard, the smooth, muscled pectoral planes of his chest rising and falling in rapid succession.

Bryce gave the razor another twirl. “Yes, I want you as naked as I am,” she answered and poised the razor over the exposed labia, refusing to go on until he complied.

Diaz gripped the waist of his pants, stretching the fabric past his erection as he eased them down his hips. Lifting his ass to push the pants down his thighs, his full cock came into view.

Bryce made a soft gurgle at the back of her throat. “Now I think I’m going to bust,” she said, her gaze taking a second trip along the length of his uncut cock.

The tip was a watermelon-red center hidden inside a thick sheath of foreskin the color of light walnut. The veins bulged with his excitement and patterned the sheath with a network of bumps and ridges that left Bryce squirming in anticipation of having him inside her. He kicked out of the pants and the shaft jumped toward her. She wanted to reach out and wrap her hand around it—or hands, the girth and length not easily managed with just one. It was the most beautiful cock she had ever seen and the first one in the flesh.

Naked, muscles rippling with his physical confidence, Diaz leaned back against the chair and wrapped both hands around his cock. He pulled the foreskin down, revealing the shiny red arrowhead. A single pearlescent bead glistened in its slit, and Bryce licked her lips, her whole body churning for a taste.

Setting the razor on the towel Diaz had spread beneath her, she wiped the last of the shaving cream from her mound. Then she dropped both feet to the floor and leaned forward. “This isn’t fair, you know?” she said.

She wasn’t looking at his face. She’d had seven months to study it. His nose was cat-like—somewhat flat and broadening to a rounded tip. The jaw and cheekbones were strong, the chin a perfect curve that matched the fuller lower lip. The top lip was thinner, and oh-so-firm—able, as she had just learned, to exert exquisite pressure on the top length of her clit while his tongue and bottom lip gently teased the fleshy hood and the sensitive opening to her urethra. And she had gotten lost, if only for a few seconds, in the olive green gaze every time she’d come face-to-face with him since he’d moved in.

No, she knew that face and would always know it. Now she was looking at his cock, memorizing the lacework of thick veins and the plump tip that looked like an inverted strawberry, but undoubtedly tasted ten times better.

“Not fair?” He was stroking it now, using both hands to move the foreskin and rest of the sheath along the heavy shaft, the swollen tip momentarily winking out of sight before he smoothed it back into view.

“Not fair at all,” she answered and planted the tip of her tongue against the center of her top lip. “I want a taste. I want…a drink.”


Her mouth was small, a little heart of desire. Too small, most likely, but Walt was sure Bryce would only have to suck the tip into her mouth before he exploded. He stood up, a little dizzy from all the blood diverted to his pounding cock. He took his time rising from the chair. He didn’t want to rouse the old Bryce, who would have bolted the instant she landed on his patio.

“You look a little nervous,” Bryce said.

Her hazel eyes had darkened to a smoky emerald and she seemed half in a trance. Not unfitting, he thought, snake charmer that she was. “I am nervous,” he said.

Her gaze flicked down to his cock and then back up to his face. “I’ll give it back, I promise.”

She made a little scout’s honor sign with her right hand, her braceleted hand sneaking beneath the pillow at the headboard. Walt wanted to believe that she was crossing her fingers beneath the pillow, unbinding herself from the promise even as she coaxed him closer to those juicy red lips.

“I didn’t think you’d let me paint you,” he said, stopping at the edge of the mattress, his cock even with her head. “I didn’t think you’d come back this evening or let me…let me have you in any of the ways I wanted you.”

She shook her head, as if she found his worries absurd. Wrapping her hand around his cock, she closed her eyes for an instant, exploring the shaft’s length and shape by touch alone. She opened her eyes and looked up at him. “Put your hand in my hair,” she said.

Walt ran his fingers through the honey-blonde hair, focusing hard on the combination of colors and shades that made up the total effect. It was his favorite color, to be found time and again in the paintings of his favorite artists. Bryce was the first woman he’d ever seen whose honey coloring was natural.

When she brought her tongue to the slit of his cock and sucked at the beads of pre-cum, he fisted his hand in all that glorious hair. “It’s n-not going to take long,” he warned. He wondered how much tighter his balls could get and then she brought her other hand up between his spread legs to stroke his heavy, cum-laden sacs.

Okay, tighter is possible,
he thought, and drew in a deep breath.

She feather-stroked his perineum before returning to gently cup his balls at the same time her petite mouth stretched itself over the head. He added a second quick draw of air to the last, still unable to exhale. Finding another, new layer of tightness in his body, he grabbed her shoulder to keep from pumping past those sweet cherried lips and coming down her throat.

But she seemed to want him to do that, her touch goading him on. Her tongue flicked against one of the bulging veins that fed the tip of his erection. Her nails, soft but threatening, traveled his perineum again and stroked the top of his thighs and the skin of his balls before she cupped them. She held him like that, the knuckle of one index finger rubbing lightly at the base of his balls while she kept him wrapped tight in her mouth, her other hand stroking the part of the shaft she couldn’t suck in.

His palm curled around the back of her head and he knew the fingertips of his other hand were digging into her shoulder. When he tried to relax his grip, she only sucked him harder, her mouth rising up and off his cock head before slurping back down. His thighs started trembling and he let go of her head to grip the edge of the nightstand.

“Bryce, baby, if you don’t stop now, I’m going to come in your mouth.”

Not skipping a beat, she sucked harder, her mouth descending lower and lower as she angled her head to accept more of his thick cock.

Walt was dying looking at her, at her voracious appetite, her appreciation of his cock, at the strands of her silky hair rubbing against his thighs while her lips grew redder and wetter with the pleasure of bringing him to climax. There was no time to warn her again as he released the nightstand and took her head between his hands. Arching into the sweet center of her mouth, he cried her name once and came.


Chapter Eight


Having finally surrendered her hold on the delicious red knob of his cock head, Bryce fell onto her back and watched Diaz collapse into the chair. He was breathing through his mouth and looked more than a little dazed. Seeing him vulnerable like that, she wanted to descend on him once more, but licked her lips instead. She still tasted his cum and the slightly sharp taste surprised her. She had read that its substance was mostly sugar.

“I didn’t realize it was that nice,” she said, her body relaxed and sleepy.


Bryce pressed her eyes shut, horrified she’d said it aloud. She felt a blush warm her skin. Damn, what would he think if he realized she was a total newb when it came to actually having a partner during sex?

“Bryce, baby, what did you just say?”

She cleared her throat, not opening her eyes when she answered. “I said that was nice.”

“That wasn’t quite what you said.”

His tender and curious tone practically demanded that she look at him. She turned her head, her quick gaze noting that, even without the erection, his cock was solidly plump and long. Pulling her gaze up to his equally handsome face, she gave a tentative smile before confessing. “I just hadn’t done that before.”

“Ah,” he said and nodded, but then his apparent satisfaction with her answer evaporated and his expression twisted with a new confusion. “Uhm…what part of ‘that’ do you mean? I mean, all of it…or just the last bit?”

“All of it.”
And more,
she thought. Everything was new—his kissing her…

And that other kiss.
She sighed inwardly as she remembered his mouth moving lower, and how his kisses there had left her shaking and with stars dancing behind her shut eyelids.

“Oh, god, Bryce, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize—wouldn’t have…” He fell silent, his body pressed hard against the back of his chair as if he were trying to run or hide.

She rolled until she was on her side and facing him. “Don’t be sorry,” she said, and lightly touched his knee. “I’m not really much of an innocent—just my mouth was a virgin.”

Diaz let out a shaky breath and nodded. She couldn’t tell if he was relieved or disappointed or somewhere in between. What would he think if he knew the whole truth?

Leaning forward, he clasped her hand and brought it to his lips. He smiled as he kissed the back of her fingers. “Didn’t mean to spaz on you,” he said. “Just the thought that maybe you hadn’t been with another man—that I should have gone much slower…”

BOOK: Curve Effect (A BBW Box Set of Contemporary, Science Fiction and Paranormal Romances)
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