Creators Guild: A Wizard's Beginning (3 page)

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"Who did?"

"I don't know, just as I stood up I woke up. It was the strangest thing, I'm sure it was because of what you told us today. I'll be fine I’ll just go back to sleep."

The rest of the night went by with little dreaming. He was so tired from the last few days that he didn't remember anything after that moment. His father sat up for a while worried about his son. The fever had gone away which was some relief to him, but he was still having nightmares. They seemed to be changing; he blamed himself for telling the boys what was happening.  Joran watched as his son fell back to sleep, wondering what he could do to help him. The news about the war was a frightening thought, and he didn't like the idea of having his son go into that, not at this age.

He remembered back when he had been in the royal regime. He was a battalion commander; nobody in the village knew that about him.  It was something he had kept secret as a promise to his wife when they got married.  Oh how he missed her, he could still see her sometimes in his dreams, carrying their small child. He remembered the joy he felt the first time he saw him. It was immeasurable, seeing the joy in her face.

But all that had ended cycles ago. The sadness he had felt so many times before, from being alone slowly crept over him.  He had sought the comfort of other women in his life but for him nobody measured up to Gwenlyn.  The only other woman he could relate to anymore was Margol, and she was just a good friend.

Joran fell back to sleep with thoughts of his wife, bringing many wonderful dreams. The sun soon rose and after such a restless night, both Roland and his father slept well into the morning.  When they awoke the town was already a buzz with the day’s festivities.  The second day of the festival went by quickly with it ending once again in a miraculous show of fireworks.

"Hi boy's," said Marci Grady, as they walked into the inn, "what can I get for you today?"

"I would like some of your potato soup if you have any left," said Roland taking a seat near a window.  He wanted to be able to see the activities in the commons while they ate.

"Yeah I would like some as well. Could I get some bread and honey to go with mine?" he asked, sitting across from Roland.

The crowd was beginning to lighten up.  The fireworks that night had been better and bigger than the night before. Everybody was excited for the last day of the festival when the awards would be given out to the winners of the various contests, and better yet the few biggest contests of the festival would be held.

"So what do you think of the news?" Ty asked. More solemnly then he had meant to.

"I don't know. Hopefully it will still be a few cycles out, by that time maybe we will all be married by then.  Who knows, maybe it is just as my dad said, it may just be a rumor."

"You know what though; I didn't sleep real well last night. I had a nightmare that both of us were in the war.  You were missing which wasn’t very comforting," Roland said, taking a gulp of the fresh ale that Mrs. Grady brought.

"Look Roland, my dad told me last night that the border guards are always in a constant battle with the Crioltians'. They’ll be able to handle anything they send."

The rest of the evening was quiet; the two boys sat and talked about growing up and what their plans were for the future.  Roland was planning on finishing his apprenticeship with his father, and then moving possibly to the next town to start his own place.  Ultimately Ty had decided to just stay at home. He was thinking of going out only long enough to find a bride, but for him that seemed a few cycles off still.

The last day of the festival was the biggest of them all, and today seemed to be wonderful. The weather allowed for a little cloud cover and a cool mountain breeze. The temperature stayed down, making it perfect for the serious competitions that were to be held that day. Not everyone could join in, for the older boys there were many chances to show off their skill and agility, as well as their strength.

The few events that really excited both Roland and Ty were the balance attack. While balancing on a log over a giant mud pit, they would use a padded stick to knock over their opponent. This event would take great balance and coordination to master, and the strongest didn’t always win. Ty however being both strong and agile would generally win this event.

Another favorite of Ty's was the boulder pull. The boulders used for this event were generally the size of a man, and heavier than a full-grown bull ox.  Usually Olman der Splin, the town blacksmith would win this competition, due to the size and strength it takes to work the forge.  However this cycle young Marc Taylian gave him a run for the silver, working now as his apprentice.

Both the archery and the sword competition were won by Joran. He attributed most of his skill in these two events to his training in the royal regime when he was younger.  And of course nobody knew this so they accepted him as the best of the village without any dispute.   The great obstacle course was the last and greatest event for the young men. Only the single young men of fifteen cycles or older could participate.  Many believed the women's council started this tradition to find who would make for the best husband.

The obstacle course consisted of many parts. It started out as a regular foot race through the village. Then required the boy's to swim across Flander's pond to the ferry boat. From there they would take the archery challenge, gaining points by hitting closest to the mark. By this time their strength was waning, and the bow's would become increasingly heavy to them.

The course would then take them back around the pond where they would have to do a bear wrestle with Master Olman, for most it was just a matter of trying to stay in the circle.  The belief of many of the men was this whole idea was so the young women wouldn’t have to try so hard to catch a future husband, when they tried to run away at the courtship dance that night.

The boys lined up for the start of the race. When the flag dropped they were off, at first everyone was close to the same pace. The towns’ people yelling in excitement drove them on; the race was the closest part, with some of them slipping on the mud and cobble stones. There were several that hesitated as they ran into the cold water of the pond. The heavy rains that cycle had kept it full despite the constant irrigation. There were older men already positioned in the middle of the pond on small skiffs to help anyone who was not able to make it across.

About half of the boys stalled out during the swim, Jerrod led the race entering into the water. He was a small boy compared to the rest but had the speed of a rabbit; he was soon overcome with the water being the first one to be pulled out. Roland, Ty, Marc and Jac were all closely tied in the lead matching each other stride for stride in the race, the Taylian boys trying to push the other two out.  Now they were a few yards away during the swim, each one striving to push ahead of the others.

Each one crawled through the mud on the other side. Trying to run or walk out of the pond made it harder on their legs sucking their strength. When they got to the bow and arrows their hands and arms were shaking.  Their arm muscles strained from the tension on the bows. Jac was the first one to take aim and loose, it flew toward the target, falling short. He grabbed another arrow and started to nock it. Marc let his go, hitting the base of the target.  Ty’s arms were still strong enough that he pulled his bow back and with a steady aim let it fly, the arrow striking near the center of the target.

As Roland stepped up to the line he took a few short breaths and steadied himself. Focusing on the distant target, he lifted the bow into position and pulled the string back. He focused his aim down the shaft of the arrow, as he did his mind jumped. The target seemed to jump at him, this startled him causing him he let the arrow go, watching as it flew high into the air in a high arc and over the top of the target.

He stood there for a minute his head hanging down, almost of the edge of vomiting.  Standing back up he shook his head and grabbed another arrow, nocking it he pulled it back waiting to see if it would happen again.  When it didn’t he let it go, watching as it stuck in the target on the outer edge.

The other three had already gone onto the wrestling match; he walked over to the makeshift ring. Master Olman was standing at the ready already having dispatched a half a dozen others.

Roland took his stance and the match began, the moment they locked arms he could feel Master Olman’s strength, at the same time he felt something growing within his own arms, a power he had never felt before. Without thinking he fell backwards to the ground pulling Master Olman up over the top of him. Lifting his leg he placed it in the center of his chest and pushed him over and out of the ring.

He laid there his arms out to his sides breathing heavily, wondering what had just happened. Almost out of a haze he heard clapping and shouting, nobody had ever mastered the wrestling.  He stood up and walked past the finish line in a daze, still not sure what had happened or what was going on.  He was brought out of the daze abruptly as Ty’s big hand came down on his back. He congratulated him, thinking for sure that it would win him the prize.

In contrast to the women's idea of the obstacle course, the men found their own way to test the eligible women's skills. They requested a cooking contest. The young women would make the food for the final feast, and before the dinner was served, the young men who ran the obstacle course whether they finished or not, were the first ones to taste the food. This gave them an idea of who to look for at the dance.

At last the competitions were over and evening was setting in. The lamplighter's set about lighting the streets of the small village, and the young men set about tasting the food from the cook off.  Everybody in town was full of joy, some because of the great brandy and ale that accompanied many of the day's events.

The wind seemed to pick up a little, blowing a little cooler with the smell of snow and the crispness of the approaching winter.  The great dance came next, everybody enjoyed this time of celebration, a kind of way to prepare for the doldrums and long winter months ahead. The last dance of the night was the courtship dance, one that some dreaded with a passion.

"So Roland, what's it going to be? Are you going to join in or not?" his father asked.

"I don't think so. Like I said before I really don't think I am ready for this right now. Besides if I run off and get married who will help you up on the farm, and with all the work that needs to be done?”

"Don't worry about me; you can always build a house up next to me. Besides, I don't want you to miss out on anything; it's time for you to make that commitment. There's nothing that says you have to get married tonight anyway. It will just let people know that you are interested in someone, and trust me everyone will stop bothering you."

"If that's the case why don't you ask Margol? I've seen how you look at her, and how she looks at you. The two of you would be a perfect couple, besides you don't have to marry her tonight," he said, trying to hold back a laugh.

"Now listen up young man. I'm not a young lad like you anymore, I was already joined and I'm not ready to forget your mother yet," came the reply. Roland could hear the sadness in his father’s voice.

"Look dad, I know you miss mom. I do to, but it’s time you find someone else, you need the companionship as much as anyone else," he said, with sadness in his voice, “Yes I like Margol she has always treated both of us really well."

"Maybe your right son, let's make a deal we will both ask someone to dance tonight. You never know we might actually enjoy ourselves."




Chapter 3



                 he festival ended that cycle with great joy and celebration. Both Roland and Joran had kept their agreement with each other and joined in the courtship dance. Many of the townspeople were surprised when they saw Joran and Margol dancing together. The dance carried on until early in the morning.  Eventually everybody wandered off to bed, there had only been two surprise weddings this cycle, and from that everybody seemed content.

It wasn’t until after the last fiddler had put up his bow that everybody headed for home. Roland decided it would be the best for him to walk Bethamine home, while his father walked Margol home.  Ty had found himself a pretty little woman, the near cousin of the Taylian's who came for a visit.  He was otherwise engaged in entertaining her before she left on the morrow.

"Roland, how are you feeling? I know that you have been in the sick bed."

"I’m much better now. Margol gave me some herbs the other day, they do seem to be helping," he answered, not knowing what more to say.

"Look Roland. I know you are not ready for marriage, and I don't believe that I am either. But it was nice to dance with you tonight, and I know it did make my mom and dad happy to see us together,"

"Yeah, I guess you're right, it was fun. So tell me truthfully Beth, what do you see yourself becoming in life? Are you planning on staying in Kirchwin all your life?"

"Well I really hadn't thought about it much. I guess I will go wherever my husband decides to live.  Why are you planning on leaving or something?"

"I don't really know.  I mean at times I feel like traveling and seeing the world. There’s just so much to do and see in the world, but I really don't know. After all someone needs to watch out for my dad and help him out, you know what I mean?"

"Roland, let's not think too much about the future right now," she said, taking his hand as they continued on walking.

The moon was beginning to set and the first signs of dawn were beginning to show over the tops of the mountains. The wind had started picking up a little more causing the clouds to move in and cool things down faster.  Old man winter was beginning to show his head and come out early.  With the cooler wind, the frost was beginning to show.

"Do you want to come in for a few minutes and have some spiced cider? Maybe it will take the chill out of your bones."

"No, I better get back to the mill. My dad is probably wondering where I am, and we will be leaving for home in the next few hours. I still need to make sure that everything is packed and ready. Don't worry Beth we'll be back down in a week or two and we can talk some more then. Think about what we talked about," he said, giving her a small kiss on the cheek.

Roland turned back towards the mill and started walking. The wind was picking up a little more, and it looked like there would be rain before the end of the day.  With that thought in mind he started running to get things ready. He was sure his dad would be packing already trying to get moving ahead of the rain.


"What, who's there?" he yelled, thinking he heard his name. "Maybe I'm just tired, it’s been a long night," he thought to himself, now thinking it was just the wind blowing through the trees.


He stopped and looked around, "Who's there?" he shouted, aggravated now, "Marc, Jac is that you guys?" he shouted, thinking they had followed him to Bethamine's house, upset because she refused to dance with either of them the entire night. "Come on out, the jokes over," he shouted into the woods.

Roland, I see you now, there is no running, no hiding I will get you
," whispered the soft voice as though it was carried on the wind.

He began to run at full sprint now, not knowing who was talking to him and too frightened to care.  As he got closer to town he started to slow down, knowing that he had reached the safety of town. Rather than going to the mill he decided to go to the inn for some spiced cider, thinking that might calm his nerves down. There was always somebody there that he could talk to.  He didn’t feel tired anymore after that run.

"Roland, are you feeling alright?" asked Mrs. Grady.  "You look like you've seen a ghost, and your all hot and sweaty, have you been running from something?"

"No, I'm just a little winded, the weirdest thing just happened. I had just dropped Beth off at her house. When I started walking back into town I heard someone calling my name.  At first I thought it was the wind, the voice was so soft, but then I heard it again, so I turned around and nobody was there.  Then I thought it was Marc or Jac, so I yelled for them, but nobody answered.  That’s when I heard this voice again, it sounded kind of like the wind itself was whispering to me.  It said, ‘I see you now; there is no running, no hiding I will get you.’  That's when I started running."

"Have you told your dad yet?" she asked with both excitement and concern.

"No, I came here first. I was hoping that he would be here with the other men. Have you seen him since the dance got over?"

"I think he went to walk Margol home, he might still be over there. Why don't you run over and check, and if I see him I'll tell him that you are looking for him."

"Actually, I’ll just head back over to the mill; he’s probably there getting things ready to leave, thanks for the cider."

He took his time walking back over to the mill. The excitement and fear were gone now and his body was beginning to tell him that it was tired, both from being up so long, and from the hard run he had done.  Sure enough when he got back to the mill his father was there, most of the items that were not sold had already been put back into the wagon. They left the larger things that Master Pringlan, one of the town merchants had agreed to sell for some of the profits.

He told his father about the events that occurred in the forest that night. After, he decided that before they leave he had better talk to Marion.  He wanted him to know so he could keep an eye out for any strangers that may be in the forest around the town. And to let him know the next time they were in town if anyone saw anything.  Roland took the opportunity to go find Ty and see what he was up to and to let him know that they were leaving.

The early morning weather still held the smell of fresh snow; the breeze coming down from the mountains was cooler than it had been the last few days.  The clouds were starting to roll in and show the definite signs of the first winter rain.  Roland and his father decided to leave and try to beat the storm out.  To help on their journey back home Ty's father Master Loran loaned them two mountain horses. 

Roland took lightening, a smaller brown horse that was sturdy and quick on the run, Joran was given Pleasmon, a white horse with brown spots, older but still strong and sturdy on the mountain roads.  With these horses they figured they could cut a half day's journey out.

The higher they climbed in the mountains, the clearer the signs were showing of winter. The leaves on the maples and hemlocks were turning beautiful shades of brown and oranges, with a hint of red every so often. The pines and winter ferns held onto their beautiful greens as though in defiance of winter. Most of the leaves were now being blown off from the stronger winds and leaving an elaborate painting of brown.

The grasses were also showing the signs of winter turning brown and patchy, as if in anticipation of being covered by the cold blanket of snow, finally giving them the chance to rest for the season. The beautiful array of mountain flowers was changing as well. The cooling season was one of Roland’s' favorite times of the cycle, when he could feel the change of the season and see the landscape become the vast array of colors.  It reminded him of the pictures his mother would paint in his mind as a young child, of the many wonderful places she said she had visited.

"Roland, let's see if we can't find some shelter. The rain will be here soon and I would prefer to stay as dry as possible. With any luck we’ll be able to get an early start if the rain dies down."

They found a grove of tree's where one of the large pines had fallen and created a nice cubby with plenty of cover. The dead needles and brush would give some soft comfort for the night.  After gathering some dry wood for the night fire, they sat and ate, waiting for the coming storm.

They could hear the low rumble of thunder as it bounced off the hills, giving it a deeper resonance, the rain started coming down, slowly at first, then picked up, the thunder now much louder and stronger than it had been. At first it seemed to spook the horses but eventually they calmed down.  They sat quietly watching the lightening make its strips and fanciful designs among the clouds. Every so often a line would shoot down to the ground, as though aiming at something.

"Master, I have found him, he returns home, he will be ours," came the thought of the demon spawn that had been following Roland and his father back home. "Tomorrow night we strike, send me my army."

Roland woke in the middle of the night to the same voice he had heard before, wondering if it was just part of his dream.

"Dad, wake up," he said shaking his father from his sleep. "Did you hear that?"

"No, hear what son?"

"I heard that voice, I couldn't make out what it was saying, but I know I heard it," fear and anger rising in his voice.

"Look I know you’re frightened, a lot has happened, with your bad dreams and whoever it was that was spooking you last night. But you were probably just dreaming, try and go back to sleep. We need to leave early to get home before midnight tomorrow."

Roland took his father’s advice and laid back down, however sleep didn’t come as he would have liked. Sleep finally overtook him for the mere fact that he was exhausted.

Being a creation of the Legion, Marcolin did not need the sleep that regular people did. He sat up the rest of the night watching Roland and his father, contemplating the great riches he would be awarded for capturing or destroying this young man.

The rain had stopped during the night, leaving the ground wet and muddy.  This made traveling that day slower, especially with the fresh mud and the colder winds. The clouds remained preventing the sun from warming and drying the ground.  Fortunately the wind was not as strong as it had been the night before, but it still seemed to sting their cheeks and burn their noses when they breathed.  They both liked the smell of the morning after a rainstorm, the air smelled fresh and it made them feel even more alive.

"Roland, why do you keep looking behind us?" his father asked, curiosity getting the best of him.

"I don't know. The last few days have just got me really spooked; I can't help but feel like someone is behind us, like they are watching me for some reason. What I really need is good long sleep, maybe I’ll turn in when we get home."

Little did Roland know that he was being watched, but it was now time for Marcolin to go meet up with the army of night shadows that his master Maglon had sent to him. "Oh what a prized night this will be for me," he thought to himself, "But I better not fail him, for death would be a welcome option to what failure would lead to."  If only he had followed a little longer he would have know the certain destruction that awaited him that night.

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