Creators Guild: A Wizard's Beginning (2 page)

BOOK: Creators Guild: A Wizard's Beginning
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They started out again early to be able to get there before lunch, if the weather held as good as it was they would be on time.  The rest of the trip was uneventful, as there were no travelers on the road; this was not unusual since everybody would be in town preparing for the festival that was to start in the evening.

As they got closer to town they could see the small pillars of smoke rising from the chimneys on the small farms that outlined the town.  Through the trees he could hear the braying of sheep, and the billowing of the cows as the farmers were going about their daily chores taking care of the animals.

The closer they got to town; the excitement was becoming more prevalent. The kids were running through the streets with their wooden wheels and skip ropes.  Everybody was excited for the festival; it was the last time of the good season to talk before the winter months set in. By this time all the harvests were in so nobody really had anything to worry about for the next few weeks.

Kirchwin was a small town compared to others in the Nolarian realm, a small farming community, stable in heritage and pride. At times it seemed as if Kirchwin was alone as it was visited only every five cycles or so by the royal brigade, and that just in passing. The tax collectors rarely visited as well, so overall it remained peaceful.                The festival for this small community was one of the largest of the cycle; many times the town head and council would provide some surprise entertainment. One cycle a court bard was passing through town so they enlisted him to do some magic shows, which brought a great deal of excitement, especially for the children.

The town roads were paved with cobblestones starting on the outside of town. The first buildings when entering the village were houses, moderately build with stone and mortar. Closer to the center of town came the markets and vendors each selling various items. In the center of town was the town commons, an open field for gatherings. On the edge of the commons was the towns’ only inn, the only two story building. It was first thought to have been built to accommodate the border guards, but now it only served to accommodate the occasional traveler.

In the times of festival there are many smaller booths set up around the commons for the various vendors to come and sell their items. It was one of these that Roland and his father were assigned to set up their crafts to show and sell.

"Roland, start setting up the smaller tables and chairs, as well as the gift boxes in and around the outside of our spot. Leave enough room under the canopy for the larger items; we don't want to have them ruined if we have a sudden rain. I'm going to go and see if I can find Marglo, and see if she has anything to help you sleep, or help break that fever."

"Hey Roland, what ya up to?" asked Ty, Roland’s best friend.

"Not much, just getting our stuff ready for the start of festival tonight, how bout' yourself?"

"Oh you know the same old, same old, trying to stay out of trouble; you know how that can be."

"Yeah especially for you, have you heard anything about what they have planned for tonight?"

"No, I was thinking maybe we could go find out. I heard that the town council is holding a special meeting this afternoon. Probably just to make sure everything is set for tonight, you know how picky they can be."

"Not much more than the women's council, sometimes I think they are the ones who actually plan everything," said Roland with a slight chuckle.

"Don't let anyone on the council hear you say that, trust me that only leads to more trouble than you want."

"Well than how bout' helpin' me with this stuff so we can get out of here."

They continued to unload the smaller items, while waiting for his father to return. This news of a special meeting was a surprise for him. They usually didn’t meet like that, unless there was a problem with someone in the town, or a great emergency. Possibly his father would attend and then he was sure he would be able to find out what the problem was before everybody else knew.

As they were finishing with the last of the cargo they had brought, his father returned with Marglo the town healer. She was a middle aged woman with streaming black hair that fell to her waist. She had been the healer for as long as he could remember, some say she was a natural, picking up on the special traits young in life. This didn’t leave a lot of time for her in a personal life, due to the fact that everybody was calling on her for help, whether it was a simple cough or helping to deliver a baby.

At times he thought maybe her and his father would make a good couple, mostly in hopes that it would help his father not feel so lonely. Besides it might be good to have a sibling one day, as far as he knew she was still within childbearing age.

"So Roland you haven’t been feeling too well lately I hear. Your father tells me that you have been down with a fever and you still have it. I think I may have something just for that, and it should take it before festival tonight.  We don't want you to miss the dance in two day's now do we," she said jokingly while searching in her herbal bag for what she wanted.

"Now go over to the inn and have Mrs. Grady get you a cup of warm cider, pour these leaves in and drink it. It may taste a little bitter but it will help, try to take it easy until this evening,” she instructed.

"Thanks, come on Ty let's get going maybe we can get something to eat as well. Oh wait, Father are you going to be attending the town meeting this afternoon?"

"Yeah Marion just asked me if I would attend."

"Do you know what it's about?"

"Not yet."

"Will you tell me after the meeting, we would both like to know."

"Let me find out what it's about before I answer that, now go get your cider."

The day was turning out to be pretty good. The weather was holding out. Now that he had some medicine he hoped the relentless fever would go away so he could feel normal again.

Ty was the same age as Roland, they had known each other most of their lives. He was a broad shouldered boy a little taller than Roland as most people were. His family owned the wood mill where he worked chopping wood, so he was more muscular than most kids his age.

"Tell me something has anything strange been happening here the last few weeks?"

"No why?"

"No reason really," Roland said, as he thought about his dream again, wondering if anybody was acting weird or out of place around town.

The town inn was fairly quiet this time of day, now that everyone was out in the commons getting ready. There were only a few men inside preparing for the town meeting that was to be held shortly.

"Hi Roland, Hi Ty" said Mrs. Grady from behind the kitchen doors, "have a seat I'll be right with you."  Erin Grady was a plump woman with gray hair. She ran the inn with her husband, who also sat on the town council. She was always pleasant to the guests, but would not tolerate any ruffians or fighting in her inn.

"Hi Mrs. Grady," the two boys said together.

A minute later she came out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on a towel. It appeared that she had been making bread from the fresh flour that covered her apron.

"What can I get for you two," she asked pleasantly.

"Margol told me to get some warm cider to take with these herbs, and could I get some bread and honey too."

"Is something the matter?"

"Not really I’ve just had a fever that I can't seem to get rid of; hopefully these will help before tonight's festivities."

"How about you Ty, what would you like?"

"I'll have some bread and honey; I don't want to spoil myself before tonight's feast."

"Very well then, I'll be right back."

They sat down and talked as they ate; it had been nearly a month since they had seen each other. Ty talking about the extra work that was coming in after the harvest, with all the tools and carts that needed repair before the winter months set in. Roland wanted to talk about his dreams but wasn’t sure how Ty would take it.  As they were finishing their lunch, the men started to come in for the council meeting, filling the room in quickly.

"Alright boys it's time for our meeting so you will need to be leaving," said Marion the council head.

The council meetings were something very important to the small town. It allowed them to keep in touch with each other and know if anybody had a special problem or need.  But to hold a special meeting was something that rarely happened.

"Can I get everyone's attention please; it’s time to get started," called Marion, trying to quiet the men down. "We have a very important item to discuss.  News has come from Nevel, there seems to be a huge conflict with the rouge lands. It appears that we may be going to war, the High Lord is asking all eligible young men to be ready to join in the fight if it comes to war.  As you know for most of us that would include our sons."

"How can we do that now? We are in the middle of festival time and besides what has the High Lord done for us. We hardly ever see the royal regime, and most of our disputes we are able to settle peacefully amongst ourselves," claimed Toran Thatius, possibly the oldest man in the town, "besides we have so few boys around here what would happen if none of them returned by the planting season. How will we ever get it done?"

"Look Toran, what other choice do we have? His High Lord has given us the chance to defend our realm that alone should be enough. Think of the honor these boys could bring to our families, and if they don't go, the shame it will bring," stated Marion.

"Yes but do you know what kind of monsters come from the rouge lands. Why else do you think they banish criminals there, and why nobody ever sees them again," was the angry reply.

"How do we tell our wives about this, and what about our boys don't they get a say in all this."

"Listen, there doesn’t have to be a decision today, we met because everyone would be in town today. Let’s enjoy the festival, we’ll meet again after," said Marion, the disappointment in his voice was hidden by the talk among the men.





























Chapter 2

Festival of Marcon

                     o what do you think the big secret is?" Roland asked as they were walking down the street.

"I don't know, maybe we will see another magic show like the one a few cycles back, when that court bard came into town. However there were some men here in town a few days ago. The council got all jumpy and excited after they left," he said with some excitement. "But then again, maybe they brought bad news. You can never tell what is going on in the rest of the realm, let alone the world."

"What do the women think of this whole idea of a secret council meeting?"

"I'm sure they will have their own meeting, they always do besides they will probably bribe their husbands to tell them what the big secret is."

The streets were beginning to fill with excitement as the day grew on. The children were anxiously waiting for the council to appear in the town common to summon all to the festival.  Now that the meeting was over, the shopkeepers where hurrying back to their booths and stores to make final preparations for the evenings events.

"So are you going to join in the courtship dance this cycle? You know this will be Bethamine's first cycle, and I hear the Taylian boys are going to ask her for the dance," Ty said, laughing at his friend.

Most of the towns' people knew that Roland and Bethamine had been fond of each other, and most figured they would one day be joined.  She was a pretty young girl a cycle or so younger than Roland.  Many of the towns’ people figured that he would be the first to ask her hand in the dance this cycle.

"I don't know I still want to become a master carpenter like my father. Then I’m sure I will be leaving town to find a suitable place to start my own business. I mean haven't you ever thought of leaving here, and maybe starting your own lumber yard. I hear there are many small towns, even some bigger cities where even the houses are all made of wood."

"I’ve never really thought much about it, there is plenty to do around here. Besides who else would help my dad? You know that my sisters can't, so one day I will probably run the mill."

The afternoon sun was quickly descending, turning the sky the many colors of red and yellow. This was the signal for the start of the festival. It would go for three days, with many activities such as the log pull and boulder toss.  Everybody in town started towards the commons. The lamplighters were putting on their stilts to begin the evening ritual of lighting the towns' lampposts.

Tonight it didn’t seem worth the trouble because of the giant bon fire that would be lit in the middle of the commons, which alone would light up everything. Yet it was the traditional start of a wonderful event for everyone.

The council head walked to the podium which was near to where the fire was to be set and called everyone to attention.

"Come one, Come all, tonight we celebrate. Bring your worries and light them afire, for the work has been hard, and the cares have been many. Tonight we celebrate the great harvests we have received, tonight we start anew, so let us all be friends and forgive the rest," came the ceremonial cry from Marion. As he was finishing up, a flame tipped arrow came from the rooftops hitting the giant pile of wood causing it to catch fire, adding to the effect of the speech.

The festival had officially started. Long tables were brought from the nearest shops full of food for everyone to share.  The local band started to play a lively tune setting the mood for an exciting time.  The people began to mingle and wander around the commons, talking and looking at the many new items that were set out to sell.

Joran walked up behind the boys, quietly signaling them to follow him.

"What is it?" Roland asked with excitement, "is it about today's council meeting?"

"Yes but be quiet about it, nobody is suppose to know until after the festival is over. I thought you boys should know, since you will need to think long and hard about what I'm going to say," said his father in a low hushed tone. "There have been reports that a war is going to be starting, probably with the people from the rouge lands. The High Lord has asked us to send him all our eligible young men to assist with the war. There are many conflicting feelings amongst the council members, but I think this may be unavoidable."

"Wait, what are you saying, that we will be called into the royal brigade?" asked Ty, sounding nervous.

"It's not that simple, we have an obligation to defend our country. I know we don’t see much of the royal family or brigade in these parts, but that shouldn’t stop us from fulfilling our commitments. Now as I said, this is not to be spoken of to anyone. But I want you two too think hard on this.  I know you two for sure will be asked to go, if it comes to that decision."

With that his father went back to the party already in full swing. People were now starting to laugh and a few were already starting to dance.  For those on the council, and now for him and Ty this festival would not be the most memorable one they had ever had.

"Well I guess we better join the party. We should at least pretend to be enjoying ourselves, otherwise people will start to wonder," said Roland, taking Ty by the arm and dragging him back out into the street.

For the two boys the mood was somber, they could see the worry on the faces of the men who had been in the council meeting. They were trying their best to be merry, despite the circumstances that were developing around them.  They decided to go and try to enjoy themselves and not worry until after the festival was over.

As they returned to the commons the festival was in full swing. The huge feast had already been set out for everyone to enjoy.  The kids however were focused on the candy maker who was handing out free samples of his newest creations.  Not only was this a time of celebration for the town, for some it was a time of renewal.

There were times during past festivals when people would get joined out of the blue. Some would even decide to leave the town on a great adventure. Most people that did that had been around the brandy cart a little too long.

The town council had arranged quite a wonderful festival. At the pinnacle of the first night came a great surprise to many. As the moon reached its highest point they brought out the fire makers, their magic rockets had been hidden in the inn's stables.  As they began to set up the display the children, as well as many of the adults stood around in awe. This was truly a rare occasion for all of them.

"Hi Roland," came a soft voice from behind him.

He knew that voice, it was Bethamine.  Every time he talked with her he would get tongue tied, even though he had known her most of her life. They had been close friends for as long as he could remember.  It was only in the last few months that he noticed that she had turned into a beautiful young woman. Enough to make almost any boy his age take a second look.

"Hey Beth," he replied not wanting to look at her, for fear of her seeing his face turn red. "How’re you doing tonight?"

"Not too bad. I just wanted to let you know that my father gave me permission to join in the dance this cycle," she said her face turning a light shade of red at the mention of it. "I was just hoping that you would be joining as well, I look forward to seeing you there."

"I,  I, I'm not sure that I'm going to join this cycle," he said.  Stuttering over what to say, as he turned around to face her, which he thought was the wrong thing to do.  The light from the bon fire was reflecting off her big beautiful green eyes. They shone like an emerald with a twinkle of starlight caught in them.  The radiance off her hair seemed to glow like the halo of an angel descending to greet him, and bring wonderful messages from the all-great creator. He thought to himself, maybe I will join that might get me out of the war, or would it.

"Well, then maybe one of the Taylian boys will ask me, I know they would appreciate it," she said, trying to get reaction out of him.

Once again he blushed. Marc and Jac Taylian were twins, and not the nicest boys. They were the same age as him, they had moved into town when they were about eight cycles old.  They had been a thorn in his side ever since.

They were always competing and with the two of them working together, had cheated their way into the winners circle more than once.  He knew that she was teasing him, or at least he hoped she was, there was no way she would ever consider being with one of them.

The fireworks began with a loud thump as it shot from the first tube; everybody's eyes looked to the sky as the wild assortment of colors exploded with an earth shaking sound.  The whole town went wild with the first blast; there were small screams from the smaller children not knowing what was going on.  The variety of colors was like that of a rainbow after a rainstorm, full of reds, oranges, and yellows.

The display lasted only a few minutes but it was an event that would be talked about for many cycles, and remembered even longer.  The first night ended with the display of fireworks and the town’s people started for home. Those who came from a distance were offered shelter in the inn. Those who would not fit were offered the back rooms of the local shops.

"Roland, how are you feeling now?" Margol asked as she walked with his father.

"I'm feeling better. The fever is gone, but now I have a slight headache, probably because I'm tired," he answered.  "Dad, did we get a room in the inn?"

"Not this time, we have been offered a room at the mill."

"So what did you think of the fireworks? I thought they were so exciting," said Ty as they were walking back to his fathers' mill.

"I really enjoyed them, I really liked the loud ones that made the ground feel like it was going to crack," he answered. The excitement of the night was beginning to slow down now. Most of the families were in their own homes now getting ready for bed.  Slowly the lights in the windows were going out. After reaching the mill he found his bed and laid down to get some rest. Tomorrow was the longest day for the festival when most of the competitions would be held.

Sleep came quickly because of the day's events, and the fact that he didn’t get much sleep the night before.  His dreams were wrought with the thought of the upcoming war that he feared he would soon be asked to join, depending on the council's decision.

"Ty, Ty, where are you," came the muted shout, "Commander, have you seen Ty,"

"Not since the last wave of attacks," was the shouted reply.  "Everybody, get ready, here they come again."

The waves of attacks were relentless; bodies were thrown everywhere bloodied and broken.  Many were missing arms, or legs, some their heads.  The bodies that were not salvaged before the night came were usually taken by their attackers and used for the evening meals.

"Roland get ready, maybe we can get some more, use the lightning it seems to be the best defense," shouted his commander.  As he stood up in preparation to defend his unit, he woke up in a fit, his bed sheets soaked with sweat.

"Hey wake up, what's going on?" his father asked as he shook him awake.

"I was in a war.  Ty was there, but then he was missing and I couldn't find him anywhere. Then they attacked us again."

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