Creators Guild: A Wizard's Beginning (24 page)

BOOK: Creators Guild: A Wizard's Beginning
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He just shook his head no. Glinanna came back into the room, pushing Ynordial to the side.  From what Roland could gather she was telling him that it was time to leave.  She checked him again, making sure he was able to stand on his own. After passing her scrutinizing exam, she allowed him to leave.

“Before you leave, let me give you something,” said Ynordial.  “
Interpretium lidium exlica lidium
, now you will be able to understand any language, and in turn they will be able to understand you.”

He wasn’t used to the sun, after being inside all day. His eyes took some time to adjust to the bright sun. He was amazed by the small village, it was surrounded by the wide open fields, the children playing with dogs, the women gathered by the hot spring washing and taking care of the community’s necessities of cooking and preparing.  He saw some of the men gathered around some animal carcasses.  Each person focused on the tasks at hand, the older men sitting around seeming to just talk.

He figured there were around a hundred or so people living in the village, the houses spreading out from the edge of the hot spring.  Now that he wasn’t so shocked he noticed all the people were wearing animal skins, rather than the cottons that he was used too.  The clothing seemed lightweight and very durable, allowing for the quick movements needed for hunting.

He walked out among the people enjoying the fresh clean air. After being cramped in the house of learning for such a long time, he had to continually remind himself that this was only a dream, to be careful and not get trapped in his own mind.

He found Partromon and thanked him for bringing him to the village. Partromon showed him around the village, introducing him to many of the villagers, each one greeting him with smiles and their formal greeting.  That night they held a giant feast welcoming the new traveler.  They danced around a large bon fire. Roland saw some of the youth that were about his age, the boys were standing tall mimicking his movements. The girls were pointing and laughing, turning their heads every time he looked at them.

One of the girls, Mage the daughter of a hunter came over and invited him to join her in a dance. He had seen her earlier that day helping with the wash and mending. She seemed to be shy and quiet not saying much.  So this surprised him. He accepted her hand as she led him out to the dance circle.  Not knowing the customs or the dances he fumbled as he watched the others perform the dance.  Those sitting around the side were laughing every time he tripped over his feet.

The night was filled with music and laughter. The smells of roasted pig and wild game hung in the air.  He continued to dance with Mage throughout the night, talking to and learning from her.  As the night grew on he really began to realize how beautiful she really was. The firelight reflecting off her dark brown eyes, her long brown hair hanging down over her shoulders moving side to side with every movement.

He had to remind himself that all this was not real, a quiet sadness crept into his heart and mind, knowing that all this would come to an end.  Knowing more that it had to and it had to be by his choice.  Ynordial saw what was taking place. He watched as the two of them danced, slightly fearing that the young boy was going to lose himself too soon to the dream.

The festival started to die down as the younger and older folks retired to their huts, knowing they had a full day’s work still ahead on the marrow. Roland and a few of the younger villagers stayed up talking, and laughing. Roland was telling tales of the future, everyone laughing knowing that things like that could never possibly happen.  Eventually each one started to leave, returning to their huts for the remainder of the evening.  He sat near the dying fire thinking of the great night he just had, Mage being on the forefront of his mind.

How could one girl, one who was not even real have such a profound effect on him. He was startled by a rustling behind him.  He stood up turning around to see Ynordial standing there; he calmed down inviting him to sit with him.

“She is beautiful isn’t she?” Ynordial stated.

Roland sat their quiet only shaking his head. “Why did I have to meet her?” not really wanting the answer.

“You realize that this is all a dream, everything but myself that is, she is a manifestation of who you would like to be with,” he told him, patting him on the shoulder. “Come now, I believe I know why you have come, let’s go back to my hut so I can explain it.”

They walked through the now quiet village, only the creatures of the night calling out the crickets and bullfrogs disrupting the quiet night.  Arriving at Ynordial’s hut the night started going darker, the wizard looking at the sky seeing dark clouds building. Ynordial shook his head. The boy had little time to learn what he needed too, and get back before the Dark Lord destroyed the people.

“This is the ancient text that brought me here, I have had a memory of it with me since the day that I came, and since you arrived I have been drawn once again to its pages.  In my search I have found a single passage that I believe refers to you.  I believe that you are the bringer of light. The Dark Lord must be close to being free.  If that were not so you would not be here,” he told him.

“The Perrimon Ring is one of the most powerful focus points of fire. There is a special ability that I’m sure you will be able to learn; it’s the only thing that will be able to seal the Dark Lord’s prison once again and hopefully for the final time.”

Roland stood there looking at the ring, feeling its weight for the first time. He wasn’t sure he wanted to continue wearing it. He tried taking it off but it didn’t seem to move. He started panicking when Ynordial put a hand on his shoulder jumping at the touch and realized what he was doing.

“Now watch, take hold of the power and watch what I do, it is very important that you learn this weave the first time.”  He took hold of the power, enough to see what the wizard was about to do.  The weave started small, the whole thing concentrated with fire. Holding the weave he started a second one combining earth and water. The weave was moving steadily away from him.

The fires weave started to grow and pulsate, pulling the other weave towards it. The patch of earth that hung over the ground melted instantly from the intense heat of the fire, steam rose from the ground as the water cooled it. He could see the threads of earth taking form, building stronger with each cycle that he put them through.

He cast the webs down onto the floor. They started to meld themselves to the undisturbed earth of the floor. He started to mix probability into the fire weave as he did it changed to a bright white flame, breaking the earth and water weave he concentrated all his energy on the fire, shooting from the ball in his hands hitting the weaves sealing them together.

They both let go of the power watching the area change from a red amber glow to the color of the earth.  Ynordial looked tired, beads of sweat running down his face, making streaks in the dust as it went.  Roland looked at Ynordial, amazed at what he had just seen, the weaves impression upon his mind, not eager yet to try but fascinated at what he had seen.

“Why did the fire change like that?”

“That my boy is heart fire, not many wizards can do it, it truly is a special gift. With the ability comes serious responsibility, heart fire does more than burn, it changes the pattern of destiny. That little spot of earth will remain unchanged now for at least a century. By using heart flame you will alter destiny itself. If you use it to destroy a person or place, you not only change the patterns that are still to be laid, but you change the patterns that have been laid.”

“How will I know if I will be able to do that? I mean that is a lot of magic to control?”

“I have a feeling you will be able to learn, but you must always remember the weave. The pattern is the most important thing to follow, if you don’t do it right the bonds will never hold.  This is the only way the Dark Lord will be bound, by changing the destiny of the earth. The threads hold it in one time for centuries.”

“I don’t think I could ever forget that, it was amazing,” he told Ynordial, as he sat down on the bed.

The smell of rain was strong in the air. Ynordial looked more panicked than before. He went to a small window and looked out. The clouds covering the sky were lit up with small bolts of lightning bouncing between them.  The roll of thunder was louder and coming more often. The rain started to come down in a slight drizzle then quickly built up speed and power as the wind picked up.  Ynordial was worried that the small houses would soon be destroyed.

“It’s time that you were leaving, even now the Dark Lord has found you, take care my boy. Remember what you have been taught here.  Do you remember where you came into this time from?” he shouted over the growing wind.

“Yes, just past the forest, I’m sure I could find it again.”

“Excellent, that is where you need to be to return to your own time. You must hurry, the lives of these people depends on it. I will hold off the Dark Lords powers as long as I can, travel well young man,” with that he walked out into the midst of the storm, the wind blowing his long white hair and tunic flapping them fiercely in the wind.

Roland took off at a run, having to cross the large expanse of open field before he reached the forest, he looked back seeing Ynordial, his hands extended out, the power of the wind was lighter but he knew Ynordial would not be able to hold off long.  Lightning bolts were smashing into the ground coming closer to the village, large pillars of dirt flying into the sky wherever the lightening hit.

He didn’t dare look again out of fear that the villagers would be in a panic and he wouldn’t be able to keep going. Lightening was striking closer to him each time, sending debris into his path. Some were starting small fires in the dry grasses.  He made it to the edge of the forest. Stopping to catch his breath; he turned to see what was happening.  The small village was practically destroyed; many of the villagers were standing outside, holding each other.

He couldn’t see Ynordial any longer through all the destruction. He knew that he didn’t have much time and the forest was little protection still.  He wound his way through the towering trees, the wind blowing many of them.  Fortunately they were thick enough that the rain was not as strong.  He heard the lightning hitting closer to him, striking at the trees, felling them as they were hit.  It didn’t take long for the dry timbers to catch fire.

He reached the other side of the forest. As he looked over the field he could see where he entered this time. The weaves of time left a distinct impression on the air making it look like a puddle standing straight up with small ripples floating from the center.  He ran jumping through the time weave, his body convulsing as he sat upright in the same chair, the book falling to the floor.  He looked around; nothing seemed to have changed all the same people were in the library.  Time had not passed like it did in the dream.

He took the book back to his room wanting to study it more. He was weary of holding it too long, after reading the history of the land, and how the ring came to be, he was able to understand the great power that it held.



Chapter 15

The Guardians

                   ylon,” Lemno called out, “Wait a minute I have something I need to talk to you about.” He shouted as he walked down the hall of the grolians wing.

Ty had picked up well with his training as a member of the guild. He had quickly mastered the sword, as well as the battle axe and lances.  As new arrivals came into the guild he was given the opportunity to train them. He had advanced to the level of sword commander, giving him authority over a small group of soldiers.

“Yes master Lemno.”

“I have just met with Rynel; we are holding a special meeting tonight in the room above the foundry. He has requested your presence for this meeting, it will be just after evening meals,” he told Ty, turning and leaving without giving him a chance to speak.

Why would Rynel want him to come to the meeting, had he somehow broken the grolian code? Was he to be banished? The only ones to have gone to those meetings were High Masters or those being banished, never seen in the house again.  The rest of the day went by slowly for him, his mind playing games with him; he tried to think of what he had done wrong.

He couldn’t concentrate at all that day during training, those he was to oversee could sense his distraction, yet no one took the time to ask. They had trained and practiced the same way for so long it was second nature to them.  The day went as scheduled though seeming to him to be forever. Night finally came and he took care to bathe and change into some better clothes before dinner.  He didn’t eat much, the anticipation and stress of the meeting still on his mind.

It finally came time for the meeting. He walked to the foundry standing at the base of the stairs leading up.  Tredmon, one of the High Masters stood at the top. He looked down at Ty motioning for him to come forward, little was spoken among the grolians, as they were trained in the special sign language of warriors.

He entered the small room, lit by candle sconces along the walls, giving an eerie feeling, one of pending death.  Tables circled a podium in the center of the room; he was lead to the podium and placed upon it. The lighting around the room seemed brighter from that position. He heard a door open and people walking in; there was a shuffling of chairs as people sat down, the light hiding their faces from his view.

“Tylon der Loran, grolian sword master of Kirchwin, we the council of the masters have summoned you to stand,” spoke one of the hidden faces, “you have been judged, and you have been called.”

He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself for what was to come. A lump was forming in his throat, his mouth was going dry and his vision was blurring. He felt dizzy but knew he had to stay alert.  Those who were banished were never heard from again, rumors had it that they were killed to prevent them from going to the Legion and being used to kill other members of the guild as well as the wizards they were sworn to protect.

“The council has called you to be tested; there are some that think you to young and untrained commander. We as members of the council feel otherwise.  There are not many people who have displayed your ability to learn and better yet lead.  We feel it is time to afford you an opportunity, one that very few have taken.”

He stood there shocked, the tension slowly leaving his tight muscels; he released a breath he didn’t realize he was holding and stood there transfixed on what was happening.

“There is a special order amongst our guild, there are few who belong, those that do are called the guardians, sworn to protect the bringer of light. That is there only duty and responsibility, to fail is to bring death not only upon themselves but everyone.”

Ty stood there thinking of what was being asked, he had never heard of the guardians, the idea both scared him and excited him. He had heard that Roland was the bringer of light, which would give him a chance to stay close to him.

“I accept the calling Guild Masters,” he said boldly.

“Very well, you will no longer be able to see your men. They are henceforth removed from your command, your name and face will be removed from their memories, as well as many of those around the house.  Only those who belong to the council and the wizards will know your name, inevitably you will no longer exist.”

His face started turning white, the world spinning faster each second. He steadied himself watching as the lights dimmed out leaving the room dark. He heard the chairs once again slide and the council leave.  Only after the door was closed and sealed did Tredmon light the torch and open the door allowing Ty to leave.

Tredmon led him away from the foundry, away from the residence that held the members of the guild. He felt a sharp pain of sadness, knowing that all he had worked for, the friendships and instruction, none of it would be remembered by his students. The knowledge would remain, but the face of the one who taught it would not be his.

That night was lonely, sitting in a small hut deep in the forest, only the creatures of the night calling out. He laid there thinking if his decision to join had been too quick and rash, knowing that all the friendships he had fostered were soon to be gone.  The lump in his throat returned as he fought back the tears and loneliness.  Sleep finally came, his dreams that night caused him a fitful sleep.

He had a new hope the next morning when he heard some voices outside the small hut, some sounded familiar. The sun shone brightly on his face, as the cool morning air washed over him.  The smells of fresh cooked meats floated through the air bringing a sense of hunger he didn’t realize he had.  He found a round log and placed it near the fire.  One of the men there passing him a plate of food, he devoured it selfishly.  The men all around him were laughing and talking amongst themselves, he counted a half dozen is all.  The council had said there were not many who belonged to the guardians.

He ate his breakfast in silence, listening to the different conversations. The man cooking the meal sat watching him, saying nothing.  The commander of the guardians finally came over sitting down on a log next to him.

“You must be Tylon of Kirchwin; I’m Commander Chander, head of the guardians. The council has spoken highly of you, I hope you can live up to their boasting of your abilities,” he said, smacking him on the back.

“Commander, I’m glad to be here,” he replied, still nervous, not being sure how to act around these men yet. He had not seen any of them salute or show that he was their commander.

He was introduced to the rest of the guardians after he finished his meal. Each of the men gave him the customary salute, and then continued their conversations.  He still wasn’t sure what was going on, or even where he was.  After the introductions were made the commander took him back inside the small house. Opening the dresser he found an outfit matching those of the other members of the team.  Looking at them he didn’t figure any of them would fit, they all looked too large for him.

Putting them on, he stood there holding them out from his waist. He was shocked when they started to shrink, tightening against his legs then hips. He was pleased when they didn’t over constrict, but felt natural against him.  The free movement that it gave him, he could hardly tell that they were even there.  He looked down a little shocked; he could not see his legs.  He let out a little scream.  All the others turned to see what was happening, chuckling when they realized what happened.

“These were created by magic,” said Chander. “With time and practice you will learn how to use them,” he told him handing him the rest of his uniform, the vest and tunic that he was given produced the same results as the pants.

“So where are we?” Ty asked.

“This is our training grounds. We patrol the forests, mountains and the plains, and these few men are all there is.  The reason for the secrecy of the gathering house is this is the only way on and off the island without going by ferry. We come here only for special purposes, as you can tell meeting a new member is one of them.  Fortunately, you have just completed our team, we are small and discreet. Trained to be unseen by anyone while we are everywhere.”

“These clothes will help you to blend in, become invisible until you want to be seen. We will start your training on how to control their power after mid day meals. We don’t have much time as many of us must return to our posts soon.”

Ty was excited, more than he thought he would be at joining the guardians. All of the men seemed to accept him without hesitation, they went through introductions again telling him where each one was from. Some of the lands he recognized from the map on the inn wall back home, a few were new to him.

The guardians were an elite group of men, pulled from the best of the guild, to be given the opportunity to be a member was a great honor. Commander Chander told him what it meant to become a guardian.  The only responsibility they had was to protect the bringer of light until the final battle.  If they failed, and the bringer of light was killed before then, then the Dark Lord would have eternal rule.

He was taken into the forest where he began his training. The magic of the uniform gave him the ability to learn quicker, the skills already obtained through his previous training were enhanced. The commander was surprised by his abilities and impressed that the council had not exaggerated the boys’ abilities.  He continued to watch his improvement; soon he had mastered the camouflage techniques as well as the use of the surroundings.

The commander had looked long and hard for one like Ty, someone with the abilities that he demonstrated.  Within the ranks of the guardians there was one who could be trained as the shadow, his whole career he had tried to be that one. Now after such a long search he felt that he had finally found him.

“Ty, it is time to advance your training, tonight I need you to come to my shelter. There is a delicate matter that I want discuss with you,” Chander told him.

Ty only nodded in the affirmative, never losing sight of his training obstacles. Those who were providing the training were relentless in their efforts, throwing all their abilities at him. His strength and skill lending to him the ability to overcome and in some cases overpower them.  He quickly won their trust and confidence through his hard work and abilities.

“Ty, I have been watching your training now for a while. You seem to have a special gift for commanding, you have great strategy and combat skills. I don’t believe I have seen anyone with your unique abilities.  I believe you to be the gifted one, the one who will work closest with the bringer of light.  I have a special job for you. There is one amongst the guardians that will have the gift to become a shape shifter. I personally would have loved to be that one, but now I feel it’s not to be. I think you are to be that one,” he told him.

Ty stood there shocked, not knowing what to think. His mind was spinning trying to figure out what a shape shifter was. Why he was chosen?  What was this gift that Chander was talking about?  “Very well sir, may I ask, what is a shape shifter?”

“If you feel up to the challenge it will be your duty to stay the closest to the bringer of light. I will personally train you on how to manipulate your body to become whatever it is you desire. In affect you can be anywhere and nobody will ever see you.  It can be a very dangerous thing, something that if not done properly can cause you to be permanently transformed.”

“When you talk about shape shifting you mean to actually change physical forms, to become something that I’m not?” his face showing his confusion.

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