Cowboy Sandwich (7 page)

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Authors: Reece Butler

BOOK: Cowboy Sandwich
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“More,” she whispered into Adam’s chest. Well encased, Bryan grasped her hips and complied with another inch, grunting at the effort. He pulled back, then penetrated deeper. Moaning, she stretched to accommodate him, to encourage him further. Fingers squeezed into her thick cheeks and he chuckled at her eager response.

“Oh, baby, you feel so good. One night’s not enough,” said Bryan.

“We gotta take her back with us.” Almost engulfed, he leaned over to kiss her neck. “What do you think, darlin’?”

“More action and less talk, you fake Texan,” she gasped.

Chuckling turned into a choke when he pulled almost out then surged to full hilt. His hands held her hips snug against him so she couldn’t escape. Engulfed, they rested a moment, straining for air.

“Switch to my lap,” demanded Adam in a tight voice. “She'll have more control.”

When Bryan pulled out Candy missed his fullness. Bryan helped Adam to his knees. Still impaled, her legs around his hips, he carried her to the edge of the bed. He set her down so she knelt over his thighs, her bottom hanging off the end of the bed. Adam lay back and,

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feet on the floor, pumped her up and down his shaft a few times, priming her. Taking the hint, she leaned forward on hands and knees.

Bryan stood behind, pulled her cheeks wide and pressed into her again, sliding much easier this time. He reached around and rubbed her clit while he pressed himself to the hilt.

She rose up as Bryan thrust into her from behind. He pulled back when she ground herself onto Adam. Lazy in and out strokes filled Candy alternately front and back, everything under her control. Her tissues strained to engulf the deliciously sinful cocks penetrating her.

Her whole body was one organ, filled to bursting with prime male flesh. Both men’s hands busy, she dropped fingers to her clit, pressing exactly where she needed.

Too soon, trembling started at her core and radiated out like a tsunami. She threw her head back and let go. Quaking in rapture, she never heard them bellow as they erupted into her like double volcanoes.

* * * *

Adam watched Bryan run the washcloth over Candy’s spread thighs. Bryan lay in the deep tub with Candy on top of him, face up.

He’d pulled her legs apart and Adam had a clear view of her beautiful pussy. She’d trimmed and waxed, leaving a pert triangle of dark hair.

Big enough to hide and yet tantalize. From this angle he saw everything.

Her thick lips, dark pink from engorged blood, he’d savor later.

Her feminine creases fascinated him. He could spend an hour tracing each with his tongue, sliding between and around. Her clit swelled, begging him to flick it then gently nibble.

Damn, he’d just had the most massive orgasm of his life and he was hard again. Bryan was right. One night with this woman was not enough.

Candy’s eyes slowly opened, though she couldn’t yet focus.

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“Hey,” said Adam. “How you feeling?”

“My lips tingle and I hear hissing like a steaming kettle in my ears. But it feels nice,” she murmured, closing her eyes again.

“So do you,” whispered Bryan, nuzzling her neck. “That was some explosion. You screamed and passed out. If you didn’t have such a shit-eating grin, we’d have been worried.”

Adam scratched the bottom of her foot with a fingernail. Now awake, she squeaked and pulled it clear as he laughed at her glare.

“We want more of you, Candy. If you can take us like that your first time, who knows what else we can do together? We want you to visit the ranch.”

“Yeah,” continued Bryan, scooping water over her chest. He blew, the cool air hardening her nipples like magic. “Can’t guarantee coming this often, but we’ll do our best.”

Adam lifted her limp leg to soap an ankle. “Speak for yourself, Junior. I can satisfy the lady any time.” He suckled her big toe to emphasize. Her pussy clenched in response.

“I wouldn’t want to be a nuisance, or make problems with your employees.”

“No worries,” replied Bryan. “There’ll be just the three of us in the main house. The quarters for our hired hands are far enough away for privacy. We’ve got cattle, horses, chickens and various dogs and cats. A sweet pussy like you will fit in just fine.”

“I’ve always wanted to visit a ranch.”

“Good,” said Adam. He reached into the tub, slid his hands under Candy and lifted her off Bryan, nestling the warm, wet, naked woman in his arms. He stood her on the rug and wrapped her in a thick towel.

“You’re coming with us. We’ll cross a few fantasies off your list, and find a few more to add to it.”

“I don’t have a list of fantasies.”

“That’s not what Sue told me,” said Adam.

“Just when did you talk with Sue?” Her friend was eager for Candy to have hot sex, and would have eagerly spilled all.


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“After your pole dance. And if you run out of fantasies, you can take care of ours,” said Bryan, leering. He stepped out of the tub, fully erect. Again.

“I’m a good cook and housekeeper. I can do that while you work outside.”

Adam rested his forehead on hers and kissed her nose. “Coming home to hot food after a long day will be a real treat.”

“Even better,” drawled Bryan in his fake Texan accent, “would be comin’ with a hot woman.”

“We leave first thing in the morning,” said Adam. “But there’s lots of night left.”

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Chapter 9

“That’s prettier than a sunrise. Such a shame to wake her,” said Bryan. The way she clutched that pillow he almost felt jealous of it.

He walked closer for a better look. If she didn’t get her ass in gear they’d have to leave without her.

“Time to get up, Candymine.” Adam leaned over the bed and wafted a cup of coffee under her nose. “Let’s rock and roll.”

She stretched arms above her head, toes pointed on long legs. Her large breasts, pink and warm, beckoned. But they had to leave. Damn that Alberta clipper!

“Don’ wanna go.”

“Don’t matter none,” replied Adam. “Mother Nature always wins, so up and at ’em or take a taxi to Sue’s by your lonesome. We’re outta here in fifteen.” He placed the coffee on the bedside table, far enough away that she couldn’t reach. He nodded at Bryan to take over and hauled their duffle bags into the kitchenette.

No way was Bryan leaving this luscious morsel behind. And what a fine behind she had! She’d rolled to her stomach after her stretch, the sheet draped provocatively to the peach valley between her cheeks.

He flipped the sheet down, put a knee on the bed and gave her a morning salute with the palm of his hand. She shrieked and rolled away from him, sitting up and blinking her eyes.

“How dare you!”

“We leave in fifteen minutes.” He checked his watch alarm.

“Twelve, now. There’s a major snowstorm blasting down from Canada and we’ve got to get over the pass before it closes. Much as

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I’d like to cuddle right here all day, work comes first. You staying in bed or coming with us?”

She groaned and flopped onto her back. “All right, I’m in.”

She rolled the rest of the way off the bed and to her feet, blinking.

She tucked dark curls behind her ears, looking for her suitcase. He hadn’t seen such a voluptuous woman in years. At the thought of sharing her with Adam for a few weeks, his temperature went up so fast steam almost whistled out his ears. She saw his stare and a blush rose from damn near her toes, raising nipples on the way past her breasts. He pointed to the bureau where they’d set her bag last night.

He couldn’t speak right now if he’d hit a triple Bingo card.

She grabbed her bag and skittered into the bathroom. He chuckled at the click of the lock. Women! After everything the three of them did last night, she was too shy to have him watch her dress?

The door opened soon after. No sexy thong, unfortunately. Nope, white cotton this morning, and her bra covered way too much. But on Candy, even white cotton looked damned sexy.

“Coffee. Now,” she commanded pointing to the bedside table.

“Not till you’re dressed. That’ll make you move faster. You’re down to ten minutes now.”

He waited until she slammed the door before grinning. Sassy wench. She’d bring Adam down a few pegs, all right, and he’d help, just to hear him laugh. Adam had rarely left the ranch, hadn’t seen the rest of the world and gotten over his past. Bryan couldn’t remember Adam talking or laughing so much since Bryan’s mom died, back when they were teenagers.

He automatically tidied the room as he waited for Candy, straightening the bed covers, checking drawers and under the bed to make sure they hadn’t left anything behind.

Along with a few of Candy’s fantasies, Sue had told them a bit about Candy’s past. They’d never brought a woman to the ranch and had no intention of ending up with one like Adam’s mother. Sue had laughed at the suggestion of Candy as a gold digger, said she had
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more than enough money invested. Her upper-middle-class parents weren’t quite as screwed up as Adams’. Sue said there wasn’t physical abuse, but Bryan knew how years of scathing comments left scars invisible to the outside world.

“That’s where it went,” he muttered, finding the remains of her thong under the desk. He gave the white lace scrap an appreciative sniff and stuffed it in his back pocket. He knew he grinned like a fool, but no one was there to see.

None of them had family living, though Doc considered himself a father figure. Adam’s father, Grant, turned bitter when his mom walked off the ranch. He was five, and Grant took his vengeance out on everyone. At least Bryan’s mom lasted until they were in high school before the cancer got her. The rodeo did his dad in years earlier.

They were simple men, but Candy was complex. She had layers, like an onion. He’d enjoy peeling off each as he discovered the real woman inside. Afraid of love, Adam insisted he couldn’t give more than short-term affection to a woman. But, though he pretended otherwise, Adam watched Candy like a predator, using his peripheral vision so she wouldn’t get spooked and run. Bryan had a suspicion Candy might end up setting the trap rather than Adam.

The toilet flushed. Five minutes to liftoff. “I got the tip,” he called out to Adam, hearing a grunt in response. He flipped open his wallet and dropped two twenties on the dresser.

Adam might swear she wasn’t a keeper because of the two strikes against her from his point of view: a city gal from back East. Bryan hoped she’d stay long enough to bring some life and laughter to the Double R. They’d remodeled the ranch house as soon as they could afford it, wiping away all traces of Grant Richardson. It needed a woman’s touch, those bits and pieces that neither of them understood.

the things that said ‘home’ when you walked in the door.

Would she stay that long?


Reece Butler

The lock clicked open and Candy stepped out wearing red socks, worn jeans snuggling her hips and a red tee-shirt peeking from under a blue striped flannel shirt. She held a grey hoodie in one hand, suitcase in the other. She raised an eyebrow like a duchess.

“Where’s my coffee?”

His watch alarm went off. Three minutes to liftoff.

“Come and get it.” Adam stood by the door, the steaming white mug waiting for her.

Bryan checked out her butt when she passed. “Finest kind,” he said.

“You drive back,” said Adam, handing Candy her coffee.

Bryan caught the tossed keys in one hand. He raised an eyebrow in silent question—Adam wasn’t one to sit shotgun.

“I’ll keep Candy from getting bored in the back seat while you keep both hands on the wheel.”


Adam patted Candy’s bottom possessively, smirking at Bryan. He held her coffee while she bent over to put on her boots. Both men inhaled in appreciation. Seeing them, she ran a hand over a denim-clad cheek and gave it a slap like a stripper would to get attention.

“If you’ve got time to ogle, men, there’s time for breakfast.”

“Breakfast’s waiting downstairs. We’ll eat in the truck,” said Adam.

They hauled everything into the elevator where Bryan pulled Candy close as the doors shut.

“Since I’m driving, I get first dibs.”

He pressed his right hand against her butt, fingers curving under to massage her cleft. He tilted her white hat to the back of her head and she snuggled her soft body close. He slowly lowered his mouth and she opened hers to meet him. She tasted of mint toothpaste and coffee.

He ignored everything but the woman he held. He inhaled the natural scent wafting up her body and ran his hands over the rounded
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belly his cock valiantly tried to salute while his lips devoured her. She whimpered, rising on her toes to get nearer. He heard a distant bell.

“You coming up for air any time soon? ‘Cause you’re blocking my way.”

The sharp nudge in his ribs broke the spell. He pulled back, panting. Candy still in his arms, they faced the hotel foyer. A scatter of applause and a few impressed ‘yee-haws’ erupted at the morning’s entertainment.

“Oh, my God,” said Candy, and buried her red face against his chest.

The elevator’s insistent buzzing broke them apart. Candy pushed her hat low over her forehead and picked up her picnic basket. Bryan followed with a load of luggage. He recognized a few men and met their eyes with head high, proud as a rooster crowing at sunrise.

“And she’s a damn good cook,” boasted Adam, behind him.

“How much you charge?” A short man in a thousand-dollar suit looked at Candy with open lust. Not the appreciative kind.

“Not everyone has to pay for it, buddy,” growled Adam. “And if I wasn’t holding these bags, I’d be making a fist about now.”

“I want her answer. Or does she only talk with her legs spread?”

Bryan dropped his bags and held Adam back from attacking.

“Let’s see how Candy handles him first.”

Candy, walking in front, stopped and raised her head. She set her load down, exaggerating the thrust of her bottom, and turned to face the man. She tilted her head to one side, openly checking him out.

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