Cowboy Sandwich (4 page)

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Authors: Reece Butler

BOOK: Cowboy Sandwich
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“I haven’t eaten so well in years.”

Bryan groaned, rubbing his belly. He leaned against the padded headboard of the king-plus bed. Candy sat cross-legged at the foot of the bed using a pillow in her lap as a table. She waved a slice of apple pie in Adam’s direction. He thought for a moment then shook his head.

Candy smiled in satisfaction. Watching hardworking men appreciate her food made all those cooking classes worthwhile. She took all sorts of evening courses for years, mostly to escape dreary evenings with a complaining husband. So far, her dance and cooking lessons had proven useful.

“Ever think of hiring on as a camp cook?” Bryan didn’t bother to open his eyes. “Men work a lot harder to come home to great food and a pretty woman serving it.”

“Maybe she’s too scared to live miles from nowhere, surrounded by thousands of cattle, dozens of horses and a few good men,” said Adam.

Candy’s heart pounded at the challenge. She dropped her head to hide her reaction. They’d told her about the Double R between grunts of enjoyment as they ate. She’d laughed at their stories as they’d one-upped each other. Adam showed her his steer-wrestling belt buckle.

Bryan insisted he was great on bucking broncs, but Adam snorted and rolled his eyes.

The Double R sounded like paradise, not that anyone she knew would consider it such. But to her, the seclusion would be peaceful,
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the work fulfilling. And she might find time to sketch, something she had to get practice before continuing her interrupted art degree.

“I just might do that,” she said.

Adam sat up, his body tense, as if he’d met the need for food and was ready for something else. His eyes widened, glinting in the candlelight.

“You wouldn’t see anyone else for weeks at a time. Alone all day with just cats and dogs for company. Then the men come in with cold hands and empty bellies. Hungry for more than food.”

Candy’s nipples hardened and reached toward him. She tingled and her thong, still damp from their touch at the club, moistened. The intensity of their eyes made her shiver.

“Time to tidy up before something gets spilled.” She snapped the cover on the pie plate in her hand.

“Pushy, ain’t she?” said Bryan. He licked a finger and lifted a few crumbs from his pants. “Needs a spanking to prove who’s boss.”

She squawked and scuttled backward.

“We won’t ever hurt you,” said Adam, his voice gentle. “But the sting of an erotic spanking heightens pleasure.” He held up his hand, covered with calluses. “My rough hand on your smooth bottom.

Waking your sensual needs. Making the line between pleasure and pain fade.”

“No,” she whispered.

“Yes,” he replied. “Your flushed face and hard nipples prove it.”

Candy’s mind raced with erotic fantasies of dominant men

‘forcing’ her to comply.

Bryan’s dark eyes widened, drawing her in. “We’ll play games, with you as the disobedient captive. We’ll torture you with pleasure.

Change your howls of defiance into screams of orgasm.” He drew the words out like a caress.

She throbbed at the thought of being overpowered. She wouldn’t be able to resist giving into what she secretly craved, those dark fantasies that nice Boston girls would never imagine, much less do.


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But this was Montana where ‘nice’ didn’t exist. And what good had nice ever got her?

“When you’re really hot, the line between pleasure and pain tends to fade,” said Adam.

Candy looked from one eager man to the other. They leaned forward as if ready to attack.

“Excuse me,” she blurted. She backed off the bed and scurried into the bathroom. She locked the door and leaned against it, trembling. She wanted more than a boring life. She wanted to experience everything Adam and Bryan could give her. One night, to remember the rest of her life.

She splashed cool water on her face, breathing low and slow until she as felt calm as possible with two randy males waiting outside the door. A loud snap and bellow, followed by deep laughter, grunts and thuds filtered through her thoughts.

“Ow! Dammit, Bry!”

When silence followed she cracked the door open, just enough for one eye. The empty bed beckoned, bedspread smooth as if they’d never sat on it. Adam lay on his back on the floor clutching his neck.

His back to her, Bryan bounced on his toes, slapping his right fist against the palm of his left. They’d stripped to their pants. One leather, one cotton. Broad, muscular chests and arms flexed, challenging each other.

“Whats’a matter, old man? Can’t take it like you used to, huh?”

“That last hold pulled my neck again. Gimme a minute and I’ll nail your hide to the wall.”

“Yeah?” snorted Bryan. “You and whose army?” He stepped closer, bending forward and flexing his muscles like the Hulk. He yelped and went down when Adam shot out a hand and yanked his ankle.

“Don’t need an army.”

Candy threw the door open and stomped out. “Boys! Leave you alone for a few minutes and you act like children.”

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“He started it,” accused Bryan, pointing at Adam. “He snapped me with the dish towel. See!” He turned his side to reveal a red welt on his left shoulder.

“Boys or men, it’s just a matter of bigger and louder.”

Adam laughed. “I’ve got something big. Gonna kiss it better?”

She refused to respond, though her face heated.

“Look at that. Another blush,” murmured Adam.

War on hold, Bryan stood up beside Candy. “She blushes because she’s still too innocent. We’ll solve that problem tonight.”

Adam winced as he rotated his shoulders.

“Didn’t hit you that hard,” said Bryan with a sneer.

“Maybe I can help,” said Candy. “I took acupressure lessons.”

“Not only can she dance and cook, she’s an angel of mercy,” said Bryan.

“Count this as your second favor,” said Adam. “Hell, if you can make the pain go, we’ll count it as three.”

“I’ll hold you to that. But you’d better sit in a chair to reduce the stress on your neck.”

Adam rolled to his side and reached up a hand. Bryan hauled him to his feet.

“Sit backwards on that chair.” She pointed at an armless kitchen chair, nodding as Bryan moved it into the center of the room. “I wish I had massage oil.”

“No worries,” said Bryan. He retrieved a half-empty clear bottle from the bedside table and handed it to her. “Use this.”

“What is it?”

“Water based and condom compatible. Just use a bit, it’s very slippery.” He winked. “We can use that on you later on.”

She read the label. Lubricant. Heat rose right from her toes to hit her hairline in record time.

“I’m hurting here, folks.”

Bryan squeezed a dollop of gel onto her palm. Face still hot, she smoothed it over Adam’s neck and shoulders then squeezed. Finding

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knots, she leaned into him with her thumbs, grinding in circles to find the best, and therefore most painful, spots. As each knot faded, he relaxed a bit more. She changed angles, stepped too close and brushed against his gelled skin. She stopped and backed away.

“I don’t want to wreck Sue’s shirt with this stuff. Does it wash out?”

“No!” said Adam. He turned to face her, shaking his head. “It’ll ruin your clothes. You’ll never get the stains out.”

“What?” Bryan frowned at Adam for a second before his face cleared. “Oh, right. Yeah. Take your shirt off, Candy. In fact, just get naked. You don’t want to wreck your costume. Let me help.”

Bryan reached for her with both hands.

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Chapter 5

“Whoa, boys, I’m not that stupid.” Candy stepped out of Bryan’s reach.

“Idiot,” groused Adam. “I had her convinced until you pushed it too far.”

The shirt belonged to Sue. The demi-bra was her own, but really expensive. And she loved the way it held her breasts, nipples pointing the way.

“All right. Since my hands are goopy, Bryan can undo my shirt.”

Arms out like a pastor asking for a blessing, she warned Bryan with narrowed eyes not to touch.

“Yes!” Brian rubbed his hands then blew on them. “Don’t want chilled fingers, do we?”

He took his time unsnapping her shirt. He unwrapped the knotted cloth above her belly and slowly peeled it from her shoulders. When he reached for her bra she backed away.

“Adam’s turn.”

“Smart woman.” Adam slowly rose to his feet, power and control evident. She shivered at the intensity of his gaze. When she massaged him, she thought she’d been in control, but he’d never relinquished it.

When she put on her costume this afternoon, she’d been nervous about what might happen to her. Hoping, but not expecting anything special. Dancing while they watched had aroused her. Adam’s touch had wound her nerves even tighter. And now, his eyes promised wickedly wonderful things.

“Turn around.”

“It’s a front closing bra.”


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“I know.” He raised a determined eyebrow. “Turn. Around.”

At five foot four, Candy was average height, with her ex only five inches taller. But no one would ever call Adam Richardson average.

Her head fit under his chin. His upper arm looked as big as her thigh.

He made a circling motion with his finger. She obeyed, forcing everything from her mind. From now on she would only feel.

Adam stepped behind, his lightly furred chest tickling her shoulder blades. He ran his fingers down her arms, fire tracing from them. Avoiding her wet hands, he pulled her wrists from her body until she stood like a cross. He slid his hands to her shoulders then down her sides until he reached her waist. Tracing her.

She waited, panting.

Her bra lasted barely two seconds. He inhaled a moan, calluses rasping her soft flesh as he lifted her breasts, weighing her. His large hands supported her like no bra ever could.

Hot. Demanding.

He pinched nipples between thumbs and index fingers and her knees gave way. Holding her snug, he turned her toward him, dropped to one knee, and sucked a tight bud into his mouth. Nerves she’d never felt before responded. She thrust herself into him, demanding more.

Bryan stepped behind, molding her bottom with one hand, and did the same to her breast with the other. He nudged her feet further apart with his own and kissed her neck, trailing his tongue between each soft nibble.

Four hands. Two mouths.

“To hell with your massage, this lady needs attention,” said Bryan.

Adam released his mouth from her breast, capturing it with his hand before it could chill. “What does the lady say?” He slipped his hand under her skirt. Trails of fire followed his fingers as he walked them across her hip to her core. He slid a finger under her sopping
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thong, knuckle pressing into her. She inhaled and leaned into the embrace.

Bryan slid his fingers under her lace from behind. He quested forward, enhancing the sensation. Adam pressed his fingers into her, curling them toward her pubic bone. He hit something right and she arched into the sensation, hissing her pleasure.

“G-spot,” murmured Bryan into her ear.

She twitched, clenching and twisting, wanting more, but not knowing what.

Adam’s thumb found her clit. She held still, not even breathing, her senses overwhelmed.

“Hold her, Bry.”

Adam pulled her thong aside and suckled her flesh, his tongue probing, seeking. Bryan pressed a finger tip into her virgin bottom, hot and hard. She jerked at the invasion then pressed back, demanding more.

So many sensations, pleasure spots everywhere they touched. She gave herself to them, wanting. Needing…something.

Adam hummed into her core, winding her up, tension so tight she couldn’t breathe. Then he vibrated his fingers against her G-spot and sucked her clit as Bryan pushed his finger deep.

She stiffened, every muscle rigid for a moment before she exploded, bucking and writhing, sobbing and shivering until the shocks reduced to quivers and she rediscovered where she was.

Almost naked, sandwiched between two grinning, very aroused, men. Her lips stung as if electrocuted, and her head buzzed as if she’d pass out any second.

Adam’s forehead cleared and he kissed her nose. “See? We’re damn good.”

“And that’s from nothing but fingers and mouths,” said Bryan.

“You staying the night or do we get dressed and drive you home?”


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After proving she wasn’t deficient after all, they’d still drive her home if she wanted to leave? Though they were hard and horny?

When she pulled back, Adam released her.

“You’d drive me home right now?”

The two men looked at each other. They turned to her and gave short, definite nods.

“Yep,” said Bryan. He bent over to pick up his shirt, winced and shook a leg out.

“It’s the lady’s choice,” said Adam. Arms crossed and face blank, he’d retreated, both physically and mentally. “Always the lady’s choice.”

Candy looked from one to the other, bottom lip tight between her teeth. Boyfriends and husbands demanded sex. Along with cooking and cleaning, it was the price a woman paid for living with a man, even if it destroyed her soul.

These men might complain, but they’d stop when she asked. She craved their masculine bodies and they made her laugh. But their respect of her made them irresistible. She inhaled and stretched her arms high, thrusting her chest at them.

“The lady stays.”

“Yes!” Adam dropped to his knees to claim her behind. Wasting no time, he flicked open her skirt buttons and tossed away the fabric.

“Ah, my beauties,” murmured Bryan. One hand on each breast, he weighed his options. “Both left and right have their points, but this tiny mole on the side….” Mouth full, he couldn’t finish the sentence.

“Mmm, butt dimples.” Adam massaged his thumbs into each small dip at the base of her spine, curving his fingers around to her belly. Holding her in place, he kissed an arc from hip to hip, dropping in the middle to nuzzle the crack between her cheeks.

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