Cowboy Sandwich (3 page)

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Authors: Reece Butler

BOOK: Cowboy Sandwich
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Don’t give me that look. Look what you’ve done now.
What good had
Cowboy Sandwich


her precious control given her? Humiliation and subjugation. No more.

Tonight she’d forget everything except pleasure, and she’d felt more pleasure in the past hour than in her whole marriage. Bryan winked, smirking as if she was a done deal. Did he think she was a submissive slave, eager to do her master’s bidding? In her fantasies the slave always fought back, making the master force her to do serve him. Could she live the reality?

“No,” she said. “And stop smirking at me.”

Instead of answering, he caught her nipples between his knuckles and squeezed, just enough. She closed her eyes, fists tight, shaking to fight back a moan as pleasure shot under her thong.

“Your mouth says no but your body doesn’t lie.”

Tonight wasn’t a fantasy, it was her life. Her
life. She could do whatever she wanted. And she wanted him, and Adam, together.

“Look at me, Candy.”

Bryan spoke softly, but she heard his demand. Her eyes rose as if she couldn’t deny him.

“If these leather pants weren’t so tight I would have exploded when you fu… uh, played with that pole. You’re going to do the same thing tonight, but it’ll be me between your legs.”

He squeezed again, increasing the voltage.

“But not until I’ve licked, sucked and nibbled until you fall apart.

Only then will I drive my cock so deep into your body that you’ll scream and shatter under me.”

His words struck her. She wanted him right there, right now. She pressed her lips tight. She would
beg. She glanced around, hoping no one noticed them as memories of humiliation hit her. A few people smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

She took a deep breath. She was in a swinger’s club, not a high society cocktail party. She was Candy, a sexy, free woman. Not mousy Candace, forced to follow her parents’ or husband’s rules.


Reece Butler

Adam hunkered down and placed a large, rough hand on her knee.

A jolt shot uphill.

“Stop that!” He slid his hand too close to her thong. If he touched her there, she’d lose it.

“Not until I’m done.”

She squeaked when he grabbed her bent elbows and easily lifted her off the floor, leaving her feet dangling.

“Put me down. People are watching.”

“Good. They’ll know you’re mine and won’t bid against us.”

He drawled the words, slow and deep. Then he straightened his arms and lifted her so high her bare belly touched his nose. He nibbled her flesh and she quivered, his teeth more erotic than any sex she’d yet experienced. He slowly slid her down his near naked chest.

He stopped when her nipples hit his mouth. Her ribs vibrated as he hummed deep in his chest. He captured a breast, sucking her nipple through her shirt, still humming.

She closed her eyes and inhaled, thrusting herself against him, silently begging for more.

He sucked her nipple then released it only to blow on the wet fabric, chilling her with heat. She moaned when he pulled back, then sighed when he attacked her other side.

Her nipples must be connected by a nerve that shot straight to her clit. Never had she felt such a spark. Her breasts throbbed, aching for more. She whimpered when he slid her further then stopped at her throat. He nipped at one side then pressed his lips tight and grazed his teeth on her flesh.

Don’t enjoy it
, screamed her mind, but her body reveled in sensation.

When their lips touched, she expected an invasion, but he slid his lips lightly sideways in a gentle caress. She’d never enjoyed kissing, and could never understand why people would do such an icky thing.

Until his touch.

Cowboy Sandwich


She hungered for him. Knowing she shouldn’t, she opened her mouth and slid her tongue against his teeth. He moaned then invaded her mouth. He flicked his tongue against hers before pulling her back.

Breathing hard, he let her slide to the floor.

She clenched her thighs, wishing she had more than air to hold.

Tonight she’d had better sex than ever in her life and they still had their clothes on. The heat made her want to rip them off and dive into a snow bank.

Blood surged through her veins like fire. A raging inferno, invisible but overwhelming.

He ran his hands up to her shoulders then down across her breasts, over her quivering belly and under her skirt. She gasped, unable to breathe when he brushed his knuckles against her thong. His eyes crinkled in a wickedly delicious way, his intentions clear.

“Stop it! You can’t do that here!”

He leaned over until he stood nose to nose with her.

“Candymine, I’ll do whatever I want, wherever I want. Not only will you take it, you’ll whimper for more.”

His commanding declaration revved her up three notches.

“I’ll fight back. I swear I’ll bite.”

“Then I’ll bend you over the table so you can’t reach me. I’ll flip up your skirt, spread your legs and take you from behind.”

Oh, God, yes!
“I’ll reach behind and scratch you!”

“Not if Bryan’s holding you down. He’ll hold your wrists in one hand and smack your bottom with the other.”

“Sounds good to me,” said Bryan. He rubbed his hands together as if warming them.

She whipped her head from one to the other. Bryan grinned like a jackal. Brows low, eyes narrowed, Adam stared at her as if nothing else existed in the world.

The background thud of music suddenly stopped and a loudspeaker squawked like a fire alarm over the sudden silence.


Reece Butler

“Sorry to interrupt, folks, but it’s time for the auction. Ladies, please claim your baskets.”

“Now, that’s what I call bad timing,” said Bryan.

Adam looked down at her. The heat in his eyes matched that in her belly.

“Mine,” he declared.

“Ours,” corrected Bryan.

Cowboy Sandwich


Chapter 3

“Basket number seven, sold for ten thousand dollars to Adam and Bryan!”

The gasp of the crowd barely registered over the roar between Candy’s ears. The reality of what she’d done hit her. She’d now have to serve these men the food she’d made and packed in the wicker basket. But she knew they wanted a lot more than home baking.

Blood rushed from her head and she swayed. A steady hand caught her elbow.

“Easy, Candy. No fainting. A few more minutes and we’ll get you out of this crush.”

The calming words came from Bryan. Unlike Adam, the slightly shorter man’s mellow voice and relaxed chuckle didn’t totally overload her circuits.

Though he excited her, she felt comfortable with Bryan. He was hot cocoa and mini marshmallows in front of the fire. Adam
the fire, hot and demanding. She shivered, but from anticipation or horror?

“Breathe, Candy, then smile. That’s it.”

She choked on the first breath, but the second came easier. By the time they got away from the crowded stage she could walk and smile, though talking was beyond her. The whole event, from climbing into her costume at Sue’s place to now, seemed like a movie. One starring someone else, someone brave, wild and free. Nothing like the woman she was raised to be.

She’d left that uptight woman in Boston, ready to embrace her inner goddess. She’d only had sex with a couple of men in her life, all

Reece Butler

of them selfish bastards who cared little for her needs. What if she discovered that sex could be fantastic and she wanted more?

Come on, girl, get real
You’re almost thirty and want to finish
college, interrupted by marriage. Other than work with art and
children, you don’t even know what you want to do with your life. The
last thing you need is another man. Erotic books and batteries are
cheaper and they don’t insult and humiliate you. Just enjoy the night
and move on.

Taking charge, she shook off Bryan’s hand. She set her feet, crossed her arms over her chest and glared.

“Ten thousand dollars? The last bid was five.”

“It’s our usual donation.” He looked over her head toward Adam and the stage. “My older brother, Sam, was in the Gulf. He didn’t make it home alive. So we help the soldiers still living.”

He shrugged, shaking off her sympathy. After a moment he changed the somber mood by turning to her with an evil grin. His black hair and eyes, along with black leather pants and mesh shirt, made him look like one of Satan’s minions. He stepped close and leaned down to speak over the noise of the crowd.

“An evening with a sexy woman is much more satisfying than mailing a check. And then there are the favors you owe.” He slid rough fingers up her thigh and caressed her bottom, igniting sparks.

“Let’s see, that would be…”

She hadn’t heard Adam approach from behind. He splayed his hands, pressing each finger to her bare belly.

“…ten favors.”

His touch zapped her with lightning bolts. She clenched damp thighs, aroused and eager for hot sex with two men. She looked up to find them staring at her like hungry tigers about to pounce. Her chest tightened, nipples hard. Adam’s zipper bulged and Bryan was no different, their desire evident.

For her.

“Next we have basket number eight.”

Cowboy Sandwich


The auctioneer broke Candy’s concentration. She ran her eyes up Bryan’s chest, heat rushing to her face, Adam’s chest a warm wall at her back.

Sandwiched. By a pair of rough, tough cowboys.

She inhaled a hint of beer, a touch of fresh sweat and something else. Something male, as if their muscles gave off pheromones that said ‘take me, now!’

She licked her lips, breath shallow and quick.

“Chickening out, city girl?” said Bryan.

They stepped back, Bryan holding out his arm like a Regency dandy escorting a lady. His words, his eyes, dared her, challenging her to prove herself as a woman.

She’d never backed out of a promise in her life. She raised her chin and placed trembling fingers on Bryan’s bare arm. Almost-invisible blond hairs tickled her palm. “Lead on, farm boy.”

He scowled. “I’m a cattleman and cowboy, not a farmer.”

She shrugged off his declaration and sniffed at him. “What’s the diff?”

Muttering, Bryan led her to the door. Adam, basket on his wide shoulder passed them, walking bare-chested into the light snow. If he was as hot as she, the flakes would melt before they touched his body.

“Let’s get serious for a moment,” said Bryan, stopping at the coat check. He stuck his thumb over his shoulder. “He’s Adam Richardson and I’m Bryan Raman. Together we’re the Double R. A family ranch with three thousand acres in the Beaverhead Mountains. We raise organic Black Angus cattle the old fashioned way. On horseback. We are

Since moving to Montana, Candy realized just how much she hated cities. Too much noise, pollution and people. As a child, she drew pictures of open blue skies over waving golden fields with cattle and horses, snow-capped mountains in the distance. A childish dream, but never forgotten.

Bryan, eyebrows raised, waited for her reaction.


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“Sounds, uh, nice.” She rolled mental eyeballs at her trite phrase.

“Nice?” he growled, eyes boring into hers. “Darlin’, this is Montana, not Massachusetts. We don’t do ‘nice.’ Life is hard with Mother Nature always trying to trick you. There you are, riding the fence far from home on a warm spring day and

She jumped when he smacked his fist into his palm in front of her nose.

“Before you know it, a storm blows in, dropping the temperature along with a foot of snow. If you’re not prepared, you die.”

She stared, imagining his frozen body half covered in snow. As soon as she got a pencil and paper she’d sketch it. He described a whole different reality, one she’d love to experience.

After a few seconds he shook his shoulders out and a wry grin appeared.

“Sorry about that, but you hit a nerve.” He grimaced as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. He flipped it open and held it up like an FBI agent on TV.

“Driver’s license to prove who I am. I’m also a special deputy for the county.” He waggled his thick, dark eyebrows. “Treat me good or I’ll cuff you to the bed.”

“You wouldn’t dare!” A zap of heat rippled over her belly.

“Ain’t smart to dare a cowboy.” He lightly slapped her left butt cheek, grinning when she squeaked.

“Warmin’ her up, Bry?”

“Just proving who’s boss.”

Candy licked dry lips. For once in her life she wanted to feel good. To have men touch her and make flames run across her skin.

To feel alive.

“Got a problem, city girl?” drawled Bryan. “I’m starvin’ and you owe us ten favors.”

She looked from one to the other. Sue, a long-time member of the club, said they investigated everyone who applied for the auction.

These men were safer than anyone she could find on her own.

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“I can leave when I want,” she stated.

“Of course.” Bryan nipped her ear with his lips as he helped her into her coat. “This is just a picnic. Get to know each other. Nothing happens unless you want it. We’d be mighty disappointed, but we’d take you home.”

“Truck’s warm,” growled Adam.

“And Candy’s hot.”

Adam swept her into his arms and held her snug against his chest.

He felt solid. Dependable. She rested her head on his broad shoulder, putting herself in his hands, literally.

Bryan grabbed her overnight bag and held the door open. Adam carried her down the steps to a bejesus-size black four-door pickup. It wasn’t a pumpkin turned into a coach, but she still felt like Cinderella at the ball.

Tomorrow would take care of itself. She’d let them treat her like a princess tonight.


Reece Butler

Chapter 4

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