Cowboy Sandwich (10 page)

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Authors: Reece Butler

BOOK: Cowboy Sandwich
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When his pubic hair rasped against her, he rested his chin on her shoulder for a moment. Then he slid his hands between her chest and Adam’s and grasped her breasts, pulling and pinching her nipples.

She lifted herself up, pressing Adam deeper. He set up a rhythm, a slow in and out counterpoint to Bryan. Held by both men, inside and out, she let her head fall back and gave in to sensation. Her clit rubbed against Adam when she rode up and down, three points of contact

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below her waist and two above. Adam captured her lips, completing the three and she shattered.

Keening, she spasmed, bucking in jerks, forward and back as each man exploded into her. Ripples from her ass, pussy, clit, nipples and mouth expanded outward, increasing the wave height when they touched. A deep voice yelled something about love just before her world went black.

Cowboy Sandwich


Chapter 12

Initial hunger sated, Adam rested a moment before filling up his plate for seconds. He’d discovered that Candy tossed herbs into darn near everything, but it did give her beef stew and biscuits far more flavor than anything the two of them ever made.

He wasn’t going to complain when life was so good. Not everything was perfect, of course. Candy had taken one look at their larder full of instant and microwavable food and growled her disgust.

He hadn’t managed to snag an unopened box of Cocoa Puffs before she’d packed everything up and shipped it to the food bank.

She’d easily settled into their routine of early and long days. He thought they kept the place clean enough, but Candy put in a week of scrubbing before she declared it merely acceptable. When she insisted on doing more than cooking and cleaning, he showed her their accounting system. She’d laughed at the columns written in pencil and rolled her eyes, muttering about troglodytes.

They now had a computer program for ranch accounts and another to keep track of breeding records. She insisted they could easily keep up the system once she was gone.

He didn’t want to think of that. She’d fit so easily into life on the Double R that he couldn’t imagine it without her. Any day now, just like his mother and the few women he’d brought to the ranch, she’d get bored and take off back to the city. He couldn’t get too attached to her when she’d only leave and they’d be alone again.

Tough, life goes on.
He shoved his feelings deep into the vault as he’d done all his life and dealt with today.


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Candy sat across from him in a long flowered skirt, pointing her fork at Bryan as she explained something serious. Bryan understood computers better than he did, having worked in high tech those years he spent off the ranch. The worst years of Adam’s life: alone with his father, the old man doing his damndest to run the ranch into the ground. He’d missed Bryan. They’d rarely been apart as children, each protecting the other.

He rolled his shoulders and shook it off. Today things had gone well, the warm March sunshine a hint that summer would eventually arrive. Joe told him Candy enjoyed riding up the mountain most days, which she only did with Joe to take care of her. In addition to potential problems with wild animals, Candy didn’t have a Montana understanding of Mother Nature. This time of year the weather could change in an hour from spring sunshine to blizzard. The warmth made it worse, increasing the snow load.

Candy looked up from her plate to find him staring at her.

“What?” she said.

“Just wondered how your ride went today. Did you go up the mountain?”

Though Candy had only a couple years of English riding lessons as a teen, it didn’t take her long to get back into riding. Johnny told him that every day she could, Candy rode Bess up to the line cabin.

She’d brought packets of dried soup, coffee, tea and cookies. Joe would help her get a fire going in the old stove and they’d share a hot drink before leaving again. Candy said they’d gone a lot farther today and her bottom was sore so she’d put on a loose skirt without panties to reduce chafing. He couldn’t wait to check it out.

“I just love it up there. The view from the cabin is fantastic!”

She stood up and leaned over to get Bryan’s plate. She walked to the sink, still talking. “I just had to sketch it as soon as I got back. So I didn’t have time to make dessert.”

“No dessert?” Bryan, the last bit of herb biscuit in his hand, stared at her back.

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“Don’t worry, there’s pie leftover from yesterday.”

“If you’re talking about that last slice of apple, I had it for breakfast,” said Adam, scraping gravy off his plate with a finger.

“Slice?” She turned to face them. “There was half a pie left after supper!”

“Yeah, well, we got hungry last night. You passed out after…how many orgasms, Bry?” Adam ignored Candy’s sputtering when Bryan silently held up six fingers. “We had a piece each to renew our strength then I scraped the dish for breakfast dessert.”

“You don’t have dessert with breakfast!”

“You do when there’s fresh home-made apple pie calling your name. So, what’s for dessert, Candymine?”

Candy folded her arms under her chest. When both sets of eyes zoomed in on her snug tee-shirt she turned her back and lifted a bowl of fruit off the counter.

“Since you pigged out on breakfast, you can have this for dessert.”

She placed it on the table and sat down. Earlier, she’d arranged the fruit so that a banana stuck out, curving over two oranges. Grapes filled the area above the banana. She turned the basket so that the banana pointed toward the men like a cannon.

Bryan tilted back in his chair, long legs stretched out. He pulled his mouth to one side and made a tsking noise.

“Any whipped cream to go with that?”

“There’s a couple of fresh cans, unless you finished them, too.”

“Ah, spray-on cream. Now
has possibilities.”

Leering, Bryan stood and filled his hands with dishes. Adam jumped to his feet, clearing everything but the fruit basket off the table.

“You’ve got something on your mind. What is it?” Candy eased her chair back a bit to give her a chance to escape, should it be necessary. Her heartbeat sped up, nipples hardening.

“I love those ‘on’ buttons,” said Adam, staring at her front.


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Already Candy could feel her tissues swelling, readying themselves. A quick glance below Adam’s belt proved he was eager and ready to go.

“Oh, no,” she said. “I’ve been riding a horse half the day and my bottom’s sore.”

Dual grins appeared on the men.

“Gee, Candy. We’d better investigate to make sure you’re okay.”

Bryan stepped closer, blocking her path to the door.

“Yeah, I’m sure we’ve got some liniment that we could rub in, make you feel better.” Adam flanked her, cutting off escape to the mud room.

“The curtains are open and the lights on. Anyone could see in.”

She slid out of her chair and backed away from them, thighs already damp.

“So they could.” Adam flicked the switch, turning off the overhead light. Through the window, drifting snow made a halo around the yard lamp.

She blinked in the dark. In the quiet she heard zippers descending and pants slipping off. Feet stepped closer. Her breath caught and she shivered in anticipation.

“Guys, this is the kitchen.”

“Yeah. And that table’s the perfect height to check for bruises.”

Adam reached her while Bryan waited on the far side of the room.

“Bruises don’t show in the dark.”

“I’ll use my fingers instead of my eyes.”

She bolted, dodging around Bryan.

Or so she thought. He caught her around the waist with a long arm. She squirmed to get away but he easily held her, pressing her bottom into his belly as he lifted her from the floor.

She fought him, just hard enough to mean it but not to hurt.

“Nuh, uh. You didn’t make dessert like you’re supposed to.

Maybe a bit of punishment will help you to remember next time.”

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He captured her hands, holding them together and handing them over to Adam. One of Adam’s hands circled both her wrists. He turned her to face the table. He pressed her hands over her head for Bryan to catch and slid his other hand up her thigh, taking her cotton skirt along. Though she fought, Adam bent her over the hip-high table and, between them, spread her skirt over her back to bare her naked bottom, hot from the saddle and their attention.

Adam knocked her feet farther apart. “Keep your arms high over your head.”

Candy reached for the far side of the table, palms flat against the wood. Her breasts pressed against the table, her hips at a ninety degree angle.

“No spanking!”

Adam guided himself to the target and surged forward, entering her in one thrust. She grunted as her sheath filled. She gripped him, increasing both their pleasure. Bryan snuck a hand between her flesh and the table, reaching between her legs to pinch her clit, revving her further. Adam kept up a slow, deep rhythm, angling to attack her G-spot. Riding the horse had made her think of this all afternoon and she needed little to set her off. One more thrust and she spasmed with Adam only a moment behind.

She’d barely come down when Adam pulled out and rolled her over. Bryan pulled her tee-shirt up to expose her swollen breasts. He stepped between her legs, lifted her feet to his shoulders and rammed home. Adam reached to her nipples, pinching them just as she liked.

Barely through one orgasm, she erupted in another, bringing Bryan along. He released her legs and collapsed on her, elbows supporting his weight.

“Wow!” she panted. “A gal could get used to this. I should draw instead of doing chores more often.” She ran her fingers through Bryan’s hair and pulled him down for a kiss. He let her control the kiss, as long and as deep as she wanted. When she relaxed he nibbled a line from her neck to her breast. When he scraped his teeth lightly

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another shock hit her. Bryan finally struggled to his feet, groaning with effort.

Adam, already dressed, lifted the banana out of the basket and offered it to Candy, point first.

“Thanks, but I think I’ve had enough of that for the evening.” She accepted Adam’s hand up instead.

“Cross the kitchen off the list, Bry.”

Cowboy Sandwich


Chapter 13

“Nothing like a pretty woman in an apron greeting me at the kitchen door,” said Doc Spencer, stepping in from the cold.

“You say that every week,” said Candy. She closed the door behind him and reached for his coat.

“And I mean it. So this time I brought you a little something.” He handed her a carefully wrapped package he’d hidden behind his back.

“Flowers? For me?” Candy’s eyes widened.

“I’m sure your horse would enjoy them too, but I brought Bess an apple instead. You might want to put those in water.”

Candy stared at the package in her hands, looked up and blushed.

“Oh, right.”

As he had since before Adam was born, Doc hung up his coat and hat, toed off his boots and pulled slippers out of his pockets. He followed Candy out of the mud room and settled himself in his favorite padded armchair. He put his slippers on and rested his feet on the stool just before a white cat jumped into his lap. He automatically rubbed furry ears. A calico mewed on the floor, but he only had enough room for one.

No one dared to have pets in the house while Grant Richardson lived. After he’d beaten a couple of Adam’s pets to death, the boy learned that anything he loved, died. The lad seemed to be making up for it now with the number of abandoned critters he took in. Doc had tended the boy’s ‘accidents’ too often and knew why Adam took in injured and abandoned animals.

“No one’s ever brought me flowers,” said Candy.


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She placed the newspaper-wrapped cone on the counter and snipped the tape. Underneath it lay another layer of thick brown paper. And inside that…

“Yellow roses,” she whispered. She stared at them for a moment, blinking quickly. She took a deep sniff, keeping her eyes closed for a moment. “They are so beautiful.” She looked up at him, eyes brimming. “You shouldn’t have, but I’m so glad you did.”

“You remind me of sunshine and I thought you might like yellow.”

“I haven’t found any vases yet.”

“I brought one, but it’s in my bag. Bryan said he’d bring it when he came in from the barn.”

Doc knew there wouldn’t be anything pretty left in the house. If it could break and Grant could lift it, he destroyed it. Adam and Bryan had totally remodeled the ranch house since their partnership, but two bachelors would never think to buy crystal vases.

“Can I get you something to drink before I baste the turkey again?

Beer, wine, tea, soda? Or I could make coffee.”

“A cup of tea would be perfect, my dear. But take care of the turkey first. I’ve been looking forward to it all week.”

Candy opened the oven door and the aroma of roast turkey reached out and grabbed his gut. She’d asked him what he wanted and he’d told her true.

“This’ll be a big improvement on Mary Ferguson’s turkey dinner.

She means well, but the woman cooks everything twice as long as it needs. Sand has more moisture than that dried up old bird.” He winked. “I meant the one on the platter, of course.”

She snickered along with him but she didn’t seem as cheerful as usual. She also seemed distracted, searching for a wooden spoon that lay right by the stove.

“Got a hug for me, or will those men of yours take me behind the barn and punch me out?”

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“They aren’t my men,” she said sharply, her back to him. She turned with a smile as fake as Ellie’s cleavage. “And they know if they even hint at hurting you they go without dessert.” So not to disturb a purring cat, she kissed his cheek instead of hugging him.

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