Cops 02 - Love on the Run (8 page)

BOOK: Cops 02 - Love on the Run
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Which made no sense at all. She didn’t consider herself a jealous person, had never been one to worry about the previous lovers of the men she dated. Hell, she and Tony weren’t even dating; they were just fucking. She had no claim to him whatsoever, and yet she found herself unable to stop the protective and territorial feelings that raced through her, no matter how irrational they were.

“You’ll probably get a chance to meet her and her husband at the show tonight.”

Bianca’s head snapped around at Tony’s words. “Oh, so she’s married?”

“Yeah, that’s her husband in the picture.”

Bianca tried to ignore the sudden relief she felt at his words; she tried to pretend that the huge grin threatening to spread across her face had nothing to do with the fact that the woman was married and unavailable.

“Speaking of shows…” She turned in her seat to look at him, and the movement caused the plug to shift. A wave of pleasure shot through her, so sudden, so intense, that it took her breath away. She clenched her teeth together to keep from moaning, pressed her legs together to keep from coming.

Tony glanced in her direction with a knowing smile on his face. He knew exactly what was happening to her, and he was obviously enjoying watching her suffer. Asshole. Big, arrogant, dominating, beautiful, sexy asshole.

“Where exactly is this show at?” Bianca finally managed to finish her sentence.

“See for yourself,” he told her. She glanced out the window as Tony pulled into a parking space marked “Reserved” in front of a warehouse nestled among similar buildings in the River North area.

It wasn’t until she heard the door slam that Bianca realized Tony had gotten out. He walked around to her side and opened the door.

“Come on, let’s get inside.” He reached for her hand and helped her exit the car. “It’s much warmer in there.”

Bianca couldn’t get out of the car and into the building fast enough. She had on the warmest, longest coat that she owned. Unfortunately, it stopped just above her knees, and it did absolutely nothing to block the bitterly cold wind blowing off the Chicago River. Even with jeans and knee-length boots on, she was still freezing her ass off.

When he got to the front entrance, Tony unlocked the door before he took her hand and led her inside.

A mountain of a man in tight leather pants and a leather vest met them at the door.

Bianca tried not to stare, but she never imagined leather clothes being made large enough to accommodate a man his size. He wasn’t ugly, exactly. But his expression was a little too hard, his features a little too sharp to be considered handsome, either. His bald head, goatee, and scary blue eyes only added to his already menacing appearance and made him even more frightening. Bianca tried not to appear like she was hiding behind Tony.

When the man saw Tony, his scowl quickly disappeared and a smile appeared that transformed his face and made him look like a completely different — and much more attractive — person.

“Hey, boss. I didn’t know you were stopping by today.” The man openly appraised her.

“How’s it going, Jacob?” Tony reached out to shake the man’s hand. “I wasn’t planning to come in, but I had a change of plans.” He glanced down at Bianca. “I have some work to take care of in my office.”

She saw Jacob give Tony a knowing look. Jacob’s smile widened before his gaze raked over her again. “I can definitely see that,” he murmured. “Do you need any help?”

“Not this time.” Tony’s arm slid around her waist, his grip possessive. “I got it covered.

We’ll be upstairs. Make sure nobody disturbs us unless it’s an emergency.” Tony steered her toward some stairs.

“No problem. Let me know if you change your mind,” Jacob called out behind them.

“I’m more than happy to help out.”

Before they could reach the stairs, someone called Tony’s name. They both turned around, and Bianca saw two other men standing with Jacob by the entrance, trying to get Tony’s attention.

He sighed. “I need to speak to them for a minute. I’ll be right back.”

Bianca watched him walk away before she finally focused on her surroundings. What she saw shocked her. When Tony first pulled up in front of the building, she didn’t know what to expect on the inside. She certainly hasn’t expected anything like this.

The completely converted warehouse was now an open, spacious room on the inside with high ceilings, exposed brick walls, and hardwood floors. Just as much time and effort had been spent on the interior decorating. Rich shades of deep reds and warm browns filled the cavernous room. Expensive-looking oriental rugs accented the floors. Several walls displayed tastefully done erotic paintings. The floor-to-ceiling industrial windows showed off layers of flowing draperies, which completely blocked the outside light and protected the privacy of the people inside.

Two large oval-shaped bars sat against the wall on each side of the room. Several people relaxed on overstuffed sofas or sat and talked at tables scattered throughout the room.

The heat from the fireplace helped make the room warm and cozy, while the soft lighting and low music made the atmosphere intimate and inviting. But it was the built-in stage in the center of the room that captured her attention. Like an island, seats surrounded it on all sides, guaranteeing those in attendance a great view no matter where they sat.

Movement from above made her glance up, and Bianca saw the second level overhead.

People stood on balconies along each side and looked down at the stage area below.

The touch of an unfamiliar hand against her face and the feel of an unwelcome body pressed against her back startled Bianca as a stranger’s voice filled her ear. “You’re stunning.

Who do you belong to?”

Bianca spun around and met his hungry leer with an angry frown. Before she had a chance to give him a tongue-lashing, she heard Tony behind her.

“She’s mine.” His low, deep voice practically overflowed with danger and warning. The man seemed to sense it, too, because he held his hands up and immediately backed away from Bianca.

“I’m sorry, Tony.” He sounded nervous. “I wasn’t trying to be disrespectful. I…I didn’t know she belonged to you.” He didn’t wait around for Tony’s response and quickly escaped to the other side of the room.

“Let’s get you upstairs.” Tony took her by the hand. “I want to be ready by the time the show starts.”

Chapter Six

Bianca followed Tony up the spiral staircase to a locked door on the second level of the club. He unlocked the door and held it open for her to enter. Before the door completely shut, Tony’s mouth covered hers as his hands slid under her coat and gripped her ass. The movement made the plug shift inside her, and Bianca gasped and shuddered in pleasure.

All too soon, Tony pulled back. He released her just long enough to lock the door from the inside before he quickly removed her coat and his own. He stepped away to lay their coats on a couch in the corner, and Bianca had a chance to focus on the rest of the space.

Talk about mixing business with pleasure. She’d been inside a lot of offices before, but never one like this. Decorated in the same colors as the rest of the club, Tony’s so-called “office” was at least three times larger than any office she’d ever seen and looked like a cross between a police station and a porn set.

At one end sat a huge desk surrounded by several built-in security monitors and a bunch of other electronic equipment that Bianca didn’t recognize. She watched Tony walk over to the desk and type something into his computer as he checked each of the screens that showed video surveillance of the inside of the club as well as around the outside of the building.

Bianca turned her attention to the other end of the room. It was filled with equipment of a different sort. During the past twenty-four hours, Bianca had begun to understand just how much Tony was into bondage and the BDSM scene. And what she saw only confirmed it.

It was more like a play area than a full playroom. In spite of the size, the space held more than enough bondage furniture, toys, and gadgets to keep a person entertained — and pleasured — for a long time.


Bianca stared at the whipping post in the corner, and she felt excitement stir within her as she envisioned the bite of the whip or the sting of the flogger against her skin while she stood restrained and immobile against it.

A few feet away was a sawhorse, and she couldn’t help but imagine the burn of the paddle as it landed across her ass while she was bound, facedown, on top of it.

In the far corner, a large, square wooden base sat on the floor with a pole in the center that extended at least two feet high. Bianca stared at it and tried to figure out what it was used for. Before she could, Tony’s arms encircled her waist, his lips trailing along her throat.

“How do you like it?”

“It’s beautiful.” It was true. She’d never seen a place like it before. As his lips continued to move along her skin, Bianca let her eyes roll shut, and she leaned her head back, silently offering him more.

After his hands and lips teased her for several long and maddening seconds, she lifted her head and pointed toward the corner. “What’s that?”

“It’s a tower of pleasure.”

Bianca tried to focus on Tony’s words, but his tongue in her ear made it extremely difficult.

“How…how does it work?”

The sound of Tony’s seductive laugh seeped into her pores, permeated her skin, and moved through her until she felt her pussy flood with arousal.

“You’re going to find out real soon.” Bianca heard the promise of pleasure in his words and couldn’t stop the whimper that left her lips. So far, everything Tony had shown her exceeded every expectation she’d ever had. She couldn’t wait for her next lesson.

A humming sound drew Bianca’s attention to the back wall. She watched as the curtains automatically slid apart to reveal a glass wall that provided an unobstructed view of the entire club from Tony’s office.

Bianca turned in Tony’s embrace so she could look out of the window. “So, I take it you’re not just a guest here?”

“No.” He confirmed the obvious. “I’m a co-owner. My partners are the two men you saw me talking to earlier.”

“They looked familiar for some reason.”

“They should. You spent New Year’s Eve at their other club.”

Bianca thought back to the private party she attended a couple of months ago. She remembered Clarke introducing her to Scott and Dave, the owners of the club. They were the same two men she’d just seen downstairs.

“How did you decide to become partners?” “We share a similar interest in this lifestyle. And when they approached me about opening this place, I signed on. There are plenty of clubs out there for people who are curious or just want to experiment with this way of life. That’s not what this place is about.

It’s for people who like to play this way on a regular basis who want to be able to enjoy themselves in a safe environment.” He gestured to the people in the club. “All of those people are either members or guests of members. A prospective member has to be sponsored by a current member before they can even be considered for membership. And nobody becomes a member until I’ve run a thorough background check.”

“What about the guests?” Bianca asked. “How do you know some of them aren’t serial killers?”

“We don’t,” Tony conceded. “That’s why we invested so much into the security

surveillance equipment inside and outside the club. We want to make sure people feel safe and protected while they’re here. We rely a lot on security like Jacob. Trust me; he is one mean motherfucker that you do not want to piss off.”

Bianca could definitely see that. Jacob was someone she’d avoid in broad daylight, let alone in a darkened club.

“All members are responsible for the behavior of their guests,” Tony continued. “If a guest violates any of our rules, they’re immediately removed and permanently barred from the club. And depending on how serious the offense is, we may revoke the membership of the member as well.”

“Have you ever had to cancel someone’s membership?”

“Just once, when we first opened the club a little over a year ago.” Tony sounded irritated. “An asshole member brought his asshole friend with him one night. They both had a serious problem with gay people and thought they were going to spend the entire night gay bashing in a room filled with gay couples.” Tony snorted. “Unfortunately for them, they picked the wrong gay couple to fuck with and ended up getting their asses handed to them before being kicked out of the club.”

Bianca remembered Clarke telling her that Tony’s partners were also lovers. “I’m sure that must have thrilled Scott and Dave.”

“Who do you think gave them the beat down?” He chuckled softly. “But overall, we have good members who are very careful about the guests they bring here. There aren’t a lot of places like this facility around, and our members like being able to come here to relax and enjoy themselves. Besides, our membership fees are pretty expensive, and members know they don’t get a refund if their membership gets cancelled.”

“And being an owner of a club like this doesn’t cause a conflict with being a cop?”

“Not at all.” Tony’s voice was adamant. “Everything that goes on here is completely legal. I wouldn’t be involved unless it was. The only thing that’s sold here is liquor. And even that’s monitored carefully. All sex acts are mutual and consensual. And those that aren’t don’t happen. Period.” Bianca nodded. She had no doubt that everything Tony said was true, couldn’t imagine him having it any other way.

As they stood there she watched two men begin to set up pieces of equipment on the stage below.

“Okay, enough talking,” Tony growled in her ear. “It’s time to play.” He released her and walked over to a cabinet next to the piece of furniture that she didn’t recognize. Tony removed a dildo from inside the cabinet, and as Bianca looked on, he attached it to the tip of the pole.

Instantly, Bianca realized how the equipment was used, and the thought made her pussy flutter with anticipation.

Tony scanned the wall, which had an array of floggers, whips, and paddles hanging from hooks. He selected a flogger, and another item that reminded Bianca of a belt before he turned back to her.

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