Cops 02 - Love on the Run (19 page)

BOOK: Cops 02 - Love on the Run
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“I’ll take care of it.”

“Thanks, Elizabeth. I owe you.” Tony helped Bianca into her car and got in on the driver’s side. As he pulled away from the curb, he saw Elizabeth still standing there watching them as he drove down the street.




“We have a problem,” Reggie told Dimitryi as soon as he answered his phone. “The

house off of Chinatown just got raided.” Reggie paused. “They have the girls, Dimitryi.”

Dimitryi remained quiet, and his silence terrified Reggie far more than his rants ever did.

“Can they be eliminated?” he finally asked. “Not at this point, sir. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement are now involved.

Agents arrived, and the girls were placed into their custody.”

“I’ve lost far too much because of that black bastard and his partner. But it ends now.”

Dimitryi’s voice was cold and dangerous, and it sent a chill through Reggie.

“I’m going to Nevada, and I want all four of them delivered to me immediately. You can have a little fun with the bitches, but I’m going to take care of Tate and Parker personally. And once I’m done,” he snarled, “you can bury what’s left of them in the desert.”

Chapter Eighteen

Tony stood in the shower, shaking like a leaf, barely holding on to his control. On the way to his condo he’d hardly uttered a single word to Bianca, had barely even looked in her direction, as he struggled to get his heart out of his throat and back into his chest where it belonged.

As he drove, he listened to Bianca confirm his suspicion that she hadn’t been asleep earlier that night like he’d originally thought. She’d overheard his conversation with Ed.

Somehow, she’d managed to make out the address from the notepad he’d written on earlier and learned the location of the raid.

She told him she’d gotten there early and had only intended to watch from her car.

While she was waiting for the raid to happen, she saw a guard arrive and take a girl into the back of the building. After the guard left and Tony’s team had arrived and moved in, she described how she’d snuck around the building and used the same entrance that she’d seen the guard enter. From there, she’d started searching the rooms for the girls.

By the time Tony reached his condo, he knew all about how she’d ended up in the

middle of his raid, and why she’d only done it because she wanted to make sure the girls were found and freed without being hurt or killed.

But every time he got ready to forgive her for doing something so stupid that placed her in unnecessary danger, he’d see an image of that son of a bitch holding a gun to her head, and he knew that if he’d arrived even a minute later, she would already be dead.

It was that knowledge that filled him with such overwhelming anger and fear that it made his knees weak.

The bathroom door opened, and Tony felt a slight breeze as the shower curtains

moved. He turned to face Bianca and paused. The confidence and self-assurance she always exuded was gone, and she stood before him looking traumatized and shaken, her eyes red and watery, as if she’d cried long and hard. All of the anger inside him instantly drained away.

“Come here, baby.” Bianca practically collapsed into his arms. She clung tightly to him, and faint tremors vibrated through her body.

Tony backed her against the cool shower tiles; his fingers twined with hers, and he raised them above her head. He pressed his body against hers, his cock already hot and hard between them.

He buried his face against her neck. He could smell the fruity scent of the shampoo and the citrus scent of the soap he kept in his guest bathroom in her wet hair and on her damp skin. His lips traveled up the column of her neck and over her chin until he reached her mouth, and he gave her a gentle, soothing kiss. Their lips separated slowly, their gazes locked together.

“Thank you for saving me,” she whispered softly.

“No.” Tony frowned. “You don’t ever need to thank me for that. Don’t you know that I’d do anything for you? Anything. All you have to do is look at me, and you fucking own me. Haven’t you figured that out yet?” Bianca’s eyes welled up with tears.

“When I saw you in that hallway, saw his gun pointed at your head, I was so afraid I would lose you…” Tony closed his eyes and released a shuddering breath before he looked into her face again.

“I didn’t save you because it was my job, Bianca; I saved you because I love you, and I would die if something ever happened to you.”

“Don’t…” Bianca closed her eyes tightly and frantically shook her head in denial, her voice weak and pleading. “Don’t say that, Tony. Please…nobody’s ever told me that…ever meant that…”

Reaching out, he held her head steady. “Look at me, goddammit!” Tony demanded. Her red-rimmed eyes snapped open, and her gaze found his. “I’m telling you that I love you, and I mean it.” His voice was low, his tone intense. Bianca opened her mouth, but he cut her off with another kiss before she could speak and then wiped the tears that slowly rolled down her cheeks.

“I know I’m not perfect, Bianca, and God knows, I don’t have the best track record when it comes to women. Considering what happened between us, you have every right to hate and not trust me. But I swear to you that I’d gladly walk away from everyone, give up everything for you…for us.”

Tony could hear the desperation in his voice, knew he probably seemed pathetic and weak, but it didn’t matter. All he cared about was Bianca and making sure she knew how he felt about her, knew how much he needed her. “You’re my last thought when I go to bed, my first thought when I wake up, and damn near every other thought in between.” Tony swallowed, his throat tight with emotion. “I need you like I need my next breath.”

He kissed her again, long and deep, until she began to whimper softly, her body undulating against his.

Their lips parted reluctantly, and Tony reached behind him to turn off the water. He helped Bianca out of the shower, dried her off, and led her back into his bedroom. There, he took her into his arms again and let his hands roam. He touched her body everywhere.

“Scared me…” He nipped at Bianca’s lips, along her jaw. “Promise you won’t ever do that again.”

She shook her head; a soft moan escaped her lips. “Never…promise…” Her hand wrapped around his erection, and she pumped up and down the hard shaft. “God, Tony.” Her movements became frantic, her breathing shallow. “Missed you so much. Need to feel you deep inside me…want you to fill me up…”

Tony groaned; her words, her touch sent shivers through him, nearly causing him to explode.

“Don’t worry, I intend to.” He growled low against her throat. “But you need to be taught a lesson first.”

He sat down on the bed and pulled her facedown across his lap. “Need to show you

what’s going to happen to you every time you disobey me, every time you put yourself in danger.”

His hand slid over one perfect heart-shaped ass cheek and then he let his hand fly, slapping Bianca’s ass and leaving a deep pink handprint in his wake.

Bianca bucked on his lap. “Aahhh!”

“Mmm-hmm…that’s it,” he purred. “Take it…feel it.” He slapped the same ass cheek again and again, turning it a dark red.

“Tony!” Bianca jerked. Her back arched, and she thrust her ass toward him.

“I’m right here, baby, giving you what you want…what you need.” Tony switched to the other cheek and gave it the same treatment before he started to alternate between them.

“Yes…” Bianca’s head tossed from side to side; her low moans filled the room. Her hips thrust back and forth as she humped against his leg. Tony was positive her pussy would be soaking wet if he touched her there.

“I need to come, please…” Bianca begged. She pushed her ass toward his hand, her legs spread further apart, and Tony could see the evidence of her need as her juices ran down her legs.

“Uh-huh…show me.” He changed his angle so that his palm landed directly across her pussy several times. She shrieked and cried out. “Yes…oh, Tony, yes…” Her body convulsed, and she shook and shuddered on top of him as she came.

Tony leaned down and placed kisses over each crimson globe before he gently caressed her tender skin. Bianca eased off his lap, dropped to the floor between his legs, and slid her soft lips down his hard shaft.

“Oh, shit…” Tony groaned. His hands automatically wrapped themselves in her hair and guided her head, silently encouraging her to take more of him into her mouth. The sight of her lips moving back and forth over his dick completely captivated him.

Tony could feel his orgasm catching up with him, threatening to roll right over him, and he quickly eased his cock out of her mouth. Lifting her off the floor, Bianca straddled her legs over his thighs, and he helped her sink down onto his waiting erection.

Their moans and sighs intermingled as they began to move against each other, thrusting and grinding together.

“Tony…love you…” Her whispered words hit him like a fist, completely shattering his self-control. His orgasm erupted with such force it stole his breath and brought tears to his eyes.

Tony was clinging to her, breathing raggedly against her chest, barely able to think or hear past the roaring in his ears and the pounding of his heart. But he was acutely aware of her, sensing when she cried out, felt when she pulsated around his cock, still semi-hard and buried deep inside her.

Finally, Tony lifted his head, held her face between his hands, and kissed her. He leaned back and stared into her green eyes.

“Tell me again…please.” His heart was still thundering in his chest. His voice shook, and his body trembled.

Bianca’s watery gaze met his. “I love you.” She gave him a tremulous smile, but her voice was strong, her eyes sure.

He maneuvered them until they both lay on the bed facing each other, limbs entwined as they held on to one another in silence.

Tony was in a state of shock. He never would have imagined how much it would mean to hear Bianca say those three little words to him, to be able to look into her eyes and know that she meant every single word. To feel the exact same way about her left him speechless.

He thought about how much time he’d spent over the past several months trying to deny what now seemed so obvious, and he couldn’t believe how stupid he’d been to have jeopardized his chance to experience this moment, to have risked his opportunity to be with this woman.

He slid his hand into the back of her hair and brushed his lips across hers. “God, I love you.” Emotions made his voice hoarse. “I’ve never said that to a woman before; never felt that for a woman before…until you.” His mouth covered hers, and he tried to pour everything he felt for her into their kiss before he slowly leaned away. “You’re more than I ever thought I deserved, everything I could ever want, ever wish for.”

He eased her onto her back, covering her body with his, kissing and caressing her until they both ached and sought release.

“Tony, please…” He held her gaze and gradually slid inside her, thrusting unhurriedly, loving her slowly and completely, making her moan, making her beg, making her his.

The sounds of their throaty whispers and ragged gasps echoed throughout the room and bounced off the walls, until they blended into cries of pure pleasure and absolute bliss.

Tony collapsed on the bed next to her, too drained to do anything more than wrap his arms around her. They lay together for several long minutes, and he listened to the rapid beating of her heart while he struggled to slow his own racing pulse.

Just as his eyelids became too heavy to hold open and he almost gave in to his body’s need for sleep, his cell phone rang and dragged him back into consciousness. He snatched the phone off the bedside table, knowing before he even looked at the number on the display that it was someone from work. He was right. He didn’t even bother to answer it, letting it go to voice mail instead.

He needed to get back to work. The rest of the team was probably trying to figure out what the hell was going on, and he knew he was going to have to explain why he’d gone MIA in the middle of his own raid. Hopefully, Elizabeth covered for him like she said she would. If not…well, Tony figured he’d deal with that once he got in.

He looked over at Bianca and found her watching him with sleepy eyes. “You have to go.” She didn’t really ask a question; it was more like she was acknowledging the obvious.

He sighed, nodded. “Yeah…”

Bianca started to rise out of the bed, and he stopped her. “Where are you going?”

“I’m going to get dressed.” She frowned in confusion. “You said you had to go.”

“Yeah, I do. You don’t have to go anywhere.” He pulled her back until she was lying underneath him. “You’re tired. Get some rest. You can stay as long as you need to.” He’d be fine if she never left again.

A huge yawn suddenly escaped her, as if her body was reacting to the mere mention of rest, and she quickly covered her mouth to stifle it. “I am a little tired. Are you sure?”

Tony answered her with a kiss. His lips and tongue slowly explored her as he tried to commit every taste, every texture of her mouth, to memory.

The sound of his phone ringing again made him groan, and he reluctantly pulled away from her. Tony rested his forehead against hers and stared down at her. “I gotta go.” He said it more to himself than to Bianca as he tried to convince his body to move. And it didn’t help matters when she looked at him the way she did, those green eyes offering things that he knew he couldn’t have if he planned to leave the house anytime in the near future. God, he didn’t want to go. It felt so good to just be there with her, wanting nothing more than to hold her, to look at her, to get lost in her. Damn, he was so whipped.

Finally, he forced himself up and off the bed and started to get dressed. Bianca quietly watched him, her expression half shy, half sexy, and it was giving him a full hard-on, making it extremely difficult to fasten his pants.

“You need to stop looking at me like that, or I’m never going to get out of here.” His voice sounded deeper, huskier to his ears, his need obvious in his words.

Bianca laughed a little, blushed a lot. “Sorry.”

BOOK: Cops 02 - Love on the Run
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