Cops 02 - Love on the Run (7 page)

BOOK: Cops 02 - Love on the Run
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“I was fourteen when my mother and I moved here.” She sounded drowsy.

“Where does your mother live now?”

Bianca’s eyes slowly blinked open, and for a long moment she just looked at him. Tony immediately realized his mistake.

“I’m sorry.” He laid his palm against her cheek. “I shouldn’t have asked you that.”

“No, it’s okay.” She gave him a soft, sleepy smile. “I lost my mother when I was nineteen. She had a stroke and died shortly after I started college.”

“What about your father?” he asked gently, hoping his question wouldn’t upset her further.

“I didn’t know my father. He was nothing more than a stranger, a face in a picture, just some American man in Brazil when he met my mother. He hung around just long enough to make her think he loved her. Then he fucked her and forgot all about her. He was back in the States before she even realized she was pregnant.”

“I lost my parents when I was young, too,” Tony admitted. “I remember how hard it was to lose the two most important people in my life at that time. But I was fortunate enough to grow up with both of them. They were in my life for sixteen years. I can’t imagine how difficult it must have been to never have known or even seen your father.”

“Oh, I saw him. He just didn’t realize who I was.” Bianca’s answer caught him by surprise.

“Shortly after my mother died, I decided to look for him,” she went on. “I eventually found him living in Boston about four years ago, not long after my twenty-first birthday. He was obviously older, but otherwise he looked just like he did in the photo my mother kept on the dresser in her bedroom.”

When she didn’t speak for several long moments, he prodded her. “Did you say anything to him when you saw him?”

Bianca shook her head. “He was having dinner with his family, and I remember sitting a few tables away, watching him with his perfect little blonde wife, and his two perfect blond sons, living his life completely oblivious to what he’d created and left behind in Brazil over twenty years ago.” She shrugged. “No, I didn’t bother to let him know who I was. It still wouldn’t have changed the fact that I probably meant nothing to him, and he definitely didn’t mean anything to me.”

She spoke as if it were no big deal, but Tony knew better. Not only had she lost one parent and never known the other, she’d had to survive on her own since she was a teenager, with no one to depend on, no one to turn to.

In spite of that, she’d managed to finish college, start a good career, and build a life for herself. Whether she admitted it or not, what Bianca had accomplished was a damn big deal, and Tony felt his admiration and respect for her growing by the second.

“So, was it just you and your mother growing up?” Tony asked.

“No.” Bianca shook her head. “My cousin, Jazmin, lived with us, too. My mother raised her after my aunt died.”

“What happened to her? Did she come to the US with you?”

She paused. “Jazmin…disappeared.”

“Disappeared?” He looked down at her. “What do you mean?”

When she still didn’t respond, he asked again. “How did she disappear?”

Bianca remained silent for a long moment before she finally sighed and rolled onto her side to face him.

“Jazmin was fifteen when she met this guy, Javier.” She practically spat the name out, like saying it left a bitter taste in her mouth.

“She thought she was in love, and she ran off with him. She left a note saying they were getting married, and he was going to get her a job with his friend’s company. Weeks later, we saw Javier, and my mother confronted him. He pretended not to know what we were talking about, denied that he even knew who Jazmin was.”

Tony knew he probably should just change the subject, but the cop in him couldn’t let it go. “So why didn’t you go to the police?”

The look she gave him was filled with disgust. “Most of them were bigger criminals than the people they arrested. Every time they looked the other way when girls like Jazmin disappeared, it meant money in their pockets. They had no interest in doing anything to stop it. They even threatened my mother, told her that the same thing would happen to me if she didn’t mind her own business.” Frustration and bitterness had seeped into her voice, and he regretted he’d pushed the issue.

“My mother decided it was too dangerous for us to continue to live there, so she started making plans for us to move here. Almost a year later, just before we left for the US, Javier, his partner, and most of the police department were arrested on trafficking charges. But it was too late for Jazmin. We never heard from or saw her again.”

“I’m sorry,” he said for the second time, his words sounding woefully inadequate, considering what she’d gone through. He knew that expressing the anger and outrage he felt wouldn’t make her feel any better, either. In spite of all the risks, the frustration, and the danger, Tony truly loved being a cop, believed with all his heart in the motto, “To serve and protect.” It was unfathomable to him how someone who’d sworn to uphold the law could choose to protect a degenerate who did those types of things to women and children.

He had a better understanding now of what drove Bianca’s actions. The situation with her cousin explained why she was so determined to pursue her story on Dimitryi. She wanted to expose him to make up for not being able to save her cousin.

“You know it wasn’t your fault,” he spoke softly.

She gave him a smile that fell painfully short of happy. “In my head, I know that. I was only thirteen years old when it happened. But in my heart…”

Tony didn’t know how to respond, so he just held her instead, his hand absently stroking her back. “I’ve never told anyone about my cousin before, Tony. Not even Clarke.”

He paused at the significance of her words. The fact that she was willing to trust him enough to share a personal and private part of herself that was obviously very important to her surprised and touched him in ways he would never have imagined.

“I’m not even sure why I’m sharing it now.” She chuckled self-consciously and looked at him with eyes clouded with embarrassment. “I guess…” She gave a deep sigh. “I just figured you’d understand.”

Tony cupped her jaw. Sliding his fingers through her hair, he rested them at the base of her neck. He lifted her head for a kiss. “I do understand. Thank you for sharing it with me.”

They’d been lying together for a while before Tony finally realized that Bianca was out cold, her body limp and unmoving against him, her breathing steady and deep.

He should just let her sleep. She was probably sore. He should leave her alone and let her get some rest. Tony felt his cock swell and had to have her again.

Selfish bastard. He eased the covers from Bianca’s body and began to place heated kisses on every inch of her skin, from her knees to her navel to her neck. By the time he reached her lips, she’d begun to writhe on the bed, and the sweetest sounds he’d ever heard flowed from her lips.

When her eyes opened, he stared into their fathomless green depths. “Time for round two,” he whispered.

Chapter Five

When Bianca woke the sun barely broke the eastern sky. She glanced down at Tony’s sleeping form before carefully easing out of bed. She didn’t want to disturb him. Bianca found the guest bathroom, quickly used the toilet, and then stepped into the shower. She moaned as the heat from the water loosened her muscles, soothed her aches, and washed away her pain.

Bianca couldn’t help but think about the previous night, about the things Tony had said to her and — oh, God — the things he’d done. By opening a door inside of her, he’d released a part of her that she’d repressed and ignored for far too long. She’d always sensed he might hold the key. He’d helped her see that it wasn’t as scary as she’d thought it would be to let go and lose herself — if only for a little while — to someone else.

Bianca finished up in the shower, dried off, and went back to Tony’s room. She stood in the doorway and stared at her jeans and shirt lying on the floor, hating the thought of putting dirty clothes on after she’d just gotten out of the shower.

She looked around the room and wondered if Tony would have anything she could borrow. An open drawer in his closet caught her attention. Unable to resist, she padded over to the drawer, curious to see what else he kept inside.

The drawer was bigger and deeper than she originally thought, and it contained toys that she didn’t even recognize. Something toward the bottom of the drawer looked familiar.

Intrigued, Bianca reached inside and pulled out the flesh-colored butt plug. It was obviously new and still encased in the original clear plastic packaging. She hadn’t had anal sex in a long time. Her last couple of partners hadn’t been interested or experienced enough to try it with her. She’d never used a plug before, had never had the courage to buy one, let alone put one inside her. But the longer she studied it, the more intrigued she became. Bianca wondered how the smooth, cone-shaped plug would feel, stretching and spreading her more and more as it widened and went deeper inside her until the flared base pressed snugly against her ass.

“Have you ever used one before?” Tony’s voice was right in her ear, his lips brushing her lobe. She was so wrapped up in her fantasy, she never heard him get out of bed or walk across the room.

“No.” The word sounded more like a moan as Tony’s hands began to knead her ass.

“The next time I fuck you, it will be right here.” One finger slid between the round globes and pressed against her anus. “Have you ever let a man fuck you there?”

“I…yes.” Her voice was a breathless whisper. Just the idea of what Tony suggested made her shiver.

“Good. That’ll make what I have planned easier.” He took the packaged plug from her hand and opened it. At her questioning look, Tony said, “I want to give you something to think about, to anticipate for the rest of the day.” He left her standing by the closet while he went into the bathroom, and Bianca heard the water running. He returned with the plug in one hand and a towel in the other. Bianca saw the beads of water dripping from the plug.

Tony walked back to the closet and removed a small, long, unopened box, and Bianca saw the word “lubricant” written on the front. He sat on the edge of the bed and motioned to her.

“Come here.” Bianca moved toward him immediately, trying not to appear too eager but unable to help it.

“Lay across my lap.” She eased herself over his strong thighs. Tony rubbed along her back and over her ass for several seconds. “I’m going to put this plug in you, and you’re going to wear it until I take it out. It’s not as thick as I am, but it will stretch and prepare you well enough to take my cock later.”

Bianca heard the sound of plastic tearing as Tony opened the box of lubricant. She felt the thin, long tip of the bottle slide into her body followed by the cool sensation of the lubricant inside her. The tip suddenly disappeared, and she waited for several seconds before she felt the warm head of the plug pressed against her hole. Bianca involuntarily tensed as soon as she felt the plug push into her.

“Relax.” Tony’s voice soothed, encouraged her to calm down and loosen up. “Just breathe…nice and slow.”

She did as he instructed, and it wasn’t long before she felt the tension and discomfort seep out as her body opened up and the plug slid into place.

“Good job.” His voice was filled with approval. Bianca felt his lips on her ass. “How does it feel?”

She wiggled her ass for a moment as she tried to get accustomed to the plug. “Full,” she finally responded, and Tony chuckled softly. “That means you’ll be ready for me later.” He jostled the plug, and Bianca nearly fell off his lap as intense pleasure shot through her.

“Oh, fuck! Do it again. Please…” She was right on the verge of an orgasm, and it wouldn’t take much to send her over.

Tony seemed to know it, too. “Uh-uh. No coming until I say so. Today you’re going to learn a lesson in control.” He ignored Bianca’s protests as he wiped the excess lubricant off and helped her to her feet.

As soon as Bianca was standing, Tony pulled her into his arms, and her lips immediately sought his. Her muscles clenched around the solid weight of the plug inside her, and she moaned against his lips. “So, what’s on the agenda for the day?” she asked when he let her up for air.

“Well, I’m going to take a shower and then we’ll get dressed and go and find some breakfast.” He sucked on her lower lip. “After that, I’m going to follow you back to your place so you can park your car and change your clothes. A little later on, we’re going to watch a show.”

Bianca frowned. “What type of show?”

He gave her one of those smiles that always made her wet. “You’ll see soon enough.”




“What are you thinking about?”

How beautiful you are. She’d never say it out loud, though. It wasn’t considered macho or masculine to call a man that. Especially a man as tough and strong as Tony. But it was true.

Bianca remembered the art classes she had taken in school, and her favorite artists were always those who created finely sculpted pieces with great definition and amazing detail.

That’s what she saw every time she looked at Tony. His large body was so well-proportioned, so precisely defined. And when he moved, it was with such masculine grace, he was like a walking work of art — flawless, perfect. Beautiful.

“I was thinking about those pictures on your computer,” she said instead.

She saw him smile, and he glanced over at her briefly. “I wondered when you’d ask me about that. For a while I thought you’d forgotten about them.”

“Oh, I hadn’t forgotten. But I’ve been a little…distracted since I first saw them, and I hadn’t had a chance to ask you yet.”

“The woman in the picture is an acquaintance of mine.” He said the words so casually that for a moment Bianca thought she hadn’t heard him right.

Bianca sat there thinking that she was going to have to do something about the sudden case of jealousy she’d developed that seemed to flare up with alarming frequency lately. It seemed just the mere thought of Tony with another woman made her claws want to come out.

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