Cops 02 - Love on the Run (3 page)

BOOK: Cops 02 - Love on the Run
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“What’s your interest in this? I mean, what do you even know about trafficking other than what you’ve probably seen on some made-for-TV movie?”

For the life of him, Tony just didn’t get why she would want to go anywhere near this story. Okay, so he understood the part about Clarke; he could see how Bianca would want to make the person responsible for hurting her friend pay. Shit, they all felt that way — and no one more so than Jack. But Bianca’s interest seemed so much deeper than even Clarke, as if, perhaps, a personal grudge drove her. If that were the case, then he wanted to know more.

He watched Bianca carefully and waited for her to respond. She stared off into space, as if lost in some old and unpleasant memory. Finally, Bianca gave him a sad smile. “Trust me, Tony, I wish that was all I knew about it. Unfortunately, I’ve known about trafficking longer than I care to remember. In South America, particularly in Brazil where I’m from, it’s a common occurrence for people to simply disappear because of men like Dimitryi Ivanov. And I’ve seen firsthand the devastating affects it has on the families of the victims.”

Tony saw Bianca’s haunted eyes and heard the unspoken words in her comments. Her interest in this was a lot more private — and painful — than she was willing to admit. And he was sure there was more to her story that she wasn’t telling him.

“So, in answer to your question, I know far more about trafficking than I ever imagined I’d need to know, but not nearly enough to make a difference — at least, not yet.”

“Okay. You’re right,” Tony conceded. “It’s obvious that you’re not new to the subject, and I can tell how important this is to you. But it’s not that simple.”

Tony watched as disappointment filled her eyes. Almost as if she’d expected him to refuse to help her.

He sighed and leaned across the table. “Listen, Bianca, it’s not that I don’t want to help you, but I don’t think you really understand what you’re asking me to do. If it ever got out that I was voluntarily passing information to the media, I would be in a shitload of trouble.”

“I do understand, Tony,” Bianca insisted. “I know how serious this is. But you have my word that anything you share with me will be kept completely confidential. I don’t expect for you to give up every single detail about your investigation, and I’d never release information that could get you or Jack into trouble. I just thought we could both help each other out here.”

He needed to turn Bianca down. Right here. Right now. She’d have to find someone else to help her. Better yet, he should tell her to scratch the whole damn idea and stick to a story a little less life-threatening, like parking scofflaws or tax evaders. Except he couldn’t bring himself to say the words.

“Look, Tony,” Bianca continued. Obviously, he didn’t look convinced. “I can understand why you’re reluctant to do this. It’s not like we really know each other that well, and here I am, asking you to go out on a limb and break all types of rules, just to help me.”

She gave him a fleeting smile; then her face grew serious. “But I really believe we’re both on the same side here, and we both want the same thing. We want to make people like Dimitryi Ivanov disappear permanently.”

Tony didn’t know if it was the determination he saw in Bianca’s eyes or the passion he heard in her voice that did it. Maybe it was simply the fact that, for whatever reason, she’d asked him for help. Or maybe it was the way she sat there, looking so fucking irresistible that Tony found it impossible to say no.

He looked at Bianca, and instead of telling her to count him out, he went against department policy and his own common sense. “Okay. I’ll do it.” “Yeah?” The brilliant smile she gave him lit up her entire face. She looked so genuinely pleased that it made his decision to help her worth it.

Even if he was already regretting it.

Although it disturbed Tony to voluntarily expose Bianca to any part of his cases, especially this one, it upset him even more to know that she’d undoubtedly continue to seek out information, with or without his help. At least this way, he could keep an eye on her and make sure she didn’t stick her nose into something that could get her into a world of trouble.

“Well, don’t get too excited yet. I do have a couple of ground rules.” Tony tried to downplay just how good it felt to know that he was the reason for the happy expression on Bianca’s face. “First, you can’t release any stories until I’ve had a chance to look at them.”

Even as Bianca nodded her head in agreement, he continued to emphasize the point. “I’m serious about that, Bianca. This is my ass on the line here. The stuff I share with you will be sensitive and highly confidential, and if the wrong information leaks out, I’m the one going down.”

Bianca gave him a solemn look. “I swear, I won’t release anything without your approval.” She smiled broadly. “Anything else?”

Tony paused, suddenly rendered speechless. He couldn’t help but wonder if Bianca knew just how incredibly sexy she looked at that moment.

“Yeah,” he finally responded. His voice sounded huskier, and he cleared his throat.

“You have to follow directions. If I tell you information about a raid or an informant, it’s not so you can go and seek these places and people out on your own. The people involved in this world are dangerous, and they wouldn’t have a problem with using you or even harming you for their own personal gain.” Just the mere mention of her getting hurt had Tony’s heart skipping a few beats.

“No problem.” Bianca looked so excited, she practically bounced in her seat. “Is that it?”

“Yeah, that’s it.” Tony chuckled and then added, “For now, anyway.”

“So, how soon can we start? Would tomorrow be okay? Where should we meet? I can come to you if that works better.” She fired off questions so quickly, it was impossible to get a word in.

“Hey, slow down, take a deep breath.” Tony couldn’t help but laugh at her enthusiasm.

“You’re awfully eager, aren’t you?”

She smiled sheepishly. “Is it that obvious?”

“Yeah, it is.” Tony returned her smile. “Don’t worry, it’s all good.” He paused. “But it can’t be tomorrow. I already have plans for the evening.”

Bianca suddenly grew quiet and she seemed unable to maintain eye contact with him.

Tony gave her an odd look and searched her face. He couldn’t understand the abrupt change in her demeanor. “Right,” she finally said. “Well, I certainly wouldn’t expect you to cancel your date on account of me.”

She was jealous! If he hadn’t seen the flash of envy in her eyes or heard the hint of jealousy in her tone for himself, he would never have believed it.

A slow smile spread across Tony’s face. “Who said anything about a date?”

“It’s just…I…well…” Tony watched the blush spread across Bianca’s face as she struggled to respond, and the look on her face made him laugh out loud.

“I don’t have a date, Bianca.” He decided to put her out of her misery. “It’s more work-related than anything.”

“Oh…is it something about your case?” She perked up.

“Uh…no. Listen, what about Saturday?”

Bianca seemed to think about it. “I’m supposed to go shopping with Clarke in the morning, but otherwise I don’t have any plans.”

Tony snorted. “That’s a good thing. If you’re hitting the stores with Clarke, that’s going to take up most of your day, anyway.” He pulled his wallet out of his pocket and removed a card. He searched his coat pockets and found a pen. He wrote something on the back of the card. “Here.” He handed it to Bianca. “My cell number is on the front, and my address and home number are on the back. I should be home after six o’clock. Just come by.”

As Bianca took the card their fingers briefly touched, and it felt as if an electric spark shot through his fingers and straight to his groin. His cock immediately hardened. He glanced at Bianca, and from the slightly stunned look on her face, she’d obviously felt it, too.

Tony refrained from grabbing her hand just to feel the sensation again.

“Bianca, you didn’t eat your dinner.” The sound of Pops’s concerned voice caught Tony off guard. He was so caught up in the moment with Bianca, he never heard or saw the other man approach the table.

“It’s okay, Pops. I wasn’t that hungry anyway.”

Pops frowned. “You’re skinny enough already.” His voice was filled with disapproval.

“You could use a little meat on your bones.”

From where Tony sat, Bianca looked more than fine. She may be on the slender side, but she was far from skinny. And she had just the right amount of meat on those curves to keep any man more than satisfied.

Bianca laughed. “I guess I can take the food with me and eat it later.”

Her response seemed to satisfy Pops, who held up a bag. “I already wrapped it for you.”

After Pops walked away, Bianca looked at her watch. “Oh, it’s later than I thought. I probably should head home.” She stood up from the table and put on her coat. Tony got up as well.

“Do you need a ride?” His sudden question seemed to surprise both of them. “Uh…no. I drove,” she told him. “I’m parked in the lot. But…thanks.”

Tony simply nodded and continued to watch as she fastened her coat and picked up her bags.

Bianca smiled. “Thanks, again, Tony,” she said softly. “I’ll see you Saturday night.” She headed toward the door. Tony grabbed his coat from the back of the chair and followed behind her.

She looked at him questioningly. “I’ll walk you to your car,” he said in explanation.

“You don’t have to do that,” Bianca protested, but Tony ignored her.

“I know I don’t have to.” He glanced down at her as they walked out of the restaurant to the parking lot. “I want to.”

They walked in silence to her car. While Bianca unlocked the doors and put her bags inside, Tony took a moment to admire her new silver BMW.

Once Bianca slid behind the wheel, Tony closed her door. She started the ignition and her window slid down.

“Thanks again, Tony. Good night.” She closed the window up and drove away.

Tony stood for several long moments watching as she drove out of sight before heading in the direction of his own vehicle, his thoughts firmly focused on Bianca.

He made no attempt to hide his attraction to Bianca, made no effort to conceal his desire for her. It would have been a waste of time, anyway. Nobody would have believed him, even if he’d tried. He’d done more than his fair share of staring at Bianca during the past few months — and not always discreetly, either. Hell, all people had to do was watch his reaction whenever she was around to know exactly how much he wanted her.

Besides, it was impossible to not want Bianca. Everything about her — from her long legs and sleek curves, to her soft golden skin and long, sandy blonde hair — turned him on and practically drove him insane.

In spite of his desire for her, though, Tony tried to convince himself that his interest in Bianca was purely physical. He tried to pretend that her heart-stopping face and traffic-stopping body were the only reasons he wanted her.

But he was lying to himself; his attraction to Bianca was much more than just physical.

Still, he’d been reluctant to approach her. He had an extremely high sex drive and demanding sexual needs, and he typically didn’t bother with women who were afraid of their own sexuality.

Tony unlocked his Avalanche and climbed inside. His thoughts drifted back to a distant memory of when he and Bianca had helped Jack and Clarke move into their new home.

She’d thought she was alone, and so she was unguarded and unaware that anyone was watching her.

Tony had witnessed her true character that day when she’d accidentally stumbled across Jack and Clarke’s playroom. He saw the way the flogging and spanking toys seemed to fascinate her, and he could sense her interest in the devices designed for binding and restraining.

In that brief moment, Tony caught a glimpse past the perfect exterior and self-confident personality to the real woman, the one who existed at her core.

Although he believed that submissive tendencies existed within her, he could tell that Bianca had yet to embrace what she truly wanted, and needed to accept, when it came to her sexual needs. And if the things she saw in Jack and Clarke’s playroom surprised her, he’d shock the shit out of her if he showed her what turned him on.

So, for the first time in his adult life, Tony chose to ignore his feelings for a woman and not pursue her like he wanted. The harder he tried to stick to his own decision, though, the more it seemed that Bianca tempted and teased him until he was fast on the verge of complete madness. Hell, his dick got hard at just the thought of being near her, and he was forced to admit that not only had his plan backfired, it caused him to want her even more.

Tony drove out of the parking lot and headed home. He still wasn’t completely sure if assisting Bianca was the smartest thing to do, but he was determined to do it anyway. He might not know her that well, but it was apparent that Bianca was as smart as she was beautiful. She obviously loved her work and was clearly committed to this story. If exchanging information about an issue that they both had a common connection to could help her career, then it would be worth the sacrifice and more than enough reason for him to do it.

His motivations were self-serving, as well. Helping Bianca meant he would get to spend more time with her. They’d have no choice but to finally deal with their attraction for each other. If that happened to lead to something more between them…well, that would suit Tony just fine. And if he got a chance to help Bianca explore a side of her own sexuality that she’d yet to discover…his cock hardened. That would be even better.

Tony smiled in anticipation, suddenly looking forward to assisting Bianca with fulfilling her professional dreams and her personal desires.

Especially her personal desires.

Chapter Three

Bianca stood at Tony’s open door. There were very few times in her life when she found herself completely at a loss for words. This was definitely one of those times.

Tony stood in front of her wearing a pair of track pants and a sweat-soaked T-shirt. The shirt clung to his chest and gave her a hint of the perfection that existed beneath. A bead of sweat caught her attention, and she watched as it slowly rolled down his throat until it disappeared beneath the neckline.

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