Cops 02 - Love on the Run (18 page)

BOOK: Cops 02 - Love on the Run
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Tony shot hard, his back bowed, his vision blurred, and he bellowed her name as his seed poured from him into her. Bianca’s head fell against his shoulder, her heavy breathing matching the pounding in his chest.

He managed to push away from the door and carried her on shaky legs through her apartment until he reached her bedroom, where he carefully laid her on the bed and followed her down, his dick still hard and buried deep within her.

Almost immediately, Bianca started riding him again, her hips gyrating and grinding against him, her pussy contracting around him.

“Jesus…” He groaned, moving with her, sliding in and out of her silky, wet heat. Shaky fingers reached out and cupped her face.

“What are you doing to me?” he whispered hoarsely, searching her face for answers but finding only the same raging hunger that was consuming him. “God help me…I can’t get enough of you, can’t stop thinking about you, can’t stop needing you…” He started pushing into her again, his hips pumping hard and fast, his fingers tangling in her hair, pulling her face toward his and slamming their mouths together.

Their gazes remained locked as they thrust frantically against each other, their bodies pressed tightly together, their movements wild and ferocious.

Tony rolled so Bianca was on top, and he pushed up and into her snug channel.

Bianca’s head fell back, and she moaned loudly. She looked so beautiful moving over him, her eyes burning into him, her hair flowing over him. Tony reached up and massaged her breasts. His fingers pinched, tweaked, and rolled her nipples, and his efforts drew moans and whimpers from her.

“Ahh, Tony. So good…” Bianca leaned down; her lips covered his, and her tongue stroked inside his mouth. Her kiss was slow and unhurried, and her taste sweet and savory.

“Come for me,” he whispered into her mouth. His hands gripped her hips, and he drove deep inside.

“Tony!” Her strangled cry echoed through the room as her orgasm washed over her.

The sight of Bianca coming mesmerized him; her lithe body shook and shuddered, her sun-kissed skin flushed and glowing, her warm pussy tight and vibrating. It was enough to push him over the edge for the second time as he emptied himself inside her.

Bianca slumped on top of him, and he wrapped his arms around her, holding on tight, inhaling the heady, intoxicating scent of her.

They remained that way for a long while, until Tony heard her slow, steady breathing.

Reluctantly, he lifted her off him. His prick slid out of her body, and the sensation was pure agony. Nothing in him wanted to let go of the moment, let go of her.

Carefully, he eased her onto the bed next to him before he pulled off his jeans and tossed them on the floor next to the bed. Grabbing the bedspread, Tony covered them both and drifted off to sleep with her wrapped in his arms.




The vibration of Tony’s cell phone woke him a couple hours later. He quietly eased from the bed and picked up his discarded jeans off the floor. Pulling his phone from his pocket, Tony quickly glanced at the number on the display.

“I got good news and bad news,” Ed, his teammate, said when he answered. “Which one do you want first?”

“Surprise me.” He tried to keep his voice low so he wouldn’t disturb Bianca as he made his way to her living room.

“Viktor Sikolov is dead.”

Tony paused. “Is that supposed to be the good news or the bad news?” He could almost see his lead going down the drain.

“Yeah, I can see how that could go either way,” Ed agreed. “But in this case, it’s the bad news.”

“How’d it happen?”

“Don’t know. They found him down in lockup with his head caved in. He’d been beaten so badly, they almost lost him on the way to the hospital. And just like most criminals on their death beds, Viktor got real chatty and wanted to confess all his sins before he checked out for good.”

“I take it that’s the good news?” Tony asked as relief washed over him.

“Right on the first try,” Ed confirmed. “He told us about another one of Dimitryi’s locations.”

Tony had no doubt it was the one where Viktor’s girlfriend was being held.

“Where is it?”

“Some tattoo parlor just south of Chinatown. You want the address?”

“Yeah, hold on a minute.” Tony looked around the room for something to write with.

He spotted a notepad and pen on Bianca’s cocktail table and walked over to pick them up.

“Okay, go ahead.” After he wrote the address down, he tore off the sheet of paper and stuck it in his shirt pocket.

“We already have surveillance in place, and we’re all good to raid them in the morning.” Ed said.

“No.” Tony frowned. “We’re not waiting that long. I want to hit them before the sun comes up. I’m not giving that fucker a chance to figure it out this time.” Or for someone to leak the information to Dimitryi before they arrived.

Tony thought back to their failed raid attempt a few months prior. His instincts told him someone inside the department was feeding information to Dimitryi. That was the only possible reason he could think of that would explain how Dimitryi always seemed to know about their plans and managed to stay one step ahead of them.

Only he had no clue who might be helping Dimitryi, and he didn’t have time to try to figure it out. For now, he’d have to rely on the element of surprise, move in quickly, and hope they arrived before anybody got killed.

Tony pulled on his jeans then looked around the room for his boots. He finally located them next to Bianca’s robe on the floor by the door.

“Have you reached the rest of the team?” He pulled the boots on and quickly tied the laces.

“Yeah, I talked to everyone except Elizabeth.”

“Okay, keep trying her and coordinate with everyone to meet at the station in thirty minutes. I want this raid to happen no later than three o’clock. That gives us” — he glanced at his watch — “about two hours from now to get all of our shit together.”

“I’m on it. I’ll see you at the station.”

“Thanks, man. Later.” Tony disconnected the call and walked back to Bianca’s room.

She’d turned over and was now settled on her stomach with her legs slightly parted. The bedspread no longer covered her, and Tony could see the fluid that coated her inner thighs.

It reminded him that he hadn’t used a condom, hadn’t wanted to use one, and that alone told him just how far gone he was over this woman.

Sighing, Tony turned away from the doorway. He hated like hell to leave her alone, but he had no other choice at the moment.

He walked through her apartment and checked to make sure that all her windows and doors were locked and secured. He didn’t like that she stayed alone, didn’t like that she lived on the first floor in an old building with even older locks and little security. He didn’t like the fact that she hadn’t stayed with Clarke and Jack a few weeks ago, like he’d suggested.

Stubborn ass woman. He was completely, absolutely, positively lost in love with her.

She needed an alarm system, new locks on her windows, and a stronger dead bolt on her door. She needed to stay with him at his place where he could protect her and keep her safe. Tony laughed to himself. Somehow, he didn’t see that happening anytime soon.

He made a mental list of all the things she needed. If he couldn’t convince her to stay somewhere else, he could at least help her make her apartment more secure. He didn’t know what he’d do if she… Tony couldn’t finish the thought. It was too upsetting to contemplate, too painful to imagine.

As Tony let himself out of her apartment, he felt as if he were leaving a part of himself behind. Bianca was forever imprinted in his heart, in his soul, and he vowed that once this latest situation with Dimitryi was taken care of, they were going to have a serious conversation. He wouldn’t lie and promise her that everything between them was going to be perfect, or pretend that there weren’t some issues they still needed to work out. The only thing he knew for certain was that he wouldn’t let their past mistakes prevent them from having a future together.

Chapter Seventeen

Shattering glass and splintering wood filled the predawn morning as Tony led his half of the team inside the darkened interior of the tattoo parlor. He heard similar sounds coming from the side of the building and knew the rest of the team were entering through a side door off the parking lot.

They struck swiftly, apprehending the three stunned guards stationed within the small store before any of them could draw their weapons.

As Ed and Ron handcuffed and searched the men, Tony and Eric quickly made their way through the rest of the rooms as they searched for victims and additional threats. The only thing they discovered was a third door, in the rear of the store, sitting slightly ajar.

Tony turned to Eric. “Call for additional backup while I check back here.”

At Eric’s nod, Tony opened the door and cautiously proceeded down the narrow hallway in the back of the building, stopping briefly at each door he passed, listening for signs of people inside.

As he approached the first corridor off the main hallway, Tony saw movement out of the corner of his eye, and he spun in that direction with his finger on the trigger of his gun.

What he saw nearly gave him heart failure.

Bianca stood at a closed door, repeatedly pushing her shoulder against it, as if she were trying to force it open. Her back was to Tony, and he could tell she was too focused on what she was doing to notice him behind her — just like she didn’t know about the man who was practically on top of her, with his gun pointed at the back of her head.

“Just give me a minute,” he heard her urgent whisper. “I’ll get it open.”

“You’re not opening shit, bitch!”

Tony saw Bianca jump and turn around. Her eyes widened as she finally realized she wasn’t alone. “Police! Do not fucking move!” he yelled and leveled his gun at the man as he tried to control the blind terror and rage he felt.

The man’s head snapped around, and he attempted to redirect his gun at Tony.

“No!” Tony heard Bianca scream at the same time he opened fire, shooting the man several times before he could fire a single round.

He completely ignored the prone man as he sprinted the short distance to Bianca. He pulled her trembling body into his arms and hugged her tightly for a brief moment.

“You okay?” His hands moved restlessly over her, needing to make sure she wasn’t hurt before he released her.

“Yeah.” Her voice shook when she spoke. “They’re in here, Tony. I heard them.” Tony saw that her hand still clutched the doorknob, and he finally understood what she meant.

“Okay, I’ll get them out.” He heard pounding footsteps behind him and Eric calling out his name. “How did you get in here?”

“Through the freight exit.” Bianca pointed to the exit sign at the end of the corridor.

“Go,” he told her. “Wait for me there. I’ll be out in a moment.”

Bianca nodded, and he watched her run to the exit, push the door open, and disappear on the other side. She managed to shut the door behind her a second before Eric turned around the corner.

“You okay, Tony?” Eric ran up to him, his focus locked on the body on the floor.

“Yeah, but we need to get this door open.” Tony squatted down next to the dead man and searched through his pockets until he found a set of keys.

He stood and tried almost every key on the ring before he finally located the one that unlocked the dead bolt on the door.

“Cover me.” Eric kept his gun trained on the door as Tony slowly opened it.

The first sight that greeted him was the group of young women huddled together on the floor in a corner of the small room. Eight pairs of frightened eyes stared back at him, all of them full of tears.

Dingy, threadbare T-shirts and panties barely covered their slight frames, and even with the limited light that filtered into the room, Tony could see the cuts and bruises on their pale skin.

He slowly lowered his gun. “It’s okay,” he tried to reassure them. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

The sounds of additional voices could be heard approaching, and Tony looked up to see several uniformed officers moving down the corridor.

“Eric.” He tried to keep his voice calm as he spoke to his teammate. “Have a couple of these officers help you move them into the store and find something to cover them with.

Then, call dispatch and let them know we need female officers on the scene.” “Got it.”

“Check every room in the building,” he told the other officers. “Make sure there aren’t any other people hidden in them.”

Tony waited until everyone was busy completing a task before quickly and quietly slipping through the exit door. Once he was inside, he glanced around the small space. The only thing he saw were garbage cans and two steel doors that led outside.

“Bianca?” he called out, keeping his voice low, and he saw her cautiously peek from behind one of the garbage cans.

“Let’s go.” He went to her, gripped her arm, and pulled her toward the doors. “You’re out of here right now.”

Tony pushed the door open and carefully looked around before he led her into the alley. They walked to the end of the building, and Tony peered around the corner at the parking lot. When he didn’t see any other police in the area, he turned to Bianca.

“Where’s your car?”

She pointed in the direction of where she’d parked her silver BMW. The sun hadn’t completely risen yet, and the skies were still dark enough to conceal them as they quickly cut through the lot toward her car.

About a half block away from the building, they reached Bianca’s car. Just as Tony unlocked the doors, he heard his name being called. He turned and found Elizabeth walking toward him.

“I just got Ed’s messages about twenty minutes ago.” She sounded apologetic. “My mother’s sick, and I —”

“It’s cool, Elizabeth,” Tony interrupted. “If you want to make it up to me, you can come up with an excuse for my absence and tell the rest of the team that I’ll meet them at the station in a couple of hours.”

“Sure, Tony. No problem.” Elizabeth looked back and forth between him and Bianca.

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