The Hunt for the Missing Spy

BOOK: The Hunt for the Missing Spy
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To Yuka Hayashi, the inspiration for the
new Code Buster, Mika —Penny

Copyright © 2016 by Penny Warner

All rights reserved. International copyright secured. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the prior written permission of Lerner Publishing Group, Inc., except for the inclusion of brief quotations in an acknowledged review.

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Cover art by Victor Rivas.

Interior illustrations © Laura Westlund/Independent Picture Service.

Main body text set in Gazette LH Roman 12/21. Typeface provided by Adobe Systems.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Warner, Penny.

  The hunt for the missing spy / by Penny Warner.

      pages cm. — (Code Busters Club ; #5)

  Summary: During a class trip to Washington, D.C., the Code Busters have many opportunities to hone their sleuthing skills as they explore the International Spy Museum, the White House, and more, but when a classmate goes missing, a mysterious figure in a trench coat may be the key to solving the case.

  ISBN 978-1-5124-0304-6 (th : alk. paper) — ISBN 978-1-5124-0305-3 (EB pdf)

  [1. Cryptography—Fiction. 2. Ciphers—Fiction. 3. Missing children—Fiction. 4. Spies—Fiction. 5. Washington (D.C.)—Fiction. 6. Mystery and dectective stories.] I. Title.

    PZ7.W2458Hun 2016



Manufactured in the United States of America

1 – SB – 12/31/15

eISBN: 978-1-51240-305-3 (pdf)
eISBN: 978-1-51240-769-3 (ePub)
eISBN: 978-1-51240-768-6 (mobi)



To solve puzzles, codes, and mysteries and keep the Code Busters Club secret!

Secret Sign

Interlocking index fingers (American Sign Language sign for “friend”)

Secret Password

Day of the week, said backward

Secret Meeting Place

Code Busters Club Clubhouse

Code Busters Club Dossiers

Quinn Kee

Code Name:


Hair: Black, spiky

Eyes: Brown

Other: Sunglasses

Special Skill:
Video games, Computers, Guitar

Message Center:

Career Plan:
CIA cryptographer or Game designer

Code Specialties:
Military code, Computer codes

IDENTITY: MariaElena—M.E.—Esperanto

Code Name:


Hair: Long, brown

Eyes: Brown

Other: Fab clothes

Special Skill:
Handwriting analysis, Fashionista

Message Center:
Flower box

Career Plan:
FBI handwriting analyst or Veterinarian

Code Specialties:
Spanish, I.M., Text messaging


Code Name:


Hair: Black, curly

Eyes: Dark brown

Other: Saints cap

Special Skill:
Extreme sports, Skateboard, Crosswords

Message Center:
Under step

Career Plan:
Pro skater, Stuntman, Race car driver

Code Specialties:
Word puzzles, Skater slang

IDENTITY: Dakota—Cody—Jones

Code Name:


Hair: Red, curly

Eyes: Green

Other: Freckles

Special Skill:
Languages, Reading faces and body language

Message Center:
Tree knothole

Career Plan:
Interpreter for UN or deaf people

Code Specialties:
Sign language, Braille, Morse code, Police codes


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

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