Consequences (16 page)

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Authors: Skyy

BOOK: Consequences
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Chapter 18
Denise couldn't sit in her home. The essence of Lena still lingered in the air. She headed to the campus gym. She walked into the gym and heard someone dribbling a ball.
Stephanie dropped the ball. “Dee, what are you doing here?” She wiped the sweat from her forehead.
“I was about to ask you the same question.”
Stephanie walked up to Denise. “I come here all the time, you know, just to practice.”
“Well, aren't you dedicated.”
“Everyone isn't a superstar like you. I have to work hard to even come close to being as good as you.” Stephanie smiled.
“Man, you're great. Want a little one-on-one?”
“Only if you give it all you can. I want to go up against the Denise everyone else has to face.”
Denise smiled.
They began to play. Denise took it easy on Stephanie, knowing she couldn't handle her to the fullest extent. Stephanie did her best to guard Denise, but she failed on many attempts.
“Dammit, I suck!” Stephanie yelled as Denise got past her to score.
Denise held the ball. “Don't say that. You don't suck.”
“Shit. You have scored on me how many times?” Stephanie sat on the bleachers.
“Steph, you are hella good. They wanted you in Spain, remember?”
“I want to be wanted in the States. I want to be in the WNBA. God, why can't I have your talent?”
Denise didn't know what to say. She'd never thought about how good she was. It was mostly natural. She almost took it for granted.
“Stephanie, you have to be the best you can be, not the best that I am. Hell, you think if I played against Sheryl Swoopes I would be good? Hell, no.”
“I bet you could give her a run for her money.” Stephanie smiled. “It's just that I want this so bad. Don't you want it just as bad?”
“Of course, I would love to play pro ball, but I didn't come to school thinking I was going to go pro. I just wanted to graduate and make my grandma proud.” Thinking of her grandmother, Mema, was still very sore for Denise. “I just wanted her to see me graduate. Guess I was a year too late.”
Stephanie put her head on Denise's knee. “That's why I like you, Dee. You are so genuine. You don't run across girls like you.”
“Well, thank you.”
Denise looked at Stephanie. Their eyes locked. Stephanie leaned in to Denise. Denise closed her eyes.
“Wait.” Denise put her hands on Stephanie's shoulders. She stood up. “We can't do this, man.”
“Why?” Stephanie asked.
“Steph, you are my teammate. We can't cross that line. Also I think that if I was to kiss you, the only reason I would be doing it is to get my mind off someone else.”
“Rhonda?” Stephanie couldn't believe it would be her.
“Hell naw, not Rhonda. Someone else, someone I am still in love with.”
The words hit Stephanie hard, but she kept her cool. “Well, thank you for stopping. I think I need to get home. You are a special woman, Denise.” Stephanie grabbed her things, determined to get out of the gym before Denise could see how she really felt.
“Shit,” Denise whispered as the door closed. “Dee, what the fuck is wrong with you?” she said aloud.
“Nothing at all.”
Denise looked up when a familiar voice responded in the distance. She stood up when she saw Rhonda walk into the gym.
“Rhonda, don't—”
“Dee, hear me out first, OK?” Rhonda said, walking toward Denise. “I was leaving the computer lab and noticed your car outside. I just wanted to apologize for everything. I don't know what was wrong with me. You are just the most wonderful woman I have ever been with. I let my own insecurities mess it up with you.”
“Yeah, you did. Well, I accept your apology.”
“Dee.” Rhonda grabbed Denise's hand. “Can you find it in your heart to forgive me? We work so well together, don't you think?”
“Rhonda, we really don't. Besides, I should've never gotten with you to begin with. I have a goal, and women aren't a part of it right now.”
“Dee, I don't want to mess up your plans. I just want to be a part of your life, enhance your life, help you meet your goals.” Rhonda's eyes were filled with tears.
For the first time Denise could see the sincerity in Rhonda's face.
It's better to be with someone than no one
, Denise thought to herself. “Rhonda, if you flip out on me one time, I am through with you for good.”
Rhonda wrapped her arms around Denise and planted a sensual kiss on her.
Denise tried to enjoy it, but it didn't compare to the lips of yesterday.
Brandon and Lena settled into their room at the Madison Hotel. Lena changed into an outfit that would definitely send Brandon into a frenzy. She walked out of the bathroom wearing a peach corset with no panties. Her vagina was freshly waxed into a landing strip. She had on peach thigh-highs and high heels.
“Hello, Mr. Redding, are you ready for your wife?” she purred seductively.
“I have been ready for you, Mrs. Redding. Now come over to this bed and let's consummate our marriage.”
Lena walked slowly to the bed and crawled over to Brandon.
Soft music filled the beautiful suite. Brandon made a mental note to thank his assistant for making the perfect romantic playlist to play for their special night.
Brandon grabbed Lena and picked her up, placing her on his face.
Lena rode Brandon's face, making sure he got a taste of all her sweetness. She closed her eyes and listened to the music play, trying to completely get into the mood.
Janet Jackson's sensual “Would You Mind” began to play. Lena's mind drifted to the night before. She began to grind her body against Brandon's tongue. She was no longer in her honeymoon suite. Her mind was back in Denise's bed. She really didn't care if Brandon never gave her oral sex ever again. She had better, and now his didn't compare anymore.
She slid down off of his face and placed herself on his rock-hard manhood. Denise was the pro at giving head, but Brandon would always be the best at waxing her with the dick. If only Brandon was blessed with the skills to make her cum just by tasting her like Denise was.
Lena snapped back to reality. She couldn't be thinking about Denise on her wedding night. It was all about her and Brandon. She focused on him for the rest of the evening as they sexed each other in nearly every position all night long.
Lena lay in the bed with her eyes open. She thought about her beautiful wedding. She knew it was going to make it into the
weddings issue. She hoped too many people didn't catch wind of what happened with that girl.
“Yeah?” Brandon responded, obviously groggy from her waking him up.
“What was the deal with that girl? Is there anything that you're hiding from me?” Lena asked. She knew that there was a possibility that Brandon had been messing with groupies. She hoped that he wouldn't, but she knew there was always a big chance that he would.
Brandon sat up and looked at Lena. “Honestly, baby, I don't know who that girl was. Peaches said that the girl had been trying to meet me for a while 'cause she wanted to marry me, but I had never seen her before,” Brandon said.
“The funny thing is that the girl came up to me earlier this week.”
Brandon's eyes popped. “You mean that she had contact with you? What did she say?” Brandon got up out of the bed.
“Nothing, baby, she was just asking if I was the one marrying you. Carmen and Misha were with me, so I guess she knew that if she tried something that all hell was going to break loose.”
“That's not cool. That is not cool at all. I will handle this. From now on I want you to have a bodyguard, and I will get Peaches to get a restraining order against that psycho,” Brandon said as he paced back and forth.
“Brandon, I don't want some bodyguard following me around campus.”
“Baby, I don't think you should go to campus anymore.”
Lena jumped out of the bed. “What do you mean? I told you before that I was not quitting school!”
“Lena, I am not telling you to quit school. I think that you should tele-course and Internet it this semester. We don't know anything about this girl, and I don't want her trying to do anything to you.” Lena looked at Brandon. She could tell he was really worried about her.
“All right, I will do Internet classes for the spring semester. But, Brandon, get things together 'cause I want to go to summer school, and I will have to take classes on campus next year.” Lena walked up to Brandon and put her arms around him. “I love you,
“I love you, Mrs. Redding. Now, let me get my baby back into the bed.” Brandon picked up Lena and placed her into the bed.
Chapter 19
“So I guess this is the way things are going to be from now on, huh?” Cooley said as she and Denise sat in their apartment staring at each other.
“I guess so. We're grown-ups now. We are going to be apart more and more.”
“I am going to miss you, bruh.”
Denise looked at Cooley. “I am going to miss you too.”
“Oh, would you two shut the fuck up? It's only a month, for goodness, sakes,” Carmen said as she walked into the apartment. “Y'all act as though you are never going to see each other again.”
Cooley was heading back to Atlanta to work for the record company, and Denise was going to a basketball camp. Carmen and Nic were going to spend the first half of break in Jackson at Carmen's house and the second half in California with Nic's family.
“Carmen, we're serious here. Next year I will be in Atlanta with the record company. Who knows what team Denise is going to end up on? And you are going to be in California trying to have babies with Nic. Our time is running out.” Cooley had a very serious look on her face.
“Just because we will be in different places doesn't mean we don't love—Wait, what the hell am I doing?” Carmen caught herself from falling into Cooley's and Denise's depressed state. “Cooley, you are going to come and visit all the time 'cause you want to get some Cali hoes. And Denise is going to be making mad money in the WNBA, so she can come visit too. This just means we each have somewhere to crash when we want to get away from our regular spots,” Carmen reminded them.
Cooley's eyes brightened. “You're right, I can come to Cali and get some Cali pussy. I gotta go pack for my trip.” Cooley got up from the table and headed to her room.
Carmen sat down next to Denise. “You know you can be hurt if you want to. I know how much you care about her,” Carmen said to Denise, who was staring into space.
“It's written all over my face, huh?”
“With a Sharpie marker.” Carmen knew Denise was having trouble dealing with Lena's marriage.
“I'm glad she's happy, you know. Man, I was feeling someone, but I can't do it.”
“Yeah, I know, Stephanie.” Carmen walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed a soda.
“Damn, C, are you a fuckin' psychic or something?”
“Nope, but I do know you and Carla like the back of my hand.” Carmen smiled.
“Yeah, man, we got kinda close last night, but I had to stop it. Oh, and there is something I need to tell you two.”
“What's up?” Carmen and Cooley said in unison as Cooley poked her head out of her room.
“I am sorta talking to Rhonda—”
“Don't fucking finish that sentence, Dee!” Carmen yelled.
“Hell no, you aren't dating her again.”
“You all don't understand.”
“Yes, we do,” Cooley said. “The best way to get over one is to get under another. But that ain't the bitch to get wit'.”
“Dee, don't do it,” Carmen said. “That bitch is twisted, and you know it.”
“Well, what else am I supposed to do?”
“Since when do you have a problem being alone?”
Denise knew deep down they were right. Her mind began to race through all the times Rhonda flipped on her. “Shit.”
“See, you regretting it already. So call her and tell her you changed your mind,” Carmen said.
“I can't just do that. That's mean.”
“Give me the phone. I'll tell the bitch,” Cooley said grabbing Denise's phone.
Denise quickly grabbed it back. “Fuck, I'll do it. Just not right now.”
“Great. Now new subject. C, what was the deal with that girl at the wedding?” Cooley asked about the girl who caused a stir at the ceremony.
“I really don't know,” Carmen said, sitting back down at the table. “But check this out. You wanna know something strange? That girl who ran into the wedding, we met her earlier that week.”
Denise looked up at Carmen. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah, the girl walked up to us at J. Alexanders. She asked Lena if she was the one marrying Brandon. It looked as though she wanted to say more but backed down when she noticed me and Misha looking at her.”
“No shit,” Cooley said. “I told you, dog. Brandon was hitting that. Don't no regular fan gon' do no shit like that. That was a booty call gone wrong.” Cooley walked into the kitchen with Carmen.
“You know, I didn't want to say anything, but I honestly think Cooley may be right. There is something more to that story,” Carmen said.
Denise looked down at the table. “If Brandon ever hurts Lena, I swear I may go to jail that day,” she said in a serious tone.
“Please. Brandon is going to cheat. He has too much pussy being thrown at him. But Lena knows the deal. She knew what she was in for when she said ‘I do,”' Cooley said, sitting back down at the table.
“That don't make the shit right.” Denise looked down at her glass. Vivid images of Lena's naked body entered her head. She heard someone calling her name in the distance. Denise jumped. “Oh shit.”
“Damn, bruh, where was your head just then?” Cooley asked, looking at her friend. She smiled. “Oh, I know where your head was—in between Lena's legs.”
The comment made Carmen spit out her juice. Cooley began to laugh.
“I can't believe you fucked her,” Carmen said, shaking her head.
“Well, shit happens.” Denise stood up.
“Good one, Dee.” Cooley laughed.
Carmen hit her hand.
“I'm glad you fucked her. Shit, it's about time. I was tired of you being just a bitch about the situation. Get that shit.”
“Fuck you, man,” Denise said as Carmen and Cooley laughed.
They heard a knock at the door.
“Damn, that's Lynn. Man, I gotta get rid of this girl real quick.”
“Cooley, let her down nice, OK?” Carmen said as Cooley answered the door.
Cooley nodded her head as she headed to the door.
Lynn smiled as she walked in. “Hey, baby, I have missed—”
“Lynn, we need to talk.” Cooley walked to her bedroom.
Lynn looked confused. She glanced at Carmen and Denise, but they tried to avoid eye contact.
“What's going on?” Lynn asked when she entered Cooley's bedroom.
“Lynn, why didn't you tell me that you hadn't been with anyone before?”
Lynn felt a knot forming in her throat. “Um, I didn't think it was that big of a deal.”
“Man, that is a big deal. I flat-out asked you, and you lied. I don't deal with shit like that.”
“I am sorry, Cooley. Please don't be mad at me.”
“I'm sorry, Lynn, but this isn't going to work. I wasn't looking for nothing serious, and you don't need someone like me.”
Tears began to roll down her face. “Cooley ...”
Cooley tried not to look at her. “I'm sorry, Lynn. I did like you, but this isn't going to work anymore. I hope we can be cool, but that's it.”
Lynn's heart was broken. She ran out of the room. Cooley heard the door slam.
Carmen walked in. “Damn.”

, is right. Man, fuck it. Besides, Misha and I are going to see what we can do when I get back anyway. I was gonna have to drop Lynn anyway. You know Misha ain't going.”
Someone began to knock at the door. Cooley walked over to the door, still trying to shake off making Lynn cry. She opened the door to see Rhonda standing there.
“Damn, what the fuck do you want?” Cooley said as Rhonda rolled her eyes.
“I was invited, thank you very much. So get out my damn face,” she said as she pushed by Cooley. “Hey, baby—I mean, Denise. Sorry, I guess it's still a habit,” Rhonda said as she took a seat next to Denise.
Carmen looked at Cooley and rolled her eyes.
“So what? You finally begged my bro until she couldn't say no?” Cooley said to Rhonda, causing Carmen to nearly choke on her water.
“Look, I know I have been a bitch in the past, but I love your friend. So hopefully we can get along.”
Carmen and Cooley looked at each other and laughed.
“Get the fuck out of here. I don't know what you said to make Dee have a temporary lapse of judgment, but trust, she will wake up soon,” Carmen said.
Rhonda was furious but simply smiled.“I guess we will just see about that.”
“You damn right, we—”
“Carmen!” Denise said, trying to dissolve the conversation before it escalated further.
“Look, I'm gone. I'm going to sign up for Life Support later tonight.” Carmen hugged Denise. “I will see you next year, OK.” Carmen walked to Cooley's room.
“So are you packed?” Rhonda asked Denise.
“Um, actually, I'm not. Look, Cooley, is going to drop me off on the way to the airport.”
“I don't mind waiting. I'll wash up these dishes while you finish,” Rhonda offered, picking up a dish.
“No, that's OK. Cooley and I have some things to talk about, so don't worry about it. I'll call you later.”
Rhonda looked over at Cooley. She wanted to knock the devilish grin off of Cooley's face. “Fine, call me and let me know you made it, OK.” Rhonda tried to kiss Denise on her lips but was met with her cheek.” Rhonda walked out of the door.
“That bitch is wacked.” Cooley laughed as they both headed to their rooms to continue packing.
“Fucking Cooley and Carmen,” Rhonda huffed as she got in her car. “Fuck that. No one is going to stand in the way of me and Denise.” Her tires squealed as she sped off.
Carmen signed her name on the volunteer list. She planned to get a few hours in before she and Nic left for the holidays.
“Carmen, now you know that we can manage without you. You're about to go out of town, and you should be preparing for that,” the attendant at the front desk of the recreational center said.
“Oh, I'm already packed. I'm only signing up for the next Life Support meeting.”
Carmen had started volunteering with the Life Support meetings after she watched
. The meetings were designed as a support group for people living with HIV and AIDS. She started attending the meetings because of the movie, especially the part when they sang “Will I Lose My Dignity.” Carmen became attached to the people after the first meeting and began volunteering weekly.
“So how many have signed up for it so far?”
Carmen looked over the list of participants that signed up in advance. She noticed a name that made her heart beat quickly. Tammy Chambers.

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