Lynn's face became sad. “Oh, OK. Well, I guess I will see you tomorrow. I need to go to my dorm anyway. I've been at your place so much, I think I forgot what room I stay in,” Lynn said, trying not to seem to hurt.
“Yeah, OK. Well, I'll talk to you later.” Cooley didn't care about Lynn's feelings at that moment. She still couldn't believe the girl called her apartment
Lynn walked off, and Cooley dropped her head. Nic started to laugh.
“That shit isn't funny, Nic.”
“Like hell, it isn't. You better take care of that,” Nic responded. “You been making that girl wifey for the whole semester. She ain't gon' put up with that shit for too much longer.”
“Yeah, I know, but the girl can cook her ass off. She got a nigga sprung on that damn cooking.”
“You're a mess.” Nic laughed.
“Yeah, well, I just gotta put her ass on a schedule, 'cause a nigga gotta eat that good-ass food at least once a week.”
Cooley and Nic laughed as they continued to study.
“She did what!” Misha exclaimed as Lena relived the incident with her mother earlier.
“Wait. What I want to know is, what the hell was in the letter?” Carmen said and Misha quickly co-signed.
Lena sighed. “You guys, I thought about Denise all summer. Kissing Brandon hasn't been the same since we kissed. I didn't know what to do, so I wrote her a letter. I told her that I thought I was in love with her. But I realize now that it was just a curiosity. I have gotten it out of my system now. Shit!” Lena said as she realized that she slipped up.
Misha and Carmen quickly caught what she said.
“Oh, hell no, Lena. What does that mean?” Misha exclaimed.
“You are so fuckin' lying. You better spill it, girl,” Carmen added. “Have you and Denise done something?”
Lena lowered her head.
Both girls began to scream. All the people in the restaurant looked at them, some frowning at their display. They quickly quieted down when they realized they were in an upscale restaurant.
“OK, OK. Yes, a few months ago when Denise came over after the incident with her mother. One thing led to another, and we ended up getting a little hot and heavy. She did a few things,” Lena said, quickly taking a sip of her martini.
“Some things like what?” Misha and Carmen said in unison.
“Well, we were kissing. It was a real, real passionate moment. But then the couch moved and made a vase fall and break. We stopped then.” Lena started to blush.
“Denise kissed you? Y'all was making out?” Carmen exclaimed. “I am going to kick that bitch's ass for not telling me this.”
“So, how did you feel? Did you want to do more?” Misha said, smiling from ear to ear.
“It was great. The best kiss I have ever had. For a moment I wanted to do more, but when the vase broke, I knew that was a sign. Me and Denise are not supposed to go that far.” Lena gulped her martini, finishing it in one swallow.
“Damn, girl, you are turned out,” Carmen teased. “
strikes again.”
They all laughed. Denise had the nickname
from giving her ex multiple orgasms in two minutes.
Their food arrived, and the conversation was put on hold.
Within minutes, Misha broke the silence after the server left.
“So, Lena, if you have messed around with Denise and you liked it, are you sure that is going to be it? Or do you think that you all are going to end up doing it?”
Lena swallowed her food. “Look, I admit the kiss was amazing, so passionate. But afterward I realized just how much I love that man. I love Denise, but as a friend. She was there for me, and we shared something special. But she will only be a friend to me. I don't regret what happened. I think it needed to happen for me to know that I truly love Brandon and want to spend the rest of my life with him.”
The table became silent as they contemplated what Lena said.
Lena looked over at Carmen. “So, I guess the next wedding will be Carmen and Nic.” Lena smiled.
“Girl, I don't know about all that. I do know I love that woman, but sometimes I get the feeling that she is holding back on me.” Carmen looked at the both of them. “It's like there's something in her past that she hasn't told me about, but I think it bothers her.”
“Have you asked her about it?” Misha said to Carmen.
“I am just going to let her tell me when she wants to. I am not forcing anything on her.”
“Good deal. Now all we have to do is get Misha back with Cooley, and things will be all good.” Lena smirked.
Misha shook her head. “Oh no, that ship has sailed. Did I tell you all that Cooley told me that she loves me?
“What!” Lena and Carmen said in unison.
Misha smiled. “Yeah, you know we have been getting down most of the year. But when I was getting ready for a date, she tripped out and told me that she didn't want another girl touching me and that she loves me.”
“Damn, Misha, so why are you trying to fake like you don't want to be with my brother? She told you something that she has never told another person.” Carmen looked at Misha. She knew Misha was the one for Cooley.
“Because things were too complicated with Cooley. I love her, but I can't deal with the drama.”
“Misha, she hasn't had any drama all year. The girl has changed. She is all calm now. The only person she is messing with is that Lynn chick.”
Misha finished her daiquiri. “Carmen, I hear you, but I can't. I do plan on giving her another chance, just not right now. I don't think it is the right time.”
“Well, you better think fast, 'cause that Lynn chick is ready and willing. She cooks like a professional chef and is not planning on leaving Cooley anytime soon.”
Misha smiled. “Girl, please, she may can cook, but she can't fuck for shit. Trust me, when I finally get my shit together and feel like Carla is ready, then we will do our thang.” Misha turned to Lena. “And, Lena, I think that you need to fuck Denise.”
Lena almost choked on her bread. “What!”
Carmen looked at Misha, wondering as well what made her say that.
“Carmen, before you say anything, hear me out. Right now you and Denise are both holding back emotions and shit. Y'all have unfinished business. You need to fuck her one good time and get it out before you get married.”
“Hell, no, she doesn't. What happens when she likes the shit?”
“Then she stops herself from making a bigger mistake in marrying Brandon. But I personally think that it's something she will do and get over.”
“Why are you all talking about me like I am not sitting here?”
Misha grabbed Lena's arm. “Just think about it, OK? Until you finally let that girl do something, you are always going to be wondering what if.”
Lena wondered if that was true.
They dropped the Denise talk and focused on the wedding for the rest of the meal. The three left the restaurant full and tired and headed toward Lena's car.
A light-skinned woman with reddish-brown hair walked up to them. She was attractive, but looked very stressed. Her eyes had bags under them like she had been crying for months.
“Aren't you the woman marrying Brandon Redding?” she asked Lena.
Lena was shocked to have someone recognize her. “Um, yes, I am. Do we know each other?” Lena asked her.
Misha and Carmen remained in their spots, in case something was about to go down.
“No, I don't know you personally.” The woman looked at Misha and Carmen. She backed down when she realized she was outnumbered. “Congratulations on the wedding. I am just a big fan of his.” The girl quickly walked away.
Misha and Carmen looked at Lena. All of them had a very funny feeling about the woman. Something was telling Lena that she was going to see her again.
Chapter 11
“Damn, I'm coming!” Denise yelled at whomever was beating at her door.
“How you gon' sell Mema's house?” Denise's cousin Shemeka said as she invited herself into Denise's apartment.
“What you mean? I am not going to live there, so why keep it?” Denise asked and sat down on the couch.
“Denise, that house has been in our family since it was built. Our granddaddy built that house!” Shemeka yelled as she paced the floor.
“I know the history of the house. I don't need you to tell me. I can't afford to keep it, Shemeka.”
“It's paid off, Denise.”
“I know, but my mom fucked up a lot of stuff in there. And there are taxes to pay on it every year. There is no other alternative.”
Shemeka sat down in the chair in front of Denise. “Look, I know that we have not been too close, and I have done some pretty fucked up things to you.”
Denise looked at Shemeka.
“OK, yes, I have done some real fucked up things. But, Denise, I am trying to live right with the Lord and by my kids. And having seven kids in a three-bedroom apartment isn't working.”
“Meka, what are you trying to get at?” Denise said, already knowing where the conversation was heading.
“Let me get the house. It's four bedrooms and perfect for me and my kids.”
“You must be out of your mind. Hell, no, Meka. You don't keep a job, and the second you don't pay right that shit is coming back on me.”
Shemeka looked at Denise. “Dee, I know you don't want to believe me, but that shit Mema said in her will really messed with me. After I got over being mad, I realized that she was right. I haven't done shit, and my kids are suffering because of me. I went and got a job and have been working at FedEx for almost a year. And, with the money I get from child support, I have more than enough to pay the taxes. If you will just sign the house over to me, you don't have to worry about it at all.”
Denise regarded the serious look on Shemeka's face. She knew that she was being genuine. “It's funny that you treat me and my friends like shit, and now you come over here all humble 'cause you want something.” Denise remembered all of the nasty comments Shemeka made about her lifestyle.
“Dee, I was jealous,” Shemeka said dejectedly. “I was envious as hell of you.”
“What the hell for?” Denise said, shocked by the revelation.
“Look at you, Dee. Mema treated you like you were gold. She never treated me like that. You was living with Mema, getting true love, and I was stuck with my ho of a mother and my dad, who only came around when he wanted to sweet-talk my mother into not making him pay his child support. There is so much you just don't know, Dee.”
“Why don't you fill me in?”
“Dee, you know who the father of my first child is?” Shemeka asked.
Denise shook her head.
“My mother's ex-boyfriend, Dante. I guess he wasn't satisfied with just screwing my mother.”
“Meka, why you didn't tell us?” Denise asked. “Why didn't you say anything?”
“'Cause there wasn't any way to prove it. Plus, I had already been labeled to be just like my mother.”
“Damn, Meka, but you were sixteen.”
“I know, but that's old water under the bridge. I just was envious of you. I wanted to be the good student, the basketball player and all, the apple of Mema's eye. But now I have gotten my life right with the Lord, and I am trying to get right in every aspect. I want to do right by my kids. That's why I want to have the house.”
Denise stared at Shemeka. “All right, I will sign it over to you 'cause I know that is what Mema would want me to do. But you better keep shit right. I'll call the lawyer in the morning. I got two weeks of away games coming up, so I won't be able to do too much until afterward. But you can go ahead and move in.”
Shemeka stood up, hugged Denise and headed to the door. She turned around and looked at Denise. “Um, Dee, I heard about what Tammy did. But, um, I think you should know that I saw her recently, and she is looking real bad, thinner than ever.”
“Man, whatever. If she stay up off that shit, she wouldn't look like shit,” Denise said as she walked to close the door behind Shemeka.
Shemeka grabbed Denise's hand. “Denise, something I learned is that you gotta forgive. It's a book called
In the Meantime
by this lady name Iylana or something. It's powerful, and you really should pick it up. You gotta forgive her 'cause in the end she's still your mother. And, Denise, I really think you need to contact her. I think it's more than just the drugs.”
“I hear you. I'll think about it,” Denise said as she closed the door behind her. She thought about what Shemeka said.
Naw, fuck that, she made her bed, now she gotta lie in it
, Denise thought to herself as she headed to her room. She had to get some sleep.
Carmen could feel, the tension when she walked into the room.
“You got a message,” Nic said, never looking up from her book.
Carmen looked at Nic and pushed the play button.
What's going on, shorty? I just wanted to apologize for that whole ordeal in the U.C. You know a nigga still find it a little hard seeing you with old gal. Anyway you know who this is. Get at me.
“Nic, I didn'tâ” Carmen said to Nic in her sweetest voice.
Nic pulled her head out of the book. “I don't even want to hear it, OK?”
“Nic, I have been in the same room for two years. It's not like she doesn't know theâ”
“How can I get her out of your life?”
Carmen walked over to Nic and put her hands on her neck. She began to massage Nic's broad shoulders. “Baby, there is nothing Tameka can say or do to get me to go back to her. It is all about you and not about her. I am yours.”
Nic stood up. “I hear what you're saying, but it wasn'tâ”
Carmen smiled. “Nic, I am yours. What can I do to make you feel better?”
Nic wrapped her arms around Carmen and smiled. “I know something that will make me feel better.”
Carmen knew what that smile meant. Her panties began to get wet. “Well, I am willing to do whatever it takes to make you happy.” She pulled her shirt off, exposing her breasts.
Nic picked Carmen up and placed her on the bed. She began to kiss her sensually. They could kiss for hours before making love. Their Cancer-Scorpio love connection included some very passionate sex.
Nic devoured Carmen's breasts. She licked just the way Carmen liked it. Carmen squirmed as her pussy got hotter and hotter. Nic unbuttoned Carmen's jeans while they kissed. With Carmen's constant moving, the pants fell to her ankles. Nic yanked the pants off and pushed Carmen's legs up in the air, almost making her feet reach her face.
Nic stuck her tongue deep into Carmen's walls. She sucked on Carmen's clit, causing Carmen's whole body to tremble.
“Shit, shit!” Carmen yelled as Nic's tongue danced all around her walls, hitting every one of her hot spots. Carmen took her hands and grabbed her legs, pulling them out so that Nic could use her hands to rub on her nipples. She raised her butt. The yoga class she was taking gave them even more positions to try.
Nic looked at Carmen. “Damn, baby, I am glad you took yoga.” She took her tongue and continued to lick Carmen's rim up and down before settling in.
Nic was the first to toss Carmen's salad, and Carmen loved it ever since. Carmen let Nic's finger enter her asshole and pushed her booty back as she begged Nic for more.
Nic edged another finger into the tight hole as she continued to lick around the rim. The pressure of Nic's fingers inside and the softness of the feel of Nic's tongue stroking around her anus was almost too much for Carmen to bear.
Carmen reached across her belly and began to stroke the protruding button between her wet lips. She moaned softly and trembled as Nic went at it, stroking, licking and teasing her, then sucking the juices pouring from her pussy as well.
Nic reached up, pushed Carmen's hand away and began to stroke the hard little clit herself. At this point Carmen could no longer rein in the convulsions that erupted from her body. Her face contorted as orgasmic spasms took control of her body.
Nic looked at Carmen and laughed at her facial expression. Nic loved the looks that Carmen made after she had a hard orgasm. She climbed up on the bed and kissed Carmen.
“I love you, shorty,” Nic said as she held Carmen in her arms.
Carmen closed her eyes. “I love you too.”