Consequences (6 page)

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Authors: Skyy

BOOK: Consequences
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Carmen scanned the crowd, looking for Nic. She noticed her standing at the bar. Carmen's heart dropped when she saw Nic talking to Jamela. She quickly began to make her way to the bar.
“So, your show was off the chain,” Jamela said to Nic.
“Thank you. Thanks for the tips,” Nic said. She hoped the bartender would quickly give her the drinks she ordered.
“So, what's up with you anyway, Nic?” Jamela batted her fake eyelashes. “What's a girl got to do to get to know you a little better?”
“Now you know I got a woman,” Nic said, handing the bartender the money.
“So, you can't have friends?” Jamela batted her fake eyelashes.
“I already got those too. But thanks.”
“Jamela, what the fuck do you think you doin'?” Carmen said as she jumped in front of Nic.
“Carmen, chill.” Nic attempted to grab Carmen's arm, but she jerked away.
“What you mean? I think I'm talking.”
“Bitch, don't make me hurt you. You know Nic is mine and if you come by her again, I'm gon' beat you worse than Teka did,” Carmen threatened.
Last year a girl named Teka had attacked Jamela for sleeping with her girlfriend. Teka beat her and pulled all her clothes off of her in the middle of the parking lot. Jamela had to run to her car naked.
“Whatever, bitch,” Jamela retorted.
Carmen began to swing, but Nic grabbed her hand.
“Come on, let's go!” Nic said in a stern voice as she pulled Carmen away.
“Carmen, what the fuck is wrong with you?” Nic asked as they drove home.
“What you mean, what's wrong with me? What the fuck is wrong with you, all up in her grill and shit!”
“Carmen, I can handle my own shit. You don't even know what I was saying. Why you trying to go off? Before you tried to jump bad, I had just told her that I had a girl.”
“She don't care. She was gon' try you anyway.”
“She can try all she want to. That don't mean I am going to let her. Shit, Carmen, you ain't got to worry about these scandalous bitches out here. I'm with who I want to be with.”
“There isn't any buts to it. Carmen, you can't try to fight every girl that tries to talk to me, just like I can't try to fight every girl that tries to get with you. I know you aren't going anywhere.”
“And you know girls not gon' try to talk to me like they try to get with you.” Carmen fought to hold back her tears.
“Carmen, please, that isn't the point. The point is that I don't want any of them. I got who I want. You gon' have to get up off that jealousy shit.”
Carmen fell silent. She knew Nic was right. She didn't know how to react to those situations. “I just don't want to loose you.”
“You aren't going to.” Nic kissed her hand. “Wit' yo' crazy ass.”
They both laughed.
“I love you, shorty.”
“Love you too.” Carmen smiled, but deep in her mind she couldn't get the sight of Jamela and Nic talking out of her head.
Cooley made it back to her room, intending to rock Lynn's mind.
Lynn walked in and began to look at their DVD collection. “You have some great movies.” She pulled out
Finding Nemo
and looked at Cooley.
“That's my roommate's,” Cooley lied. She loved
Finding Nemo.
Lynn squealed, “I love
Harlem Nights
! I haven't seen it in forever. Can we watch this?” Lynn smiled like a kid in a candy store.
“Yeah, that's cool. Let's take it back to my room,” Cooley said. She didn't plan on making it past the infamous “pinky toe” scene.
Cooley gave Lynn one of her large shirts to get comfortable in and looked at her. She could tell the girl was really innocent.
She decided not to give her the full “Killa” experience. She didn't want another crazy chick like Cynthia on her like last year. Cynthia had gotten a job in the housing center to ensure she was roommates with Cooley. When she fucked her within the first thirty minutes of meeting her, it ended up being the worst mistake of her life. Cynthia had caused the most of the drama in her life last year, including making the whole campus believe Cooley had herpes.
Lynn lay in the bed next to Cooley. Cooley began to rub on her leg. Lynn took notice. “Um, I hope you don't think it's going to be that easy. I don't give it up on the first night.”
Cooley looked at Lynn with amazement. She wanted to tell her to leave if she wasn't giving it up, but she knew many girls who said the same thing. “Girl, it's not that type of party. You gotta earn this.”
Lynn appeared surprised by Cooley's response. “Is that right? You make a girl wonder if it is really worth trying to earn.”
Cooley gave Lynn a “girl, please” look. “Girl, you better ask someone.”
“I prefer to find out for myself one day, just not tonight.” She smiled.
Cooley actually found that cute. She decided not to try her that night after all. They watched the movie and fell asleep.
The next morning Cooley woke to a mouth-watering smell coming from the kitchen. She walked into the kitchen and found Denise eating a full breakfast. Lynn was standing in front of the stove, frying bacon.
Denise looked up from her plate. “Damn, bruh, your girl is cooking her ass off in here.”
“I see that. I smelled that all the way in the room.” Cooley looked down at the table. There were pancakes, eggs, and bacon on the table. “Girl, what are you trying to do to us?”
Lynn smiled. “Nothing. I just like to cook. I hope you don't mind that I did it.”
Denise took a sip of her freshly squeezed orange juice. “Mind? Hell, you can move in if you gon' cook like this.” Denise got up from the table. “I gotta get to practice. I hope I can move after this.” She walked out the room.
Lynn served Cooley. “So, Cooley, can I ask you a question?” Lynn said as she put the fresh bacon on the table. “What are you actually looking for in a woman?”
Cooley paused. She wasn't ready to answer that question. “Actually, Lynn, I am not in the market for a girlfriend or anything. I am just kicking it right now. I just got out of a relationship, and I am not looking to commit again anytime soon.”
Lynn didn't want to hear that answer, but she accepted it. “Oh, that's cool. I totally understand,” she lied. “I was just making sure that we were on the same page.”
Cooley gave a sigh of relief. “I am glad you understand. I mean, I am feeling you and would like to get to know you better, but I am dating around and just like to keep it real, you know.”
“Yeah, I know.” Lynn smiled.
Cooley smiled back. “Now sit down and enjoy this breakfast.” Cooley was glad Lynn understood. She planned on keeping her around, even if it was only for the food.
Chapter 6

, Rico Suave.”
Nic turned around when she heard a familiar voice giggling behind her. “What's up, crazy-ass girl?” Nic gave a big bear hug to the tall and slender girl named Larissa. “How are you? I love the new haircut,” Nic said, noticing Larissa's new do. It was cut in the inverted bob Victoria Beckham made famous.
“I'm good.” Larissa smiled. “This is my friend Sophie.”
Nic shook hands with the short, round girl. She laughed to herself. Carmen and she had previously made fun of the plump friend for wearing a dress that was two sizes too small at a Chi Theta party.
“I've seen you around before. You date Carmen Taylor. She is Vice-President for Chi Theta, right?” Sophie's eyes were bright.
“Yeah, she is,” Nic responded. She could tell that the girl was one of the eager girls wanting to pledge. She was the kind that got taken advantage of by sorority members. They loved meeting girls who were too eager simply so they could use the membership as leverage to get whatever they wanted from the naive women. “So how did your class come out, LaLa?”
“Great!” Larissa smiled. “Thanks to you. Nic helped me pass that damn math class. I swear she could do the problems in her head.”
“Smart, huh?” Sophie added.
“Not with everything. I'm about to not graduate over this literature class I'm taking. I ended with this professor who is focusing on Shakespeare. I don't know shit about Shakespeare.”
“Professor Drumm,” Larissa said.
“Yeah. You had him?”
“Yeah, because I love Shakespeare. I'll look through my things to see if I still have my notes.”
Nic grabbed Larissa's arm. “Girl, don't play with me. Are you serious? Please do. I will be forever in your debt.”
“I got you. I love Shakespeare, so I can help you with whatever you need. After all, you helped me last year.”
Nic threw her arms around Larissa and scooped her up in a tight embrace that left her feet dangling above the ground.
“Thanks so much. Now Carmen won't kill me for not graduating. Oh, shit, how is your dude doing?” Nic asked as they walked out of the campus café. She opened the door and held it for both ladies.
“Oh, we're, um, good. It's a couple of things I have to work on him with, but we're good.
“Wow, that's wonderful, girl. I hope everything works out for you two. Wait, let me get that for you,” Nic said as Larissa went to open the door to leave the University Center. Nic again held the door for both girls.
Larissa looked at Sophie. They both smiled.
“Well, Nic, I will call you if I find the notes, or probably text you.”
“Thanks, La. See you two later. Nice meeting you, Sophie.” Nic turned around and headed back into the café.
“Girl, you weren't lying. She is fine as hell. I thought she was a boy at first,” Sophie remarked.
“I told you. When I saw her in my math class I was so attracted. Then I found out her name was Nicole. That fucked me up, girl. Especially when I started to get to know her. I swear she is a better man than damn near every man I know, including my own.”
“I see. Shit, I haven't had a guy open a damn door for me since my father.”
They laughed.
“Tell me about it. Man, if Nic was a fucking guy, I would so have to take her from Carmen. I am not gay, but hell, I see why so many women like to try the shit.”
“I wouldn't say that much. I don't care how fine a bitch is, it ain't gon' make me want to stop getting dicked down,” Sophie said as they gave each other a high-five.
“I swear, if I ever meet a man anywhere near as good as Nic, I am going to hold on and never let go,” Larissa said.
“Dig that,” Sophie added as they headed to the library.
Denise sat next to Stephanie and Michelle listening to their coach's spill about bringing another championship home. Denise snuck a glance at Stephanie. She still couldn't believe her changed appearance. The new players and scrubs headed to the floor, hoping to land one of the open starting positions.
“Man, doesn't it feel good to be seniors now?” Michelle said. “Look at them. Remember when we were like them, trying to make starter?”
“Hell, yeah. I was so damn nervous,” Stephanie added. “Well, you know Denise here didn't have any problems. She was golden from jump.”
Denise smiled. “Whatever. I had to try just like everyone else.”
“Whatever, nigga. Coach had your ass ready to start from jump.” Michelle looked over at Stephanie. “Steph, I wouldn't be the person I was if I didn't ask what the fuck is up with your new look?”
“What do you mean?” Stephanie said smiling.
“Girl, please. You was harder than Dee here last year. Now you come back all fish and shit.”
“Man, I just wanted to try something new.”
“New, my ass,” Michelle said.
“OK, check this out. I need to dress for success now, and y'all should think about it too.”
“What you mean?” Denise asked.
“OK, so I was talking to some people when I was in Spain. It seems that showing I was gay as hell wasn't a good image. Dee, when you go pro, it's gonna happen to you too. Don't nobody want a dyke as a role model for their little girls.”
“That's bullshit,” Michelle spat. “The majority of the WNBA is gay, and you know it.”
“Yeah, but they don't say they're gay, now do they? They walk around with their little boy toys to make the public think they're straight.”
“What about Sheryl?” Denise said. “She is my idol, and she is out.”
“Yeah, but it took her years to come out. And it's not like her coming out has caused a chain reaction. Then think about those reports of gay players coming on and messing with other players. From what I'm understanding, people just don't want those type of issues.” Stephanie stood up. “So, I am going to play my role and try to get my ass on a WNBA team.”
“Fuck that. If I can't be myself, I don't want to do it. What's the fun of being pro and not being able to be myself? I'm not hiding anything.” Michelle walked down the bleachers and headed to the locker room.
“Don't you agree with me, Dee?” Stephanie asked.
“Sorry, I can't say that I do. I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't advertise who I sleep with to the world. But if I was to have a girl, I'm not going to hide her away. I came out a long time ago, and I'm not going back in the closet.”
They both headed to the locker room.
Denise froze when she walked into the locker room. There was a large exotic bouquet of flowers filled with pink orchids and purple callalilies, and a large teddy bear with a small jersey on it. “Who did that?” she asked, pulling the card out from under the bear.
Please forgive me. Let me show you how much I care about you. Talk to you later.
“Damn, Dee, what you put on that girl?” Michelle asked as she read the card over Denise's shoulder.
Denise folded the card and put it in her bag. “Not shit.”
“I can't tell,” Stephanie teased.
“You know, I don't know ... it's something about that girl that just doesn't sit right with me,” Michelle cautioned.
“Cooley and Carmen don't like her either.” Denise tried to push the flowers into her locker, but they wouldn't fit.
“I feel them on that. She is too jealous or something. Look at how she acted at your party. I hope you don't get back with her.”
“The only thing I am trying to think about is how to get rid of these flowers.”
They all laughed.
Lena opened the door to her apartment and was taken over by a wonderful smell coming from the kitchen. She smiled and ran into the house, hoping to catch Brandon cooking.
“Brandon, what are you cooking?” she yelled out. She rushed into the kitchen, only to find an older black man cooking. Before she could question him, she felt arms reach around her waist.
“Surprise, baby,” Brandon said as he put his arms completely around her. “This is our new chef, Max. And Junaita is our new housekeeper, but she is out at the store right now.”
Lena turned around to Brandon. “Baby, if they cook and clean, what exactly am I supposed to do now?”
“You are supposed to go to school, shop, and do volunteer work to make me look good.” Brandon smiled.
Lena didn't like the sound of her new schedule.
“But, baby—”
Brandon interrupted before she could finish. “Now, Beyonce has asked me to star in her new video, so I am going to L.A. for the weekend. Go pack your bags. We leave first thing tomorrow.”
“Baby, I can't go to L.A. I have class.”Lena was growing tired of Brandon's lack of interest in her schoolwork. He always wanted her to attend late-night functions and go out of town, which would cause her to miss school. He made the comment more than once about her quitting school. She refused. Just in case she ever had to leave him, she wanted something to fall back on.
“Damn, can't you miss a few classes?”
“No, boy, I can't. But have fun with Beyoncé and don't let Jay-Z kick your ass, OK?”
“Well, how about you invite your crew over for the weekend? You know, Misha and Carmen. Order like one of those come-to-the-house spas or something.”
Lena squealed with happiness. “Baby, that's a great idea. I know they will love it.” She hugged him and gave him an intimate kiss. “Why don't you come back here and let me give you a little something to remember me by?” She pulled his hand toward the bedroom.
Brandon hesitated. “As tempting as that is, I have to go meet with my agent before heading to the airport, so I will have to just make sure to get doubles when I get back, OK.”
He kissed her again and headed out the door, leaving Lena wondering what just happened. Brandon never turned down the chance for a quickie.
“How are you, girl?” Carmen asked as she sat next to Misha.
“I'm fine. Girl, the bitch had the nerve to come to my room last night and apologize.” Misha laughed. “I must have slapped the shit out of her before closing the door. I am so glad I didn't make her my roommate like she wanted me to.”
“I am glad too 'cause I don't need you or Cooley going to jail,” Carmen said.
Misha looked at Carmen. “I think I need to apologize to her.”
“You need to do more than that. I wasn't going to say anything, but that was real fucked up, Mish.”
“I know. I just was pissed off. But I think I finally pushed her to the limit,” Misha said.
“Yeah, she was pretty upset. And you know how she reacts to rejection.”
“She hooked up with someone?” Misha asked.
Carmen shook her head.
“Well, typical Carla. Can't wait one day before fucking someone.”
“They didn't fuck, Misha. Just watched a movie or something. Misha, I know you don't want to hear this, but Cooley really does love you. She doesn't want anyone but you.”
“She had her chance. She didn't even try to fight for me.”
“She fought for you last night.”
Carmen and Misha looked at each other.
“I'll talk to you later. I got some business to handle.” Misha gave Carmen a hug and headed out.
“What do you want?” Cooley opened the door, letting Misha into her house.
Misha had waited a few weeks before coming to Cooley. She knew she was wrong for reacting the way she did at the club. Misha could tell that Cooley was still upset. “Carla, I just wanted to apologize for what happened. It was real wrong of me to act like that. I know you were just trying to help.”
Cooley looked at Misha. She noticed how her jeans were fitting perfectly around her petite body. “Oh, so really, you noticed that, huh?”
“Carla, I am sorry things are sticky right now, but I do want us to be friends.”
Cooley stared at Misha. “Mee, I don't know if I want to be your friend.” She stood up and walked toward Misha.
The body heat was rising between both of them.
“How can I be friends with you when I want to be the one holding you and caressing you?” Cooley caressed Misha's arms. She could sense that Misha wanted her just as badly as she wanted her.

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