Consequences (15 page)

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Authors: Skyy

BOOK: Consequences
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Denise gently pulled Lena's hair, causing Lena to let out a moan. Their eyes met. Lena felt as though Denise was looking into her soul.
Denise ran the tip of her tongue from Lena's lips down her neck, kissing her chest, then stopped to indulge on her erect nipples.
Lena's pussy was throbbing harder than ever. She grinded her pelvis against Denise's thigh.
Denise could feel the heat coming from Lena's body. She let her hand walk down Lena's thigh until it made it to her cave. She slowly slid her fingers into Lena's soaking wet walls.
Denise pulled her fingers out and licked them. She knew Lena was going to taste good, but she didn't know it was going to be so sweet. She had to taste more.
She lowered her head and let her tongue explore Lena's walls, stopping to devour her clit like it was her last meal.
“Shit. Oh, shit!” Lena moaned as she began to quiver from Denise's tongue.
Denise was determined to enjoy every moment, knowing it could be the only time. Her tongue worked like a small bullet over Lena's clit.
Lena felt her legs stiffen up, as Denise's tongue fucked her better than Brandon's dick ever did.
Lena needed something to hold on to. She grabbed the bottom sheet, causing it to partially come off the mattress. An intense feeling started to creep from her toes to her legs, which to shake. “Denise!” Lena exclaimed as she tried to squirm away.
Denise locked her arms around Lena's thighs. “Don't run,” she whispered as she continued to treat her to the best head she could possibly give.
Lena's whole body shook as she began to climax. “Ahh, Denise!” Lena grabbed on to Denise, digging her nails down into her skin. “Wait ... wait ... I ... can't ... take ... it ...”
Denise wasn't going to let her go until she got every last drop of Lena's sweetness. Lena's body exploded as Denise swallowed her contents as a keepsake of the moment.
Denise rose up and looked at Lena, who was in a state of euphoria.
Lena grabbed Denise and pulled her toward her, placing another intimate kiss on her. She could taste herself on Denise's lips. Brandon never let her kiss him after he gave her head. He would always jump up and go brush his teeth.
Denise wrapped her arms around Lena. She didn't want to let go.
Lena rubbed her hand against Denise's arm. She always had to tell Brandon to hold her; Denise did it naturally.
Lena's mind went to Brandon. She felt a small sense of guilt, but it didn't overtake the feeling that she had for Denise at that very moment.
Lena turned over on her side. Denise wrapped her arm around Lena, cradling her body against hers.
Lena's eyes got heavy as she began slowing falling asleep, exhausted from the workout Denise put on her.
Denise watched as the woman she loved slept, the woman that would never be hers. Looking at Lena's beauty, tears rolled down Denise's face.
Misha lay in Cooley's arms after their hours of lovemaking. She knew she could not hold back anymore. “Cooley, after we all get back from winter break, I want you to leave Lynn alone.”
Cooley looked at Misha. “Why is that?”
“Because I want us to concentrate on making us work, if you still want to.”
Cooley kissed Misha. “That's all I have wanted to do all year.”
They fell asleep in each other's arms.
Chapter 16
The sunlight from Denise's window woke Lena. She looked over, realizing she was still in Denise's arms. She smiled at Denise's sleeping face. Lena slowly got up, trying not to wake Denise. She quietly put on her gown and walked toward the door. She noticed a note-pad on the coffee table. She quickly wrote a note and placed it on her pillow. She looked around the apartment one more time and quietly walked out the door.
She walked into the hotel room. Everyone was still asleep. She slowly crawled into bed. Within minutes she was asleep.
Before she knew it, Lena heard the door close. She woke up and saw Misha standing at the door.
“Hey, chick,” Misha said, getting into bed with Lena.
“How was last night?”
“Wonderful. God, I love that woman.” Misha smiled.
“I know. I'm glad you were with her last night.”
“So, in a few hours you are going to be married. Are you ready?”
Lena thought about the question. She smiled. “Finally, I think I am.”
Denise woke up the next day alone. She looked around and noticed that Lena's things were gone. She found a note lying on the pillow where Lena slept.
I thank you for last night. I want you to know that you are a very special woman to me. I have never felt for any-one the way I feel for you, but I know now that the feelings I have for you do not surpass the love that I have for Brandon. I hope that you don't hate me after this,because I truly love you. You are my best friend. I hope to see you at my wedding, but if you don't, I understand.
Please remember that I love you.
Denise stared at the letter. She didn't feel upset. She realized Lena was right. She was happy that it happened, but her friendship was the most important thing.
She walked into the living room, a small piece of her hoping to see Lena sitting in there. Denise started to walk back to her room when she heard a knock on the door. She opened it and couldn't believe her eyes. “What do you want?”
Tammy looked at Denise. “I know you don't want to see me, but there is something I need to talk to you about.” Tammy had tears in her eyes.
“I have nothing to say to you.” Denise noticed a purple blemish on the side of Tammy's forehead. “See you still into your old shit,” she scoffed as she headed to close the door.
“Denise, please!” Tammy wedged her foot in the door before Denise could close the door. “I really need to talk to you. Just give me five minutes.”
Denise noticed that Tammy had lost a lot of weight. She was looking as frail as she looked a few years ago when she was deep into a crack binge. “You should have thought about talking to me when you fucked Mema's house up. Get the fuck away from my house!” Denise pushed Tammy back and closed the door.
Tammy knocked at the door a few more times before giving up. Denise stood at the door the whole time. A big piece of her wanted to give her a chance, but she couldn't. She couldn't let her back into her life. She turned away from the door and headed to her room.
Cooley opened the door. “I know that wasn't Tammy I just saw. Man, she looks terrible.”
“It was nothing,” Denise said as she pulled out various pairs of pants, trying to decide what to wear.
Cooley walked into Denise's room. She sniffed the air. “What did
do last night?” Cooley said.
Denise laughed. “What?”
“Dude, if it is one thing I know, that's the smell of sex. You was fuckin' last night. Who was it?”
Denise plopped down on her bed. She looked up at Cooley. “Can you really smell sex?”
Cooley laughed. “Oh snap! Who did you hook up with after the party? Wait, it bet not be Rhonda.”
“Naw, man, guess again.”
Cooley looked puzzled.
Denise smiled.
Cooley's eye's widened. “Lena? Dee, you fucked Lena! How the fuck did you manage that?”
“Man, she showed up over here.” Denise smiled at the memory of the previous night.
Cooley could not stop laughing. “Oh my God, I should've come home. Damn, you finally tapped it! Was it good? Give me details.”
“Hell no, I am not telling you anymore,” Denise declined as she walked to her closet.
“I will kill your ass if you don't tell me what happened,” Cooley persisted.
Denise remained silent.
“I bet she sound good as hell moaning. I can hear her ass now, ‘Denise, Denise, oh, Denise,”' Cooley teased.
“You are a nut,” Denise said as she ironed her shirt.
Cooley realized what Denise was doing. “You mean you're still going to the wedding? You are a bold bitch.”
“Man, I will admit fucking Lena was off the chain. But I still feel the same. Our friendship is the most important thing. It happened. Now I can finally move the fuck on.”
Cooley patted Denise on her back. “Good for you, dog. I guess I will go too. I thought I was going to have to console your broken-hearted ass. I get to go look at some fine-ass bitches.”
“What about Misha?” Denise asked.
“Misha is ... let's just say I'm only looking at women at the wedding. Don't worry, I'm not about to mess up anything with my boo.”
“Oh, your boo, huh?” Denise smiled.
Cooley smirked. “Yeah, whatever. Fuck you,” she said, hitting Denise. Inside she was smiling harder than ever.
Carmen and Misha looked around the hotel room, making sure they had everything to head to the church. They buzzed to each other as Lena sat on the couch.
“I had sex with Denise,” Lena blurted out.
Carmen and Misha both stopped dead in their tracks, neither believing they heard her correctly.
“Come again?” Carmen said.
“I had sex with Dee,” Lena repeated.
Misha and Carmen looked at each other and ran to the couch.
“How the fuck did that happen?” Misha said, still in shock.
“I left last night and went to her house.”
“Oh my God,” Carmen said, shaking her head.
“How was it?” Misha said, grinning.
Lena smiled.
Misha and Carmen both said, “Oh my God!”
“Damn, give details.” Misha hit Lena's arm.
“What's going on?” Nic said, walking from the room.
They all yelled for Nic to go back in the room.
“Damn,” Nic said, quickly closing the door.
“Lena, fuck the details right now,” Carmen said.
“Fuck that, details now!” Misha cut Carmen off.
“No, Mish, there is something so much more important. Do I need to put this dress on or not?”
They sat in silence waiting on Lena to answer the question.
Lena looked at both of them. “Today I become Mrs. Brandon Redding. I am getting married.”
Without saying anything else, they got up and headed out to the church.
Chapter 17
The outside of the church was like a circus. It was the biggest event Memphis had seen in a while. Athletes and celebrities piled into the church. Photographers snapped pictures of all the A-list wedding guests as they walked up the Tiffany Blue carpet rolled out over the steps of the church.
The bride's room was buzzing. Lena stood in one spot as her style team primped her for her special day. Carmen and Misha also enjoyed the special treatment. They were both picked as maids of honor.
There was a knock at the door. Cooley and Denise walked into the room. Cooley was dressed in an all-white suit. Denise wore black.
“Hello, beautiful,” Cooley said as she hugged Lena. “You ready to do this?”
“Yes, Cooley, I am ready.” Lena turned around and looked at Denise.
Misha, Carmen, and Cooley knew it was time to make an exit. They pulled the style team into the adjoining room.
Denise looked at Lena. It was the first time they had seen or talked to each other since their incident.
“You look beautiful, Lena,” Denise said in a sullen voice.
“You look quite dashing as well.” Lena smiled. “Look, Denise—”
“Shhhhh.” Denise put her finger up to Lena's lips. “There is no need to say anything. I am still your friend, and I love you, Lena.” Their eyes locked.
Denise knew it was wrong, but she wanted to kiss her. She leaned in for the kill but heard the sound of someone trying to get into the room.
“Will someone unlock this door!” Karen yelled from the other side.
“Shit!” Lena scuffled to get Misha and Carmen back into the room. “You and Cooley wait in there.” She pushed Denise in the small office with Cooley.
Carmen opened the door to find Karen looking upset. “Were sorry, Mrs. Jamerson, we just wanted to have a special best friend moment with her. Forgive us.”
“Oh, it's perfectly all right. Now let me look at my baby.” She put her hands on Lena's shoulders. “My baby, you are about to become Mrs. Brandon Redding.” She hugged Lena.
“Oh, mother, come on.” She turned to see Carmen crying. The makeup artist was quickly trying to stop her tears from messing up her makeup.
“Carmen!” Lena exclaimed.
“I'm sorry. This is just so special.” Lena walked up to Misha and Carmen to give one last group hug. They heard the sound of the processional music playing. It was showtime.
Cooley and Denise waited till the coast was clear. Cooley looked at Denise.
“Bruh, are you going to be all right?” Cooley asked as she put her hand on Denise's shoulder.
“Yeah, I am going to be fine. But I can't lie. I wish I was Brandon right about now.”
They headed out of the room to find their seats.
The sanctuary was draped in the Tiffany colors of white and blue. The white roses were lined with the signature Tiffany Blue ribbon.
Denise smiled at the sight. She remembered Lena saying that she was going to have the Tiffany signature color for her wedding. She remembered them watching a special on celebrity weddings. Lena fell in love with Toni Braxton's wedding cake. It was shaped like little Tiffany and Company jewelry boxes.
The bridesmaids and groomsmen began to come into the church to the sound of Eric Benet singing live at the wedding.
“Damn, I didn't know we were getting a concert too,” Cooley whispered and nudged Denise.
Suddenly Brian McKnight approached the front, singing his hit, “Never Felt This Way.” It was Brandon and Lena's song. The crowd stood as Brian continued singing. Lena was standing in the entryway.
Denise felt butterflies fill her stomach as Lena began to walk into the church. Denise had never seen a more beautiful sight. Lena made it to the front, and her father placed her hand in Brandon's. Denise took a deep breath. She really had to give her up now.
The wedding ceremony was refined. The preacher talked about love and the union of marriage. Denise tried to concentrate, but was constantly interrupted with Cooley whispering things about the various celebrities in the church. Denise looked at Carmen and Misha. Both of them were crying.
Soon the preacher made it to the famous line. “If anyone objects to the union of these two, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
“Bruh, if you speak we will instantly be at the most entertaining wedding ever,” Cooley whispered to Denise causing her to snicker. She was glad no one noticed her.
“OK then.”
The ceremony went by in a flash. Within minutes it was time to kiss the bride.
“Well, by the power vested in me and the state of Tennessee, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”
Brandon leaned in and kissed Lena passionately. Denise felt her heart break. Brandon and Lena turned to the crowd as the preacher introduced them as Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Redding. The crowd went wild with people clapping and yelling. Denise sank down in the pew, trying not to let a tear fall.
There was a loud bang on the right side of the sanctuary. An informally dressed woman rushed into the sanctuary.
“No! I can't be too late. No!” she yelled as she ran toward Brandon and Lena.
Lena took a look at the woman, recognizing her as the same woman who'd approached her in front of the restaurant.
“No! I have something to say.”
Brandon looked as though he had seen a ghost.
Suddenly the bodyguards bum-rushed the woman, carrying her out of the church. She yelled the whole way. “No, no, this isn't right, this isn't right!” The woman's cries were finally silenced by the closing door.
Peaches, Brandon's publicist, ran to the front of the church.
“Everyone, let me have your attention. We are so sorry about that spectacle. She was a disgruntled fan who is not too happy about seeing her favorite basketball player marrying someone. But since there are so many of us that are happy about this wonderful union, let's let our happy couple go, and we will see you all at the reception.”
Everyone cheered as Brandon and Lena ran down the isle out of the church.
Cooley and Denise sat in their seats for a few minutes. Nic quickly joined them.
“Wow, that was something, wasn't it?” Nic said as she took a seat next to Cooley.
“Hell yeah, but I ain't buying what the lady had to say. I bet that's some bitch that B has been fucking that is pissed that he is married now,” Cooley said as she eyeballed a cute girl, who was obviously eyeing her as well. “Well, I am about to head out to this reception so that I can get more acquainted with a few of these high-society bitches up in here. Dee, you coming?”
Denise was in a daze. She looked up at Cooley. “Nah, I think I am going home. I have had enough to last me a while.” She got up and headed out the church.
Cooley and Nic headed off to the reception.
“Misha Renee Davis.” Misha got goosebumps when she heard a deep voice call her full name. She turned around and smiled.
“Patrick, it really can't be you,” Misha said as she looked at the tall, handsome man standing behind her in the cake line.
“In the flesh.” Patrick hugged Misha. “I thought that was you in the wedding.”
“Oh, my goodness. What are you doing here? Who do you know?”
“The groom. We went to school together. I can't believe I am standing in front of my first love.” Patrick smiled.
Misha noticed he still had the most adorable dimples. “I can't believe I am standing in front of my first love as well. This is so surreal.”
“Hey, Misha,” Carmen said as she walked up to the two. She noticed the large smile on Misha's face. “Wow. Who has you smiling like this?” Carmen looked at Patrick.
“Carmen, this is Patrick Donaldson. Or as I used to call him, Boo Boo.” She smiled as she looked at Patrick's eyes. He was blushing.
“Oh my goodness, I can't believe you just did that.” Patrick shook Carmen's hand. “Please forgive my beautiful ex. No one called me that but her.” Patrick locked eyes with Misha. They couldn't stop staring at each other.
Carmen noticed the connection. “Well, I guess I will leave you all to catch up, OK.” Carmen walked off when she realized they did not hear her.
Misha and Patrick quickly made it to an empty table and began to catch up on old times. Patrick was now a sports agent.
“I am so proud of what you have become, Patrick. You know I thought you were destined to be a thug for the rest of your life.” Misha laughed.
“No, no. I outgrew that as soon as we got to Atlanta. It was the best decision that my mother ever made.”
Patrick and Misha were inseparable for three years. She was the good girl who fell in love with a neighborhood thug. Only Misha was able to see his sensitive side. After his brother was shot and killed, Patrick's mother moved them to Atlanta. He was her first and only male lover, the only man she ever had sex with. “The only regret was that I had to leave you.” Patrick looked at Misha with a very serious look.
She felt butterflies in her stomach. She wanted to change the subject. “So where are your wife and children?” Misha said, trying to stop herself from staring into his deep brown eyes.
“No such luck. I have never been married, and I have no children. So where is the man that I am going to have to beat up?”
Misha and Patrick laughed. He always used to beat up any guy who tried to look at her.
“I don't have a man. Actually, um, there is something that I think you should know.” Misha knew she had to tell him she was a lesbian. She looked into his eyes. She had forgotten just how beautiful his eyes were.
Patrick calling her name snapped Misha back to reality.
“What did you want to say?”
“Oh, I think you should know. You should know ...” Misha looked into his eyes again. “Um, I don't have a man. I am single as can be.”
Patrick smiled. “Well, that has got to be the best news I have heard all week.”
Misha smiled. She knew she had to tell him, but she didn't want to spoil the reunion.
They spent the rest of the night catching up.

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