Confessions (22 page)

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Authors: Sasha Campbell

BOOK: Confessions
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I could tell by the tone of Nikki's voice something was bothering her. “Hey, whassup?”

“Have you heard from Kenyon?”

Oh, my goodness. “Why in the world would I hear from him?”

“I don't know. I thought maybe Jay had mentioned him.”

Reaching inside my desk drawer, I removed a fingernail file. “I stopped messing with Jay, remember?”

“Good for you.” There was a pause. “Do me a favor and send Kenyon an e-mail.”

“For what?”

“To make sure he's okay. I'm worried about him. Last time we spoke was two nights ago. He was throwing up and his stomach was all in knots.”

Rudely, I sucked my teeth. “Maybe he ate some bad Mexican.”

“No. He only acts like that when he's upset. His daughter's accident and our breakup really has him upset.”

I don't know why my girl thought she's all that. Kenyon would be okay. He had a woman before her, and he'd find another.

“Just do me this favor. Send him one of your daily jokes or tell him you were just e-mailing to see how he was doing.”

“Nikki, just leave him alone. Donovan will be home soon, and the two of you can live happily ever after.” I tried not to sound like I didn't care, but the truth of the matter was, I didn't.

“Trinette, even though it's over between us, I do care about him. The last week we have worked on just being friends.”

I blew out a long breath because she wasn't going to quit until I agreed. “All right, send me his e-mail and I'll send him something, but you're gonna owe me big time for this one.”

“Thanks. I just wanna make sure he's all right.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

I went to meet with another client, and by the time I got back to my desk, Nikki had sent me his address. I opened a new message and tried to think of what to say to him. He was psycho—I didn't care what Nikki said—and smothering and desperate, and needed to get a life.

Hey, Kenyon, sorry to hear about you and Nikki. If you ever need an ear I'm here. When you see your boy tell him he owes me dinner.

At least that way I was able to get a plug in for myself. Maybe I was no longer messing around, but Jay still meant a lot to me.

It had been two weeks since Leon and I spent a wonderful weekend together and nothing or no one was going to ruin what we now had. If Jay no longer wanted to be friends, then fuck him. Smooth and Michael had been blowing up my phone, but I told them both I was no longer interested. Since then nobody has messed with my car. I still think the tires were a random act of violence, but the message in lipstick was pointed directly at me. And like I told Smooth, he better have a talk with Cimon and warn her to stay the fuck away from me.

I worked on my cases for the rest of the morning. Two of my clients lost their EBT cards, so I had to go in and issue new ones. I didn't know how they could lose them. It was just like having a credit card. More than likely they sold their food stamps to someone and let them use their cards and never had them returned. People were always trying to beat the system.

“Trinette, you have a call on line three. Whoever it is talks so low you can barely hear him,” Patricia added with an exaggerated frown.

I reached for the phone and pushed the blinking button. “Trinette, may I help you?”

“Trinette, thank you so much for e-mailing me! I really need a friend right now.”

I didn't recognize the voice. “Who is this?”


I groaned inwardly. I was gonna kill Nikki when I saw her.

“Trinette, I love her so much.”

“I thought y'all were working on being friends?”

“I was, but I can no longer hide my feelings. I had hoped by not calling her for a few days she would start to miss me and want me back in her life.”

I half listened while I searched the Internet. “Kenyon, Nikki loves her husband.”

she loves me too.”

I had to laugh at his attempt at confidence. “It doesn't matter. She's married to Donovan and committed to him.”

“There isn't anything I wouldn't do for her.”

“I know,” I mumbled.

“I'll take whatever she'll give me. One afternoon a week is better than nothing at all, because none of the women in this city compare to her.”

Oh, my goodness. Is this dude for real? “Kenyon, please. You need to move on.”

“I'm not ready to move on. A year from now I won't be ready. I told her all she has to do is call me and I'll be there for her.”

I was trying hard not to laugh at his simple ass. How in the world had Nikki been screwing this pathetic negro?

“Can you please ask her to give me another chance?”

I slapped a frustrated palm against my forehead. This fool was worse than Cory's worrisome ass. “I'm not doing that. Just let it go, Kenyon.” My friendly advice was met by silence. “Kenyon, you still there?”

“You know…my mom told me the same thing last night…to let her go because if she's mine, she'll come back to me.”

I frowned, remembering something Nikki had told me. “Isn't your mother dead?”

“Yeah, but she still talks to me.”

“Ohhhkay, you know what, I've got to go.” I started to hang up, but Kenyon called out my name.

“Trinette, wait! I-I appreciate you talking to me. Can you please give Nikki a message for me?”

He was wearing my nerves. “What?”

“Tell her I-I love her and if she needs anything, and I mean
she knows I-I got her back.”

I hit the dial tone, because there was no way in the world I was going to listen to another second of that shit. What in the world was Nikki thinking even letting that fool crawl up between her thighs?

Maureen came strolling into the office. She had taken the morning off. I watched her sashay across the room. Someone was still following my car. Part of me suspected it was her, but if she knew about me and Michael, I couldn't tell. Since she'd moved into her new house, she'd been smiling in my face. Today she wasn't.

“Trinette, I need to talk to you.” She grabbed my hand and led me into the break room and shut the door. I had a bad feeling about whatever was on her mind.

“Whassup?” I asked, crossing my arms.

“Have you ever thought your husband was messing around?”

I looked at her face, trying to see if she was running game. The pain I saw looked genuine, which I thought was strange since she was fucking around as well. Relaxing a little, I nodded. “Yep. Once.”

“What did you do?”

“Girl, I followed his ass.” I don't know why I was telling her that, but I guess since I was done fucking Michael I didn't have to worry about her finding him with me. Michael must be screwing someone else.

“That's a good idea. I'll try that and I guarantee when I find out who the bitch is, she's going to regret fucking with my man.” She rolled her eyes, then opened the door and walked back to her desk. I didn't know if she was playing dumb or what. I knew I just needed to watch my back. You keep your enemies close and your so-called friends closer.


Okay. This shit was no longer funny.

Kenyon had officially reached stalker mode. After Trinette called to let me know nothing was wrong with Kenyon except that he was crazy, I decided maybe it was best he wasn't calling me. Then I went to the grocery store after work and spotted Kenyon at the end of the aisle, watching me. As soon as he spotted me, he waved and moved my way. I'd be blind to say he didn't look good in chocolate dress slacks and a cream button-down shirt and blazer.

“Don't you look nice,” I complimented. Hey, there is nothing wrong with giving a man his props.

“Thank you. I just dropped in to grab some chips.” He was smiling so hard you would have thought he was auditioning for a toothpaste commercial.

I leaned against my cart. “How's your daughter getting along?”

“Much better. She's getting around and learning how to write with her left hand.”

“Good for her.” She had broken her right arm in two places, and lacerated her liver.

“Just bought that new Jet Li movie. You wanna watch it together?”

Immediately, I shook my head. “No. That's not a good idea.”

He frowned. “What's wrong with two friends watching a movie together?”

“Nah…I'll pass.” He didn't say anything. He just stood there, his eyes traveling my length appreciatively, and for the first time I felt uncomfortable. “Well, good seeing you. I better get going.” I pushed past him and was halfway down the aisle when I glanced over my shoulder and found him still standing there, watching me.

While I finished shopping, I kept spotting him somewhere not too far away. When I finally got in line, Kenyon moved in the line beside me. I reached for a magazine and ignored him.

“You look beautiful as ever.”

“Thank you,” I replied without even bothering to look his way.

I couldn't get out of the store fast enough. Out in the parking lot, I quickly loaded my backseat and was anxious to be long gone before he came out. I put the car in reverse and was backing out of the spot when he tapped on the glass.

I flinched and rolled down my window. “You scared the shit outta me!”

“Sorry,” he replied with a sympathetic smirk. “I wasn't sure if you noticed but you have a flat.”

“You got to be kidding me.” I put the car in park and climbed out. Sure enough, my left front tire was flat.

“You must have run over something.” Kenyon slipped out of his blazer and laid it across my front seat, then popped my trunk. I stood back and watched as he reached for the tire iron. “It's a good thing I was around.” He gave me a silly smirk, then went to work on changing my tire. “You really should reconsider watching the movie with me. I can bring over the popcorn and your favorite wine.” He pulled the flat tire off and examined it. “Look at that…you ran over a nail.” He pulled out the spare and placed the flat tire in my trunk.

The entire time I stared at his back. Even though I had driven through a new construction area on the way to the store, I had a gut feeling Kenyon was responsible for the flat.

He glanced over his shoulder. “So you want to watch the movie tonight?”

“I said no.”

“Come on, Nikki. Just think about it,” he insisted.

I gazed down at the tire iron, wanting to smash him across his head. He was never going to change. He had no intentions of moving on. That was now painfully clear. I couldn't be his friend. No longer could I accept any of his phone calls, because as long as I was in his life he was always going to think he had a chance.

“There, you're all set.” He rose and dusted off his slacks.

“Thanks.” I tossed the jack and tire iron in the trunk and slammed it shut.

“So, we on for tonight?”

I swung around. “I said no!”

He flinched and stepped back as if I had struck him. “Okay, you don't have to yell.”

“Yes, I do, because that seems to be the only thing you understand.” I handed him his blazer and climbed into my car.

Kenyon walked over to my window. “How about we go and get some catfish instead?”

I backed out of the parking spot, put the car in drive and started to pull off. That fool was still holding on.

“Wait! Baby, please talk to me. Why do you hate me so much?”

Ignoring him, I started driving across the lot. Folks were pointing and laughing. “Leave me the fuck alone!” I screamed. He kept holding on, running alongside the car.

“Baby, please. I love you!”

I put my foot on the gas and took off faster than allowed in a parking lot. This time he let go. Glancing out my rearview mirror, I watched him standing in the middle of the lot, calling my name.


I strolled into work feeling like a new woman. Hair and nails done. New spring outfit and shoes. It had been three weeks since Leon had flown down, and I was looking forward to flying to Richmond to spend the upcoming weekend together. I gave everyone a bright smile, then moved to my desk and took a seat. I had a huge caseload for the day and several actions that needed to be taken care of. I had another client who still hadn't brought me her check stubs. I had no choice but to cut off her stamps. I was preparing to call her when my phone rang.

“DFS, Trinette speaking.”

“Hey, beautiful.”

At the sound of Michael's voice I rolled my eyes. “What do you want?”

“I need to see you.”

“I told you it was over,” I said, trying to whisper.

“Come on, Netta. One more time for old times' sake. I've got a surprise for you.”

I wasn't the least bit curious about his surprise. But I was tired of him calling my house, cell and office phone. “You've got to stop calling me.”

“I will when you come and see me. I promise.”

I'd been ignoring his calls for weeks because I was trying for once in my life to be faithful to my husband. But this mothafucka, no matter how many times I ignored his phone calls, he kept calling me. I must have fallen on my head when I let his ass con me into giving him my house phone number. Now the fool called me at least three times a week from different numbers. I was starting to worry, because Leon was coming down next month and the last thing I needed was this psycho mothafucka calling my house. There was no telling what he was capable of doing. His wife was only two cubicles away and he was crazy enough to call me.

I looked over the partition wall to make sure Patricia's nosy ass wasn't listening. “Michael, I already told you, I'm trying to be faithful to my husband.”

“Be faithful tomorrow, I need to see you tonight.”

“What part of no don't you understand…the
or the

“Damn sexy, I got a surprise for you. Something you left at the condo.”

I couldn't help it. Now I was curious. “What?”

“Come and find out.”

I wasn't in the mood for games. “I'll pass.”

“You dropped one of your diamond earrings at the condo.”

Oh, shit! The one-carat diamond earrings had belonged to Leon's mother. I thought I had lost it forever. “I'll drop by the dealership tomorrow and pick it up.”

“Please, Trinette, I need some of you,” he whined. “I haven't had any good pussy in a month.”

I could believe that.

“My dick is hard. If I have to pay for some, I will.”

I thought about this Coach purse I had seen at Macy's. I also thought about planning a fabulous weekend for Leon and me at a five-star hotel with a Jacuzzi in the room. “How much you willing to pay?”

“Name your price.”

“A thousand.”

“You got it.”

Damn, I should have asked for two. “What time, and I don't have all day?”

“I'll take whatever I can get. Maureen has aerobics class at seven, so why don't you meet me then at our spot?”

There was no way I was meeting him at the condo. I mentioned the first place we met, a low-budget motel off the highway. It was clean but cheap. He agreed.

I went home, showered, douched, then put on a blue jean skirt and heels. When I pulled into the parking lot shortly after seven, his SUV was already parked in front of room 3B. I knocked twice, then waited. He opened the door and smiled at me with those pretty teeth of his, and I found myself smiling as well. Michael was definitely something to look at. I wished I could say the same about his dick.

“I'm glad you came.”

I stepped into the room and took a seat on the bed. He moved and took a seat beside me, then leaned in and kissed me. “Damn, girl, you're fine.”

I grinned at the compliment. “So, where's my earring?”

He rose and moved to the nightstand and handed me a small box. “Open it.”

Smiling, I felt like a kid on Christmas as I removed the beautiful bow and opened the box. I gasped. Not only was my earring inside but also a matching tennis bracelet. “It's beautiful.”

“I saw it and had to buy it for you.”

I smiled up at him. “Thank you.”

“Hopefully you'll change your mind about us. “The next thing I knew his hands were all over me. I pushed his horny ass away, shaking my head.

“Uh-uh, negro, you know you pay before you play.”

He looked pissed. “Damn, I thought the bracelet would be enough.”

“Well, you thought wrong. We already had an agreement.”

Michael reached inside his pocket and peeled off ten crisp Ben Franklins and handed them to me. I stuck them in my purse, then turned to him. “Now, where were we?”

He started kissing and petting and taking off his clothes. “Let me get a condom.” He rose from the bed and moved over to his pants.

I reached for the zipper of my skirt, then suddenly I paused. What in the world was I doing? I had a good-ass man and we were on the verge of having a wonderful life together, and here I was about to jeopardize everything for a thousand dollars.

By the time Michael had slipped the condom on and was on his way back, I was already putting my shoes back on.

“Trinette, what's wrong?”

“I can't do it. I love my husband too much.” I reached inside my purse and tossed his money and the bracelet onto the bed.

“You're playing, right?” he asked with a chuckle.

“Do I look like I'm playing?” I swung the purse over my shoulder and moved toward the door. He had the nerve to come after me.

“You ain't going nowhere.” He grabbed my arm.

“Mothafucka, unless you want me to kick you in the nuts and scream rape, I advise you to let my arm go.”

I guess his naked ass thought twice, because he released me. I swung around. “And if you ever call me again, I'm telling your wife.” I swung open the door and moved across the parking lot to my car, smiling at my decision. I loved my husband more than money. Can you believe that shit? I wasn't about to jeopardize my marriage for anyone.

I was almost to my car when I heard tires squeal and spotted a dark vehicle come flying in my direction so fast I had to dive between two cars.

“What the fuck?” I got up and looked both ways. The driver was long gone, and I barely had a look at the car. It had been traveling way too fast for me to see who was behind the wheel, but one name came to mind. Maureen. Thanks to my advice, she had found out I was screwing her husband.

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