Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (227 page)

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Edward the Elder
King of the southern English from
ad 899. He pursued a policy of cooperation with the Danes of the Midlands and of military action when advantageous. By his death in ad 924 he had extended the English kingdom as far as the River Humber. Son of King Alfred of Wessex.
King of Northumbria from ad 617. He encouraged the conversion of his kingdom to Christianity. He was killed in battle by Penda , king of Mercia, in ad 633.
Effigy Mound Culture
Localized grouping of middle Woodland Stage communities in the upper Mississippi area west of Lake Michigan in Wisconsin and the midwest of North America during the early first millennium
. Characterized by the construction of low monumental burial mounds. These mounds were often set out in the shape of animals (mainly birds) and the burials placed in significant positions such as at the head, heart, or hips of the symbolic creature.
eggshell ware
Small, delicate beakers, bowls, or jars, usually in white or cream, but occasionally black. The name refers to the sides of the vessels which are typically 2mm or less thick. Imported to Britain in the 1st century
and imitated locally.
Egyptian rulers and dynasties
(Based on various sources, including: A. Siliotti , 1996,
Guide to the Valley of the Kings
(Luxor: Gaddis) and J. Baines and J. Malek , 2000,
Cultural atlas of ancient Egypt
(revised edition, New York: Checkmark Books).)
Badarian Culture
—Neolithic culture (4500–3250 BC)
—Nagada I and II/Amratian Culture (3250–2850 BC)
—Nagada III (2850–2789 BC)
Early dynastic
(2789–2658 BC)
1st Dynasty
—8? monarchs including:
 Menes/Meni/Aha? (first king to achieve unification)
2nd Dynasty
—10 monarchs including:
Old Kingdom
(2658–2150 BC)
3rd Dynasty
—5+monarchs including:
 Zanakht (= Nebka)
 Djoser (Netjerykhet)
4th Dynasty
—?8 monarchs including:
 Khephren, (Ra’kha’ef)
 Menkaure (Mycerinus)
5th Dynasty
—?9 monarchs including:
 Neferirkare' Kakai
 Shepseskare' Ini
 Niuserre' Izi
 Djedkare' Izezi
6th Dynasty
 Teti I
 Pepi I (Meryre)
 Merenre' Nemtyemzaf
 Pepi II (Neferkare)
 ?Queen Nitokris
First Intermediate
(2150–2100 BC)
7th Dynasty
—numerous minor kings
8th Dynasty
—numerous minor kings
9th Dynasty
—numerous minor kings
10th Dynasty
(based in Nennisut)—19 monarchs, contemporary with the 9th Dynasty
11th Dynasty
(based in Thebes)—6 monarchs
 Inyotef I (Sehertawy)
 Inyotef II (Wah1ankh)
 Inyotef III
 Mentuhoteo II
Middle Kingdom
(2100–1750 BC)
12th Dynasty
 Amenemhet I (Sehetepibre)
 Senuseret I (Kheperkare)
 Amenemhat II (Nubkaure’)
 Senuseret II
 Amenemhat III
 Amenemhat IV
13th Dynasty
—70+ kings, some coeval with other dynasties, including:
 Amenemhet V
 Sebekhotpe I
 Amenemhet VII
 Sebekhotpe II
 Sebekhotpe III
 Neferhotep I
 Sebekhopte IV
 Sebekhopte V
 Dedumose II
 Neferhotep III
Second Intermediate
(1750–1500 BC)
14th Dynasty
—minor group of kings contemporary with 13th or 15th Dynasty
15th Dynasty
—Hyksos rulers
16th Dynasty
—minor Hyksos rulers coeval with other dynasties
17th Dynasty
—numerous Theban kings, including:
 Invotef V (1640–1550 BC)
 Sebekemzaf I
 Sebekamzaf II
 Ta'o I
 Ta'o II
 Kamose (1555–1550 BC)
New Kingdom
(1550–1070 BC)
18th Dynasty
 Ahmosis (1550–1525 BC)
 Amenophis I (1525–1504 BC)
 Thutmosis I (1504–1492 BC)
 Thutmosis II (1492–1479 BC)
 Hatshepsut (1479–1457 BC)
 Thutmosis III (1479–1425 BC)
 Amenophis II (1427–1397 BC)
 Thutmosis IV (1397–1387 BC)
 Amenophis III (1387–1349 BC)
 Akhenaten—Amenophis IV (1349–1333 BC)
 Smenkhare (1335–1333 BC)
 Tutankhamen (1333–1323 BC)
 Aya (1323–1319 BC)
 Haremheb (1319–1307 BC)
19th Dynasty
 Ramesses I (1307–1306 BC)
 Sethos I (1306–1290 BC)
 Ramesses II (1290–1224 BC)
 Merneptah (1224–1214 BC)
 Sethos II (1212–1204 BC)
 Amenemesses (usurper during the reign of Sthos II)
 Siptah (1204–1198 BC)
 Twosret (1198–1196 BC)
20th Dynasty
 Setenakhte (1196–1194 BC)
 Ramesses III (1194–1163 BC)
 Ramesses IV (1163–1156 BC)
 Ramesses V (1156–1151 BC)
 Ramesses VI (1151–1143 BC)
 Ramesses VII (1143–1136 BC)
 Ramesses VIII (1136–1131 BC)
 Ramesses IX (1131–1112 BC)
 Ramesses X (1112–1100 BC)
 Ramesses XI (1100–1070 BC)
Third Intermediate
(1070–712 BC)
21st Dynasty
 Smendes (1070–1044 BC)
 Amenemnisu (1044–1040 BC)
 Psusennes (1040–992 BC)
 Amenemope (993–984 BC)
 Osorkon I (984 BC–8 BC)
 Siamun (978–959 BC)
 Psusennes II (959–945 BC)
22nd Dynasty
 Shoshenq I (945–712 BC)
 Osorkon II (924–909 BC)
 Takelot I (909 BC)
 Shoshenq II (909–883 BC)
 Osorkon III (883–855 BC)
 Takelot II (860–835 BC)
 Shoshenq III (835–783 BC)
 Pami (783–773 BC)
 Shoshenq V (773–735 BC)
 Osorkon V (735–712 BC)
23rd Dynasty
—various lines of kings recognized in Thebes, Hermopolis, Herakleopolis, Leontopolis, and Tanis, including:
 Pedubaste I (828–803 BC)
 Osorkon IV (777–749 BC)
 Peftjau'awybast (740–725 BC)
Late Dynastic
(712–332 BC)
24th Dynasty
 Tefnakhte (724–717 BC)
 Bocchoris (717–712 BC)
25th Dynasty
 Kashta (770–750 BC)
 Piye (750–712 BC)
 Shabaka (712–698 BC)
 Shebitku (698–690 BC)
 Taharqa (690–664 BC)
 Tantamani (664–657 BC)
26th Dynasty
 Necho I (672–664 BC)
 Psammetichus I (664–610 BC)
 Necho II (610–595 BC)
 Psammetichus II (595–589 BC)
 Apries (589–570 BC)
 Amasis (570–526 BC)
 Psammetichus (526–525 BC)
27th Dynasty
—Persian period
 Cambyses (525–522 BC)
 Darius (521–486 BC)
 Xerxes I (486–466 BC)
 Artaxerxes I (465–424 BC)
 Darius II (424–404 BC)
28th Dynasty
 Amyrtaios (404–399 BC)
29th Dynasty
 Nepherites I (399–393 BC)
 Psmmuthis (393 BC)
 Hakoris (393–380 BC)
 Nepherites II (380 BC)
30th Dynasty
 Nectanebo I (380–362 BC)
 Teos (365–360 BC)
 Nectanebo (360–343 BC)
31st Dynasty
—second Persian period
 Artaxerxes III Ochus (343–338 BC)
 Arses (338–336 BC)
 Darius III Codoman (335–332 BC)
Graeco-Roman period
(332 BC–AD 395)
Macedonian Dynasty
 Alexander III, the Great (332–304 BC)
 Philip Arrhidaeus (323–316 BC)
 Alexander IV (316–304 BC)
Ptolemaic Dynasty
(304–30 BC)
Roman period
(30 BC–AD 395)

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