Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (521 page)

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patrilineal inheritance
The inheritance of property or titles through the male line only. Also known as patriliny or patrilineality.
patrilocal family
A family system in which the wife is expected to live near the husband's parents.
A technique of manufacturing glass vessels in which blobs of molten glass are blown into elaborate moulds which are shaped and have the desired decoration cut into them. Large numbers of identical vessels can be produced in this way.
A technique used to produce strong and attractive-looking flexible iron blades for swords and other ornate weapons from the early post-Roman period onwards. Strips of metal and wire in different colours were
together and then hammered to produce the patterned effect. Some of the finest examples are those produced by Frankish and Anglo-Saxon smiths. Good examples are also known amongst Viking arms.
A Polynesian short club-like weapon, made of a variety of materials including wood and whalebone (paroa).
Paulinus of Pelia
Gallo-Roman aristocrat born
ad 377, the son of a proconsul with estates in Aquitaine. In ad 414 he accepted office under the brief imperial usurpation of Attalus . After Attalus' downfall, Paulinus was dispossessed and saved his life only by an appeal to the king of the Alans; thereafter he lived in exile in Marseilles. His poem
(‘Thanksgiving’), is a pessimistic account of the disasters of the early 5th century. He died
ad 440.

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