Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (222 page)

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early Tutishcainyo Phase
South American cultural grouping found in the Rio Ucayali area of Amazonia in the period
2000–1500 bc. Defined by its ceramics which belong to the Zoned Hachure Horizon Style. Pots of this phase often have complicated profiles with body flanges with step-fret, rectilinear, and curvilinear scroll design decoration. Simple geometric designs incised into the surface of the vessel are also common. Evidence of sweet manioc production is often associated with sites of this phase.
early Woodland
A subdivision of the
defined for the archaeology of the eastern parts of North America which succeeds the Archaic around 1000 bc. The transition from late Archaic to Woodland saw three major innovations: the development of pottery manufacture; the deliberate cultivation of native plants (especially gourds, squashes, sunflowers, and tobacco); and burial under funerary mounds. The most distinctive early Woodland cultures belong to the
earthen long barrow
earth lodge
Type of structure found in the midwest and eastern regions of the USA comprising a timber building with an earth covering. The shape and size of these buildings differ greatly, but archaeologically they are represented by hard-packed earthen floors and postholes.
A general term describing any group of banks, ditches, mounds, scoops, hollows, platforms, or other structures of earth and stone.
Eastern Fluted Point Tradition
Palaeo-Indian hunter-gatherer cultures living in the eastern parts of North America (from Nova Scotia to Florida) in the period around 8600 bc. Characterized by a series of chipped stone fluted points, most of which were probably knife blades. Those groups living in the more northerly regions were mainly caribou hunters, but those in more southerly regions would have used forest game and wild plant foods. At least seven styles of fluted point are known in the northeastern part of the area, some with constricted blades, some with pentagonal shapes, some long and narrow, others almost triangular in outline. Some show similarities with the western
points and they are assumed to be of approximately the same age.

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