Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (228 page)

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The study of Egypt's ancient past, especially its history, belief systems, monuments, and cultural life.
Egyptian god. See
Aristocrat educated in the monastery of Fulda and later a friend and adviser of Charlemagne . After Charlemagne's death in ad 814 he was made abbot of a series of religious houses. Between ad 829 and ad 836 he wrote his
Life of Charlemagne
which remains the main source of much of what is known about the Frankish empire. Einhard died in ad 840.
A small kingdom centred in southern Iran in the 3rd millennium
with its capital at
. Its development paralleled the rise of state organizations in Mesopotamia, with writing (proto-Elamite) appearing around 3000 bc. The Elamites often appear in Mesopotamian texts as enemies, and indeed it was Elamite incursions that brought down the third dynasty in Ur in the late 3rd millennium
. The sculpture and metalwork of Elamite craft workers was of the highest quality, and the kingdom reached its peak under Untash-gal who extended its borders by invading
Babylonia. He built a new royal city at Choga Zanbil. Around 640 bc the Elamite kingdom fell to the Assyrians when Ashurbanipal sacked Susa.

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