Cloud Riders (Lord of the Planets) (30 page)

BOOK: Cloud Riders (Lord of the Planets)
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She glared up at him. ‘Take it easy, big fella! Long hair and boobs normally means
. That means, handle with care or else,’ she stated firmly. Looking back at Aldebaran, she hid her fear and uncertainty, breaking into a sweet smile. ‘Hi Pops! Just thought I’d stop in for a quick visit. You can tell your rough boys that I’m not here to hurt their sovereign,’ she said, still rubbing the sting out of her arm. She then realised she was still probably feeling Conor’s pain from his broken limb.

You could barely see the whites of her father’s eyes, they were so dark, and his irritable expression showed her he did not approve with the intrusion. ‘I’m not impressed with your antics out there, young lady!’

Hands on her hips, she motioned to the cameras. ‘I wasn’t very pleased with yours either, Father dear,’ she said right back at him, holding her head up high and not letting him offend her.

Her comment must have amused him as he gave a slight smirk and there was a tiny glint to his eyes. ‘So, why are you here? Let me guess. To beg for my leniency! I notice you have yourselves in a bit of a mess out there. Bloody shame. If I strike now with you here, I’ll rid myself of your pathetic group forever.’

‘Father, if I am a chip off the old block you would know I enjoy a good altercation, so hell no! Do I need or want your leniency? Hell no! Twice! I’m here to ask you to stand down for twenty-four hours. We have family issues that need attending to and not just what you can see out there now.’

He stood, his chest heaving from an intake of air. His face reddened with anger and his eyes were now almost pits, as if they’d disappeared and only evil remained. ‘And what do I get out of this so-called stand down? What could you possibly offer to make it worth my while, to stop me from ridding myself of the damned Cloud Riders? Look around you, girl! There is nothing you could give me that I don’t already have or need.’ His voice was thunderous and threatening.

Cassie walked up to him, trying not to fall down like a lump of lard and disappear into the cracks of the floor.
Goddamn it! He’s my dad, what’s the worst that could happen?
She recalled how much she had suffered by the hands of her cruel stepfather and yet Aldebaran was making him seem like a pussycat. Even so, she placed one foot in front of the other having no intentions of letting her team down by showing weakness.

The guards went to stop her but he gestured for them to leave her alone. The closer she got, the more of his rage was apparent by the way the ground below her shook. The vibration scared the life out of her but she didn’t waver or show any expression. Putting out her hand—she hoped like hell it would stop shaking for just a minute—she found one last smile. ‘What do I have to offer you, Pops? I offer you a one-off chance to get to know your own child. I offer me—for twenty-four hours. Would that be worth anything at all to you?’

As if the touch of her hand had put him in a trance, all of a sudden the floor stopped shaking and the atmosphere calmed. Her hand felt small and delicate in his big paw. That alone made her aware of just how overpowering and strong he was. She was suddenly very aware that even though she was petite and fragile, she had just as much power: the kind you only find in a father’s love for a child. All of a sudden he wasn’t scary anymore.

‘You’re asking me for a twenty-four hour reprieve,’ he almost whispered as his eyes softened and she saw blue sparks explode in them.

She nodded.

He searched her face and stood watching her for what seemed like hours—although she knew it was only a moment—before his face broke into a smile. ‘Deal!’

Cassie had just made a pact with the devil and she knew he would try every trick he had to spin her around and ruin the relationship she had with her man and the rest of the team. Truly this was going to test her loyalty to the ones she had come to love.

He turned, not letting her hand go and addressed the many he had working for him. ‘I’m suspending all military physical attacks and we are standing down for the rest of the day. I expect you all to reconvene here at 1900 hours tomorrow. Those of you staying the night, drinks and food will be served shortly. General Gatwick will now be in charge and will make sure all your needs are met. Appreciate your patience, enjoy the evening.’ Lifting her hand, he placed it over his arm and patted it. ‘When was the last time you ate, Daughter-mine?’ he asked as he guided her into another room: the dining room she had been in on her last visit.

‘Um … breakfast yesterday,’ she answered him. And not until then did she realise that they had fought all through the night and it was now the evening of the next day. No wonder she was bombed out and weary. Suddenly now aware of why Kayden always made them have such a big breakfast and a rest before heading off. ‘It’s tough work sparring with you, Pops. Time seems to have just slipped away. You really need to learn to stop for a lunch break.’ She broke out into a chuckle and he laughed with her.

‘I’ll keep that in mind next time you are blowing up all my fire power.’

‘Yes! I can just see that now. “Oh sweetheart, it’s your lunch break. Oops sorry! I accidentally let a meteor go before I called it. Oh well, we didn’t need that star after all, hey, Daughter-mine?” ’ she joked again and made him laugh more.

‘You must be thirsty as well,’ he said, seating her at the big dining table.

‘Last time you offered me drink it was a potion that repelled my friends. Are you intending to play nice this time, Pops? No games. What do you say?’

He showed his hands. ‘Nothing sinister this time. Just me being your father, I promise.’ Laughing, he put his arm around her and gave her a little fatherly squeeze.

It feels nice.

Servants came out with the evening meal. She tried a couple of things and then just pushed the food around her plate as they talked. He could see she wasn’t interested in the food or wine and asked her what drink she preferred.

‘Same as last time,’ she grinned. ‘Rum, straight up, no ice.’

‘Make that two,’ he said to the servant, not even raising an eyebrow. He eyed her. ‘Just how I like it. You know, you might be more like your old man than you care to admit, Cassandra.’

As she sipped it down, she felt it warm her inside and she held the empty glass to the servant. ‘Just bring the bottle, buddy,’ she said with a cheeky look, smiling at Aldebaran and still trying to get a reaction.
Aren’t fathers meant to be all funny about their kids drinking alcohol?

‘If I’d known you were this much fun, maybe I’d have come and captured you years ago.’ He baffled her again with his wit instead of sniping.

‘Your ex, my dear, so-called mother, would have loved it if you’d have kidnapped me. The bitch would have enjoyed her life so much better with me gone,’ she let on, a bit more sombrely than she had meant to and sculling another drink.

‘Why? Didn’t Mummy dear get you that pony you always wanted?’ he said a little sarcastically and with a jealous edge.

She made a face and shook her head. ‘You have no idea what you left me to endure. I should hate you for leaving me with them.’ She was annoyed that he was making fun of her. Then, not sure why, her anger boiled over, making her blab to Daddy-o just what a hard life she did have. She finished with the kidnapping saga and realised he had gone totally silent and the colour had drained from his face.

Aldebaran took a minute to process what he’d just learned. ‘She didn’t want you, yet she wouldn’t let me have you either? Why did she feel she had to punish us both?’

‘Maybe she wasn’t really happy and blamed you,’ she said in a sarcastic tone.

‘Cassandra, stop it,’ he growled. ‘Your bitterness towards me won’t help what’s been done. I’m sorry for what happened to you but if we’re ever to get past these trust issues you have to let it go.’

Tears stung her eyes—she’d never had a real father. He was talking to her as if he was and now she felt upset that she had hurt him.
Jeez, I am so damned confused with all this newness of emotion.
‘I’m sorry,’ she apologised. ‘I’ve had a bad couple of days and shouldn’t be taking it out on you.’ She poured another drink and passed him one. ‘You’re right, I probably just wanted to hurt you and it was childish and uncalled-for.’

‘At least I know you can be honest with me,’ he said.

Wiping away her tears, she eyed him. ‘Our very first father-daughter fight,’ she said with a little smile.

‘Yes! We’re both very stubborn,’ he grinned.

She chuckled and took a sip of her drink. ‘Even though it was in poor taste to throw all that family history at you, somehow I feel lots better for telling someone.’

He patted her hand. ‘Because I’m your father, Cassandra and deep down you know that, you should know too that you can come to me about anything. I want to know everything about you.’ He smiled warmly. ‘So, tell me what do you and your friends do in your spare time?’

She ran her fingers around the glass and down the stem of it while thinking. ‘Let me see. The property is massive and there is a great lake, so we swim and sleep out under the stars. They have off-road vehicles, the trail bikes we take up into the mountain range and spend hours on the sand dunes. The four-wheel drives are mainly used for hunting, a sport I have come to enjoy immensely. Oh and the boys throw lots of parties and BBQs where we normally end up pretty pickled and play cards. They figure if I’m under the weather they have a better chance of beating me. Like that’s ever going to happen. Not!’

He seemed amused. ‘Are you any good?’

‘Pop, I reckon even if you were to use your magic I would still come up trumps,’ she laughed, sitting back in the chair and looking cocky as hell. She could see he saw the challenge and wasn’t about to let his own kid show him up. This would be fun and knowing he would probably be a bit of a gambler, she was going to enjoy a little family rivalry.

‘Then let’s see if you take after your old man,’ he said, shaking his head and looking pleased that she wanted to play a game with him. It was a bit of healthy competition that he looked forward to, especially with her looking so smug.
Yes, I will enjoy this too!

The table now cleared, cards produced and the rum poured, both were eager to let the games begin. Wit and cunning showed on their faces as both wanted to come out the winner. Father against daughter: maybe it wasn’t on the battlefield but it might as well have been. Neither was to be merciful. The first hand went in Cassie’s favour and Aldebaran tried hard to hide his irritation that his daughter might be more of a challenge than he had thought. He hated to lose and she was causing him real grief of late.

‘Okay, Cassandra, game on!’ He rolled his head as she dealt the next hand.

 ‘Sorry, Pops but I’m good. You can give up now if you want,’ she stirred.

‘Just deal, cheeky one. I still have a few tricks left.’

As the night went on, Cassie kept beating him and as she dealt the cards she told him of the bets they made, in particular the one where they played strip poker.

‘Lucky you’re getting smashed because at least I can tell you anything and you won’t be quick enough to catch me and discipline me in your state.’ She slurred a little.

‘Don’t bet on it, young lady! I still have some wits about me. Winning at cards proves nothing, just that you cheat a lot,’ he laughed at her.

‘Cheat, you say!’ She jumped up, grabbed his arm and a card fell out.

He grabbed her and tickled her, making her fall drunkenly on his lap. She looked at him seriously for a minute.
He feels like home
. She wrapped her arms around his neck. He was limp at first and then cuddled her back. Spent and too drunk to move, she put her head on his shoulder and fell asleep.

In the morning she found herself in a strange bed, fully clothed and under the covers. The curtains were closed so the room was in darkness. She had no clue what time it was but knew she had been sleeping a long time. Jumping out of bed with a spring in her step from having such a great night she went into the en suite and showered. Walking out of her room, she looked over the railing and called out. ‘Hi down there, is anyone around?’ A servant walked out from below. ‘Can I get you something, miss?’ he asked.

‘Coffee would be nice and can you tell me where they put my horse?’

‘Yes ma’am. Coffee is on its way and your horse is in the stables to the left of the front door. I’ll take you as soon as you’re ready.’

‘Ready!’ she giggled. ‘I’ll take the coffee to go.’

She checked her image in the wall-to-wall mirrored tiles at the end of the corridor. Her outfit, even though slept in, had magically refitted itself to her after the shower with not one crease. Her face and hair were the same, perfectly replenished as well. A happy glow reflected back as the image was that of someone who had maybe just stepped out of a beauty parlour.

‘Amazing,’ she giggled, touching her reflection in the mirror before skipping down the flight of steps, feeling like Cinderella going to a ball.
Magic! How lucky I feel. This new world is so cool: an absolute dream

She chatted to the servant (whose name was Lamar, she discovered), while sipping her coffee as she was directed out towards her horse. Lamar had worked in the castle for twenty-two years. Cassie was pleased to think that if her pop could keep his staff for that long he mustn’t be so bad after all.

Arriving at the stables, Cassie found Starburst looking well rested but restless. She took him outside for a run and a bit of fun with her before putting him back in his stall. After getting him a fresh bucket of water, she filled his feeder with some grain from the stockpile in the loft as well as leaving a decent pile of hay to munch on while he waited for her.

‘We’ll be here for a bit longer, Starburst,’ she told him. ‘But tonight after dinner you can take me home. Okay?’

He nodded and snorted so she took that as a yes.

Skipping back into the house, Cassie felt like a great weight had fallen from her. Talking to her father about her mother last night had purged many ill feelings. And now knowing Starburst was looked after, she could enjoy the rest of the day. She was starting to believe that her father wasn’t that bad after all and was looking forward to spending the day with him.

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