Cloud Riders (Lord of the Planets) (26 page)

BOOK: Cloud Riders (Lord of the Planets)
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‘Yes, it’s possible but rare. If immortals could breed without difficulty, the world would be full of us. It’s easier for an immortal male to father a child with a mortal female but it does not mean the child will automatically be born immortal. That too, is rare and depends on whether the gods permit it. They decide how many of us are required each century and for it to happen here on earth is a rarity. You see, you are born with a mission in mind. To want to fight or destroy, as I said, good and evil is the mix. To do what we do, it’s imperative to have your roots here, to grow up and love this planet so you have the passion to want to protect it; to be prepared to die for it.’

Cassie considered what he said. She may not have had the passion and upbringing they had but she knew she would fight to the death to save Kayden and his men. And in return, by keeping them safe, she would keep all those they swore to protect alive.

Party Hour

When Kayden and Cassie arrived at the party it was in full swing. The boys had started to worry that Kayden had changed his mind. They said they were just about ready to come kidnap their cloud girl. It was sweet they even missed her with the women that were obviously flirting and flaunting themselves around them. Cassie counted about a dozen girls and a few extra men, including Conor’s brother Tremaine.

From the little Kayden had divulged on the way over, she knew that the guests were apparently from around the area and always looked forward to a get together. They were used to the boys organising things at the last minute and said they would never miss one of their crazy nights.

Jason took Cassie on a tour through the two-story home. You could get lost in the rooms alone. The boys’ rooms had their own en suites, couches, TVs and stereo surround sound systems. Their beds were the biggest she had ever seen, all with canopies, plush quilts and pillows, similar to the style she had grown up with. Yet standing here admiring the furnishing was about as far as it went. She would sooner be happy with Kayden in his quaint two-bedroom home than have all the riches in the world. The bottom floor consisted of a sitting room, an ultra-modern kitchen, a dining room with a twelve-seated oval table and a massive theatre room. This led her out through large sliding doors to the entertaining area where pretty party lights grabbed her attention. The deck she stood on was lit up with hundreds of colourful fairy lights that cast cheerful vibrant shades over the guests chatting beneath them. She grinned, watching a few partygoers dancing and mucking around to one of her favourite tunes. Outside near the pool, two men she had never seen before stood at the BBQ cooking dinner, Conor and Tremaine watching on. Tremaine introduced the men to her as his two ranch hands, Rick and Steve. She chatted for a while before wandering off to fill her glass with more punch. The lights in the garden must have been on timer and lit up the yard, highlighting a large swimming pool with tropical plants. The palms framing the glistening clear water relaxed her immediately. The gazebo further down the backyard was also lit up with tiny bud lights and it made her smile. These boys had entirely too much time on their hands. It looked great.

Woody joined her, introducing her to his friend, Ella. She was tall, extremely well dressed in designer clothes, and her makeup and hair were perfect. She looked like she had just come out of a shoot for
. She spoke down to Cassie with a fake smile and her eyes were cold. Yet when she looked back at Woody she glowed, and her eyes sparkled.
Fake bitch
. Cassie couldn’t help but sum her up in two words. It was very clear she had issues with the amount of time Woody was spending with the team.
Or more likely it’s just me in particular. Silly, jealous woman.

Kayden watched Cassie’s reaction to her. Coming over, he put his arm around his girlfriend protectively. ‘Ella, nice to see you again. I see you’ve met my Cassie.’

Ella ignored his comment about her. ‘Kayden, you seem to have been keeping Woody very busy lately. I trust you’ve worked it out so I can steal him away for a few days. Our family will be holidaying at Cable Beach Resort in Broome and would like him to join us so they can get to know him a little better.’

Kayden stole a look at Woody and it wasn’t a happy one.

Woody put his hands up in a submissive gesture while grinning. ‘Sorry, mate, she only sprung it on me tonight too. I knew nothing about it.’

Kayden’s reaction might have seemed polite to those who didn’t know him but by the pressure Cassie felt as his grip tightened as he controlled himself, she knew better.

‘Woody has commitments, Ella; he knows a few days are simply out of the question. The resort is a little too far for him to get back quickly if I need him home. In saying that, I’m sure you and he will try and work out a compromise.’

Ella touched Kayden on the arm. ‘I’m sure you could manage for a couple of days without him, Kaydie darling. It would be easier if I knew what you two do over there. I could send you some paid help to replace him.’ She spoke sweetly.

Kayden smiled politely, taking her hand off his arm and patting it before letting her go. ‘You know it’s not something I care to discuss, Ella. Good try though.’

She glared at Cassie. ‘I bet your playmate knows,’ she said in annoyance and waved her hand in a huffy, dismissive gesture. ‘Have your little secrets,’ she said, walking off irritably.

Woody was embarrassed. ‘Sorry she’s in a bit of a mood tonight. A few drinks and she’ll settle down.’

‘Don’t apologise for her, Woody. It’s exactly that feistiness that appeals to you, right. Well, in the bedroom anyway.’

‘Cassie,’ he said, laughing. He got that she was kidding with him but wow, she had it right.

Kayden was laughing too as Jason came to join them, wanting to know what was so funny. When Kayden told him, he laughed so loud Cassie thought he was going to bring everyone over.

‘I’ve scratched my head for months trying to work out what the hell he sees in her and goddamn it if Cassie hasn’t found the answer within five minutes of meeting her,’ Jason remarked.

Woody was still grinning and put his arm around Cassie. ‘You’re too aware for your own good, young lady. Now, I better go find my livewire and get her drunk.’ He winked and followed Ella inside.

Jason brought Cassie and Kayden another drink. They went and sat in the gazebo while she heard stories about the cold-hearted Ella. Ethan brought his new girlfriend over to meet Cassie and joined in. After a while she noticed Jason didn’t have a woman in tow, hanging off him like the others did.

‘Your girlfriend was unable to come tonight?’

‘My type of female doesn’t frequent nice parties like this,’ he laughed. ‘I prefer the fun without the commitment. These girls here all know the drill. If I want someone, I’ll choose one at the end of the night. Or not.’ He watched to see if it shocked Cassie. It reminded her of the first time she had met him and how he had acted so excited when he thought she was a whore. She smiled, realising what he meant.

‘Then you should have brought a couple of your ladies of the night to this party. It might have been fun to see Ella’s face, seeing as they dress just as she does,’ she giggled.

Kayden took her drink, laughing. ‘That’s enough for you, young lady. Woody wouldn’t be impressed if he heard you put his Ella into their category.’

Jason passed Cassie his. ‘It’s okay, Cassie. You can drink mine. I’m loving you tonight, girl.’ He kept laughing.

Conor and Ethan saw them having fun and wandered over with their women who had latched themselves to them. They were very sweet and glowed when given attention; nevertheless they didn’t seem that interested. The two females were good friends and chatted for a while between themselves, then went to the powder room together. Jason threw an arm around them both and walked with them inside, reappearing back outside again within minutes, holding another bottle of rum. When he returned, he squeezed back next to Cassie, finding her far more entertaining than anyone else there tonight.

‘What did I miss?’ he smiled, filling up their glasses again.

Cassie laughed at his fun attitude. ‘I was just wondering why we had a party when we’re all out here together under the gazebo on our own again.’

Jason pinched her cheek gently. ‘Because we would sooner just be with you, silly.’

Conor and Ethan toasted Jason, confirming he was right.

‘But why agree to the girls and this?’ she gestured to the guests.

‘For you, so you didn’t feel overpowered by us blokes,’ Conor said, grinning. ‘It must be hard for you only having guys around you all the time.’

‘And here I was worried about the opposite, thinking you must miss not having a woman around.’ She rolled her eyes.

‘We have one: our new little sister,’ Jason grinned. ‘When we need a woman in that way, we just disappear. You’ll get used to us.’

‘So, Woody must need a woman in that way because he hasn’t come back. Is that what you mean?’ she asked earnestly and they all burst out laughing.

‘I think she’s got it,’ Kayden said as he refilled their shot glasses again.

A funky song came on so Jason and Cassie started singing it together and jumping around dancing. When it finished, she plonked down next to Kayden, laughing. ‘I think I’ve drunk too much all ready. You better drink mine if you want me to last the night,’ she said, handing him her full glass.

Kayden was enjoying her as much as the men were and never did take that drink of hers. Or the next, or the next. They continued drinking and ended up playing cards until the wee hours of the morning. Cassie’s glass of rum seemed like a bottomless pit that someone kept filling before she’d even finished it. Her concentration was trashed, so she and Jason were close to even although neither of them were considering giving in. The other players kept sculling nips of rum while the crowd around them became more boisterous and the game kept going. They had two hands left when Woody came downstairs to see what the racket was all about. Seemingly annoyed with the state she was in, he growled at Kayden for allowing the game to go on, enticing Cassie to get so drunk.

‘One more hand, Woodsta, then we stop. I have to win,’ Cassie slurred.

Jason tried to explain to Woody that the bet was for Cassie to give them all a back massage, insisting that she had to stay for them to win this hand. They were hardly making sense and kept making Cassie laugh. Woody took the drink off her, sculling it himself and replacing it with a coffee. She took a sip of the strong brew and the room started to swim, so that was it for her. ‘I’m out, guys. Can’t spin and play at the same time,’ she moaned.

Getting up was more difficult. Slithering down the pillar, she grabbed Woody, who only just caught her. ‘She’s bloody paro. Who’s been making those drinks?’

The guy that made them ‘fessed up. ‘We were just trying to help your boys, man,’ he said, and Jason and Ethan tried to high-five each other, missing hands completely.

‘That’s real mature, Jason,’ Woody said. ‘Kayden, get up and look after your woman.’ Kayden stood up and came over to help with Cassie. He was a goner as well. Jason and Ethan both passed out on the table leaving Conor to help sort out Cassie and Kayden.

He put his arm around Kayden. ‘I’ll take the boss, you grab the girl,’ he slurred at Woody.

‘We’ll take them up to the guest room,’ Conor suggested and Woody nodded.

Conor and Kayden staggered up in front of them and as Cassie neared the top of the stairs, she felt suddenly ill.

‘I think I’m going to throw up, Woodsta.’

‘Shit, Cassie. You sure?’


He grunted and made a detour to the bathroom. When he came back for her, she had just started splashing her face and gargling with mouthwash. Even that made her dry retch. He frowned, seeing the shape she was in and suggested a walk.

‘No! You have your girlfriend here. Don’t be silly. I’ll be fine.’ Standing up with some scrap of dignity left, she tried to make it to the door but Woody caught her again as she stumbled. ‘I’m fine, Woodsta. Your dream date is waiting. Just take me to Kayden.’

‘You’re too far gone to go to sleep yet. Damn those guys! Jeez, I leave any of them for five minutes and they are up to no good.’

‘They’re incorrigible but I love ‘em,’ she slurred.

‘Well, your boyfriend’s no better. He should have been watching you.’

‘Woodsta, he’s my boyfriend but he doesn’t own me. I have to learn for myself. Go play nice with your friend. I’m fine really,’ she mumbled, thinking he understood.

‘You don’t need to learn how to become a bloody alcoholic, Cassie. None of us expects you to drink like this. You only need just enough to get happy and then you have to learn to stop.’

She nodded as he walked her down the stairs and out the front door. They walked for a very long time down a path before turning back. She was starting to walk better and her head wasn’t nearly as fuzzy.

‘Thanks, Woodsta. You’re a real sweetie,’ she said without the slur. It felt good to feel a little normal again.

He stopped and lifted her head to the moonlight. ‘Wow, not only are you looking better but I could actually understand all you said that time. What possessed you to drink so much, Cassie? I’ve watched you and you always know when to stop. What’s eating you up?’

She sucked in a gulp of air, thinking about this afternoon. ‘Kayden explained to me today that I’m different from other girls. You know, immortal like you guys. Your girlfriend Ella; she looked at me as if I was a freak and I felt like one. I’ll never again be normal like she is. Against her, I felt so insignificant, plain and inadequate. I was angry with myself for feeling like that so I kept drinking to make me forget. I’m no princess anymore, Woodsta. I used to have the prettiest clothes, shoes and makeup. Once I could have stood next to someone like Ella and felt an equal. I’m so sorry, I don’t mean to hang it on your friend but it just made me remember and I feel so stupid now I’ve sobered up.’ Cassie watched the change in his expression. ‘You’re disappointed in me, aren’t you?’

‘Cassie, I’m not disappointed. I just didn’t know you missed the dressing up bit. You never seem to worry and I never thought it might be a part of who you are. I never gave it consideration that there might be a part of your life that you did enjoy and miss. At the casino I remember now how perfect you looked with your uniform on and not a hair out of place. Sometimes boys can be so insensitive.’ He ran a hand through his hair, pausing to find the right words. ‘Sweetie, we have more money than you can poke a stick at and you only have to ask us and you can have anything you want. You shouldn’t ever be made to feel inferior to anyone. I’ll organise our designer to pay you a visit. Cass, you are our family now, the little sister we never had. Now I know how, can you please let us spoil you just a little in return for the joy you give us?’

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