Cloud Riders (Lord of the Planets) (29 page)

BOOK: Cloud Riders (Lord of the Planets)
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‘Ahern, get her the hell out of here,’ he growled. ‘Aldebaran has felt me weaken and is trying to work through me. I’ll hold him back. Go!’ he said louder.

Kayden had them off the star in seconds. Looking down, Cassie saw Arietis double over again and groan in pain. She wondered what Pops was doing to him and what his next move would be now that Art had helped them get away. Kayden was giving Cassie instructions so she had to ignore Arietis and concentrate on what he was telling her.

You’ll be safe in our circle, so stay in the middle of us.
Men, it’s coming, so concentrate and link with me now.
He sent the urgent response to them.

An electric blue light wrapped around each of them and as Kayden yelled, it was as if it stretched out, joining them all as one. The black, cloud-like blanket came for Cassie. She practically ducked, it came so close but as it hit the blue glow from the Cloud Riders it just seemed to dissolve against the barrier they projected around her.

We’ve foiled Aldebaran’s attempt to grab Cassie from us and it’ll take him some time to work out how we did it. She should be fine while we go get our boy. He’s powering up, getting ready to run, so watch him, men, he’s using massive amounts of flame to take off full speed. Cool your body temperatures so the heat doesn’t penetrate your skin.

Cassie, stay put. When Arietis slingshots back towards the dogs, shove him as hard as you can up and out into the galaxy. Then I want you to stay and protect the two stars, Canis Major and Canis Minor. I wouldn’t put it past Aldebaran to deploy another bounty hunter, knowing Arietis has just lost his heart to his daughter
. He winked and shook his head.
You’re really shaking things up a bit, my beauty.

‘But this isn’t real,’ she motioned at her angelic glow and attire. ‘Maybe I should invite him home for coffee to see the real me who trudges around in T-shirts and gumboots.’

You underestimate yourself, sweetheart. To me, you look like you do right now all the time.

She couldn’t help grinning at his sweetness.
Gee, it feels good to be loved even if his love is obviously blind.
She chuckled to herself as she turned to see what their renegade star was up to.

As soon as she swung around, Arietis took off at lightning speed. She closed her eyes, imagining him high up in the universe somewhere. Throwing out her hands towards him with a power that just kept getting stronger, she watched as her magic shot Arietis out into space, the Cloud Riders hot on his tail, moving so fast their silhouettes shimmered out of focus. Now that they were out of sight, she kept watch. She knew Pops would have something else up his sleeve and she wanted to be ready.

Just as expected, Cassie felt a roar and the sky seemed to shake. The team had spent many hours explaining all the different stars to her. That’s why she could now easily identify that this was an unpredictable Dwarf nova, ready to explode any minute. Pops must have been furious and driven to the extreme to have risked exposing himself to Zoren like this. He would surely pay for such an attack on so many of the constellations at once.

A closer inspection, confirmed her thought, that it was a Su Ursae Majoris star. It was already sending out bursts of flames from the explosions on the surface. If it exploded now, the outer layer could blow away at many thousands of kilometres an hour, destroying the targeted dog constellations as well as damaging many others.
What is he thinking, being so dramatic?
He sure had one hell of a temper.

As it neared, Cassie closed her eyes and imagined sending it in the opposite direction that she had thrown the Arietis star. The team had enough to deal with as it was. She felt Starburst sending a shot of energy to help her and throwing her arms up, she shoved it hard and fast towards a safe location where it could cause no damage. However, before it was far enough away, it started to explode. Pieces broke away, scattering in all directions as it shot up into outer space heading for many of the constellations that surrounded her.

All Cassie could do was to keep the dangerous missiles that they had become, from causing any damage, quickly and precisely blasting them into harmless puffs of dust. She nearly missed a piece that got awfully close to the Gemini star but managed to destroy it just before it hit. The core went out of control, spun and turned as it exploded again, heading straight for Canis Major. Snatching it up with her mind, Cassie threw it back out into black space of nothingness where it should have gone in the first place. The impact had so much force in it that this time it was dead in the water, no harm to anyone.

With the stars now safe, she sat on guard again when a shocking pain shot through her. She buckled for a second before the pain released her. Checking herself out, she found no wounds. What in the hell was that? she thought, still stretching out her arm, checking out the area the pain was coming from.

She could hear Kayden. He was yelling an order to save Conor. He and his horse were hit and he’d been thrown from his horse on impact.
He’s falling towards you.

She swung her eyes above her head, seeing him coming towards her at a hell of a speed. She closed her eyes and put him on a cloud, slowing his fall and gently lowering him onto Starburst with her. He was hurt badly, blood oozing out of a wound. Something else was not right either. As she slid him gently in front of her, he groaned as his body leant back against hers.

‘Sorry,’ she said, holding him firmly so he didn’t fall off.

His horse was still flying but in a bad state as well. Kayden had the reins, bringing it back to him. In between groans, Conor was telling her they had tried to extinguish the star without Woody but not having the dynamics of five, the star unexpectedly spun out of control and sideswiped him.

Kayden commanded the horses to land on the Canis Major star so he could do a patch-up job on Conor and Conor’s horse. Even though damaged, Arietis had not been disabled and still posed as a threat. This left Kayden no choice but to put Cassie in harm’s way for her to keep watch for him when they landed, while he attended to the injured team members.

Major and Minor were there waiting as they landed and were jumping around, excited. They barked out to Kayden what she had done with the Dwarf nova star. They had watched it all and were so impressed with Cassie’s power that they hadn’t noticed Kayden had a soldier in trouble. Up until then, Kayden was unaware another was sent. The look of gratitude made Cassie’s effort worthwhile and overwhelmed her. Major and Minor jumped around Starburst until she was lifted from the horse and then both slobbered all over her face, licking her and rolling on the ground playing. They were gentle but she was not expecting they would be goofy like real dogs when they got excited. One minute she was being growled, licked and woofed at; the next, she was in Kayden’s arms.

‘Enough … sit!’ he commanded and they both stopped, grinning, all goofy and happy-like with their tongues hanging out. They made her giggle but the happiness they shared with her was short-lived when Conor moaned again. Kayden put Cassie down, told the dogs to behave and went back to his patient.

Jason and Ethan had laid Conor down on the ground so Kayden could get a good look at him, inspecting him for broken bones and internal damage. His shoulder and arm had taken the brunt of the hit, leaving a nasty gash on his shoulder and a broken arm. He had three broken ribs and already the bruise on his chest was swollen, black and nasty-looking. Kayden then checked Conor’s horse. The armour had prevented lacerations; however, it didn’t stop the horse from receiving massive internal injuries.

Kayden took off his belt, giving it to Conor. ‘Bite down on the leather, man, this is going to hurt. That arm will start to heal before we get home if I don’t reset it.’

Jason and Ethan held Conor down as Kayden readjusted his bone so it joined again. Conor screamed and cursed Woody before passing out. Cassie must have looked white as a ghost because the doggies called for Kayden and he grabbed her as she started to fall.

‘His pain went right through me,’ she shuddered in shock.

‘We’re all linked now, sweetheart,’ he said soothingly. ‘We all felt it. The thing is, the Cloud Riders’ power enables us to heal very quickly. If I leave it until we get home, it will set crooked and I will only have to break it all over again. It is far better to do it now. You okay for me to go back to him? Do you still have your wits about you?’

Now it was clear in her mind how it all worked, she could deal with the pain and weirdness a bit better. ‘Yep, I have this, trust me.’ She glanced down as he started to stitch up Conor shoulder. Even though she had her eyes scanning the heavens and not watching, she felt every thread he pulled through him. She shuddered at how this connection with the team had a good side but also the worst side possible.

Jeez! Toughen up, princess. It’s not as if it’s actually happening to you!

The two dogs came and stood each side as if comforting her. A sound above made them all look up. The dogs barked. Quickly picking Cassie up and putting her back on Starburst before she had even thought of it, Kayden was yelling at them to hurry. It was nearly on them. The dogs were barking frantically. She closed her eyes and was summoning up a visual and opening her eyes to slam her power at the target when all of a sudden it stopped dead. She had all the power and needed to release it, so instead she threw the energy force up into space where it wouldn’t hurt anyone.

Kayden was surprised at Cassie’s reaction not to blast the mongrel out of the sky for what he’d done to one of his team members. Still, it was her call, as he hadn’t had time to think straight either while attending to his wounded soldier. The star was so close now they could see Arietis wipe his forehead and grin cheekily as he realised how close he’d come to being blasted. Art saluted Cassie and then left, travelling at a massive speed in the other direction. ‘He’s given up and just came to let us know.’ She sighed and slid back off Starburst. ‘Christ, what a night. I just about killed him.’ She flopped down next to Kayden who put his hand on her shoulder, squeezing it lightly before going back to stitching up Conor.

Cassie sat quietly beside him, exhausted, chewing over their situation. That last effort had not only frightened the bejesus out of her but had also drained the last of her energy. Conor groaned and she instinctively ran her hand through his hair, trying to ease his pain while putting into perspective, what they had just all gone through.
This is so serious!
The true effects of the situation now weighed heavily on her mind. Not having a fifth member was a real issue and for the first time she finally understood Kayden’s anger with Woody.

As she continued to contemplate what she could do to give Conor, Kayden and Woody more time, a crazy idea came to her. They had to get Conor home and she’d run out of power, meaning they were vulnerable against a further attack. If Aldebaran sent out another weapon, it could mean all their lives.

‘I can only think of one thing that’ll give you time, Kayden. Conor needs to heal and if we’re called out in the next twenty-four hours, you’ll only have three boys.’

‘I know what you’re thinking, sweetheart. I can feel your thoughts ticking over but you don’t have to sacrifice yourself. If you go to Aldebaran, how can we trust he won’t hold you captive or worse? I know he’s your father but I don’t trust the man. I’ll work something out. None of us wants you to risk so much. You may never being able to return or worst, this time, it could be your life.’

‘Kayden, my powers are weak and in the event of another onslaught, I’m powerless to help until I eat and rest. The only other alternative is to draw from the dark side, but Woody isn’t here to help us so if Aldebaran really is my dad, I have to trust he’ll do right by me. I’ll get us the twenty-four hour reprieve even if I have to stay there and make him give it. He ain’t seen stubborn yet, trust me.’

‘Yes, my love and you can certainly be that,’ he smiled, stirring her.

‘Kayden honestly, until this moment I had no idea the seriousness of only having four and you know what? I’m one of the Cloud Riders now too. Just because we’re in a relationship doesn’t mean I stand idly by and not put my life on the line for my team as they would for me. This is the only way and you know it. So let me go do my job. Okay, boss?’ She reassured him, knowing she was their only hope.

Kayden took a while to decide as he nervously rubbed his hands through his hair. She could feel him thinking a heap of thoughts, yet none better than the one she had just come up with.

‘Shit, I’ve got nothing.’ He had to agree with her. ‘Will you be alright on your own?’

‘I think so. I’m fairly sure Starburst knows the way back there. He seems to have a memory like mine. Just try to remember that when I get home, no matter what spell he puts on me, I’m not a traitor. I’m just me, the one who loves you, okay?’

A reprieve for Cassie

The armed guards surrounded Cassie as Starburst landed on the home world of Aldebaran. The largest of the guards lifted her off the horse and with a tight grip, marched her into the castle. The big doors opened to a huge room full of more frightening-looking characters who she assumed were members of his council. It was like a modern-day knights of the round table, only it was real, with big video screens and the buzzing of reports from different sources. Many were reporting on the action that was happening out on the battlefield her group had just fought on.

Aldebaran sat on a throne and looked really annoyed when the guard pulled her inside. He put his hand up, hushing the group. Then he made another gesture and all the monitors went dead so she was unable to see what his next move was going to be. With the room so quiet, all eyes were now focused on the person who had caused the shutdown.

For the first time, Cassie figured this was probably not one of her brightest ideas but she was not about to show them how scared she really was. The guard dropped his grip and she rubbed her arm, still feeling pain from his tight hold.

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