Cloud Riders (Lord of the Planets) (13 page)

BOOK: Cloud Riders (Lord of the Planets)
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At daybreak, Kayden wished he could stay in bed with her forever. The horses needed tending to though so he dragged himself out of bed. He could no more leave her this morning than he could have yesterday once he had seen her again. He needed her close and he lightly kissed her like a feather tickling her skin. He loved the way she wiggled and smiled before her gorgeous eyes fluttered open.

‘The horses.’ She stretched and yawned. ‘Give me a minute revol enim.’ She chuckled and ran into the bathroom. He slapped her backside playfully as she ran past.

, “lover mine”. When did you learn to reverse words?’

‘Casino code,’ she chuckled again. ‘Teg siht knurd tuo fo ym ecaf,’ she called out before closing the door.

Kayden grunted as he pulled on his jeans, still trying to work out what she said. He grinned as she walked back into the room and quickly began dressing. ‘Get this drunk out of my face?’

‘Very good, tiger! I’ll have to make them a lot harder if I want to swear at you.’ She chuckled again as he grabbed her and tickled her.

‘You better not, sweet cheeks or you will be in so much trouble.’

Cassie picked up her runners and bolted for the door. ‘Evah ot hctac em tsrif emosdnah.’

Kayden was after her in a shot, enjoying her new game and the confidence she now oozed. He snatched her up and ran with her out to the car. ‘ “Have to catch me first, handsome” was not near hard enough but good try, sweetheart.’

She was smiling at him and he stood frozen with her for a second or two, unable to believe that just a day ago he had been in total misery and torment for months. Yet in one day this angel in his arms had turned his life around yet again. ‘Have I told you yet today how much I love you?’

‘Yes, but I’ll never tire of you saying it.’ She smiled and in that instant the sun swept across the sky and lit up the golden highlights in her hair. Her skin shone with a glow like that of the goddesses from the heavens and he thought she surely was sent by the gods themselves for him to take care of and to protect.

It was no surprise to Kayden when he took Cassie to the paddock and the horses all remembered her. He could feel them soak in the angelic vibe she was projecting. He knew her powers had grown and with work, he wondered if she knew just how powerful she could become.

Kayden slapped the dust off his pants as her feeling of joy shuddered through him. He had never disconnected from her so he had still been able to feel she was okay. It was the only thing that kept him sane while she was gone. He knew it was wrong but letting her go completely was something he couldn’t handle. Getting the gear he needed out of the truck, his eyes diverted back to Cassie as she squealed and laughed, making him quiver as her vibration hummed happily through him. He knew he had to connect her to the team and it made him speculate on what would happen when he added the woman she had now become into the mix. He could only hope that she would give off a different, less seductive vibe. It tormented him that they might feel about her the way he did.

Throwing a towel over his shoulder, he let out a quiet growl. He wanted no competition. Yet he knew he wanted her with him all the time now so no amount of debating was going to change what had to be done. He knew he just had to wait and see how it played out. Taking a deep breath and rolling his shoulders, he went to tend the horses, barely concentrating as his eyes kept fixing on his woman. She was mind-blowing and the more excited she became the more her happiness pulsated through him, putting him in high spirits too.

Cassie suddenly noticed a strong poised tan horse eyeing her from a distance. She noted he was younger than the rest and yet stood tall, proud and patient waiting his turn. His pure black mane and tail softly outlined his perfect shape. She patted him and turned her head to the side. ‘Surely you are not the baby foal.’

He nudged Cassie, wanting to play and have some fun.

Cassie laughed. ‘I don’t believe how quickly you’ve grown. Kayden what did you call my horse?’


‘Love it! Hey Starburst,’ she patted him. ‘You’re not the baby no more, are you, boy? Okay then let’s see what you got.’ She grinned mischievously and started to run at full speed away from him before stopping quickly and darting back at him. He reared up, making her laugh as he made a chuckling sound in the back of his throat and then took off. He was so cute. Cassie followed him to the river where she ran around the trees to get away from him and they played hide and seek—only he was too big to hide and kept making her laugh when he tried.

There was a screech of tires on the dirt and dust flew everywhere. Cassie stopped mucking around, wondering who it was. Out of the dust, Woody came running down the hill, gathering Cassie up in his arms, laughing and very happy to see her. She felt flattered and flushed crimson at his attention which made him laugh more.

‘I knew that if he was this happy it had to be you. Welcome back, Cassie girl.’

Another car pulled up just as quickly and Jason, Conor and Ethan opened their doors and headed for them. Woody still had her in his arms and he raced back up towards them and slid her onto her feet. ‘See, I told you she was back.’

They all took it in turns hugging her while Jason went crook at Woody for not waiting for them. He had apparently just taken off out of the house when he felt his boss’s emotions.

‘I saw her playing with Starburst and knew it was Cassie.’ He was still grinning at her.

Kayden finished checking the horses, came up and slid his arm around Cassie protectively. ‘That’s enough, boys, she’s taken,’ he said, smiling down at Cassie and keeping his arms firmly around her, letting them all know in no uncertain terms who she belonged to. Cassie was delighted that he was finally able to show his love for her without hesitation or thinking that it might damage his leadership.

‘You look fabulous, Cass.’ Jason gave her one of his cute boyish grins. ‘City living definitely agrees with you, girl.’

Cassie knew she had changed and it had been almost overnight. On her twentieth birthday she had just woken up different. Her body shape had changed from stick-thin to voluptuous and shapely. Her hair had grown in length and golden highlights lightened up her usually dull, lifeless locks.

She grinned, flabbergasted at how much attention she was getting. ‘It’s called growing up, Jase. It had to happen sooner or later. I was a bit of a nerd last time you saw me.’

He chuckled. ‘Well, I didn’t like to say it then but shit, you were hard work. To think you even had to learn how to cook toast. Can you boil a kettle yet?’ He joked with her and she laughed.

‘Cheeky beggar, it looks like I have a thing or two to prove.’ Kayden tried to protest but she put her hand up to stop him. ‘It’s a friendly little bet we have then, Jase,’ she egged him on.

He glanced at the boys and they all nodded. ‘Okay, girl, you’re on. A fiver out of each of us.’

‘Double it and you are on.’

‘So we sit back and do nothing and you cook.’

‘You got it?’

‘And if it tastes like crap and we have to end up cooking ourselves, you pay us.’

Cassie put out her hand. ‘Deal!’

He shook it and they all went back to the house, laughing about the burnt offerings they would get for their ten bucks.

Back at the house, Kayden listened to the men and only entered the conversation when he was directly asked a question. His eyes were fixed on his woman who drifted with ease around his kitchen. The aroma of what she was cooking wafted over to him and he wanted to go hug the honey who was making him feel so happy. She was cooking for him and for them. How could this be?

She wiped the back of her hand across her forehead unconsciously and flour-marked her flawless complexion. He wondered if she’d be mad if he went out there and kissed it off; he would have broken his promise to stay seated. As if she felt his thoughts she sent him a surge through their connection and he shuddered at the lovely emotion she sent his way. He wanted to tell her he was cheating and could feel her but somehow he felt she already knew because it was working both ways. She smiled, confirming his thoughts and then went back to making the last batch of pancakes. Finally she asked for the table to be set and there was a mad rush as juice and coffees were organised while she placed the food in the middle of the table. The men sat down, grabbing toast and piling omelettes onto their plates.

As Cassie came over to place some more dishes on the table, Kayden pulled her onto his lap. ‘What have you done with my helpless little princess? Who is this grownup impostor?’ he laughed.

Cassie grinned happily. She could only give thanks for the day when two loving angels picked her up and took her into their lives unconditionally. She had learned so much more than how to cook: she had learned the most important lesson of all—how to treat a man—and she would never forget the experience it had been watching the love Ruby and Jim had for each other.

‘You better taste it first.’ Cassie smiled and kissed Kayden’s lips softly before getting up to finish serving.

Ethan tasted his omelette and at the same time stuffed a pancake in his mouth and grinned. ‘She’s definitely a keeper!’ he said, devouring more pancakes.

After breakfast Woody and Jason did the dishes. There was a rule that those who cooked did not have to help with the dishes and Cassie liked that rule already. Kayden sat with his arm around her, contented and relaxed while they talked to Ethan. Cassie was having a bit of fun with the whole ‘brother’ thing. She had no brothers or sisters and was surprised when Ethan admitted he was the elder brother.

‘I thought Jason was older,’ she said and received a playful scowl from Jason for saying so.

Ethan explained the height difference, saying he was more like his dad’s side of the family in appearance: slightly shorter and stockier. Ethan gestured towards Jason. ‘He may be taller than me but I can still hold my own.’ He grinned mischievously at Cassie, his blue eyes alive with a challenge. ‘I can take him down any day.’

‘I heard that. You’re on later, short-stuff.’ Jason’s voice came from the kitchen.

Conor sat back down, giving Cassie a chance to admire his tattoos. He told her that every time he had a new woman, he’d add to his body art. ‘I just love the pain they cause me,’ he said. He grinned at her reaction, showing her his most recent tattoo of a scull and a black rose. ‘See, like this one, her looks were as perfect as a rose but she was all dark and evil in the bedroom,’ he said and Cassie, not used to bedroom talk of any kind, flushed crimson at his honesty. He laughed at her shyness. ‘She’s cute, Kayden,’ he said, slapping his leg where the tattoo sat proudly. ‘But have we got our work cut out for us toughening her up enough to put up with us five blokes!’

Kayden pulled Cassie back into his arms. ‘She’s perfect just the way she is and she needs no educating from you lot.’

Cassie nuzzled into Kayden’s body, enjoying having a protective man to care for her. He had become everything she dreamed he would be. She couldn’t help but lap it up a little.

Woody and Jason finished in the kitchen and sat at the table shuffling a pack of cards.

‘Who is in for a hand or two before we hit the road?’ Woody glanced straight at Cassie with a smirk.

She put her head down, amused. She thought that with his red curls and his emerald eyes that shone like gems, he looked all mischief. Cassie knew that he had seen her at the gaming tables and surely would know there were some skills hidden within her.
Surely he isn’t thinking he can beat me?
The challenge was too good to refuse. Cassie squeezed Kayden before jumping up with enthusiasm. She grinned when she heard Kayden’s muffled chuckle. ‘I’m in,’ she said, joining them at the table.

Kayden knew only too well what Woody was up against and came to join them. ‘Count me in. Wouldn’t miss this for quids.’

Conor and Ethan grabbed a bottle of Bundaberg rum and shot glasses before they joined them.

‘We’re in.’ Ethan pounded fists with Conor after pouring everyone a shot. ‘Just a nip, that’ll get us in the mood, hey, man?’

Woody gulped his down. ‘Ah … damned good stuff.’

Kayden pulled his arm from around Cassie so he could take his cards and drink down his too. ‘Yep, that hit the spot,’ he sighed, handing it back for a refill.

Jason urged Cassie to join them in a shot, his big eyes glowing. He and Woody wore the same playful expression. ‘Let’s see what the new girl’s got.’

‘Come on, Cass. Bottoms up for our new beginning together. You’re one of us now.’

Cassie picked up the shot and smirked. ‘Just don’t think a little rum is going to stop me from beating you guys,’ she said as she swallowed the liquid, feeling its heat as it went down.

High-fives, fist pounding and ‘Bring it on, girl!’ filled the air as the games began.

A few hours later, Kayden called it a night after Cassie had won again. ‘That’s it, guys. She’s too good for us tonight. Get some shuteye and we’ll finish this off another night.’

‘Bad luck, guys,’ Cassie stirred them up as they left. ‘Maybe next time I might let you win a few.’ She giggled, feeling far more than just a little tipsy.

Jason hugged her. ‘Nice to have you home, Cassie girl. It was fun,’ he said as he left.

Woody kissed her cheek on the way past. ‘I learnt a few tricks off you tonight. Until next time, sweetness.’ He inclined his head in a gentlemanly fashion.

Ethan and Conor had had a few too many shots of rum and kissed Cassie’s cheeks at the same time. Arm-in-arm they staggered to the car, singing.

‘That was fun. Whipped their butts,’ she said, waving them goodbye and swaying from too much booze.

Kayden grinned as he steadied her. ‘Yes it was a good night, sweetheart. You had them eating out of your hand. But just remember they learn fast. It may not be so easy next time, my little cardsharp.’

She stretched and yawned, resting against him as he guided her to the bedroom. ‘I still have a few tricks up my sleeve. They may need to be a lot sharper when I’m not so tired or so full of booze,’ she slurred and slipping from his grip, fell backwards onto the bed.

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