Chinese Comfort Women (45 page)

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Authors: Peipei Qiu,Su Zhiliang,Chen Lifei

Tags: #History, #Military, #World War II, #Modern, #20th Century, #Social Science, #Women's Studies

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Ge Shuya, “Dongjia-gou weiansuo de xinfaxian” [New discovery at the Dongjia-gou comfort station],
Minzhu yu fazhi shibao
, 1 November 2010.
Chen Zuliang, “Qin-Hua Rijun Dianxi weiansuo yu ‘weianfu’” [The Japanese military comfort stations and “comfort women” in western Yunnan], in
Taotian zuinie: Erzhan shiqi de Rijun weianfu zhidu
, ed. Su Zhiliang, Rong Weimu, and Chen Lifei (Shanghai: Xuelin chubanshe, 2000), 308-22.
Ibid., 313-22.
Retrieved from the Women’s Active Museum website,
Wang, Yufeng, “Scholars propose memorializing ‘comfort stations’: The Ravages of Time,”
Global Times
, September 22, 2011.
Zhuang Qinghong, “Riben nüxing jishu de Zhongguo ‘weianfu’ lishi” [The history of Chinese “comfort women” documented by Japanese women],
Zhongguo qingnianbao
, 5 April 2010.
Ōmori Noriko,
Rekishi no jijitsu to mukiatte: Chūgokujin “ianfu” higaisha to tomo ni
[Facing the truth of history: Together with the Chinese “comfort women” victims] (Tokyo: Shin Nihon shuppansha, 2008), 111.
Ikeda Eriko, “Tamura Taijirō ga egaita senjō no sei: Sanseishō Nihongun shihaika no baishun to kyōkan” [Tamura Taijirō’s portrayal of sex in the battlefields: Prostitution and rape under the Japanese military occupation in Shanxi Province], in
Kōdo no mura no seibōryoku: Dā’nyan tachi no sensō wa owaranai
[Sexual violence in the villages located in the area of the yellow earth: The war is not over to these aged women], ed. Ishida Yoneko and Uchida Tomoyuki (Tokyo: Sōdosha, 2004), 320. Kondō’s recollections are also recorded by Ōmori in
Rekishi no jijitsu to mukiatte
, 112.
This discussion is inspired by the observation Timothy Brook made in
Collaboration: Japanese Agents and Local Elites in Wartime China
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2005), 23-24.
Nicola Henry,
War and Rape: Law, Memory and Justice
(London: Routledge, 2011), 52.


Asahi Shimbun

Cankao xiaoxi

China Daily

Dadi zhoubao

Dagong bao

Global Times

Hainan ribao

Huanqiu shibao

Minzhu yu fazhi shibao

People’s Daily

Renmin ribao

Renmin ribao haiwaiban

Shen bao

Japan Times

Yomiuri Shimbun

Zhongguo qingnian bao

Internet Resources
All China Lawyers Association.
China View.
Chinese “Comfort Women” Research Center.
Chūgoku Kainantō senji seibōryoku higaisha e no shazai to baishō o motomeru nettowāku (Hainan NET).
Chūgokujin sensō higaisha no yōkyū o sasaeru kai [Association supporting claims by
Chinese war victims].
House of Sharing.
Josei no tame no Ajia heiwa kokumin kikin [Citizens’ Asia peace fund for women], often referred to as the Asian Women’s Fund, or AWF.
Korean Council for Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, People’s Republic of China.
. Renminwang (People).
Taipei Women’s Rescue Foundation.
United Nations documents.
Violence Against Women in War – Network Japan (VAWW-NET Japan).
Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace.
. Xinhuawang (Xinhuanet).
Zhongguo minjian dui-Ri suopei lianhehui [Association of Chinese civilian war victims seeking compensations from Japan],

Books and Articles

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Chen Juan. “Nanjing Rijun ‘weianfu’ zhidu de shishi” [The implementation of the Japanese military “comfort women” system in Nanjing]. In
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Chen Lifei.
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Chen Lifei and Su Zhiliang.
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Chen Qinggang, ed.
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[Bleeding wounds: The testimonies of twenty-six comfort women]. Beijing: Beijing chubanshe, 2005.
Chen Shurong. “Guojifa toushi xia de Rijun ‘weianfu’ wenti” [Examining the issue of Japanese military “comfort women” through international law].
Shijiazhuang xueyuan xuebao
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Chen Sibai.
Yeshou zai jiangnan
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Chen Zhengqin, and Zhuang Zhiling. “Dang’an zhong faxian de youguan Shanghai Rijun weianfu wenti” [Newly discovered archival evidence of the Japanese military comfort women in Shanghai].
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