exposed (Twisted Cedar Mysteries Book 3)

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Authors: C.J. Carmichael

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a twisted cedars mystery)




C. J. Carmichael

Table of Contents

Title Page


other twisted cedars mysteries

families of twisted cedars

Twisted Cedars Map

chapter one

chapter two

chapter three

chapter four

chapter five

chapter six

chapter seven

chapter eight

chapter nine

chapter ten

chapter eleven

chapter twelve

chapter thirteen

chapter fourteen

chapter fifteen

chapter sixteen

chapter seventeen

chapter eighteen

chapter nineteen

chapter twenty

chapter twenty-one

chapter twenty-two

chapter twenty-three

chapter twenty-four

chapter twenty-five

chapter twenty-six

chapter twenty-seven

chapter twenty-eight

chapter twenty-nine

note from the author

about the author

Copyright © 2016 by Carla Daum




The author holds exclusive rights to this work. No part of this work may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Formatting by
Anessa Books

other twisted cedars mysteries


(book 1)

(book 2)

(book 3)



families of twisted cedars

The Lachlans


Married Ed Lachlan and had two children, Dougal and Jamie. After her divorce she supported her kids by working as a cleaning woman with her partner and friend, Stella Ward. At the age of 55 Katie died of cancer.


Edward (Ed): Former husband of Katie, and father of Dougal and Jamie. Remarried to Crystal Halloway and had daughter, Emma. Killed Crystal during a domestic dispute and served time in Oregon penitentiary. Upon release six months ago, he skipped parole and his official whereabouts is unknown.


: 34-year-old son of Katie and Ed, brother to Jamie. He played high school football with Wade McKay and Kyle Quinpool. At 18 he moved to New York City and began a career writing true crime novels.


28-year-old daughter of Katie and Ed, sister to Dougal. She is a CPA and works for a local accounting firm. She recently married Kyle Quinpool who has two children from a previous marriage.

* * *

The Hammonds


: Former town mayor died two years ago in car crash with his wife. Daughters: Daisy and Charlotte.


: Jonathan’s wife, mother of Daisy and Charlotte. Killed with her husband in a car crash.


: Jonathan’s sister was the local town librarian before she was found hanged to death in the basement of the library when she was 41-years-old. Her death was ruled suicide. Never married, she lived in a cottage in the forest, five miles from town, which came to be known locally as the Librarian Cottage.


: Daughter of Jonathan and Patricia, Kyle Quinpool’s first wife and mother to twins, Cory and Chester. She disappeared shortly after her divorce and hasn’t been heard from since.


: 28-year-old adopted daughter of Jonathan and Patricia. She works as head librarian in Twisted Cedars.

* * *

The MacKays


: Father to Wade and husband of Allison, he was the Sheriff of Curry County for over thirty years.


: Mother to Wade and wife of Grant. She was a piano teacher until she and her husband retired to Arizona.


: 34-year-old son of Grant and Allison, he was high school buddies with Dougal Lachlan, Kyle Quinpool, and Daisy Hammond. Worked as deputy in Umatilla County before returning to Twisted Cedars and being elected as Sheriff of Curry County.

* * *

The Quinpools


: Wealthiest man in town. He owns the local real estate business, Quinpool Realty. He and his wife Muriel had one son, Kyle. He and Muriel recently divorced.


: Wife of Jim and mother to Kyle, she and her husband moved in with Kyle after he divorced his wife, Daisy. Muriel became the twins’ primary caregiver. A year ago she divorced Jim and moved away from Twisted Cedars.


: Son of Jim and Muriel, he works with his father at Quinpool Realty. He had twins, Cory and Chester with his first wife, Daisy, and subsequently married Jamie Lachlan.


: 9-year-old daughter of Kyle and Daisy and twin sister to Chester.


: 9-year-old son of Kyle and Daisy and twin brother to Cory.

chapter one

Charlotte Hammond had been legal guardian of her dead sister’s children, nine-year-old twins Chester and Cory Quinpool, for less than two months when her worst nightmare came true.

It happened in September, the first week of the new school term. The twins had started fourth grade, time was marching on, and they’d be turning ten this November.

No doubt the past year would be one they’d happily put behind them. Only that summer they’d found out their mentally disturbed mother—Charlotte’s sister Daisy—hadn’t deserted them as originally thought but instead had been killed and illegally buried near an old family cottage.

Less than a month after that shocker, their father, Kyle Quinpool, had been arrested on charges of fraud and criminally negligent homicide. Rather than put his children through the stress of a trial—or so he’d claimed—he’d chosen to plead guilty and serve his sentence. had been a tough summer.

And now Chester had gone missing somewhere between school and the babysitter’s house. The disappearance began with only a mildly concerning phone call from Nola Thompson, the woman who was supposed to be minding the twins for the hour-and-a-half between school and the closing of the public library where Charlotte worked.

“All the kids have been home for fifteen minutes,” Nola said without preamble. “Still no sign of Chester.”

Charlotte began closing windows on her computer. Her nephew had ridden his bike today, so if anything, he should have made it to the Thompson house first. “Does Cory know where he is?”

“Nope. Anyway, if he made plans to go to one of his friend’s houses,
the one who needs to be told. I have enough on my hands without worrying about him.” Nola sounded more annoyed than worried.

“He didn’t say anything about his plans to me, either,” Charlotte admitted, getting up from her desk and moving down the mystery aisle so Zoey, shelving books just a few feet from Charlotte’s desk, wouldn’t hear.

Zoey made a perfectly fine librarian assistant, but since Charlotte had taken custody of the twins, the married mother of three made a point of second-guessing every parenting decision Charlotte made. Given her experience, Zoey probably felt entitled. But Charlotte had seen Zoey with her children, and her hardline approach was not one Charlotte wanted to emulate.

“He’s getting to be a real handful,” Nola continued, and Charlotte knew it was true.

Earlier that summer she’d sent the kids back to summer camp so they could avoid the local gossip about their parents. But now that school was in session, she couldn’t protect them anymore. Cory reacted to the teasing and bullying by being super-sweet and accommodating—as if she had to apologize and atone for every one of her parents’ sins.

Chester, on the other hand, retaliated with his fists.

Complicating the situation, Nola’s oldest child, Bruce, was among the worst of the bullies, so he and Chester were always at odds.

“I’ll go looking for him,” Charlotte said. “Meanwhile if he does show up please call me right away.”

“Fine. But this is the last straw. I’m not going to be able to provide after school care for Chester anymore. Cory, yes. She’s an angel. But that brother of hers...”

“Got it.” If she sounded short, Charlotte didn’t care. It was past time she made alternate arrangements for the twins. Nola Thompson had never been intended to be more than a stop gap solution.

Charlotte grabbed her purse from the bottom drawer of her desk, aware of Zoey hovering nearby.

“I have to leave early. Do you mind locking up?” Charlotte hated to ask the favor, as she knew Zoey would take this as yet another sign of her parental incompetency.

“Sure. Is it Chester, again? If you ask me, that boy is going to turn out just like his father unless you take a firm hand.”

Charlotte didn’t answer, just made her way outside.

She didn’t believe Zoey had the answer for how to deal with Chester. But neither did she. Single and twenty-eight-years-old, Charlotte was learning how to parent on the fly.

If the twins had been younger, she might have been more equipped. She had no trouble connecting with the three and four-year-olds who attended her preschool reading circle every week.

But she had less experience with older children. Her boyfriend, true-crime writer Dougal Lachlan, was even more hopeless.

Not that she’d seen much of him lately. Since the twins had moved in, he’d become increasingly reclusive. Given the issues he had with his own father, she guessed he wasn’t keen on stepping into any sort of parental role himself.

Or maybe he was just getting tired of her.

Outside Charlotte slipped on her sunglasses. September was often one of the nicest weather months for coastal Oregon and today was a perfect example. Sunny, hot, almost no wind. Since she lived only a few blocks from the library she never drove to work, which meant she had to walk home to get her car. She hurried along the Ocean Way walking path, barely managing a smile as she passed by the mother of one of her favorite teenaged patrons.

When she reached the gracious three-story home where she’d grown up, her first instinct was to check the garage for Chester’s bike. It wasn’t there. She went through the mudroom into the house.

“Chester? Are you home?” She ran through the entire house, checking every room, including the bedroom that had once been Daisy’s and was now the twins’. She suspected Chester had agreed to share the room with his sister, because he knew she was afraid to be alone.

What would Cory do if they didn’t find her brother? If he—?

No. She couldn’t let herself think that way.

After she’d searched the house, Charlotte checked the yard, then the beach that stretched out on either side of her property. It was deserted.

Where else would he go? He hadn’t been keen on hanging out with his friends lately. Maybe the park by the school? Or the public beach?

Surely he wouldn’t dare go near the bluffs…?

Fear slammed into her, causing her to freeze in one instant, then start running to her car the next.

Charlotte backed out of the driveway, shifted gears, then hit the gas a little too hard, throwing up bits of gravel and causing her body to lurch forward, then abruptly back. She gripped the steering wheel like it was a throw line and she was a drowning swimmer, and pushed her speed beyond the town limit.

In less than thirty seconds she was at the park. The manicured green space led to a public beach on the other side of the sand dunes. Closer to the main road, screened off by shrubbery and a chain-link fence from the danger of traffic, the ocean, and the bluffs was a playground. The children clambering on the monkey bars and swings were all much younger than Chester, but Charlotte approached one of the mothers sitting on a nearby bench, who was scrolling on her mobile phone.

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