Cheyenne (43 page)

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Authors: Lisa L Wiedmeier

Tags: #Fiction, #Action & Adventure

BOOK: Cheyenne
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I was at a loss. He was being over-protective and possessive and saw nothing wrong with that. I’d seen hints of it previously, but had chosen to ignore it. Part of me wanted to belong to him, but another part was screaming no. I was the one who had the dream, who ran into their arms. I kissed them both before I truly knew what I was doing. Did Callon tell him? Was this what this was about? We stared until my blinks became longer, and I could no longer keep my eyes open.

Colt’s warm breath filled my lungs as his lips lingered above mine. “I love you, Cheyenne,” he whispered. “No matter what happens, you’ll always belong to me. You’re the love of my life, and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe.” A tender caress sent goose bumps over me as I drifted off to sleep, this time without any dreams to remember.

When I opened my eyes, the sun was up and the window open. I glanced around the room. I was alone. I sat up, dropping my feet to the floor. My mind began replaying what happened the night before, and Colt’s words. He said I belonged to him. What did that mean exactly? It was as if I was a possession to have, not a love to receive. I couldn’t help but think maybe it was because of Callon—did he know I kissed him? I was such a fool.

Sighing, I opened the door, unsure what to expect today. I glanced down the hall and didn’t see or hear anyone. I quickly entered the bathroom. I was still dressed in my clothes from the day before. I looked at the bench; Colt had laid out an outfit for me. Did this have to do with the whole possession thing? Did he feel like he had control over me by doing this? It was going to stop before it got out of control.

Showering, I dressed for whatever it was we were doing today and threw my hair in a ponytail. As I exited the bathroom, I found him waiting, arms crossed and leaning against the wall. He looked intent, on what I wasn’t quite sure.

Good morning,” I said hesitantly as I remained in the doorway.

Morning,” he replied as he stepped forward taking my hand, we went to the kitchen. Glancing around, I saw we were alone.

Where is everyone?” I said warily.

Not turning as he got my breakfast, he replied flatly, “Close by.” He twisted himself around and grasped my waist as he lifted me to the counter and handed me a granola bar as he stood in front. “You want some orange juice?”

Uh, sure,” I said, somewhat surprised. He had caught me off guard when he turned and lifted me to the counter. His behavior was concerning. This wasn’t normal. He had acted this way before—the day before I left town to go to Montana when he didn’t want me to leave. Was I going someplace without him?

He handed me a juice, and stood in front of me, waiting for me to finish. He took my glass and placed it in the sink. I slid off the counter, and he took hold of my hand. He pulled me through the front door, and we paused on the porch.

So what are we doing today?” I asked.

A grin appeared as Colt replied, “If you remember correctly, you have only fulfilled two of the three conditions from last night. So you are fulfilling the third today.”

Ah, that was what was on his mind. Nervously, I thought about what we were going to be doing. I scanned the area before we left the porch. He headed toward the horses and released my hand when he opened the corral gate. He looked guilty of something—I wasn’t sure I wanted to find out what it was about. With Sam in tow, he stopped at my side and raised an eyebrow.

Up you go,” he said.

Hesitating, I replied, “I have my own horse, you know.”

I know, but you have to do whatever I want today, remember?”

He was up to something, I was sure of it. I vacillated as I approached slowly. When I was within reach, he grasped my waist and lifted me into the saddle. Quickly, I threw my leg over before he leaped up behind. He moved his arms around to hold the reins, gave Sam a kick, and we were off in a bolt of speed. The sudden burst caused me to fall back into his arms. He leaned down and kissed my cheek. Turning, I glanced back to see Callon standing on the porch, his arms crossed and his posture rigid.

Was this safe? There were five of them when the Tresez attacked…

We rode in the opposite direction from the falls. The valley sloped down before it condensed into a dense forest. Colt slowed Sam to a walk as we entered the trees. The forest was darker; the pines narrowed slightly and then produced two large cavernous walls flanking each other. We rode in silence through the narrow canyon, twisting and turning our way through the various passages. I could imagine how someone could very easily become lost; it was difficult to see the sun beyond the rock walls. It was also eerily familiar.

My eyes explored the canyon, watching the bird’s spiral down only to shoot back up to the other side before landing on the other rock wall. I listened to the wind as it whistled past, caressing my skin as it drifted by.

We stopped at a small, trickling creek. Colt dismounted and extended his hand. I swung my leg over and jumped down. Affectionately, he took my hand and led us into an even more compressed section of rocks. We turned to our sides and slid through. What appeared next caught me by surprise. I paused at the dark cave opening, and Colt saw my hesitation. Smiling, he tugged me forward.

I didn’t have a flashlight, and I sure didn’t see one in his hands. I wasn’t fond of cold, dark places. Typically things I didn’t like made their homes there. A chill rippled down my spine as I thought about what spiders or creepy creatures might lurk inside.

Colt, I’m not sure this is a good idea.” I said warily. “We don’t have any gear to do cave exploration.”

A sly grin appeared as he twisted around. “We don’t need any gear, sweetheart. You’ll be fine. Just don’t let go of my hand.”

Great! All I needed to do right now was to get lost in a cave. I didn’t need to add this to my succession of unfortunate events. I planted my feet and spoke forcibly, “I’m not fond of cold, dark places. If you haven’t already figured out, I don’t like spiders, and they tend to inhabit places like this.”

I’m sorry, but if you remember correctly, part of the deal last night was that you would do whatever I ask,” he replied with a cunning grin.

I know, Colt, but I’m really nervous about this. I don’t want to be lost in a cave. This would be on my top five of the worst places to die,” I pleaded.

You’re not going to die. Besides, you’d go to heaven, and I’m sure there aren’t spiders there,” he chuckled.

What makes you so sure I would go to heaven?” I shot back. “I could be banished to hell for all you know.” The images of kissing both him and Callon came to my mind. That couldn’t be a good thing.

I think I know you pretty well to say you wouldn’t be going to hell.”

Pretty well, huh?” I replied sarcastically. “So I still have a chance?”

Colt rolled his eyes and pulled us forward. “Come on. I’ll make sure you’re safe. I promise I won’t let a spider touch you.” I unwillingly followed into the darkness. He was true to his word—he didn’t let go of my hand. I inched even closer as the shadows surrounded us, and then I reached out and latched onto his shirt.

We walked slowly, deeper into the belly of the cave. The ground below began to slope, and I pushed myself even closer. As he stopped, my grip tightened. I knew I was next to him, but I couldn’t see a thing. He removed my hand from his shirt, and turned.

Cheyenne, you need to stay right here. Don’t move. I don’t want you to fall and get hurt.” As quickly as the words were spoken, he was gone.

Panic instantly set in. My pulse quickened, and a sensation of overwhelming fear was beginning to overtake me. I crouched to my knees and wrapped my arms around them. I strained my ears to hear him. My breath came quicker. It didn’t matter whether my eyes were open or closed…it was all the same—darkness.

I didn’t hear Colt’s return, but then he crouched down and placed both his hands on my shoulders and helped me stand.

I’m right here,” his soft voice said. “You’re not alone.”

He took my hands in his, and turned them over as he placed a small round object in each palm. They were rough and jagged; it felt like two small rocks.

Touch them together,” he said softly.

Knowing I couldn’t see what I was doing, I slowly raised them until the rocks touched in the palms of my hand. A small glowing light started to appear. I watched in amazement; the light grew in brilliance the longer they were touching. I looked at him wide-eyed; his face was filled with delight.

How is this possible?” I said in amazement. “I’ve never seen anything so incredible.” Just as the words left my mouth, my gaze wandered to my surroundings. The small rocks were amazing; however, what I saw now was spectacular. The cave was filled with beautiful colors. The stalactites that were suspended from the ceiling were breathtaking. I reached out, touched the rock wall, and the light disappeared. Colt chuckled, and I placed the rocks back together again. The illumination grew brighter. This time thinking ahead, I placed both rocks in one hand while I extended my other to experience the beauty unfolding before me.

The texture of the rock was surprising. I was expecting it to be coarse, but it was smooth under my fingertips. The wall was slimy as the water oozed in tiny droplets to the floor. The colors were dazzling—red, orange, and green. It was as if an artist used watercolors to swirl them together, circling the stems of the stalactites. I took a step closer, and Colt touched my hand. He lifted my arm and rested the stones against another larger piece of granite cascading down from the fissure. It began to glow just as the smaller stones did in my hand. The illumination filled the entire cavern. I stopped breathing for a moment. I had never seen anything so exquisite. The cavern was filled with so many colors it was almost blinding.

We were standing near a ledge overlooking a deep crevasse filled with stalactites and stalagmites. I stared out into the distance. The surrounding beauty dazzled me, and a tear formed. I sighed. This was the Colt I knew; this was the man who wanted to share things he found beautiful and amazing with me. This was the man who wanted to share a piece of his heart with me. I forgot once again that I was the one producing the light and moved my hands away from the granite. Only the dim light now remained.

I stared up into his eyes. Deep oceans of love flowed from them, filling me. This was who I loved; the sincere, gentle, caring man who willingly opened his heart and wrapped me up in its embrace. He could capture my heart with the simplest of things, and I would give it freely—without reservations. In that moment, no one else mattered, and no one else existed.

I draped both my arms around his waist and pushed my head into his pulsing chest. The stones dropped from my fingers and fell—it didn’t matter now. I didn’t need to see his face to know how he felt—how I felt. I could feel the energy that radiated from our bodies in the darkness.

His hands sought out my face, rendering me helpless with his touch. Our lips met and enveloped each other in their passion, wildly searching for more. My hands were racing to his neck, and I tugged him closer. His arms moved, found my waist, and lifted me further into his able-bodied arms. His fingers traced my spine, stopping at my hairline as he gently found his way to my hair band and pulled it out. He locked his fingers in my hair, and drew my neck back. His lips drifted from mine, creeping down my neckline, caressing my collarbone with his warm breath.

My breaths were heavy. I was locked in the moment. There were no heavy breaths from Colt; as always, he was totally and completely in control. I hated being the one out of control all the time, being weak, so run by hormones. With the effect he had on me, I knew I wouldn’t stop him if he were to try, but I knew in my heart he never would until I let him know I was ready.

Colt,” I said weakly as his lips moved across my neckline.

Umm,” he replied.

How do you do it? How can you maintain so much control all the time? You’re breathing is normal, calm, and mine is so erratic,” I said breathlessly.

Years of practice, my love,” he said calmly.

I thought about what he said as I took longer breaths, slowing my racing heart. “Years of practice?”


Now I was curious. “Exactly how does someone have years of practice? How many other woman have you practiced on before me?”

He paused in his caress. His balmy breath remained on my neck. It was probably a good thing I couldn’t see his eyes. I’m sure it would have given something away.

It’s not important,” he whispered.

Maybe not to you, but it might matter to me.” His lips began their assault once more, distracting me—he was good at it.

Colt, how many? You know everything about me, but I know nothing about you. It isn’t fair. You’re holding all the cards, and I get nothing. You know I’ve only been with you.”

That’s not an accurate statement,” he said with slight justification. “You’ve kissed Callon three times since you’ve been with me.”

I stiffened, and my heart sank. I was going to hell for sure now. He had me—he knew what happened in the bathroom the night before. I felt so foolish; this was why he was acting so possessive. I was right. It was because of Callon, and this time I was the one who caused it.

I’m sorry, Colt,” I said in a hushed tone. “I don’t know what came over me last night. I was so panicked, so scared…I—I shouldn’t have done it.”

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