Cheyenne (39 page)

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Authors: Lisa L Wiedmeier

Tags: #Fiction, #Action & Adventure

BOOK: Cheyenne
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They released their hold only after Dex gave the okay. Colt immediately lifted me into his arms, my legs falling to the floor. He held me for a long time before I was able to compose myself.

I’m sorry,” I said weakly. “I didn’t mean to get so angry—it hurt so much. I didn’t want anyone to touch me. I’m so sorry.” I truly felt awful. I didn’t like feeling so out of control.

Everything’s fine now, Cheyenne,” Dex’s reassuring voice said. “You actually did better than I expected. I’ve seen others react much worse than what you did. We know you couldn’t control yourself. It was the poison from the Tresez starting to work its way through your system. We won’t hold it against you.”

I don’t know about that,” Daniel chimed in, chuckling to ease the tension. “She popped me in the jaw pretty good with her feet a couple of times.” Soon the room was filled with light laughter. Daniel had a way of turning things around and seeing the funny side.

Dex?” I called out as Colt rubbed my arms. “Did Callon tell you about my theory of three? My accidents come in threes.”

Yes, he did, Cheyenne,” he replied calmly. “It’s very interesting. I think we need to keep it in mind…” he trailed off, deep in thought.

Colt released his hold, and took my hand as we went back to the couch. I hesitated as I glanced around the room. “I don’t want to offend anyone, but I’m feeling a little worn out. If you don’t mind, I think I’ve had enough excitement for one day to last a while. I’m going to head to bed.” I turned to Colt. “Do you mind?” He didn’t reply, but came with me.

Good night,” Lilly called out.

Colt followed me to the bedroom.

You don’t have to stay with me. If you want to talk with everyone, I understand. You’ve been holding me all afternoon,” I said reluctantly. I really did want him to stay, but I wanted him to want it too. He plopped down in the bed, and patted his hand for me to come and sit.

I’m not going anywhere. You’re stuck with me all night.” A satisfied grin spread over his lips. Sighing, I continued forward as he drew down the covers, and I slid under. I touched his hand as he was about to pull them back over me.

I’m still cold. Do you mind?” I didn’t need to say another word. He hopped over the side of the bed, and removed his shoes as he crawled in next to me. He pulled me into his arms, and I lay my cheek on his bare chest again. His warmth filled me as I curled up as close as I could.

Colt,” I whispered.


Thank you. I feel like I’m even more of a burden. I’m sorry.”

Maybe I want to bear your burden.” He kissed my head, as his hand rubbed my lower back, careful to stay away from the wounds.

It’s not fair for me to ask that of you.”

You didn’t ask. I took it—just me being selfish again. Besides, if someone weren’t out to get you, none of this would be happening. You were never that accident prone.”

Will it ever end?” I wondered out loud. “Will my life ever be normal again?”

He sighed. “You weren’t born under normal circumstances. Your life as you knew it will never be the same again. You’re forever changed.”

I looked up, with my brows creased. “Why me? Why was I chosen?”

Who knows why things happen to some of us and not others. It’s not always our choice. You are special, Cheyenne. You have no idea who you will become someday, the woman you are becoming now.” His fingers began to lightly stroke my cheek, our gaze locked together.

I didn’t understand my destiny, didn’t understand why any of this was happening to me, but at least I had Colt. I had his undying love, his protection, and his strength. I was strong, but somehow with him I felt stronger—more capable. I could do this if he were here with me.

Lifting my chin with his fingers, his lips caressed mine once, twice, three times before he drew back slightly. “I love you,” he murmured on my lips.

I closed my eyes. “I love you too,” I whispered faintly. I snuggled back into his arms, and drifted off to sleep—warm, secure, and loved.









Chapter 23


The morning light was bright and cheery. Colt had kept his word, and I woke up still in his arms. I lifted my chin and saw his dazzling smile.

Morning, sunshine.” He tenderly kissed my forehead. “Did you sleep well?” he asked cheerfully.

Stifling a yawn, I replied, “Yes, actually I did. How late is it?”

Ten a.m.”

My eyes grew wide. “Geez! I slept for over twelve hours? Why didn’t you wake me? I’m sorry I made you lay here all that time. You should have told me.”

You were really tired. You barely moved. The only way I could tell you were still alive was your breathing.” A grin crept over his lips; I couldn’t help but stare at them and think…

Besides,” he continued, “it wasn’t so bad for me. I spent the last twelve hours alone with you in my arms. I’m not complaining at all.”

I sighed. “You know, I really don’t deserve you. There are plenty of other girls out there that wouldn’t be this much trouble.” I really was lucky.

Yeah, but what fun would that be?”

I leaned up and kissed him before I climbed out from under his arms. I sat at the edge of the bed facing away and scanned the room. He still hadn’t brought my backpack in yet. It was as if he was holding it ransom, for some reason. It didn’t make sense. “Colt?”

Yeah?” he replied as his arm wrapped around my waist and he drew me back against his chest.

Do you know where my backpack is? I’d like my blue shirt.” He squeezed my waist and climbed out of bed as he left the room. Moments later, he returned with clothes in hand, smiling. I glanced up as he handed them to me. “Why can’t I have the whole thing?”

Because if I have your clothes, you can’t run off.”

And where would I be going?”

You’ve done it before.” He arched a brow.

I rolled my eyes. “You’re impossible. I could buy new clothes in a number of different places. They’re called stores.” I took the clothes and went to the bathroom to change. Lilly said they’d wait to talk to me about the journal because of the trauma I’d been through, but I was ready to know more. Callon had mentioned last night we needed to get moving again. We didn’t have much time left here.

As I stepped out of the bathroom, Colt was leaning against the wall, arms crossed. He had already showered and changed; somehow he always beat me. I stood still for a few moments just drinking in the sight of him. His jeans were well worn in all the right places, and his snug t-shirt accentuated his brawny muscles. He cleared his throat, and I realized I was ogling him. His smile deepened.

How do you do that?” I asked.

Do what?” He tilted his head.

Get changed, cleaned up so fast? I know I’m not that slow. How can you be so much faster?”

It’s a gift.” He smirked.

I knew I wouldn’t get very far so I dropped the subject. I followed as he led the way to the great room, admiring the view along the way. As we rounded the corner, Lilly smiled warmly as Colt and I headed for the table. She had made me breakfast.

Thanks, Lilly. It looks delicious.”

You’re welcome, my dear.” She touched my shoulder gently. “Are you feeling better today?” she asked sincerely.

Much better, thank you.” I gulped the food quickly, as Colt watched in awe.

I guess you really were hungry this morning,” he said chuckling.

Grinning, I took my plate to the sink to wash it. Once done, we headed for the couch. Dex had the journal in his hands; he appeared to be waiting. I plopped down next to Callon; Colt sat on my other side. Daniel gently tugged my hair as he passed and sat next to Dex; a faint smile appeared on Dex’s face.

We’re going to talk about the journal today?” I looked at Dex hopefully. “I’d like to know more about it if you can tell me.” I wanted to know more about who I was.

There is a lot I don’t understand, Cheyenne. I’ll do my best.” He seemed to pause to collect his thoughts before continuing. Lilly moved to sit in the loveseat beside him, and I waited anxiously for him to resume.

He looked down at the journal in his weathered hands, running his thumbs over the spine. “The writings in the back of the book are mostly your family history. It’s written in an old, forgotten language, not many know it.” He sighed. “I’ve had difficulties with it and will try and give my best interpretation. However, you must keep in mind it might not be perfect.” His hazel eyes were sincere and warm as he studied mine.

I understand.”

Callon has already shared with you a lot about your parents, where they came from, and how they joined together to fight the Sarac.” He waited until I nodded. “When your mother, Sahara, left her father, Jorelle, it caused her great heartache. She loved him very much, but she knew Makhi was just using him to get what he wanted. Makhi convinced her father to betroth her to Marcus, his son. The joining of the two clans was thought to create a powerful, almost undefeatable, alliance. Your mother was very beautiful, and Marcus wanted her not only for her power but also her beauty. She, of course, wanted nothing to do with him—she saw through his mask.”

He shifted in his seat, his eyes still locked on mine as his fingers continued to rub the worn leather journal.

Your mother managed to leave the Sarac, only to hear they had killed her father out of anger and desperation, hoping she would return because of it. She was now driven to destroy them; she knew their hearts’ desire was power and greed. She sought out Qaysean after hearing rumors he was alive. She asked for his help, but your father didn’t believe her. He thought it was a trick. After many months together, though, he realized she spoke the truth. A relationship developed, and they fell in love. They shared a common goal: to rid the world of the Sarac leaders. Fighting side by side for many years, they grew stronger together—they became a threat to the Sarac.”

He hesitated. “I know this is a lot to absorb. Do you want to hear more?”

Please, Dex,” I replied earnestly. “I need to know more.” I’d been waiting for so long, and we’d come all this way.

Marcus was enraged at the thought of your mother with another man, especially Qaysean. When your father killed Makhi, Marcus vowed to destroy them both and end the Kvech family line. Your mother became pregnant with you and everything changed. Their whole life revolved around protecting you, keeping you a secret from Marcus. If he knew about you, you would have been killed with your parents.

Your parents sought out Gene and Alexis. They didn’t know them, but knew of them. They were the most capable amongst us. Your parents could have asked Lilly and me, but it was far too dangerous since we were part of their rebellion. They sought out someone who was not close to them, someone Marcus wouldn’t think to look for. Gene and Alexis took you in, knowing someday they would probably lose their lives for you.”

The tears began to stream down my cheeks and I ducked my head to hide them. My adoptive parents knew all along they would die for me, yet they still said yes. Why? Why was I worthy of such sacrifices? Colt’s bulky fingers began to rub my back gently. I raised my head up again. “It’s okay. I’m okay. Please tell me more.”

Your parents had planned on returning to you someday, once Marcus was gone. He still knew nothing of your existence.” His voice deepened, and the emotions filling it were almost palpable. “Your parents never had the opportunity to return. Marcus found and killed them. Gene and Alexis became your sole guardians. They loved you as if you were their own, Cheyenne. They protected you over the years so many times and tried to teach you the valuable things that would help you later on. They tried to provide you with the best they could without ever letting you know your true identity.

Callon, Colt, and Daniel came into your life a number of years ago. They were told nothing of who you were; only that they needed to protect you. They all agreed willingly. Dangers were lurking everywhere—help was needed. You met Colt, but Daniel and Callon were always on the sidelines, watching and waiting, protecting when needed. There was a lot that took place you never knew about. Gene and Alexis kept moving so often because they were searching for a better location, something more secure. They were unable to share their secret with anyone—even you.”

It all made sense now, their constant travels, our moves.

It was just as Callon told you: Gene and Alexis were murdered. Marcus covered his tracks by making it appear to be an auto accident. We’ve come to the conclusion he knew nothing about you until recently. The way he’s been acting would make us believe he just thinks you to be another child of the Timeless.”

I stared at my rings. They represented who I was, what I belonged to. All of these people were protecting me from something I didn’t understand, something I knew nothing about. They were willing to sacrifice their lives for me; some already had. I kept my head down.

You knew my parents,” I said in a whisper.

There was a moment’s pause before he replied, “Yes, we did.”

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