Chasing the Wild Sparks (24 page)

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Authors: Ren Alexander

BOOK: Chasing the Wild Sparks
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He mumbles, “I’ll apologize to him.”

“Thank you.” Another slow song starts, giving us some more time alone.

Finn lifts his head up and leans over to kiss my cheek, tracking his lips over to my ear, nibbling on my lobe; his hot, liquored breath sending cold chills down my spine. His hands glide from my back down to my hips, his fingers dragging over my ass and pressing into my skirt. I tell him, “I thought you were going to tell me you didn’t want to dance with me in front of all those beautiful, twenty-something women.”

He whispers into my ear, “Never.”

“You weren’t saying anything to me. I was…”

“Embarrassed? I know. That made it so much hotter. You put yourself out there for me. You wanted those average-looking women to know that I’m

I reach back up into his hair and I move my lips closer to his. “Always.”

Finn’s hands drift up under my top, gliding smoothly over my skin with his palms, but his fingertips roughly burrow into my skin. My nipples painfully stretch against the tape covering them. His lips travel across my jaw and brusquely collide with mine, the alcohol sharply pervading me once more as he ravenously licks my tongue. His fingers sharply tug at my skin as they move dangerously upward. My breasts are taped up, but not only that, we’re in public. I pull on his hair to get his lips to release mine, but it only revs him up more. Ultimately, I have to push down on his hands to lower them. He then drops them down to the buttons of my skirt, toying with them. I didn’t mean for him to do that! I think the most recent shots he drank are beginning to hit him.

I mumble, “We’re in public.”

“Uh-huh,” he utters over my lips. He bends his body while still kissing me so he can unbutton the bottom of my skirt.

“Finn.” He kisses me and works on the second button, making me wriggle.

I move my mouth away. “Stop.” I try to fix my skirt, but his hands push mine away.

Looking down so he can speed up his task, he asks, “Do you know what I want to do right now?” I shake my head, but it’s not hard to guess what he wants.

He glances up at me, his big brown eyes now full of cocky desire. “I want to feel how much I turn you on.” He can’t see it on my face or hear it in my breathing?

I scan the area around us. “Not here, Finn.”

He ignores me and pulls at the skirt’s opening. “Then I want to take you over to that booth in the corner where it’s dark.” He sharply nods behind us to the corner of the room.

Do I really want to know
? I won’t be able to stop myself from allowing him to do just that if he tells me.

He lets go of my skirt and grabs my arms, whispering in my ear. “I want you to sit on my lap.” I close my eyes. There’s no way he wants me to do that and
try to get something else out of it.

“Why?” Am I really stupid enough to ask that?

He sticks his tongue inside my ear before saying, “So I can fuck you.”
Holy shit

I inhale, trying to gather my willpower. I have to fight the urge to let him. “Finn.”

He moves so he can stare into my eyes. “Would you want to do that, Becks? Have sex with me in public?” His voice is heated and copious with excitement. He slants over to my ear again and rouses, “I dare you.”

I have to say no. We can’t do that here. We’ll get caught, arrested and he’ll lose his job. We’ll both be so embarrassed, probably me more than him. Nevertheless, I reply, “Not here.”

He drags his lips to my throat. “Why not? It’s dark. I’d just unzip my pants and pull your underwear to the side. Nobody would see us.” Right. There are always witnesses to Finn Wilder’s every move.

“We don’t have any birth control.”

“Right now, I don’t fucking care.” What?

I intolerantly frown. “You would if I got pregnant.” We had this very argument this morning. I know he likes to tempt fate, but why is he pushing the boundaries more and more?

His mouth drifts down to the bottom of my throat, his voice vibrating against it. “It’s just once, baby.”

I close my eyes. Is this really happening? He’s again risking getting me pregnant? Taunting me? “That’s all it takes, Finn,” I say sullenly. He can’t keep doing this to me.

He kisses me and says against my lips, “I want you, Becks.
. I want my ecstasy that’s in your skirt.”

Keeping my eyes closed, I tightly swallow. “Finn, you’re drunk. You’ll regret it tomorrow if we risked it.”

“I’m not drunk,” he replies with an ironic slur. He’s definitely tipsy. I saw that glassy look in his eyes and it wasn’t because of his contacts this time.

“Morgan and Rod probably want to leave. They’ll come looking for us.”

I open my eyes and his rake slowly over me as he licks his bottom lip. “With you dressed like this, it won’t take me long.” He impishly smirks. “I’m halfway there now.”
Oh, Finn. I want you, but we can’t. You’d hate me
. “We wouldn’t have to move a lot.” His fingers dig into my hips. “It’s even loud in here. You could yell
all you want, baby.”

His sexy voice is tempting me to do something I want, and possibly creating something he doesn’t. I can’t look into his eyes because he’ll hypnotize me again like he did this morning. I glance down at the floor beside us. “Please, Finn. I want to, but…”

He hugs me to him and his mouth hovers over my ear. “Please, baby. I have to have you. Your tits, that ass, those legs, these shoulders… I want to make love to you.” He pushes his hand through the split in my skirt and skims his fingers over the crotch of my underwear. “Are you ready for me?”
I’m always ready for you, Finn

I put my hand on his wrist to stop him. “Finn, no. We’ll get caught.”

He withdraws his hand and rests it on my neck, caressing my throat with his thumb. “Then let’s go to your apartment. I need you, Becks. I need to show you how much I love you.” He angles his head, then he pauses and all of his cockiness evaporates. “And I want you to show me how much you love me.”
Oh, God. How do I refuse that?

“I want that, too, so much, but I’m staying with Morgan tonight. I need to get back to her.”

He instantly stops stroking my throat. “You’re not going home?” Tension precipitously laces his voice and body.

I swallow and stare at the floor. There I go pissing him off again. “No.”

His fingers suddenly feel cold on my neck. “We’re really not spending the night together?”

I shake my head. “No.”

He heaves a frustrated sigh. “Becks, I’ve barely seen you all weekend! We only had last night together! I sound like a fucking broken record! Why can’t you stay home with me tonight?”

I blink at him and scowl, looking away from his indignant glare. “Because I told Morgan I would. All of my things are over at her house.”

He’s all business. “We’ll go get them.”

I quickly regard him. “You’re drunk, Finn. You shouldn’t even be driving.”

“You can drive.”

“I can’t drive your stick.” Shit. That came out wrong. Now I sound like Rod.

He wickedly chuckles. “I beg to differ. You’re the only one that can drive my stick.”

I irritably roll my eyes. “Morgan can give you a ride home.”

He stiffly straightens. “No. I’ll find a ride.”

“I’ll call Ricky.”

“I’m fine, Becks!” he snaps with annoyance. He takes a step back from me, clasps both hands behind his head and looks at the floor.

“No, you’re not, Finn!”

With his hands still on his head, he glowers at me. “Becks, I’ll handle it! Why can’t we be together tonight? Fuck!” His hands fall as he gazes up at the ceiling.

I rub my neck and glance around. So far, a few people are paying attention. I hiss, “Finn, calm down! Why do you want to be with me so much tonight? It’s late and we have to get up early.”

Feverishly, he scoops a hand through his hair. “Because I fucking
you! I can’t
this anymore—all this weekend shit! I’m lonely without you!”

I wince. “I am
, too!”

Impatiently, he shakes his head and points at me, growling, “No! No, don’t even give me that shit! It can be easily fixed, but you choose not to!” His regards me accusingly. “You don’t want me with you for some reason. Why?” He caustically inhales and anger flashes through his eyes. “Are you fucking someone else?”

he’s full-blown intoxicated. I was wondering when the most recent round of alcohol he had was going to finally kick in. “No!” Again, I check for more bystanders and then step closer to him and plead, “Finn, calm down.”

His glassy-eyed glare becomes harder and he yells, “Stop telling me to calm the fuck down, Becks!” Why the hell can’t we move in together? I told you I’d even move into your shithole of an apartment for a while before we find someplace in the middle! Why won’t you give me that? I’ll give up my apartment and move twice for you!”

“Finn, I told you I’ll think about it.”

Casting an arm out to the side, he argues, “What’s to think about? Let’s just do it!”

I look away and see Rod approaching. Thank, God! “Are you okay? Morgan’s having a fucking fit!” He glances at Finn and then at me. “She knows something’s going on over here. Ivan’s restraining her, but he can’t hold her for long.”

Grabbing Rod’s arm, I summarily tell him, “Get my phone. Call Ricky. Tell him that Finn needs him to pick him up.

Finn sharply pulls my hand. Rod gives him a once-over and says, “I’ll have Morgan do it. I’ll be right back.” He makes a quick retreat to the table. Finn had put Ricky’s number in my phone because I’m supposed to call Ricky if I ever run into any trouble when Finn isn’t around. I guess he’s my second bodyguard, since Finn claimed the first spot. So much for my number one bodyguard right now. It’s kind of humorous that he doesn’t seem to want Morgan’s number. He would’ve known who sent him the pictures.

I return my attention to Finn when he lets go of me. Rubbing his hands together derisively, he speaks excitedly, “What? Is he staying the night with you girls? A big slumber party with Rod? Are you going to make prank phone calls and talk about boys?” I notice that there is a crowd of women watching us. “Are you going to talk about me?” He’s shouting so much louder now and I bite my lip, wishing he would be quiet and Ricky would instantly appear. He goes on, “Tell them about our first date? Our first kiss?” I urgently tug on his arm to get him to follow me, away from the onlookers; however, he doesn’t budge and his tone suddenly takes a sharp turn. “Our first fuck?” I freeze, which matches his ice-cold panache. “And how long you made me wait for it? How you deliberately teased me over and over by wearing skimpy shorts and tight T-shirts? Huh? How you wouldn’t spread your legs for me until I had to beg for it? How you still won’t give me a blow job even if your life depended on it?”

I gasp and cover my mouth, my black nail polish gleaming under the white lights. I can’t believe even drunk, he’s saying these things.

He shouts, “I certainly go down on you, but nope, nothing in return for Finn Wilder, not even a few licks!” I’m beyond mortified. Rod suddenly yanks me from behind and drags me away. Finn angrily follows us. “Will
get to see you naked?” he yells.

“Where’s Morgan?” I ask Rod.

“In the car. Ivan made her go out there to wait for Ricky.”

Finn grabs my arm. “You’re not leaving me! That’s all you do, Becks, is leave me!”

“Finn, stop!” I escape Rod’s hold, but he is on me like a shadow. Bodyguard number three? “Baby, let’s go sit down,” I plead with Finn as he jerks me to him.

He resentfully retorts, “Why? You didn’t want me to fuck you here!” His voice drops. “You don’t want me at all.”

“That’s not why I said no!”

Rod tugs on my other arm again. “Hadley, come on!” I feel like a wishbone.

Finn glares at Rod as he tightens his fingers on my arm. “Leave her the fuck alone, Rodwell!” Turning he drills his cynical eyes into me. “He had better not be fucking you, Becks, because that would tear my fucking heart out!” I stare at him in utter shock. His eyes glow with anger and booze. What happened to him? Where’d my Finn go?

I wrench my arm from Rod. “I’m not, baby! I told you it’s only you!” I slide my fingers along Finn’s dress shirt, next to his tie, attempting to soothe him. I have to keep him from jumping in his car before Ricky gets here.

His inebriated chocolate eyes fall to mine, abruptly seeming vulnerable. “I’m trying to be everything you need, baby. I-I just can’t be.”

“Finn, you are. I don’t—”

Like a whirlwind, he’s angry again. “Don’t what? Want to move in with me? Love me? I know you don’t!”

“That’s not true!”

“Which one, Becks?”

“I love you!”

He laughs humorlessly. “Oh, I know what you want!”

“Hadley, now!” Rod shouts louder.

I look around. There are more people curiously eyeing us. We need to stop this.

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