In the Arms of a King (My Warrior Lover)

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In The Arms of a King


(Episode #2 of My Warrior Lover)


By Daniella Divine




This story includes sexual content, and is suitable for readers aged over 18 only. This work of fiction is for adult readers who love red-hot romance books with sensual and exciting storylines. Enjoy!



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This work of fiction is an original romance by Daniella Divine. All rights are reserved. Copyright © Daniella Divine 2013. Published by Red-Hot Romance Books.



What’s Inside?

1: A Raw, Scottish Savage

2: The King of The Scots

3: A Very Angry Woman

4: The Pleasure of His Touch


1: A Raw, Scottish Savage


Sabina was up well before dawn the next day. She dressed for warmth, with a heavy, woolen stola covering her tunic. No-one was up in the house…even the servants wouldn’t start on their tasks for another hour or so yet. Walking on tip toe, she crept out of her bedroom into the kitchen and filled a basket with bread, cold meat and salted fish. She found some squares of linen and put those in the basket, too, along with some ointment from the medicinal cupboard. Although she tried to be as quiet as possible, every movement she made seemed to create a loud noise that echoed through the villa. She was terrified that she would wake someone in the household, and all her plans would be ruined.

But no-one was disturbed and a few minutes later, she was stepping undetected out of the villa and heading towards the woodland that surrounded the fort. But there was another important step to pass before she was out and free. She knew her biggest problem would be getting past the sentry at the gatepost. He wouldn’t hinder her progress, but she didn’t want anyone to know where she had gone. When she reached the gate, she found the sentry slumped against his sentry post, fast asleep. Sabina thought how lucky he was that it was not her father who had found him. He would have been court-martialed for sure, and probably stoned to death. The Roman army tended to be tough on those who didn’t make the grade. But his dereliction of duty certainly made her escape easier.

Sabina sneaked past him, the basket gripped tightly in her hand, then she ran across the clearing to the edge of the woods. When she was safely inside the forest, she looked back and checked to see if anyone was pursuing her. But all was still and silent, the darkness around her absolute. She found an oak tree that was big enough for her to hide behind, but which also gave her a good view of the fort. She waited in the woods patiently, watching the first fingers of daylight creeping into the sky.


The wait seemed eternal, but it was probably little more than half an hour. The monochrome greyness of early dawn had given way to the pinky-orange streaks of early morning when the heavy wooden doors of the fort were thrown open. Two soldiers appeared, with another shape between them. The shape was thrown forward, and Sabina realized it was Blaine. He stumbled and fell to the ground, landing face first on the rough stone that encircled the fort. The soldiers laughed, and one of them ran forward to kick Blaine in the butt as he got to his feet. Then they retreated inside, shutting the doors behind them.

Sabina was relieved. Her father had kept his promise, and even if his treatment was rough, it seemed that Blaine was now free. Blaine looked around him, a little uncertain of the situation. He seemed as unsure about this as she was. He stood up straight and stretched his back, as if he had been stuck in a cramped position for a long time. Sabina could hardly bear to think what horrors he might have endured in the custody of the Roman guards. Then Blaine started striding away from the fort, looking back over his shoulder to see if the Romans had changed their minds.

There was only one road that led away from the fort, and Blaine came along this road at a fast pace – obviously intent on putting some distance between himself and his captors while he had the chance to do so. By the time he was close to Sabina, he was a good distance from the fort and shielded from its view. She dared not step out of the undergrowth…there was no telling who might be watching. Blaine was walking past her, oblivious to her presence, when she called out in the loudest voice she dared.


He stopped dead in his tracks, turned and peered through the trees. The expression on his face was one of total confusion and surprise. Sabina stood up and waved from behind the oak tree. Blaine switched his gaze to look at her, raising his hand to shield the rising sun from his eyes. When he recognized her a big grin broke out on his face. He looked behind him to make sure there were no Romans on his tail, and then called back.


She waved furiously at him, motioning him to come towards her. He didn’t hesitate, trampling through the undergrowth until he reached the spreading oak tree. Sabina felt enormous relief that he was free and with her right there in the woods. When Sabina stepped out from behind the tree, he grabbed her round the waist and lifted her off the ground. He pulled her close to him and kissed her. She felt the now familiar warm and tingling sensation run through her body as he embraced her, and she was so glad to be there in his strong and reliable arms. This was worth getting up at the crack of dawn for, no doubt about it. But this place was not safe – it was too close to the fort. They would have to move somewhere safer, and fast.

She motioned to Blaine to put her down, then she led him by the hand through the undergrowth. She knew exactly where she was going. After some twenty minutes of hiking through the woods, they reached a valley were a small brook trickled over the stones and gravel on its way to the sea. Sabina had been there several times before, but never with company. She led Blaine to a clearing that was bedded with grass and clover, and indicated that she wanted him to sit on the bank of the river. She helped him strip to the waist, and inspected the cuts and scars that covered the upper part of his body. It was immediately obvious that he had received a good beating either on being captured, or while being held in jail. Many of the cuts were fresh and still bleeding. She wanted to say how sorry she was that her countrymen had done this, but she could only communicate through her actions.

Sabina took one of the linen squares from the basket and dipped it in the fresh water of the stream. Then she gently dabbed it on the cuts and bruises, washing away the dirt and clearing the broken tissue. When his bare skin had dried in the rising sunshine, she rubbed ointment into the cuts and onto the bruises. As she did so, Blaine touched her gently, murmuring who knows what in his distinctive, heathen language.

With this job done, they sat and ate together, enjoying the food from her basket. She fed him mouthfuls of cold meat, and he in turn fed her with morsels of salted fish. When they were sated, they lay back together in the clover, resting in the peace of the morning sun. But before long, the sun was too hot, and Sabina had to sit up and remove her stola. Blaine watched her as she removed the heavy woolen garment and dropped it to the ground. She knew that her boobs were not hard to see through the thin linen of her tunic, and Blaine seemed to be entranced by what he saw.

He leaned forward and let his hand run over her breasts. Sabina giggled, but she didn’t pull away. His hand felt inside the material and brushed against her skin. She gasped, and lay back in the clover. Blaine’s hand was running over her breasts now, stimulating her nipples and running across the flat plane of her stomach. She couldn’t resist touching him in return, slipping her hand between his legs and feeling the erotic bulge that was itching to escape. She slid her hand inside his clothing and pulled his penis free, becoming turned on at the feel of a real man between her fingers. She slid her hands up and down, and his soft moans of pleasure told her she was on the right track. But she wanted to do more than just feel him – she wanted to taste him. So now it was her turn to push him back on the clover, pulling his dick free and then bending down to explore it with her tongue. At her touch, it bulged even more, the purple head pushing his foreskin back. Her tongue snaked around the tip, then she let all of him slide inside her mouth. She loved the feeling of his naked masculinity against her cheeks, knowing that she was stimulating him, making him excited and breathless. She took his cock all the way into the back of her mouth, and then pulled out again. Then did it all again.

And again.

Before long, the stimulation was too much for Blaine to stand. He looked at her with blazing desire in his eyes, and she knew that he wanted to take her right there on the grassy bank. She slid her leg over him and let his manhood slide inside her. This was even better than taking him in her mouth. He pushed deep inside her, grasping her thighs and then her buttocks. She rode him softly and gently, rocking her body over his and letting her breasts fall towards his face. But Blaine was flushed in the face now, and ready to take control. He pulled her towards him so that her mouth met his, while her buttocks raised a little into the air. And then he began to fuck with a passion that took her by surprise, his cock plunging into her up to the hilt. Her hair fell down around his face, framing his red hair and freckled features. Sabina could see that he would not be able to hold out any longer. With a savage grunt, he came inside her, flooding her teenage body with his hot, white seed. Sabina held her orgasm until the last moment, and then she came too, her body spasming against his in a magical moment of sexual intensity.

Forget Roman men, she thought. A raw, Scottish savage is what every woman needs.



When the sun was high in the sky, Blaine stood up. He talked in his strange language and gestured at Sabina. She knew what he was saying…it was time to go. She nodded her understanding, although her heart was torn. She was sad that they had to part, but she knew he must return to wherever he came from. They were two very different people with very different lives. She would have memories at least, to sustain her through the long dull days ahead.

But Blaine did not turn to leave. He reached out for Sabina’s hand. When she took it, he pulled her gently to her feet. He put one arm around her waist and with the other he gestured at the path ahead. For a moment, Sabina was confused. But then understanding dawned. He wanted her to go with him…to share his future with him.

She hesitated for a moment. This was something she had not anticipated, a turn of events she had not even considered as a possibility. Behind her at the fort lay security and safety – but also boredom and routine. Ahead with Blaine lay the possibility of adventure and excitement. And after all, that was exactly what she had been craving these last few weeks. Sabina only hesitated for a moment, then she stepped forward, arm in arm with Blaine.

She had no idea where she was going. She had no idea what might happen.

The only thing she knew for sure was it would be a lot of fun finding out.


Blaine walked hand in hand with Sabina, wondering if he had done the right thing. He was taking one hell of a risk, he knew that. He couldn’t think of a better way of inflaming the invaders and setting them on a course for battle. But that was inevitable anyway, and if the conflict came sooner rather than later, so much the better. The earlier this matter was decided one way or the other, the easier it would be for everyone to get on with their lives.

But what worried him most was Sabina. She had willingly left her home, and her family to walk away into the unknown with him. And what did he have to offer? Maybe nothing. Perhaps only misery, death and destruction. One part of him wanted to turn her round and send her back to her own people. But another part of him was captivated by this ethereally beautiful woman. And they were already lovers – there was nothing that anyone could ever do to turn back that particular clock. And who knew, perhaps she was already carrying his child. For good or bad, he could not let a child of his be raised by his most hated enemies – the very thought of it made him red in the face with anger.

If Sabina was going to stay with him, then there were things she needed to know. And some of those things would come as a surprise – a shock even. But before he shared those secrets with her, he needed to know that he could trust her…that she was committed to staying with him.



Sabina’s mind was racing just as much as Blaine’s. When she got up that morning, she had no thought of abandoning her family and her people. She only wanted to spend some more time with Blaine before he disappeared from her life forever. But now that she had committed to staying with him, it felt more right than anything she had ever done. Instead of the prospect of years of boredom at the fort, she was now facing unknown adventures. Her young life had taken a turn she could not have imagined just a week or so ago, and she found the idea thrilling. Best of all, she felt comfortable being with a man who cared about her, and wasn’t interested in her just because of her father’s position. It was a liberating, exciting feeling.

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