Read Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence) Online

Authors: Sabrina Sexton

Tags: #Fiction, #Lesbian, #BDSM, #Erotica

Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence) (25 page)

BOOK: Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence)
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Your ass is hungry for it, isn’t it,” Damien said, pulling it out of her mouth and moving towards her rear. He pushed the button that would make it vibrate until it reached the highest setting.

Please Master,” Krista said. “I’m going to die if you don’t put something in me soon. I’d rather it was you, but if that’s all I can get, then shove it in me please.”

That’s what you want, slut?” Damien asked. “You want me to shove it in that tight ass of yours?”

I’d rather you shoved yourself in,” Krista replied, honestly.

Oh don’t worry, slut,” Damien said. “I’ll wreck that dirty hole of yours before the night is over.”

I can take it,” Krista said. “I want it. Please.”

You’ll get it when I’m ready,” Damien said, as he pushed the vibrator deep inside her ass, watching as her muscles twitched around it.

Oh god,” Krista said as it stretched her open. “Please Master. I need you inside me.”

Actually,” Damien said, smacking her ass, “what you need is a nice hard spanking. But we’ll get to that.”

Damien pulled the vibrator out of Krista’s ass and pushed it slowly back inside. Watching it disappear in her asshole was killing him, but he wasn’t ready to fuck her yet. Back and forth, he worked the toy, loving the sounds she made. He picked up the whip and flicked it in the air. It was lightweight and would sting sharply, but wouldn’t cause any real damage.

You like that don’t you?” Damien asked as he manipulated her ass with the vibrator.

Yes Master,” Krista panted.

Filling up your asshole, turning you on,” Damien said.

Yes Master,” she said

What a dirty little slut you are for me,” Damien said.

Your slut Master,” Krista said.

My slut,” Damien said.

To do with as you wish,” Krista said.

To punish if I wish,” Damien said.

With a swish, the whip came down against Krista’s ass, each of its nine tails stinging her in a different place as he continued working her ass with the vibrator. Damien loved the way she cried out, making his dick twitch again. Her body was tense now and he waited until she relaxed before flicking the whip again, drawing another cry from her throat. He continued this way for several minutes, pushing Krista higher and higher.

Please Master,” Krista begged. “Please fuck me. Punish me if you must, but please, put your dick in me.”

Damien could stand it no longer as she looked back at him, begging. He quickly shed his pants, stroking his dick as he looked at Krista’s dripping pussy and the vibrator in her ass. God she was hot. Damien stood behind her and brushed her pussy lips with his dick, loving the way her ass clenched around the vibrator at his touch.

This is what you want, slut?” Damien asked, rubbing the head around her swollen pussy lips as he cracked the cat against her again. “You want this cock in that hungry pussy of yours?”

Yes Master,” Krista said, gripping the covers tightly in her hands. “PLEASE!”

Damien positioned himself at her entrance and pushed slowly. She was so tight, her pussy clenching around him as he worked himself inside.

Damien began driving in and out, opening her up so he could get all the way inside, spurred on by Krista’s moans of enjoyment. Finally he was as deep as he could go. He pulled himself out, holding onto the vibrator as he did so that it came out at the same time. A harsh thrust penetrated both her holes as he filled her up again.

Oh god yes, Master,” Krista said, chills going up her spine at the dual penetration. “Jesus christ,” she said.

That’s right slut,” Damien said, doing it again. He dropped the cat and pulled her hair with his other hand so he could see into her eyes as he continued to thrust in and out of her. “Imagine how it will be when Tyler and I fuck you like this, filling you up until you feel like you’re going to burst, pushing in and out of both your holes.”

Oh god, yes,” Krista yelled as the image in her mind pushed her over the edge and her body erupted in a series of convulsions.

Oh you are a naughty, naughty slut,” Damien said, slapping her ass. “Did I say you could come yet?”

No Master,” Krista said. “But you didn’t say not to.”

You knew better than to come without permission. I know Tyler’s taught you that at least.” Damien said.

I’m sorry Master,” Krista said. “I couldn’t help it. The idea of you and Tyler fucking me was too much.”

That’s what you want isn’t it, slut,” Damien said pounding into her forcefully. “You want us to shove our cocks deep inside you at the same time.”

Yes Master,” Krista said, already feeling the pressure build inside her as she imagined it. “Oh god, please. Use me, fill me, fuck me.”

I don’t think it’s enough,” Damien said, slapping her ass again. “You are such a dirty little slut, I think you need a cock for your mouth too. A cock to fill up each of your holes. That’s what you really need, isn’t it slut?”

Oh god, YES!” Krista screamed as she orgasmed again, the mental image overtaking her senses.

You are a bad slut, Krista,” he said, swatting her ass as he pulled his dick out of her. “How dare you come again without permission?”

I’m sorry Master,” she panted as her convulsions subsided. “Please, I’m sorry.”

Not sorry enough,” Damien said, pushing her down on her stomach. He grabbed the restraints and quickly tied both her wrists and ankles so she was spread eagle on the bed and couldn’t move. He checked all the ties to make sure there was no give and pulled the vibrator from her ass. He pushed just the tip back inside and propped it up with a pillow. That would keep her aroused, but never provide enough stimulation for her to come.

What are you doing, Master?” Krista asked.

You are a naughty slut and now you have to be really punished,” Damien said. “Tyler and I are leaving.”

Master, please,” Krista moaned. “Don’t leave me here like this. Tyler, do something. Please.”

Not one, but two orgasms without permission,” Damien said, smacking her ass again. “You don’t deserve to have us fuck you.”

He’s right, pet,” Tyler said, coming around the bed to look into her eyes. “You knew better.”

I’m sorry, Master,” Krista said. “Please don’t go. I’ll be good.”

Too late slut,” Damien said pulling his pants on. “Since all you care about is coming, I’m leaving you here to have as many orgasms you want with the random people that wander in. It’s a shame, though. I had such high hopes for what we’d do together.”

Damien, PLEASE!” Krista yelled. She couldn’t see the door, but she heard it open. “Please don’t leave, Damien. I’m sorry.” A few seconds later, the sound of the door shutting sounded in the room and Krista burst into tears.

Come back,” she whispered to herself.


Chapter 22




You know your twenty minutes have been up for awhile?” Tyler said to Damien as they walked down the hallway towards the bar.

Yeah,” Damien said, running a hand through his hair. “So why didn’t you join us or intervene or something. I know that’s what you wanted to do.”

True,” Tyler said, shrugging his shoulders. “But you were right. You’re as much in her head as me. Maybe more. You know she never loses control. I had her on a Sybian for twenty minutes with dual appendages while I spanked her and she held it together. She loses control with you as much as you do with her. I’m a little jealous.”

Like I care if you’re jealous,” Damien said. “Don’t think us sharing her for the next month changes anything… She really never broke before?”

Nope,” Tyler said. “Not since I explained the rules to her. In fact she’s got enough control that if she’s anywhere close to having an orgasm, she can force it to come early. She gets off on you telling her.”

Really?” Damien said, intrigued. “You know she’s never going to pick you. You don’t let yourself get dark enough for her tastes.”

True,” Tyler said, irritated by Damien’s attitude, especially since he was trying to be cool and repair their friendship. “But unlike you, I’ve never minded sharing and can find any number of people with the requisite darkness to satisfy her. You really think she’s going to pick you once she finds out how much you don’t like sharing. You saw how she reacted. She’s clearly into multiples.”

Damien turned and grabbed Tyler by the shirt, pushing him against the wall.

Don’t make me change my mind about beating the shit out of you,” Damien said.

All right, all right,” Tyler said, holding up his hands innocently. “Be cool.

Besides,” Damien said, letting go of Tyler. “I’m sharing her with you, aren’t I? Maybe I’ll get over it. I’d try for her if it was what she wanted.”

Tyler looked over at Damien, a man who had been his friend for years. “Either way, one of us is fucked, brother.”

Yeah,” Damien said, hoping it didn’t turn out to be him.

So how long are you going to let her stew?” Tyler asked as the two sat down at the bar and ordered a drink.

Depends,” Damien said. “What have you guys been up to tonight?”

Tyler explained the events of the evening, making note of the occurrences on the sub wall and the players. He described as much as he could of the situation with Miranda as well, since that was a major part of the evening.

All right,” Damien said, thinking that if he was really going to have to change for Krista, he might as well start now. “If you’re cool with it this is what I think we should do.”

Damien explained his plan to Tyler and they talked it back and forth, ironing out the details until both agreed that it sounded good.



Krista drowsed sleepily as the door to her room opened silently. None of the people made a sound as they made their way through the room and took their positions out of her field of view. Without warning, the slave girl pushed the vibrator deep into Krista’s ass, waking her immediately.

Damien? Tyler?” Krista asked. “Who’s there?”

Oh god,” Krista moaned as the unknown person began working the toy in and out of her ass. She didn’t know who it was, but she liked what they were doing. She tried rising up enough to see, but it was useless. Damien had tied her too tightly. The unknown person worked her ass for several minutes.

As suddenly as it started, it stopped. Whoever was back there moved away, leaving Krista once again turned on with nothing she could do about it.

Please don’t go,” she said. “At least untie me first.”

There was no response, just the sound of the door opening and closing.

FUCK!” Krista yelled, thinking she was alone again. At least the vibrator was all the way in her ass instead of teasing just the rim. That had mostly just been annoying. At least this way it was moderately enjoyable and she could deal with it until Tyler came back. She didn’t know about Damien but Tyler wouldn’t leave her here.

Krista calmed down and prepared herself to wait. She concentrated on the vibrator in her ass, clenching her muscles around it. It wasn’t enough to make her come, but at least she didn’t have to be so bored.

Suddenly the bed shifted and she felt someone crawling on top of her. She hadn’t heard anyone else come in. A large, masculine hand pressed her face into the mattress preventing her from getting a glimpse of who it was.

Oh god,” she said as the unknown man held her down, pushing his dick inside her pussy. A pillow was pulled over her head blocking her from seeing anything. Two hands grasped her hips and the man pounded into her.

She knew it was crazy, but it was just as hot as when Damien had pretended to rape her in the bathroom. She liked being fucked without knowing who was doing it. Her pussy was throbbing and her ass was still filled with the vibrating toy. It was beyond hot.

Harder,” she said, lifting her hips a little to give him better access. He swatted her ass but began to fuck her harder. For several minutes the unknown man slammed into her and Krista reveled in the feeling of being penetrated in both places. She loved it and could have let herself come any number of times, but the truth was that she wanted Damien and Tyler to come back. They might not ever know what was happening right now, but if they did, she wanted them to know she hadn’t come without permission.

The man pulled the vibrator out of her, dropping it next to the bed. With a growl, he thrust his dick between her ass cheeks, pumping furiously as he reamed her wide open. One last hard shove filled her as the unknown man shot hot jets of come into her before pulling out. Krista could feel his come trickling out of her as the man moved off the bed. Unfortunately, he didn’t move the pillow so she still couldn’t see anything.

Oh come on,” she said, “at least let me see who you are.”

There was nothing but silence. Krista wondered if another was going to come and use her, but nothing seemed to be happening. She breathed a sigh of relief, until she heard clapping from the corner. Tears welled up in her eyes and she let them fall. She was tired and frustrated and she just wanted Tyler and Damien to come back.

BOOK: Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence)
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