Read Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence) Online

Authors: Sabrina Sexton

Tags: #Fiction, #Lesbian, #BDSM, #Erotica

Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence) (32 page)

BOOK: Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence)
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You think just because I love you that I don’t care about Tyler?” Krista asked.

I’m sure you care about him,” Damien said, “but I’m the one you love. I’m the one you want.”

I love you both,” Krista said. “I want you both.”

Look I shared you with him so I could show you that I can be what you need, but I won’t share you with him forever. Anyone else but not him. You told me you loved me. You belong to me.”

You are a selfish jerk,” Krista said. “I can’t believe you would abandon him. And I am not a piece of property. You don’t own me. Just go. I can’t stand to be around you right now.”

You don’t mean that,” Damien said. “You’re upset.”

DON’T tell me what I feel,” Krista said, pushing Damien towards the door. “If you aren’t going to do anything to help me find him, then go.”

His phone’s off,” Damien said. “What more can I do? Krista stop pushing me!”

You are so full of shit, Damien,” Krista said as she opened the door. “You won’t even try to help me. Just get OUT!”

Baby, please,” Damien said as he stood in the doorway. “I need you. You said you wouldn’t leave.”

I’m not,” Krista said, pushing him out the door. “You are.”


Krista threw her phone against the couch. She didn’t want to turn it off because Tyler might call, but this was getting ridiculous. There were thirty eight missed calls from Damien and fifty two text messages. He was in a bad place right now, and her heart broke to do this to him. But she just couldn’t believe he wouldn’t at least try to find Tyler.

Krista had called all of the hospitals and gone by his house. When neither of those ideas panned out, she’d staked out his club, also to no avail. Finally, she’d called the police, but they said they had investigated it and he was fine. It was as if he didn’t exist. And the only person she could think of that might know where he would go or what he would do, wasn’t talking.

There was only one thing she could think of. It was a last ditch effort, though, and if it didn’t work, she might never recover. Krista sent Damien a text message.


I love you, Damien. But I love Tyler, too. I need you both to be happy and will not be forced to choose between you. It will kill me to lose you, but it’s all or nothing. Please help me find him.


That had been almost a month ago. Krista hadn’t heard from Damien since. And Tyler hadn’t called either or answered any of her calls. She couldn’t understand what had happened. It must have something to do with the grief of losing his mother. But it hurt, more than she could stand.

Harder still was fighting the urge to go back on her word and call Damien. Krista knew her happily ever after was almost within reach and she wasn’t going to settle for anything less. Now she was trying to explain the whole situation to Heather while they sat on her back porch drinking wine.

I just don’t understand,” Heather said, “how he could call you, warn you that Damien might accidentally hurt you, say he would hurry back and then you never hear from him again. I mean it doesn’t make any sense.”

I know,” Krista said, refilling her wine glass. “The whole thing is crazy. Even if he had come back though, clearly Damien wasn’t willing to share me with him indefinitely and that’s what I want. I want it so bad!”

Some things just aren’t meant to be,” Heather said. “I mean it’s been almost a month and you haven’t heard from either of them.”

I know,” Krista said. “It just sucks. Sometimes I want to call Damien so bad I can taste it. I think he would at least take my calls.”

Yeah, probably,” Heather said. “But then every second you spend with him, you will be wishing it was both of them. That’s a doomed relationship Krista.”

I know, I know,” Krista said. “I just wish I knew what to do or how to fix it. On top of which, I miss the sex. I mean I masturbate, but it’s not the same.”

Just then, Krista’s cell phone rang. She didn’t recognize the number and tried not to let herself hope that Tyler had changed his number or something and was finally calling her.

Hello,” Krista said into her phone when she answered it.

Hello Mistress,” Miranda said hesitantly.

Miranda,” Krista said, smiling. “I’m so glad to hear from you. I would have called you but Tyler never gave me your number.”

I know,” Miranda said into the phone. “I saw him earlier this evening and asked for yours. He explained that you hadn’t been to the club because you two weren’t together anymore, but gave it to me anyway.”

Oh,” Krista said. It was hard to hear that he really was done with her. The whole time she kept hoping that this was all going to work out, that Damien would come around and Tyler was holed up somewhere, grieving for his mom.

Are you okay, Mistress,” Miranda asked.

I don’t know,” Krista replied. “Maybe. I guess I will be eventually.”

Well, I’m calling because I wanted to ask you something,” Miranda said.

Sure,” Krista said. “What’s up?”

I was going to call to find out if we could get together,” Miranda said. “I know it’s taken me a while to get used to what happened between us, but I can’t stop thinking about you. I know you were supposed to go to New York with Tyler. But under the circumstances, I thought you might consider coming to the party next weekend with me – or taking me rather, as your slave.”

I don’t know Miranda,” Krista said. “It’s still pretty raw. I just don’t think I could go and watch Tyler top somebody else. I’d love to take you, but I just can’t be around him yet.”

He’s not going,” Miranda said quickly. “He auctioned off his room at the club a couple of weeks ago.”

Really?” Krista asked. “Okay then. I’ll go.”

Thank you Mistress,” Miranda said, sighing happily on the phone. “Could we get together sometime this week then? You may want to go shopping for Dom wear or accessories and I know the best places.

Okay,” Krista said. “Thursday. Text me your address and I’ll pick you up at six.”

Yes Mistress,” Miranda said. “Do you want me to book your flight? I can call my travel agent and have them add another ticket so we can fly together.”

Sure,” Krista said, thinking that would be easiest. “But I’ll give you the money back for it, okay?

Okay, Mistress,” Miranda said. “I can’t wait to see you.”

Me either, slave,” Krista said, smiling as she hung up.

So what was that all about?” Heather asked, noting the change in her friend’s demeanor and how odd the half of conversation she’d been able to hear.

I have a date,” Krista said. “Two actually, one on Thursday, and then next weekend, I’m going to New York.”

So what about the guys?” Heather asked.

Don’t get me wrong, I am still sick inside where they’re concerned,” Krista replied. “But this is with Miranda and I guess it’s a different piece of me altogether. The two are completely unrelated parts of my brain maybe? I don’t know.”

Well, however it came about,” Heather said, lifting her wineglass. “This is the first time in a month that you haven’t looked like someone just ran over your puppy.”

Krista pulled up outside Miranda’s house at six p.m. and got out of her car. Grabbing her suitcase from the back seat, she walked up and rang the doorbell. Other than what they purchased this evening, she had everything she would need for the weekend. They were flying out tomorrow, and Krista had invited herself over for the night when they’d talked on Tuesday to go over the travel arrangements.

Hello Mistress,” Miranda said as she answered the door and held it open for Krista. Miranda wore black dress pants with a white button down shirt. French cuffs were left open and dropped to Miranda’s knuckles.

When Krista stepped inside, Miranda pushed the door closed and dropped to her knees. Remembering the promise Krista had extracted from her, she kissed first one foot then the other.

I have missed you,” Miranda said.

I have missed you too, slave,” Krista said, pulling Miranda to her feet. “But I don’t want to have to rush and we have a lot to do. You’ll have to wait.”

A kiss then, Mistress?” Miranda asked. “Please?”

Krista looked at Miranda and felt the blood heating up inside her. She lowered her mouth, kissing Miranda softly for a moment. Without warning, she grabbed Miranda’s hair and closed her fist around a large chunk, pulling it harshly. Her mouth pressed hard against Miranda’s as she bit and sucked, reveling in her dominant side and the effect it had on the woman in her arms as Miranda moaned against her mouth.

The kiss continued for several minutes, leaving both women breathless. Krista felt her pussy throb, a feeling that had been absent this whole month. It would be so nice to forgo the shopping trip, and reacquaint herself with the many attributes of her lovely slave. Unfortunately, she had nothing to wear that would work for this trip. She pushed Miranda away, knowing there wasn’t enough time to let herself to get distracted.

Let’s get the shopping done, slave,” Krista said. “You can drive since I have no idea where I’m going.”

Yes Mistress,” Miranda said as they walked out the door.


You look amazing,” Miranda said, honestly.

I do, don’t I?” Krista said, surveying herself in the full length mirror.

A black leather half bustier with rivets in the front lifted her breasts showing them off spectacularly before rising to circle her neck. It left her stomach bare all the way to the top of the low rise, full length, leather skirt. It was slit on the left side all the way up to her hip bone. Matching fingerless gloves covered her forearms, ending at her elbows.

Please Mistress,” Miranda said, dropping to her knees on the changing room floor. “Just a little taste?”

Just a taste, slave,” Krista said as she pulled the edge of the skirt to the side giving Miranda access.

Mmmm,” Miranda moaned as she leaned forward. “Thank you Mistress.”

Miranda closed her lips around Krista’s clit, just as Krista had known she would. Krista wound her hands into Miranda’s hair and leaned her head back as her eyes closed in bliss. It had been so long since anyone had touched her, since she’d felt aroused. Already she could feel her body’s response rising and her breath caught in her throat. She pushed Miranda away.

I said a taste, slave,” Krista snapped. “No more.”

Yes Mistress,” Miranda said. “I’m sorry.”

Whatever, slave,” Krista said. “Find me a couple more outfits. We’re going to be there for three days and I’ll need more than just this.”

Yes Mistress,” Miranda said as she went to look for the outfits she most wanted to see Krista wearing.


With a huge dent in the available balance on her credit card, Krista returned to Miranda’s house with multiple packages several hours later. She loved the way the outfits looked on her, especially with her slave tagging along. It was going to be fun, although she couldn’t help but mourn the fact that she hadn’t gotten to wear her bondage jewelry and go with Tyler and Damien.

Now Mistress?” Miranda asked.

As they walked in the door, Krista looked at her watch. It was nine forty five. Their flight left at ten a.m. so they would have to be at the airport by eight in order to get through all the security measures. That would mean they needed to be up by six thirty tomorrow morning which left less than nine hours.

We don’t have time for a proper fucking, slave,” Krista said as she sat her packages on the floor.

Mistress please,” Miranda begged. “I’ll be quick, I promise.”

Krista reached out a hand and grabbed Miranda’s wrist. Spinning her around, Krista pushed Miranda against the wall with one arm pinned behind her back.

You think I don’t want the same, slave,” Krista said, smacking her again. “You think my pussy isn’t throbbing at the thought of ripping these clothes off and fucking you?”

I don’t know Mistress,” Miranda said. “You’ve barely touched me.”

I don’t want us to miss our plane tomorrow,” Krista said.

We won’t Mistress,” Miranda said. “I promise. I’ve been thinking for a month about how you used me, turned me. I can’t think of anything else. Please.”

Krista felt her body acquiesce before she ever realized she was going to as she pushed Miranda harder against the wall, grinding their bodies together. Her free hand touched Miranda’s shoulder, tracing a path to the small of her back before coming to rest on Miranda’s ass. She squeezed the soft flesh in her hand until Miranda cried out.

With the cry echoing in her head, Krista slowly pushed her hand around Miranda’s hip, letting her finger tips trace the edge of her slave’s pants as her hand moved to the front of Miranda’s body.

This is what you want, slave?” Krista asked as she lifted her hand enough to slide it into Miranda’s pants, moving so slowly, her breath caressing the hair around Miranda’s ear.

BOOK: Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence)
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